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【東方】 Touhou draft the nth (Now with Hard and Lunatic!)

Komeiji Koishi

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You sure you can handle EoSD Normal?

Note that the rules also indicate default starting lives (2 extra lives at start)

EoSD Easy Mode doesn't exist!

It's gonna be though, specially since I'm stuck with a shot type I don't particularly like :S

I'm not liking how Practice Mode in it works though >.>

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Easy for all.

Sorry Remi...

Don't worry, you'll make it up to her in IN.

pretty much Hard modo from 6-14.

actually i want normal on UFO but meh..

Awww, here I was expecting you to go full Lunatic just for the heck of it
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Don't worry, you'll make it up to her in IN.

Awww, here I was expecting you to go full Lunatic just for the heck of it

sure, but dont expect me 1cc the heck out of it within 2-3 weeks -w-

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sure, but dont expect me 1cc the heck out of it within 2-3 weeks -w-

you can just supergraze everything anyhow

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last time i tried lunatic on multi credit games, it took 2-3 credit with extra lives to clear it

it took me all 9 credits to barely made it Lunatic TD with last live and one bomb

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it took me all 9 credits to barely made it Lunatic TD with last live and one bomb


With that many continues, you have more bombs at your disposal than there are spellcards and non-spells combined. xD

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Kalas-chan, please copy/paste this to the OP:

[spoiler=Draft Pool]

| touhou06 |touhou07  |touhou08 | touhou10 |touhou11 | touhou12 | touhou13 | touhou14|

|          | ReimuA  1|         |          |         |          |          |         |

|          | ReimuB  1|         |          | ReimuB 2|          |          | ReimuB 1|

|          | MarisaA 1|         | ReimuC  2| ReimuC 1| MarisaA 2|          |MarisaA 2|

|          | MarisaB 1|         |          |MarisaA 1| MarisaB 2|          |MarisaB 1|

|          |          |         | MarisaB 2|         |          |          |         |

|          |          |         |          |MarisaC 1|          |          |         |

[spoiler=Participants and drafting order]

Kopfjager   |ReimuA |SakuyaA|Border |ReimuA  |ReimuC  |ReimuA  |Youmu   |ReimuA  |
Puku        |ReimuB |ReimuB |Magic  |ReimuB  |ReimuA  |ReimuB  |Marisa  |SakuyaA |
Tonton      |ReimuB |ReimuA |Border |ReimuA  |ReimuB  |SanaeB  |Reimu   |SakuyaB |
ZM          |MarisaA|SakuyaB|Magic  |MarisaA |MarisaA |SanaeB  |Sanae   |ReimuB  |
Zak         |MarisaB|MarisaA|Scarlet|MarisaA |MarisaC |ReimuB  |Marisa  |ReimuA  |
Kay         |MarisaB|SakuyaB|Nether |MarisaC |MarisaB |SanaeA  |Youmu   |SakuyaA |
Metalsnowman|MarisaA|SakuyaA|Nether |MarisaC |ReimuA  |SanaeA  |Sanae   |SakuyaB |
Jprebs      |ReimuA |MarisaB|Scarlet|ReimuB  |MarisaB |ReimuA  |Reimu   |MarisaB |
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Forgive the double post, but ZM has chosen Easy Modo for all games.

Now we're just left with Jprebs and then we can officially start the EoSD round.

Speaking of which, Kalas-chan, I think we should make EoSD last two weeks instead of one. The reason being that people might be busy and stuff so they may need a little more time. However, all rounds after EoSD should be one week only, because people don't need to wait for a previous rounds to end in order to start submitting entries for the next round. This is how it was done for the previous draft. What do you think, Kalas-chan?

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Oh, right. I'm actually somewhat busy this week too, so, therefore, we will draft EoSD for TWO WEEKS instead of one, meaning that EoSD playing will end on May 30th at 6pm PST. So yeah.

Edited by Spiriter Kalas
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umm does anyone mind if i post my failed Drafting attempts

i seriously need comments and opinions if i had to 1cc hard mode in 2 weeks on the mode i havent spent trying much,

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umm does anyone mind if i post my failed Drafting attempts

i seriously need comments and opinions if i had to 1cc hard mode in 2 weeks on the mode i havent spent trying much,

Sure, but use the chat thread for that.

Though, keep in mind that most of the guys here are Easy Mode players. I only 1cc'd PCB Hard (from the games that are in the draft, that is) while Fera only 1cc'd SA Hard. RAYKITTY~ can help, but I'm not sure if he has time to watch replays. I'll still try to help though.

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Alright, since the draft already started, here are some stuff that should help you guys out.

First of all, I would suggest you all to apply the Vsync patches. These are to help with input lag. These are NOT for game lag. This means that even if your computer is super fast, you don't see any kind of lagging, and the frame rate never drops below 60 fps, you'll still want to apply the Vsync patch to reduce the delay between pressing the button and having its effect manifesting.

As for some EoSD specific stuff:

The Hitbox Patch can be very useful, even if you've already memorized the location of your hitbox. Being able to see your hitbox while focused helps a lot in dealing with stuff.

Practicing troublesome stages is useful for improvement but it would be much more convenient if you can watch replays of your Practice runs, so you can see where you screwed up, whether you could've dealt with a certain part a bit better, etc. For that, you'll need the Practice Mode Replay Patch.

And finally, if you're having trouble with clearing EoSD in general, you can check out the Touhou Embodiment of Scarlet Devil guide. It's geared towards Normal Mode, but I'm sure it should help you deal with Easy Mode troubles too, and maybe even Hard Mode!

That's all from me this round. Good Luck and Have Fun!!!

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I probably should've posted this earlier

good luck to all and have fun shooting up little girls, I'll be rooting for all of you!

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