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I need advice for FE.Binary


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Well, I killed off Altenna in chapter 8 for no better reason other then she was in range. And now I'm not sure if I can still finish the game.

After arriving in chapter 9, I saw that she was still leading her army so I thought everything was fine but Altenna disappeared after saving and loading, turning her unrecruitable. And, in an act of unequaled genius, I already overwrote my back-up after I saw that she was still there, not realizing she would be gone after loading a save the next time.

Without her I probably won't get my hands on the Tyrfing and fending off Arione in the final chapter seems equally futile seeing how hard Binary probably gets near the end.

So do you think Binary is still winnable by somebody who is so stupid that he doesn't get the importance of backups or should I restart from chapter 6 where my last save is?

Or does anybody maybe know a code that makes the game think I already recruited her, so I can revive her with the Valkyre Staff? Or that the game will play the opening cutscence to make her reappear? I know this is unlikely since I spend quite some time looking for such codes but I thought it doesn't harm to mention that possibility out there.

Edited by BrightBow-User
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well ... currently, I am about to beat binary with a substitute only run (I have just defeated Ishtar), so it's possible. Of course, altenna is a very good unit, but by no means indispensable. To get the tyrfing, maybe you could give the earth sword to fee so she can handle the dark mages. About Areone, I suppose your Holsety user can defeat him while defending your castle.

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You could also try Fee with the Light Sword + Barrier and Magic Rings. Preferably both but get the Barrier one first. If the weapon triangle works well enough, she should do just fine handling them. Of course that depends on the father as well. Levin makes it easy, and Claude probably will as well. I dunno about the other ones.

You may ignore this if Dark Mages are WTF H4X. Good luck then!

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Long range magic (Meteor/Blizzard/Thunderstorm) might serve you well, too.

Unless they've removed those from the most recent versions...

Edited by TheEnd
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