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looking for people to test my hack

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well i created a mod for FE8 and im looking for people to play it and rate it and how i can make it better and stuff.

there are some changes to my FE8 though


gilliam is now a soldier (promotes to knight)

colm is a civilian with a thief sprite(promotes to thief)

larachel is a cleric

duessel is a paladin(can promote to great knight)

rennac is a thief

dozla is a warrior

warriors can no longer use bows

journeyman can now only promote to fighter

trainee soldier class promotes to soldier

pupil promotes to mage or shaman

some player controlled classes were taken out (troubador)

double promotion available, but there is no branched promotions

short bow is now 1-2range

growths and caps are lowered

monsters are stronger

vulneraries restore 20hp

Seth is not a god anymore (i'm sorry)

you can download it here if you're interested

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So soldiers are trainee tier, and recruits promote into soldiers.


And seeing as civilians can't attack or ... y'know, do anything, why the fuck is Colm one?

EDIT: And great knights are third tier. Are you seriously thinking about these changes or just making shit up as you go along?

Edited by Furetchen
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trainee > soldier > knight > general

and cavalier > paladin > great knight

also, the civilian colm class is a thief with lower caps, it can attack. its the same so

civilian > thief > rogue

plus, the game is kinda harder now since character growths < enemy growths

Edited by FragMaster
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trainee > soldier > knight > general

and cavalier > paladin > great knight

No, I wasn't looking for you to confirm what I'd already said was plainly clear, I wanted to ask one question. WHY.

also, the civilian colm class is a thief with lower caps, it can attack. its the same so

civilian > thief > rogue

Yeah, so given that Colm is almost completely unaffected by caps (bar speed, obviously, and maybe luck...not sure of his growths exactly) ... why, exactly? It's not like Colm's greatest ability is to hack at things with swords to great effect.

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No, I wasn't looking for you to confirm what I'd already said was plainly clear, I wanted to ask one question. WHY.

Yeah, so given that Colm is almost completely unaffected by caps (bar speed, obviously, and maybe luck...not sure of his growths exactly) ... why, exactly? It's not like Colm's greatest ability is to hack at things with swords to great effect.

well i kinda changed it to make it a bit harder. and the caps in the original game were crazy, so i changed caps growths and bases.

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well i kinda changed it to make it a bit harder. and the caps in the original game were crazy, so i changed caps growths and bases.

Nerfing Gilliam, Colm, and Team Rausten is not going to help. Simultaneously you've given Innes 1-2 range, Duessel has 9 move and vulneraries are even better.

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Except in FE7 Thieves were Thieves, Warriors had advantages over Berserkers (granted, only one advantage, which you promptly took away), archery was not a melee option, Marcus was a god, there were only two tiers and vulneraries were balanced.

Nice work.

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did you make Lute better than usual? she rocks!

I can't remember her doubling anything at base level in the real game...

also, I miss colm's steal ability , but love the 2 short bows for Neimi. I'm curious how hard training Amelia will be now :P

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did you make Lute better than usual? she rocks!

I can't remember her doubling anything at base level in the real game...

also, I miss colm's steal ability , but love the 2 short bows for Neimi. I'm curious how hard training Amelia will be now :P

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there is a problem actually, the mod was too easy, i'm making changes to make it harder. and the vulneraries heal 20hp because you would need to sell the elixirs because the short bow costs too much

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