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whats so bad about the awakening forum?


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kid, you are in NO position to criticize anything lol

The irony is strong with this one. Boney, cut it, all you're doing is pairing yourself further with being a numpty. See what I did there, since it's a pairing thread. I wish I had a better line.

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i have a fair number of negative things to say about jedi but none of them are "is a dick about his opinions"

i mean i guess to you everything about him is a negative but hey, there it is

you're gonna love it when you're upgraded to global mod, aren't you?

...That's...just not nice.

that's true crizzie, but it is jedi.

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you're gonna love it when you're upgraded to global mod, aren't you?

that's true crizzie, but it is jedi.

Boney, I've seen you act like a butt more than I've seen Jedi do so. If you can point out to me where he's been horrible, be my guest. Your constant attacks on anyone you deem "bad" just seem petty more than anything else.

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you're gonna love it when you're upgraded to global mod, aren't you?

that's true crizzie, but it is jedi.

I...don't think promotions have anything to do with this.

Boney, I get that you don't like him, but you just insulted the guy out of the blue. Instead of trying to out him in public, why don't you...uhh...I don't know, try to address your grievances with him privately...?

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I...don't think promotions have anything to do with this.

Boney, I get that you don't like him, but you just insulted the guy out of the blue. Instead of trying to out him in public, why don't you...uhh...I don't know, try to address your grievances with him privately...?

Boney, I would advise listening to this. Enough of the slapfights, you're not impressing anyone.

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I...don't think promotions have anything to do with this.

it's integrity. eh, not worth explaining

Boney, I get that you don't like him, but you just insulted the guy out of the blue. Instead of trying to out him in public, why don't you...uhh...I don't know, try to address your grievances with him privately...?

yeah...sorry crizzie, i know you're really sick of seeing people argue and are worried that this will start another thing.

Boney, I would advise listening to this. Enough of the slapfights, you're not impressing anyone.

yeah they're your friends; we get it shin. and...i don't know who i could possibly impress just by saying what i think...

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it's integrity. eh, not worth explaining

yeah...sorry crizzie, i know you're really sick of seeing people argue and are worried that this will start another thing.

yeah they're your friends; we get it shin. and...i don't know who i could possibly impress just by saying what i think...

Silly Boney, I don't need to tell the world that I'm friends with them :P. But don't feel left out, this is all about you! I'm sure you've got some reason to constantly go after them, it's not like you'd do it for the sake of looking like a chump.

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it's integrity. eh, not worth explaining

yeah...sorry crizzie, i know you're really sick of seeing people argue and are worried that this will start another thing.


It just pains me to see people arguing, even if they're people I don't know...

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It just pains me to see people arguing, even if they're people I don't know...

I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm afraid it's rather unsightly to see Boney have a go at people for seemingly no reason.

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I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm afraid it's rather unsightly to see Boney have a go at people for seemingly no reason.

no reason, huh? i guess we're ignoring what happened last night, where your friends were very rude to a friend of mine and i was the only one who got in any trouble for it.

bye, thread.

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