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Shin Megami Tensei Mafia Day 5


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Pointless filler, but this is the reason I hate RVS. Every time I reread the thread, I have to go through like 3 pages of people faffing about and desperately trying to read if there's actually any scum intent there (spoiler alert- most of the time there isn't) and it really kills my motivation to reread. Nothing to do with this game (whose RVS phase was relatively short anyways), I just kind of had to get that off of my chest.

The fangirl is the one who got the game out of RVS, which is kind of townie. I guess, maybe. People should actually explain their town/scumreads (in general, really) on her because all I'm seeing is "I think she's scummy" or "Man, so obvious town" or "your townread on her is dumb but she's still town". Totally not bitter about that last one. Her TF vote was awful but her explanation was fine and not seeing the scum intent in her posts in general (well besides the general long posts are a winning scum tactic because half of the players don't even read them).

Would like to hear other opinions on Deathbound because something's (I don't know what) bothering me about him overall. Like, I think his first vote was really good (at the time anyways) and the way he's pushing his case is good, but...if he's who I think he is, I don't see why he's being so bullheaded about his case. No doubts about fangirl being town, really? Call it a gut read. Don't really have any issues with his reads post, though. Also his point about the Red Eye wagon is legit and I'm not sure why he'd be so against it as scum maybe idk. Not someone I feel comfortable lynching today, but I'd look into him more if he's alive later on.

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So I reread Scum Goon's post that I had issues with, and am still pretty sure that he's scum (but not necessarily a goon!). Think about it this way; what is the point for the post and the intent behind it. Both of the arguments by themselves are fine, but together no conclusion is really reached and it just comes across as well, what I said in my prior post. Also while townies can be inconclusive and not sure what to do, this post doesn't really give off those vibes. Also his Red Eye vote is pretty lazy too (and let's not get into all of the people sheeping that).
So...a lot of my issues with Twitter Famous were really my fault for misreading (see more in uh...one of my past posts, too lazy to rewrite) so like, go me. Also FWIW, I don't think he'd mix up Red Eye with Scum Goon if he was either of their scumbuddies (associative reads without flips is the only way to play mafia). Also Knuckles brings up a good point about TF, actually (about how scum generally wouldn't agree with cases on them).
Speaking of Enchilada, don't really like his disclaimer (regarding Deathbound and how he's clinging to RVS content), because honestly he's voting Scum Goon for a post that's made at around the same time so his issue with Deathbound is well...kind of hypocritical (for lack of a better word, fuck the English language). Would like an explanation there.
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Calls out the fangirl on a forced vote, then complains about other people who find that scummy. If fangirl's vote was fine, then Deathbound's should be as well by the same reasoning. Stop fencesitting.


##Vote: Scum Goon

Yes, I called out both sides of the argument, but I didn't find either of them actually scummy. I did so to prevent what I feel like was more likely to be town infighting (I was leaning town on L1F at the time, and Deathbound is neutral at worse) from escalating. I'm not going to take a side on this because I don't believe that either one has it right.

3) Can you explain what you mean here? Scum Goon is not scum because he complained about your vote, it's because earlier he agreed with the case and then turned around and said "but what else would you expect fangirl to say?".

This assertion is false. Whilst I agreed that the vote L1F cast was weak, I never claimed that the vote had scum intentions behind it.

I attacked Red Eye's sheeping because it was a completely effortless action. I'm aware that sheeping is likely to happen but what I expect is at least some effort to say what parts of the case they agreed with, and if they had anything to add to it, and Red Eye has dashed those expectations.

The stickman's posts make me wary of him. I find it strange how he proclaims a townread on Deathbound, and yet smears The Wife for making a similar comment regarding L1F. Why is The Wife buddying up with L1F instead of simply proclaiming a townread, and why is it different to what others (including yourself) have done? This seems like blatant hypocrisy in my eyes.

Knuckles: regarding TF, would town not wish to discredit votes upon them as well? Your point on them seems rather weak. I also feel like your vote on me shows a lack of reading comprehenstion at best. The way you portray my actions makes it seem as if I am attacking both, when in fact I found neither party involved scummy. The point about waiting for me to post more content feels almost like filler to me.

Despite my previous feelings towards the slot, I dislike is L1F's vote upon Death, as it feels rather lazy to me. There is no explanation whatsoever of the scum intent in Death's posts, and I feel that he is too focused upon Death's posting style being bad as opposed to scummy.

Red Eye is still suspicious due to his post at the bottom of page 6. While at a glance his post seems passable, upon further inspection they say very little of worth. He waffles on the stickman without ever providing a reason for why he's his posts are just stupid as opposed to scummy, and his Death vote is very weak. While it is true that Death has a lot of noise in his posts, this does not assure that he is scum (especially as the game is still in it's very early stages) and this feels like the logic that has caused loud townies to be lynched for years. And whilst Death's vote is bad, I agree with that at least, where is the scum intent in it as opposed to it just being a poor vote. It seems strange to dismiss stickman for this whilst focusing your attention on Death.

Kelpie's post is difficult for me to follow along with, as I'm struggling to see where their priorities lie at this juncture. Please could you elaborate?

Red Eye >> Knuckles > L1F

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The First Votals

Please note that the votes are not in any kind of order.

Death.. (2): Lucifer's #1 Fangirl, Red Eye

Lucifer's #1 Fangirl (2): Deathbound, Kenji Harima

Scum Goon (2): The Wife, Knuckles on Steroids

The Wife (1): Death..

Red Eye (3): Scum Goon, stickmanramp, Twitter_Famous

Deathbound (1): No Lynch

No Lynch (1): Kelpie

Please SK the hell out of me: RAIDO, Samael

Please actually post: Minerva X

There is <INSERT TIME HERE> left in the phase. 6 players are required to lynch at deadline, and 8 players are required for a hammer (...I think).

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I should like, read Red Eye probably. Honestly dismissed the cases on him because casing someone because they're sheeping is dumb but never actually looked at his actual content too closely. Also will reply to Scum Goon and do other things when I feel like efforting.

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There is 1 day, 13 hours left for phase end. It takes 6 to lynch and 8 to hammer.

Thanks The Wife for the Votals.

MOD DERP but the 33%+1 part only applies to D1. Kinda copy-pasted Mancer's ruleset, oops!

Edited by Bluedoom
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All apologies for having missed the early portion of this game; previous matters have interfered in my ability to participate to the fullest of my ability.

From what I have gathered so far, a number of people are more or less guilty of sheeping some less-than-stellar cases in a rather blatant way, which, in my opinion, is a rather poor and overall scummy method of dodging meaningful content. Of the two people most commonly associated with it, I feel as if, based on the admittedly basic read-through I have done so far, he has stood out as the more suspicious in his 'efforts'.

##Vote: Red Eye

I will have to read over the thread once more in the near future to see if I am able to deduce anything else of particular note.

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[spoiler=Pointless shit read at your brain cells expense]

I'm far more amused by seeing TF defend Fangirl and attack Deathbound actually, knowing that the former voted him and the latter questioned her for it. This is possibly a good slip, as scum usually demerit the votes on them.

I don't see how Fangirl's discourse about not minding being voted and willing to do anything to get out of RVS is a townslip. If anything, it can as well as be a lot of fluff to try to look good so that people like The Wife, who acted rather gullibly at this part for someone who seems so skeptical about the rest, can approve their speech as protown. Other than that, I rather liked her actions to take us out of RVS, even if I disagree with her TF vote (though it was just a reaction test to get out of RVS, so it's fine).

Which reminds me: Deathbound, why is Fangirl scummy? Your case is based on two points: Her being 'self conscious' of her crossvote and her vote on TF. The latter has already been explained and iirc you already said you consider it valid, but you still keep pressing her on behalf of the former. Why couldn't it be just as well as a reaction test and why is it scummy to crossvote someone at RVS? Is her justification not enough?

Anyway, I don't like how Scum Goon criticized Fangirl for her vote, then questioned Deathbound for... criticizing it! I wouldn't call this fencesitting, but having a double standard. His statement was contradictory and honestly means nothing, it looks like you're trying to bring a point here while being redundant. I'm waiting for more content from you, son.

##Vote: Scum Goon

inb4 i am voted for sheeping the wife

inb4 i am voted for being self conscious

inb4 i am voted for being ironic and using strikethrough so much


##Vote: Caknuckles self concious, sheeping, and too ironic.

I was in a fight once irl and we both punched each other. I fell down and then got bored and went home true story

Cool story Brah.

Anyone who votes you for sheeping town and being ironic is dumb.


Sheeping isn't scummy because it draws attention to the fact that a person doesn't have content. Also it DOES help draw associative reads later on so there's nothing wrong with it as long as it is explicit.

This is only true if the person is bringing it to attention and not trying to make it seem like original content. Which is what she did.

Meh, every time I give out a read there's a lot of resistance to it and I'm not sure if it's because I'm correct (and scum is trying to discredit me) or I fucked up somewhere.

It might be both

Didn't reply to this initially because it was another close window post and I had to go cook food and other things (I made enough to pack a lunch for Lucifer too, but I'm kind of embarrassed to give it to him tomorrow, aaaaaaaaaaaaah). Overall a satisfying rebuttal where TF owns up and acknowledges, yet is more than just pure defensive. I give a pass on the attempted claim I saw later that it was sheeping Scum Goon because close post timing, and I know those feels.The confusion made between Red Eye and Scum Goon later is a bit baffling for me though, when they have such different avatars, and I'm slightly confused on their changing opinion of me (going from "props" in #66 to an agreement that I write just heaps of bullshit you don't want to read. I mean, seriously, this isn't even my final form! I should show you the fanfic I'm writing, it's glorious :wub:)All in all though, their behaviour doesn't warrant my continued vote.##UnvoteInitial impressions of The Wife are mostly favorable. I might have to give their posting style a try sometime, just do things one page at a time (or maybe even just significant clump) and post what I have when I have it whenever I find myself behind a number of pages and facing that struggle to catch up. It does come with its own set of inconveniences though... Proceeding along with some direct replies to their posed questions.Kenji is pretty null for me, considering their disappearance. I don't put too much stock in their attempt to paint me with the brush of omgus, because the question of whether or not it was a seriously held opinion. Until more develops from him, I honestly can't say. I have a (bad?) habit of trying to reply to direct enquiries, and I because curious about opinions halfway through typing it. It's not my greatest of contributions, to be sure, but as long as I don't drop to the level of spam or shit-posting, I like to think the more I can manage to get myself to post, the better. Injecting some (apparently not so appreciated) roleplay into things is also how I keep myself entertained, if that was the part you were objecting to.The big thing I disagree with how Wife proceeded was the whole thing with the wincons. As I already snarked at Deathbound for, giving free outs is never something you really want to do. Yeah, it's not the thing that is often going to end up being a deciding factor, but why discard potential tools without even giving them a chance. This is a terrible attitude to have and you should be ashamed for holding it. Activity is always precious. How often do things fall apart in the last few hours of a day before deadline because people have been taking the lax approach of "oh, we have plenty of time." Now, I'm aware that I'm not always on point for being a model citizen of constant posting, I acknowledge my faults and try to work past them. This is just silly, I'll freely acknowledge that my prose can veer towards the purple end of the spectrum (though at least I've not stooped to referring to a certain user as Vermillion Optics, lol! Thanks for putting a smile on my face, and maybe trying to butter me up, but my heart is already spoken for. I need no white knights (nor death knights) defending my honor. This post really does not sit well with me at all. It feels like Death isn't really reading the thread (as I thought the answers to their concerns were already addressed), and their attitude is currently rubbing me the wrong way. For now I feel their content is poor enough to justify a vote.##Vote: DeathActually, I'm honestly getting pretty tired, and there's still a lot more to catch up on (stickman and knuckles, for one, the acclaimed game for the genesis), I think I'm going to have to just post what I have now.

I blame the unintentional white knighting on my BBM level reading skills. I thought the whole thing was addressed to TF which was unjustified at the time. My concerns were addressed until post 94 my vote was made in post 92.

[spoiler=me being aggressive or passive-agressive or wait what's the difference]

I can't give an honest unbiased read on The Wife because fsr I find his avatar/username so funny that I really really want them to be townbuddies with me, but at the same time I have a bad feeling about her that I can't place (but this might be me compensating for the first thing)Apology accepted.Stickman: Scum or just dumb? Currently leaning dumb. His logic makes no sense and he's very narrow minded. However, he's done p much nothing other than hound my case so might be scum trying to look usefulKnuckles: What would you rather someone do when they agree with someone's case and have nothing to add? This is a REAL THING that happens in REAL MAFIA GAMES. Get over this idea that if someone isn't constantly producing new content that they're doing something wrongDeath said he was gonna reread since we're out of RVS but has yet to really do fuck all. See, buddy, this is what I was saying when I said you needed to do shit eventually. Your posts since are half useless and your Wife vote is terribleLucifer can you take a course in technical writing so that your posts aren't so absurdly tldr. FUN FACT: I haven't read your postsWell duh, that's why I called out Twitter Famous on being dumbalso I'm not even trying to hide who I am so I'll be disappointed if you didn't get me after like 2 posts =(Who the fuck am I even voting##Unvote, ##Vote: DeathI don't wanna vote Scum Goon since idk votals and waiting for him to respond, currently think other players might just be dumb so this is my best lead


Actually Lucifer could also be a lead but it feels wrong to vote a guy whose posts I'm not even reading.


It says a lot when I can use a picture to describe how you played this game perfectly. You have votes on you for sheeping, what do you do with your next vote sheep somebody else. Also stop being a major fucking dick. It's not funny for anybody. I enjoy being an ass. I get that it's fun, but cut the bullshit shots at everybody every ten seconds. Like can you go a post without calling somebody dumb. If you wanna dick around, then just dick around no need for the shit you're doing.

I can't give an honest unbiased read on The Wife because fsr I find his avatar/username so funny that I really really want them to be townbuddies with me, but at the same time I have a bad feeling about her that I can't place (but this might be me compensating for the first thing)

Stickman: Scum or just dumb? Currently leaning dumb. His logic makes no sense and he's very narrow minded. However, he's done p much nothing other than hound my case so might be scum trying to look useful

Knuckles: What would you rather someone do when they agree with someone's case and have nothing to add? This is a REAL THING that happens in REAL MAFIA GAMES. Get over this idea that if someone isn't constantly producing new content that they're doing something wrong

Death said he was gonna reread since we're out of RVS but has yet to really do fuck all. See, buddy, this is what I was saying when I said you needed to do shit eventually. Your posts since are half useless and your Wife vote is terrible

Lucifer can you take a course in technical writing so that your posts aren't so absurdly tldr. FUN FACT: I haven't read your posts

Well duh, that's why I called out Twitter Famous on being dumbalso I'm not even trying to hide who I am so I'll be disappointed if you didn't get me after like 2 posts =(Who the fuck am I even voting##Unvote, ##Vote: DeathI don't wanna vote Scum Goon since idk votals and waiting for him to respond, currently think other players might just be dumb so this is my best lead

So of the four people you addressed in this post. You call of them dumb because they wanted to see you post non sheeped material. Yes that is exactly how you convince people of your opinions. I will take notes. Thank you for this lesson senpai. Of the remaining two people you addressed you vote me for the dumbest reason ever. Didn't post after promising to. Yeah I did. Maybe if you read the thread you would've noticed. When all I have to say about the content is that sheeping is not scummy then should I post that like seven or eight times to simulate content, would that appease you mighty overlord. And then you literally admit you aren't fucking reading the thread when addressing lucifer. Hate to break it too ya, you voted her. And apparently without reading her post. Briliant scum hunting.

Any particular reason you're being so particularly impudent Red Eye? Your posts are devoid of any meaningful content, and instead seem to consist of insults and nonsense. Hell, and you just voted Death without providing any sort of justification. Which seems to be a common theme with you.

Probably the most wtf-worthy thing you've said is that you're not even reading Fangirls posts. Analyzing the posts of players is the point of the game.

I don't think your acting as such just for the hell of it either. It seems more like it's intentional. This is a bastard game after all, so it's not entirely out of the question.

I'll have a more comprehensive post in a bit concerning the others, but this needed to be said as soon as I could.

So there's actual content to go through, k.

Page 3

- Death..'s posts/spammage hurts the eyes. Pls no.

- Odd reaction, given that it's not unusual to see RVS votes scattered randomly on actual in-game players and non-players.

- Pot meet kettle. Post in itself does nothing to remedy the issue at hand.

- Post #57 (having some issues linking their posts) = Nitpicking on someone's RVS vote for what appears to be no reason?

- Though I can agree with not liking post #57, this post feels too graspy in itself. Also, the secondary notion wrt Death was kinda unnecessary imo.

- This defeats the purpose of an anonymous game.

Page 4

- Don't really see/agree in the point in this post- easiest pass on "hey contribute please" votes, when prod votes in themselves generally don't do a whole lot for progressing the game. And notions wrt players/anon shizz is getting old.

- Sheeping already? And why gripe about Death posting when there's more than enough time for meaningful content to come from him? (Filler much?) And enough with the "let's figure out the people behind the anon names".

- Post #63: I'm not seeing the whole "I honestly don't mind being voted" as being a townslip, since either side could easily say such a comment (and the logic behind it is likewise reasonable by either sides).

- Don't see/agree with how Lucy's being a tryhard, since a lot of responses are sorta RP/filler comments within the replies and otherwise doesn't seem any far out of the ordinary in terms of #effort.

- Weird buddying feeling towards Fangirl with the comment, and the reasoning behind the vote ("someone taking something seriously") seems weak in itself. The game was already coming out of the RVS state just fine at that point- not much of a bullet to take there.

- Lucy's posts =/= walls, post oozes of laziness, and the Twitter comment seems more like an ad hominem of sorts than anything.

- Wrt this: (As said above) Don't agree with the townslip notion, neutral on the sheeping notion (imo, Sheeping in itself is not scummy, but is an common trait/action/tactic of scum, as sheeping is much easier to do than to actually pull up their own full-fledged case on someone else.).

- Or you could've given town scum's wincon, since one could easily assume Light vs. Darkness regardless of which side/wincon they knew.

Page 5

- Disagree with Lucifer's posts being concise, and whether sheeping is scummy or not is dictated by how it's executed and why.

- I don't fully agree with the Wife notions- the Scum Goon vote seems to be justified due to the amount of "fence-sitting" based on prior posts, though I do feel that the TF vote feels more detached and lacks the backing the former vote had. (And must you still drag on the RVS shizz wrt Manix?)

- "I don't really see why he'd defend me as scum" is a flimsy reason at best; the logic is no better than "X wouldn't say/do Y as scum", in which said action/words can easily be said/done by either side.

- Wrt this: 1. Seems too easy of a town-pass to Fangirl, 2. Though I do not disagree that Red Eye's vote was bad, I feel that the post/explanation of such was borderline excessive, and the notion about "Lucifer's not getting lynched at that point" is beyond given- no one's going to quick-hammer anyone ED1, and the rest just looks like needless fluff. 3. Pot meet kettle wrt "it seems like trying really hard to make L1F a villager/could be buddying" - you said so yourself: "After that first post, L1F is so clearly a villager it hurts". and 4. Waifu notion sounds like you're giving another free pass to go- just because someone's doing something pro-town doesn't mean you don't look into them or ignore any sort of feeling.

- Content itself seems reasonable, but don't care for the padding text at the bottom that's struck out.

Page 6


Actually, I'm deadpan tired, and I don't care to miss stuff while going over it all, so I'm going to sleep and continuing on Page 6 stuffs tomorrow.

Thoughts as of page 6:

- Wife, Twitter_Famous, stickmanramp, and Red Eye ping me atm; don't really like the gut vibes.

- Fine with Knuckles, want to hear more from Death, and unsure about Deathbound.

- Those who aren't alive need to be alive.

And, as a side note to all: Please stop with the player specs, and/or whatever nonsense that goes with it. Kinda killing the element of an anonymous game (even if it is a bastard one), which practically defeats the purpose of the game set-up itself. Even if you do know/find out who someone is/isn't, keep it to yourselves, please and thanks.

Hi blitz.

There is 1 day, 13 hours left for phase end. It takes 6 to lynch and 8 to hammer.

Thanks The Wife for the Votals.

MOD DERP but the 33%+1 part only applies to D1. Kinda copy-pasted Mancer's ruleset, oops!

Wait we only have 13 hours left. Wtf is it 48 hour days. #panixtime.

Also ##Unvote

##Vote: Red Eyes 5(L-3) 1 from deadline lynch. Believe it or not red eyes has contributed less to this game then I have and the attitude pisses me off and town has no reason to act like that. Also, note that sheeping has literally nothing to do with this vote that is not why I'm voting her.

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There is 1 day, 13 hours left for phase end. It takes 6 to lynch and 8 to hammer.

Ha, you almost made me effort with that 13 hours left comment but then I noticed that you were wrong. You should like totally pay attention before you say stuff like that.

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lame THE WIFE is probably not who I thought they were, meaning my incredibly witty HUSBAND joke didn't apply

also I overslept so my time thing didn't work out whoops

@knuckles- Fangirl didn't really abandon the case at all until just now so??? Also yeah sheeping is obviously bad and people should strive not to do it, but that doesn't mean it's indicative of scum intent in all situations. Also wrt Goon- I didn't see his posts as criticizing me and TF as much as just disagreeing with them, considering the qualifying "don't find this scummy"-esque lines he used.

ANYWAYS looking at Fangirl's newest post it's... ok I guess. The Death vote is okay and reasons for unvoting TF seem justified though I still think there's not enough content and too many :words: in the post.

Don't really get Scum Goon's criticism of the Death votes/suspicions. I don't see that anyone is attacking Death for his posting style. People are criticizing the Wife vote for being weak and not really seeming like he's paying much attention to the thread (which I agree with). And poor votes can and often are scum struggling to produce content, so yeah.

I don't really like RAIDO's Red Eye vote, the justification is extremely general, and as he himself said could apply to several people. Can't quite word exactly why I don't like it- I guess maybe that it doesn't really say WHY Red Eye is worse than the other sheeper (who is this other sheeper btw?).

More in my next post, along with a change of vote... probably.

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It slipped my mind before, but I'm also curious as to why Red Eye seemed to consider myself voteworthy when they had made no mention of me beforehand.

Raido's lone post so far seems questinnable. To a certain extent, I feel as if he has forced himself to vote betwen those who have been accused of sheeping so far, rather than looking for the scummiest player (particularly since it is arguable that Raido's case is sheeping itself.) I would like him to come back

I feel as if Death is coasting through the game at the moment. His vote upon Red Eye seems suspect and I get the impression that he is simply attacking the largest wagon, and in the event that he is a member of the Light, he needs to prevent his emotions from skewing his judgement. My opinion on him is worsened due to the sheer amount of spam in his post, and the fact that I am unaware of any suspicions he may have other than Red Eye.

I am currently conflicted between a vote for Death and Red Eye at this juncture. Due to the quickly growing Red Eye wagon...


##Vote: Death

This seems appropriate.

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ok so my next post did not come as quickly as I thought it would

##Unvote, ##Vote: Death

Death's Red Eye posts are Scummy because he:

a) did not explain what happened to WAIFU read

b) votes Red Eye for being a dick, which is a personality thing and not an alignment thing; also being an ass antagonizes town and is therefore not really something scum want to do anymore than town

c) is himself rather antagonistic towards Red Eye (admittedly not as much as him though; also this technically isn't really that scummy but it's still super hypocritical and dumb and makes his argument less valid even disregarding b))

d) after realizing that there are actually 24 more hours than previously realized, did not update with whether or not Red Eye was still most worthy of vote, so personally it looks to me like he's just passing off a vote with less than adequate reasoning as DEADLINE PANIC

e) actually has no content in that last big post other than pointing out that Red Eye is sheeping on voting him, and this is not even a reason behind the Red Eye vote- the rest of it is just commenting on stuff that's not really giving a read on anyone

f) has only actually given reads of any kind on two people in the game

Kelpie's post was mostly ok except for the focus on people player-speccing when nobody is talking about it as more than a joke. Also I want to see his next post for a more in-depth priority and an actual vote for who is Top Scum.

Samael's promised post never came RIP. His one post spent most of the time talking about Red Eye being a dick (though he does correctly point out that Red Eye masks not a lot of content behind the insults). Samael, why do scum want to be intentionally an ass more than town?

Red Eye is weird. I do agree with Samael and Goon that his post was a lot of yelling at people and not a lot of content but I still don't like his wagon because most of the earlier votes are just RED EYE'S SHEEPING while sheeping themselves, and that makes me not want to lynch him as much as others.

stickmanramp- forgot to say, not going to DO ANYTHING but if you're going to talk about how you have a different definition of sheeping than me you should, you know, give that definition. Anyways, not really sure how serious you were being when you said to lynch me after Red Eye (I think you were joking but idk). You also clearly noticed what I said about you saying that Red Eye's vote was pointless but didn't actually reply directly to it- what gives? Also being a hypocrite does indeed make an argument less valid because if you're town and doing A, why is someone scum for also doing A? Also just generally feel like stickman ignored a lot of stuff idk

Death > Fangirl > stickman > Red Eye

I think WAIFU and Goon are town; leaning town on Knuckles but unsure

also now i have to do other stuff so probably won't post for a while

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Sleep is good. Continuing on from my last post.

Page 6

- This post feels more padded than necessary, and the vast majority of the 'reads' on people seem flimsy/weak at best.

- Defending your attackers is something both scum and town can easily do. So why should that affect whether you case someone or not?

- What actual content is here is reasonable, but the rest is needless blurbs.

- Making a post like this = yeah, you're playing the game wrong. That, and the tone is less than stellar in said post.

- This is anything but concise. Points on Kenji/Death are reasonable, but I feel like a mattress just exploded all over this post.

- Lack of effort wrt The Wife (along with poor reasoning), comment/tone towards Death seems unnaturally condescending, and overall doesn't really give much thought towards the rest of the players.

Page 7

- Then stop being lazy and actually read said posts?

- Agreed, but would prefer to hear more than just a blurb on one person (who's already the leading wagon/focus currently).

- The air of arrogance/superiority to the majority of the players here is real.

- And? It's an anonymous game for a reason.

- Waffling over Fangirl and Deathbound- don't really gain much from this post.

- Fair reasoning wrt Scum goon, but the logic behind the mix-up ("scum buddies wouldn't have done said mix-up") = not that great. It's easy to bounce off of buddies in-thread and play things off of each other as scum or town. (And once the first post/mistake was made anyways, what better to remedy it than to interact/laugh over the matter?)

- Except we CAN complain about Fangirl's posts because hers hold enough padding/fluff to fill a mattress store's worth of products in every post.

- Wrt this: 1. Sheeping in general is an effortless action, so does this solely apply to just Red Eye's sheeping, or to others who've also sheeped in any varied aspect? 2. You don't agree with what stickman's doing (and call him out for being a hypocrite); so does this make him scum in your eyes, and does he warrant a spot/mention on your priority? 3. At what point does someone stating "I'm waiting for X's reactions" go from being reasonable to filler/scummy? 4. So does tunneling (as you say L1F is doing) worse/scummier to you than blatant hypocrisy? Especially given prior bias in favor of L1F, what puts her in front of stickman? 5. (Regarding myself) My thoughts on the people were listed at the bottom of the post, and were my thoughts/reads as of up to page 6 (which I started to elaborate on in this very post).

- I feel the effort oozing from this one.

- Singe post, skims the surface of the water and drops an easy vote on the most prominent wagon. Effort = 0.

Page 8

- Reasonable points against Red Eye, and the vote/response to time winding down actually gave him a townie-panic vibe (somehow, I feel scum would be more aware of when the deadline would be, and would have asked buddies prior to posting wrt when the day phase ended).

- Wrt this: 1. And this is why people shouldn't waste time on player speccing. 2. You disagree with Knuckle's and Scum Goon's comments- does this make either of them worse/scummier in your eyes or no? 3. Pehaps it was the lack of #effort in RAIDO's post in general pinging you?

- Wrt this: 1. Does him seemingly voting you out of the blue make you feel worse about him then? 2. Does the fact that RAIDO is voting based on "worst sheeper" make his gameplay scummy or not? 3. Death's vote seemed to result from misreading time left, along with negative impressions from Red Eye and highly questionable gameplay (that I partially agree with) in general. However, he also spoke of Wife suspcion prior, which makes it seem odd that you are only aware of his Red Eye suspicion. In addition- your opinion worsened due to "the sheer amount of spam in his post", which in itself is a bias that's no better than his judgement being possibly skewed by emotions.
And 5."Due to the quickly growing Red Eye wagon..." = You moved your vote (which was ALREADY on Red Eye) onto Death? Had your vote been placed elsewhere (and voting Red Eye would've put him at L-2 or wherever he would be), this would've been an understandable action. However, you clearly still suspect him, yet you take this time to get off his wagon (the reason being = ???) and onto Death instead- this feels more like distancing yourself and/or attempting to boost Death's one instead.

Red Eye > Scum Goon = stickmanramp > Twitter_Famous = Deathbound = The Wife

- This was pretty much the only meaningful/content-filled post Red Eye's made, and even then- it really doesn't even say much in terms of thoughts/reads on people as a whole. Just as guilty of spamming the thread as Death was early on, with an attitude that really sucks. Would lynch 10/10.

- Many gaps/questionable points here and here by Scum Goon, along with odd votes that really don't seem to mesh with the timing/content at each given time. Would consider lynching if the former was not picked.

- Already listed the issues I had with this post, and aside from said post, very little to no content is seen in the rest of stickmanramp's posts. On the same level as Scum goon.

- Despite having a decent amount of posts with Twitter_Famous, there's few to almost no reads on anyone aside from Red Eye (wrt sheeping) and blurbs on Fangirl. Has a feel of lazy coasting with the latest of posts, and doesn't seem interested in putting forth more effort to progress the game.

- Deathbound seemed fairly graspy ED1 on Fangirl, and this post (along with this one) seemed unfocused with the reads/thoughts on people, which makes it hard to pinpoint the priorities/reads. Vote has also been sitting on Fangirl for a while, despite showing signs of finding others just as questionable (if not moreso after the last two posts he's made), which I find odd.

- Some of the content from The Wife (supposed townslip + "I don't think X would defend me as scum") seems flimsy at best in terms of townreading people, and these two posts feel oddly fluffed, and the reason behind not reading Red Eye here is likewise poor.

##Vote: Red Eye

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I LIED slacking more off work

I forgot about Raido; slot him in somewhere around stickman I guess, but would rather not go for a lurker lynch D1.

Kelpie's last post is also mostly decent enough though I don't really know what to say to my Fangirl vote being graspy. My main problem in reading him is that I just don't agree with most of the points (eg Death could easily have inactive buddies, or buddies in a different timezone, or a bunch of reasons he didn't ask). Plus, a failure to lynch isn't much better for scum than town. Or the Scum Goon suspicion- Death's Wife vote was mediocre at best and he seemingly forgot about it when he voted Red Eye, so I'm not really surprised that he focused on that. And spam, unlike being a dick, can be alignment-relevant; see: scum Manix.

The other main issue is that with his minor scumreads (namely on me and Wife) I feel like he focuses on just the bad things they do even when they're little without looking at their posts as a whole. I mean, Wife has a postcount in the high 20s; is 2 fluffy posts indicative of scum? And I didn't agree with the Fangirl townslip either but is that scummy? Maybe if they're buddies but Fangirl isn't in your scumread list.

Speaking of which, Kelpie, what are your opinions on Fangirl? You keep talking about her posts being super fluffy and that people are allowed to complain about that, but I don't see it reflected in your priorities.

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Content with my Death vote, he's still scummy as fuck. Also, how can I be contributing less than you? I'm the center of attention, bby, that means I'm creating reads all over the place just by existing. Goddamn #sosmart

Some people may be reading my previous posts wrongly and thus misinterpreting them. Was I a dick? Yeah, a bit (although it helps if you read everything as tongue in cheek instead of rage-y). But there's still opinions there. I don't think stick is scum, I just think his logic is higly questionable.

Goon: I'm pretty sure I called your original vote on me "bad and hypocritical" which was supposed to signify I thought less townie of you.

I dislike Kelpie's latest posts, since he seems to be ignoring certain facts (like, as Deathbound pointed out, Death kept his vote despite it not being deadline panic like he originally thought).

haha I almost posted this on my non-anon account

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