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Dusk attempts an X Kalos-only nuzlocke!


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You see them in the Battle Chateau, and in the Laverre Gym. They're also notable for having four different designs.

Just listened to their track. I don't recall it, but it's a pretty good theme

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[spoiler=The cinders of love. Also this game is rigged to give me shitty natures]Continuing from where we left off, our first trainer has a Pikashit, Pidgey and a Psyduck. The PPP Crew! Second trainer has a Zigzaswag, Ralts and a Gulpin. The flower feasted well, and levelled up to 16. TIME FOR THE WILD ENCOUNTERS! But first off, we have a double battle against... two Furfrous... DAMMIT, I REMEMBER HOW HARD THIS BATTLE WAS! This battle is legit difficult, because they both have STAB headbutt, which hurts badly. They also have super potions ;_; After a gruelling match, RockYouLikeA, Glaedyr AND Destroyer levelled up to 17, with RockYouLikeA forgetting tackle for psybeam in the process. Forget about that for a second though folks, as I just FOUND A GODDAMN ESPURR YES! YES! Female, but I couldn’t care less. Meowstic? FANTASTIC!


... Adamant nature... Ain’t that a kick in the head?


Training her up in the wild was a bit annoying, but I got her to level 16 (and had her forget leer for light screen in the process). I also changed her name to “NotSoTastic,” because DAT GODDAMN NATURE!

Back in route 6, a wild trainer emerges from the long grass, assaulting me with her own Espurr and a Butterfuck. The meme lives up to its name. Agauv berry and tree found. Wild encounters get NotSoTastic and Vashiane to level 17, so Glaedyr goes in front. Super repel get. Youngster summons a Venipede and a Scraggy, which means Glaedyr can go on a rollout session, which nets her a level. Random backpacker has a Bunnelby, which NotSoTastic kills. Ultra ball found, which means the left side of route 6 is done. Onto the right side!

Immediately, we find an antidote and another backpacker called Jerome. MY BOY JEROME! He and some wild battles get NotSoTastic and Destroyer to level 18. Trainer’s Volbeat was annoying, since it had moonlight and double team, but RockYouLikeA critted and levelled up to 18. Another trainer’s Illumise and wild encounters get Vashiane to level 18 and Glaedyr to level 19. I also found a paralysis heal. A younger’s Croagunk and a Beedrill falls to the mighty Vash. You go, gurl! After finding TM venoshock, route 6 is finished, which means we can head for Parfum Palace!

A random lass gives me an oran berry, which is nice. Also found an ether, which is nicer. Walking up to the gate, Shauna randomly appears and the toll guard informs us we need to pay 1000 dollars per person. Shauna isn’t impressed, thinking that this is how the rich get richer, which is probably true. The moment we walk into the building, some dude is crying about his “beloved” Furfrou disappearing. Couldn’t really care, but Shauna wants to find it, so meh. This palace is, as you’d expect it, humongous, so I’ll just list the items you find here;

• Amulet coin (which is given to RockYouLikeA)

... And that’s it. I was expecting a bit more than that. By the way, one of the tourists mention something about the war Kalos was engaged in roughly 300 years ago, which reminds me of this video that you should definitely watch (16 minutes maybe, but it’s worth it). Stepping out of the back doors, we see a statue of a Golurk, Eevee, Palpitoad and some dude dressed up in armour. That’s pretty cool actually. Walking into the gardens, Shauna tells me that she going to check the back for this Furfrou, which gives me time to explore the gardens. There are two statues in the garden; one of Zekrom, and one of Reshiram, which is also pretty cool. There are also a bucketload of hedge mazes here but these are also interesting, since each one shape out something from Pokemon;


You can make our a Solrock and a Chandelure, but I forget what the other two are supposed to be

EDIT: I remember! It's a male Pyroar

Anyway, we find an antidote, a super potion and HM cut, which means we can now cut those prickly bushes! It’s not a brilliant move though, so the first pokemon I catch that I don’t use will probably learn it. In the top left maze we find our lost Furfrou, who runs away from us. Shauna suggests splitting up and cornering the poodle, which sounds like a plan to me. Gosh, I hated doing this the first time I saw it, because it took me like, 5 minutes to figure it out? Yeah, I’m stupid. Deal with it. I remember how to do it though, so it takes me 10 seconds to corner the beast. Caught, the owner comes and says that fireworks must be set off in celebration, and that we should go to the balcony to watch them. Shauna seems excited, and so am I, because we get an amazing track playing through it

Stepping out to the balcony, Shauna somehow beats us there, which means she must have teleportation powers or something. Speaking to her, we get...

OH YEAH! I just wish it was night time, but I’ll deal with it. Dammit, I love piano. Shauna murmurs out that this is the first time she’s ever watched fireworks alone with a boy, which definitely sets a somewhat romantic atmosphere. I do wonder how this conversation is changed if you’re a female though, since Nintendo characters are, to my knowledge, never bisexual. She goes on about that she’ll also never forget them since she watched them with me, which DEFINITELY sets a romantic setting to my eyes. The firework display starts and it’s... not that brilliant, to put it nicely. Once it ends, the owner and some randomer comes and asks us if we were satisfied with the display. I could’ve punched him right here, but the game wouldn’t allow me. Mentioning the flute, he tells the randomer to get it for him, and then proceeds to tell us that he took it from that other guy as a loan or something, stating that “rich and commoners don’t get together” or something to that effect. What a... I need to smack you, Hawlucha style dammit! Randomer comes back and gives us the flute, as well as TM protect. The two adults then leave, which prompts Shauna to exclaim that while she wants to make many new memories, she wants to forget about him. Lol, old man got told. Some burn heal would be nice right about now. Anyway, finally giving the option to walk once more, I save and conclude this part!

I should rename this chapter "The chapter of typos"

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[spoiler=I'm just a painter, who paints his life away...]

After leaving the manor, the first thing we do is go back to the Name Rater and change RockYouLikeA’s name to... “Sakura” because Breezy forced me to ]: I am a kind man who lets the names of his Pokémon get chosen by his viewers! Back onto route 7, Shauna and I go back to the sleeping Pokémon, giving the owner of the Poke flute his flute back, because apparently he’s the only one who can play the flute... NOSTALGIA HIT ME AS THE FLUTE WAS BEING PLAYED. DAT TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNE~ The sleeping Pokémon woke up and attacked me, revealing itself as a Snorlax in the process! Three karate chops from Vashiane takes it out however. Would’ve been two, but the damn thing has a sitrus berry ]: Vashaine went to level 19, and the Snorlax fled to the hills. What hills? At this point, the owner of the palace joins us, bringing his beloved Furfrou with him. Telling the owner of the flute that he loved the tone the flute makes, he should keep it. The three people then leave, and Destroyer goes in front

Crossing the bridge, Tierno and Trevor pop out of nowhere, telling me that the latter wants to check the Day Care centre. This is like, the place where the magic happens! Tierno goes back out, looking for some Pokémon to catch, hoping that the same Pokémon sharing the same moves will up his performances. Damn scrub. After about 3 or 4 encounters with Hippop hordes, I finally found my Kalos Pokémon of route; a Flabébé... Ugh... It wasn’t worth it, so I killed it. Upset, I found Tierno and Trevor in the flowery patches, doing their usual silly stuff. I then fight a trainer, who has a Smeargle. Destroyer smashed it, and the flower begins to evolve! I HAVE A FLOETTE!!! Now to do the herculean task that is level it up to 46 so it learns moonblast... Goddamn, that’s going to be difficult. I’d insert a picture, but WEBCAM DOESN’T WORK AGAIN BLARG ]: Next trainer battle is a double battle, against Smeargle and... a Smeargle... How original. NotsoTastic and Sakura gain experience, and I find myself looking at some castle-like structure. Tierno magically pops up again and tells me that the building is called the Battle Chateau, a place where trainers go to become FAMOUS! Not Virion’s level of famous, but famous enough. May as well take a gander though

Inside we meet Viola (the first gym leader), who immediately asks me what my title is in the nobility. I AM LORD PIMP, GOOD MA’AM. But alas, I have no title. Apparently, titles show how awesome you are in the Pokémon world. Makes sense, I guess. Some awesome dude with a white comb over calls me a “lord” and introduces himself as Hennessy. I AM APPARENTLY SIR DUSK, according to Hennessy. Giving me the title of Baron, Hennesy states that I have what it takes to be the very best or some shit like that. He also says that the more battles you’re victorious in Battle Chateau, the higher your title will be. Time to fight some scrubs then. First trainer has a sole Burmy, who gets wrecked by NotSoTastic. Second trainer has a Clauncher, which is actually a Pokémon I very much want. NotSoTastic levels up to 19 and forgets scratch for fake out. The next three trainers have a Psyduck, Hoppip and a Ralts, which gets Sakura to level 19. Next two trainers have a Fletchling and a Scatterbug, which Sakura also destroys. That means I’ve currently beaten everyone who’s in the chateau, so I take my leave, but not before the woman near the entrance bestows the title of “Viscount” to me. Yay!

Back onto route 7 I encounter another Smeargle trainer. So many painters. SO MUCH HAXX. WHY DID POWDER SNOW FREEZE GLAE GLAE!? Thank the gods for full heals. Smeargle goes down and I find Serena near some steps. Tierno and Trevor simply come over and Serena suggests a 2v2, with me being teamed up with her. So overpowered lol!

I wish my webcam worked dammit. I send out Glaedyr, Serena Fletchling, Trevor Pikachu and Tierno Corphish. Fletching quick attacks Corphish, Pikachu used thunder shock on Fletching and Glae Glaye vine whips Corphish, killing it before it does anything. Turn 2 has Fletchling and Pikachu exchanging blows with Glaedyr finishing up Serena’s job by fainting Pikachu, who then levels up to 20 and tries to learn pin missile. lolNo. Trevor then sends out Flabébé, who gets smacked by vine whip and a growl. Flabebe lives and uses fairy wind, fainting Fletchling. Serena sends out Braixen and scratches the Flabébé to death, making us two win the match! Victorious, Serena says we should head to Ambrette Town. I agree, but I’m going to be doing that on the next instalment of Dusko’s nuzlocke!

Apologises for the small update, but I'm quite tired and I haven't been able to concentrate all week

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Sakura shall destroy all who oppose her!

And end up doing SOMETHING wrong and having SOMEONE call her out.

Also since this is the file I gave you Gligar on it totally makes sense XD

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Sorry for the wait, but being somewhat ill makes me somewhat lazy... somewhat

[spoiler=Horde battles should only be a thing when you're EV training]After the not-so-difficult battle with our “friends,” I continue heading left and find two entrances to the same cave. Connecting Cave, to be exact!

I’d link the music, but we end up in lots of different music-changing areas today, so meh

The south entrance is the one you go in to progress, but the north entrance has a trainer with 4 Pokemon: Ducklett, Litleo, Pikashit and an Oddish. Sakura feasted well and levelled up to 20! A bit further ahead, I found a pathway that was blocked due to a huge gap in the floor. A boulder was on the other side of it, but I couldn’t do anything about it, so I exited the cave and went through the south entrance. Before that however, there was a persim berry tree and a tiny mushroom! Wild Croagunk poisoned Vashy also, so I healed her up... which was pointless, as another Croagunk poisoned her again. Damn poison sting and its bazillion percentage poison rate. I finally head into the south entrance, and a kind scientist heals up my Pokemon. How awesome is that? Connecting Cave was short, as we’re already in route 8!

Two steps into the route and Sina and Dexio (Sycamore's assistants, for those who can't remember) appear out of nowhere and upgrade my Pokédex, because Kalos has a bucketload of Pokémon in it. Maybe if Game Freak made 150 new Pokémon instead of... 67? 77? Whatever. Point is, they needed to creature more Pokémon The two assistants then leave as quickly as they appeared and I can finally move! Jumping over a maze of ledges nets me a HP up, which is pretty cool. But now it’s time to find us a Kalos ‘mon! Horde battles shouldn’t be a thing, as a bunch of level 7 Wingulls almost kill Vashiane. She did level up to 20 though, so maybe it wasn’t all bad. Forgot tackle for slash too, which is coolbeans. MANY wild Pokémon later, and an Inkay appears! YES! THE THING THAT WILL TURN VASHIANE INTO SOMETHING MIGHTY! Quick ball catches it, and due to its convoluted evolution, it shall be named ‘Australia’! Due to equipment failings however, I can’t show you its bashful nature and CONTRARY ability. Time to train the thing up!

So after stupid horde battles, haxxy confuse and paralysis stuff and the such, Australia went to level 18 (and forgot psywave for hypnosis in the process) and Destroyer went to level 20 (and forgot lucky chant for wish in the process). Venturing further down route 8, we find an Axew-wielding trainer. Foul play kills it, but dragon rage leaves Australia with 1HP. ONE. HEALTH POINT. DEAR LORD. Next trainer has a Pancham, Goldeen and a Skiddo, which gets Australia to level 19. A wild black belt summons a Machop against NotSoTastic, so I think we all know who won that match. Bit further south and we find some stepping stone game. A bit a navigating gets us a leaf stone, which is free money...? After that, we finally head into Ambrette Town!

Immediately, Serena interrupts and informs me that even though Cyllage City (the next gym) is through the local aquarium, we should head to the fossil lab. Sounds good to me, so off we go! Random stranger gives me TM rock smash which is something I completely missed on my first playthrough of this game that is awesome! Vashiane forgets leer for it, so nothing important was forgotten. Another dude allows me to trade a poké ball for a dive ball, which will help maybe. The hotel here has an Espurr, which must be mentioned. Stranger in the hotel gives me TM nature power, which is an... odd move, to say the least. Mr. Bonding is upstairs and something something sp. def O-Power is now unlocked. Inside the fossil lab, some hiker tells us to bring him a Genesect if you have one. I believe this is the guy you speak to if you want the items that change the typing of Genesect’s signature move, which I can’t remember the name of. Techno blast? Behind him has five meteorites on a shelf, which changes the form of Deoxys, if you have one in your party. Why five though? Deoxys only has five forms... To the right side of the building prompts an event with Serena and some archaeologist discussing about mega evolutions and fossils. The two could be linked apparently, according to the archaeologist’s assistant, who is in Glittering Cave. In the gate connecting the town to the route just before the cave has a woman who gives me a rocky helmet, which shall be given to the almighty Destroyer. With that, this episode of Dusko’s nuzlocke is finished! Next time, we ride Rhyhorns! Edited by DodgeDusk
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[spoiler= "Class" doesn't even begin to describe how... thing they are]

And so, we now step foot into route 9! Music is pretty cool here, but that’s to be expected. What’s cooler however, is a lone Rhyhorn next to some rocky formations. Time to ride! Jumping on the beast, I begin to tackle route 9 properly! Stray Sandile levels NotSoTastic to level 20. My good ol’ buddy Rhyhorn smashes a few rocks and I dismount, finding an X defence on the ground! Back on Rhyhorn, I find my Kalos Pokémon of this run; Helioptile! After spellbinding the lizard with Australia, I then catch it! HELIOPINPEL IS NOW MINE! HeliopInpel is a corruption of the Pokémon’s name and my friend from Portugal’s online alias, Intelligencia (I call him Inpy), who asked for said nickname if I do catch one. Convoluted nickname out of the way, he shall warm up the PC, which means back to adventuring! Wild paralyse heal found. After some more rocks get demolished, some dude dressed like Batman asks me for a Sky Battle, which is basically a battle that only involves flying types and those with levitate so Rotom-fan is the best Pokémon for these kind of fights. With that, Sakura fights a Ledian, and what a battle it is! Constant stun spore missing, supersonic haxx and two silver wind boosts made the battle so difficult for Sakura, but she eventually proved triumphant! Oh look, a wild dusk ball and FIRE STONE appeared. Who leaves a FIRE STONE on the ground? Meh, why am I complaining? I have the right to complain now though, as after I used two potions on Australia, a kind Ranger healed up my dudes. I JUST WASTED POTIONS ]: With that done, we now enter... Glittering Cave!


This takes a different approach to most routes and caves. The camera pans so that it’s third person, and because of the lighting in the cave, you can only see a few spaces ahead of you. There are also many different diverging paths, and if you walk down the wrong one, you end up fighting a wild Pokémon! Normally though, there’s an item obtainable after the fight, so it isn’t too bad. Some of these fights are mandatory though, so be prepared! A battle with a Cubone gets me a hard stone, which is solid. Another battle gets Aussie to level 20, so yay! Mawile and Cubone battles gets me TM shadow claw, which is... rather nice actually! Vashiane somehow forgets how to slash with her claws in order to... shadowy slash with her claws! Glae Glae forgets how to bite so she can do shadowy slashes also! Exiting that segment of the cave, we’re now back to our usual camera angles and HOLY BEJEEBUS, THERE IS A DUDE WEARING A RED SUIT AND RED SUNGLASSES. SO. COOL! Introducing himself as a member of the group Team Flare, he tell us that Team Flare’s goal is to “make it so we’re the only ones who are happy!” That’s... not so cool. They also don’t care about Pokémon, so they must die. Striking a pose, the grunt classes me to a battle!

The music for the grunt battle shall be linked here

Fun fact! This was originally my favourite track of X and Y until I discovered the power plant/poké ball factory theme!

Sending out a Houndour against me, Destroyer immediately crits and almost kills the pooch, but it roared, forcing Aussie out. Aussie killed, but smog poisoned it beforehand. Zubat comes out, so NotSoTastic comes out and completely destroys it with a fake out + psybeam combo. Grunt beaten, I decide to smash some rocks, with one having a Dwebble. ANOTHER GRUNT BATTLE! She sends out Gulpin, which, after a swagger + foul play combo, gets wrecked (but not before poisoning Australia yet AGAIN). Electrike comes out, which gets critical whipped by Glaedyr. Both Pokémon level up to 21, and Australia forgets its signature move for psybeam! Rocks give me another hard stone and a revive; the latter being useless! WHEN SUDDENLY, I GET ATTACKED BY TWO FLARE MEMBERS! Putting the “fashion” into fear, they tell me that they were also looking for fossils. Serena comes and assists us in taking down the two members! Croagunk + Scraggy VS Destroyer + Espurr (F). Espurr light screens and Destroyer fairy winds Scraggy, killing it instantly. Croagunk does something to Espurr, but I didn’t catch it. Espurr psybeams Croagunk and that also instantly dies, which means we win! Another rock, another Dwebble. Another rock, another- WAIT WHAT? OLD AMBER?
Wait, I can’t use it

Disappointed, I find an escape rope and the archaeologist’s assistant. Oblivious to Team Flare’s shenanigans, he gives me the choice of either the jaw fossil or sail fossil. EENIE, MEENIE, MINEY, JAW FOSSIL! Telling us that he’ll revive the Pokémon in the lab, he leaves. Serena tells me that due to the threat that is Team Flare, she should train up her Pokémon and battle the next gym leader. I agree, so using the newly-acquired escape rope, I escape the cave and decide to end this part here!

Edited by DodgeDusk
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[spoiler=Another awful nature and the chapter where Poly kills me afterwards because I didn't get to route 10]After smashing and crashing my way out of route 9 (which got Destroyer to level 21), I skated my way into the fossil and resurrected Tyrunt! I also resurrected Aerodactyl, but obviously, it won’t be used. HeliopInpel was a hardy nature (neutral everything) and Tyrunt (who will be nicknamed... y’know what? Since I can’t think of a name, suggest one to me!) was... timid... DAMMIT
Nothing else to do in Ambrette Town, I quickly healed up my Pokémon and made my way into the aquarium! Obligatory Espurr mention, and some random fisherman gives me an old rod. Nice an’ all, but it can’t net me a Clauncher, so meh. Leaving the aquarium, I end up in... route 8? Damn, this is one big route. I don’t think Dora could explore it all, but I may as well give it a shot!

A narrow sandy path leads to some area in Ambrette Town that hides some breakable rocks and a pearl. Money is pretty cool! First rock gives me yet another hard stone, whilst the second ones gets a heart scale. Thank you, game <3. Third gets me a max ether, which is awesome sauce. Back in route 8, a bit of skating makes a mago berry tree come into view, so I pick one up. A bit more skating and a random female swimmer gives me... the dowsing machine! First key item registered, which means I shall spam it! I find a hidden pearl almost immediately, which means moar money! Stealthy ultra ball and heart scale were not so stealthy, since I found them in the beach! A bit o’ walking later and I fight my first trainer of this part; a female swimmer that used Wingull and Psyduck. Some butchering later and Sakura levels up to 21 and tries to learn supersonic. Screw moves that always work for the enemy but not for you. Second trainer has 3 Tentaswags, meaning NotSoTastic feasted like a queen. Third trainer summoned a double protecting Shellder and a Staryu. All these damn genwunners man. Least NotSoTastic grew to level 21. Fourth trainer has a sole Masquerain, which is REALLY scary. Vashi tried her hardest, but was forced to withdraw due to gust spamming. Destroyer came in and ended Masquerain’s life. Smashing a rock leads to a sign that tells me that I used rock smash to get there. Uh... okay? Thanks for telling me, silly sign. Cyllage City is ahead of us, but due to the 3DS requiring a charge (and I don’t play ‘n’ charge), this update shall be short. Sorry for the small update, but as soon as it charges, I shall deliver the next not so exciting instalment of this nuzlocke! Edited by DodgeDusk
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[spoiler=Second gym confirmed Glitzville. VASHIANE SMASH. Bring your Doritos dip]

Stepping into Cyllage City, it’s pissing down and there’s a Karate dude standing barefooted in the sand. Dafuq? He tells us that the gym leader does bicycle racing, which is... cool? Random dude in a house gives me a whipped dream, which... evolves that one cotton candy Pokémon whose name I’ve forgotten. Swirlix? Dowsing machine nets me an either, which is cool beans! I then smash a rock and... HOLY WHY, A BATTLE ENSURES. DON’T BE A KALOS ‘MON... *opens eyes* Oh thank Naga, it’s just a Dwebble. Some investimagating later and I stumble into some café, which is something I can’t be bothered with right now. One is here though, so thar. In the hotel California Cyllage, some stranger gives me TM rest, which is meh for in-game. A maid gives me a destiny knot, which is another thing I won’t use. I then find that Backpacker who is from a region that isn’t Kalos. Very ambiguous indeed! Last room has Mr. Bonding, so I now get prize money power. Yay... In another building, a hoar asks me to partake in a quiz. Wynaut? Which berry cures confusion? PERSIM BERRY, OF COURSE! Swagger raises attack, but causes...? CONFUSION! I see a link here. Winning the quiz, she gives me some persim berries. Schweet! The boutique has nothing of interest, so that was a waste of time. House dwellers tell me about the GTS and I see an Espurr running around so that’s... the fourth one now? In the centre, some dude asks me to trade a Luvdisc for a Steelix. What. A brilliant. Offer. Shame I can’t do it. Restock and a heal later, I deposit NotSoTastic and head into route 10 briefly to catch a certain Pokémon!

After MANY wild battles later (that got Vashiane and Destroyer to level 22), I FINALLY find my Kalos ‘mon; Hawlucha! It having flying type moves made the battle really difficult, but after blood, sweat and tears, RAWK HAWK WAS FINALLY CAUGHT! Benching NotSoTastic, Rawk Hawk makes himself comfy in his great ball and then everyone gets healed

Skating up the hills that lead to the gym, the very own gym leader greets me and tells me that the bicycle race has ended. Dun curr. However, he turns into a bro and gives me HM strength, which is the broest thing ever. X defence found and I decide Tyrunt (who I still need to nickname, people. Give me ideas!) will learn it. I then head into the gym to begin my destruction!

The dude whose name I can’t remember tells me that the gym uses rock types, so Sakura will probably never be used. Scaling up the walls, I fight a trainer who has a Dwebble and a Relicanth. Glaedyr feasts and levels up to 22. Second trainer has a SOLROCK and

I am legit annoyed... Destroyer avenged our paladin and Lunatone comes out... Oh, I’m so annoyed... After a razor leaf, Australia comes out and kills it with foul play... Time to go to the PC... Looks like NotSoTastic isn’t being benched after all... Third trainer has a sole Roggenrola, which NotSoTastic quickly kills. Fourth trainer has a Rhyhorn, Nosepass and an Onix, which fell to Vashiane and Destroyer. All the generics out of the way, I heal up and it...
GRANT TIME! *clicks neck*
... Oh, I am so screwed...

Amaura vs Vashiane. Amaura used take down and... missed! Yay! Vashiane used karate chop and... IT CRITTED. YES. VASHIANE, HAVE MY CHILDREN. Tyrunt comes out, and stomps on Vash, leaving it with 40/68HP. Vash rock smashed but got no defence drop. It did like, 30% though. Potion, stomp. Super potion, stomp. Stomp leaves Vashiane with 4HP and too scared to attack. Super potion, stomp. Repeat. Stomp, rock smash leaves it with around 35% and a defence drop. Super potion, stomp. Repeat. Stomp and... KARATE CHOP KILLS! LEVEL 23 VASHIANE IS A GO-GO! Giving me the Cliff Badge TM rock tomb, I see no reason to stay in this gym, so I leave. Healing up, I decide to end this part on a huge victory!

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I approve of this nickname greatly.



Wha- NOOOOOOOOOooooooooo



I'm sorry that I've failed you

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I approve of this nickname greatly.

That or Flanessa, all though the Flan disapproved greatly :c

Wha- NOOOOOOOOOooooooooo



I'm sorry that I've failed you

​You didn't fail me, psywave does do consistent damage and it completely caught me off guard :c

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  • 3 weeks later...





[spoiler=I have 20 hours playlogged all ready how do you even]With Grant taken out, I heal up Vashiane and friends and then proceed to do Pokébank stuff. I now have a box pretty much jam packed with legendaries. Yay! With RAWK HAWK leading da crew, I skate my way to route 10!



There’s a boulder blocking off a pathway to something optional, so Rawk Hawk forgets encore for strength. Via dowsing machine I find a lonesome revive hidden in a random rock then proceed to do a boulder puzzle. These puzzles make Okami look easy, lol. TM thunder wave was found on the floor, which is a pretty shocking revelation! Anyway, back on the main route, my first trainer has a single Solosis, which Australia quickly takes out. This is the dude that makes the DBZ reference, so I’m glad that’s out of the way now. Second trainer has a Skiploom, Azumarill and a Dunsparce, all of which get timed out by the Rawk, meaning he goes to level 22! Randomer mentions Colress who has the second best battle theme only to HUGH. HUGH! X accuracy and a paralyse heal found, and a Team Flare member spots me. Telling me that I know nothing about a legend that happened 3000 years ago, he forgets what the legend was about and fights me!
Houndour vs RAWK HAWK. The champion of Glitzville wins, and Golbat comes out. Switching into NotSoTastic, the bat confuses her and makes my life a nightmare. Australia comes out and my horrors are realised; it has wing attack. The battle was brutal, but eventually the land down under wins! NotSoTastic levels up to 22 and forgets covet for disarming voice! Grunt asks if I’m a prodigy, but then gets interrupted by a call from his own Holo Caster. Given a task, he leaves (in style) and I go heal up my dudes(in more style). Horde of Nosepass gets Sakura to level 22 and I find a wild burn heal! Third trainer has a Meditite and a Kirlia, which get fed to Sakura. Second TF grunt has an Electrike and a Croagunk, which also get fed to Sakura (who gets to level 23). Grunt 3 has a sole Gulpin. Lucky I got NotSoTastic in front, eh? Fourth trainer has a Drifloon, Hippopotas and a Pachirisu. NotSoTastic deals with the first (getting to level 23 in the process) and Australia deals with the other two (getting to level 24 in the process)! Route 10 is now routed, which means I enter... Geosenge Town!


Such a blissful theme

Quick heal to the centre and some dude gives me TM payback, which is awesome! Hotel woman gives me a downcast ribbon, which does... what exactly? Also Mr. Bonding. Speed level 1! Outside, we meet a TF grunt singing about how Geosenge is the town of stones, before running away somewhere off camera. Hmm... Anyway, timer ball and soft sand find. Yay~! Random bitch gives me the everstone, which is meh. Lrn2PressB. Towards what I’m presuming is route 11, a bunch of backpackers are blocking the path. Why? Anyway, in the middle of town there are three awkward looking stones protruding from the ground. According to the sign next to them, they are said to give out mysterious power. Strange. Random man tells me that a man from 3000 years ago is rumoured to walk this land. How strange again. Meeting the TF grunt again, he tells me that that Team Flare are going to use the rocks in this town and some treasure in order to make “those with flair” happy. Gah, these people are so random. Once he leaves, Serena pops up asking if said man was a TF member. Calling them a bunch of weirdos, she leaves. How nice. Following the grunt’s trail, I find a bunch of rocks poorly hiding a metal door. This obviously doesn’t have significance. Nope! The backpackers are now gone though, which means we can do progress... in the next installment! Edited by DodgeDusk
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  • 3 weeks later...

New poll

I have very little motivation to continue this, but I'm not going to halt it completely if people are still interested. Normally, I abide by "if at least one person enjoys my content, then I'm satisfied" rule, but with the amount of effort I put into this (ignoring the fact I'm not really enjoying the playlog itself), this playlog is exempt from this rule. If people do enjoy it, I'll stomach it and produce some more content (up to the point I finish it/get completely annihilated), but I only know one person that is interested in this, so I don't see much point in continuing it

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Judging by the poll, this is still a thing


[spoiler=Canines don't stand a chance against birds!]It’s been so long it isn’t even funny. Welcome back to this nuzlocke!

With everything in Geosenge done and dusted, I decide to leave to the next route when SUDDENLY a wild Korrina appears with her two Lucario buddies. Apparently, one of the Lucarios wants to battle me, so I have to fight the two of them. Logic? I think not! Shame the gym leader theme or her signature theme isn’t used. Just the generic trainer battle one

Jokes aside, this battle can be pretty frustrating. Truth be told, I completely forgot it, which shows when I lead with Destroyer. Times like these I wish Rawk Hawk had a fighting move, but alas. ... It’s probably my best bet though, so I switch into it, taking a piercing metal sound from Lucario. Lucario then feints me, which does literally nothing, so Rawk Hawk smacks it with a wing. 4 turns of this happens, and Lucario #1 eventually dies. Yay! Rawk Hawk levels up to 24 and tries to learn fling. lolNo. Same with Destroyer, but she didn’t try to learn anything. Lucario #2 comes in and I decided to super potion the bird, not risking anything that could potentially kill (Rawk Hawk has 31/76HP left). This went... okay? Lucario swords danced, which is very threatening. Feint does exactly 20 damage though, so I guess its okay...? Second feint crits, which means it’s time to heal up. For whatever reason, Lucario metal sounds twice, enabling Rawk Hawk to slay the metallic fighter and keep his title! Victory in hand, Korrina then explains that, after this cave that is on the next route, I will arrive in Shalour City. Yay!!! Skating off into nothingness, I heal up and proceed to enter into route 11


First trainer has a Solosis and a Sigilyph. Had to lead with Vashiane, didn’t I? Despite that, Australia annihilates the two... just. Sitrus berry tree was found, so I help myself to a berry! Second trainer tries to prove that belts make person powerful by using a Mienfoo. ... Okay then. It’s level 28 though, which is scary. However, it is my match for the lovely Sakura and falls after two psybeams. Venturing further into the route, the stoner professor himself calls me up and informs me that there is a person in Shalour that knows a lot about mega evolution. Would have been awesome to see, if the professor DIDN’T tell my other “friends” to see him too. Dammit, stoner. There’s also a TM I can get, but I need to use cut. Fuck re-teaching someone cut. I can get a hyper potion though, which is a-mazing! Climbing up some stairs nets me a sky battle with a lass that has an Emolga. She has others, but this is seriously frustrating. Why? Because I can only use Sakura in this battle. This battle just SCREAMS “screw you”. Emolga has STAB spark as well, which does like, 90%, as evident by this photo (wow, my webcam finally decided to work!)


That smug bastard smiling and waving at me I HATE YOU

But yes, one spark did that much damage, making any of my potions reduntant


The question is: what do I do? According to Bulbapedia, one of the rules of a nuzlocke is:

the general consensus is that a black out/white out is considered to be "game over", even if there are Pokémon left in the PC.

Bear in mind that, yes, even if Vivillon dies, I still do have my 5 other Pokémon alive and well in my party. I will, however, still black/white out, which, according to the rules, means this nuzlocke is officially over (unless something different gets said if you lose a sky battle? I'm not sure, truth be told)

So uh... what do I do? Is this nuzlocke ending prematurely or what?

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I hate you forever Dusk.

How dare you let Sakura die

Dude, it's not like I wanted Sakura to die. I was screwed from turn 1

Fuck Sky Battles

Release the Vivillon and carry on

There's also a poll if you want to voice your opinions. I should've said

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Dude, it's not like I wanted Sakura to die. I was screwed from turn 1

There's also a poll if you want to voice your opinions. I should've said

You could have not done the battle.


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