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Shin Megami Tensei Mafia Day 5


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Content with my Death vote, he's still scummy as fuck. Also, how can I be contributing less than you? I'm the center of attention, bby, that means I'm creating reads all over the place just by existing. Goddamn #sosmart

LMFAO. You've created content. Yeah right and I'm the queen of England. Other people have created content because of you. But they would've done that without you. You have done nothing but be a dick. You haven't produced original content and your "reads" amount to "if you vote me your dumb" or just going with what's popular yeah great content. I voted you mostly because I thought you were being a dick. This post not only confirms you're being a dick, it also makes you look scummier. Pushed for contet:

"I've created content". yeah where. "I'm the center of attention". So what doesn't mean you've made content. "I make reads by existing". So reads wouldn't happen without you. Jesus this is literally wanting coast off of being a wagon. Not starting one being one. In what world does that make sense?

That being said, I'm looking through ISO and will be posting thoughts on each player I just coul not pass up on this comedy gold.

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[spoiler=A lot of posts incoming and I don't feel like making the page a bajillion times longer]Twitter Famous:

Post 52 - RVS not to concerned about this post.

Post 66 - Already said I don't think sheeping is inherently scummy. However I'm not concerned with him because of townies can have differing opinions.

Post 85 - The post between 66 and 85 don't do much for me either way, mostly just explain confusion. Kinda confused on what he thinks about death bound. I do agree that fangirl brought us out of RVS and I think scum would try to perpetuate it so as to limit actual scum hunting.

Post 93 - Kinda confused what his thoughts on wife are.

Overall null. I would like easier to understand scum reads. But I see signs of scum hunting.

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Post 97 - Pretty decent post. Of the Red eye votes his probably the best. Despite being the middle one he actually looks for the scum intent behind sheeping which, as far as I can tell, the others didn't attempt to do. This post makes me think he's town but, the next couple post don't do a whole lot for me. So for the most part Null leaning Town. I would like to see more posts before I make any full out conclusions.

Also let's cover the easy ones while I'm at it.

Me: Clearly town.

Red eyes: Already addressed why I think he's scum and it would require a significant change in attitude and posting to sway this.

Minerva: Exist please.

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[spoiler=Samael and RAIDO]

Samael has existed a lot. Would like to see posts.

RAIDO has existed about the same amount, but he still manages to have arguably the worst red eye vote. His vote doesn't have a whole lot of backing. He votes the worst of the sheepers which isn't a great reasoning. Null maybe scumy again need more to actually come to a solid decision.

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The confusion made between Red Eye and Scum Goon later is a bit baffling for me though, when they have such different avatars, and I'm slightly confused on their changing opinion of me (going from "props" in #66 to an agreement that I write just heaps of bullshit you don't want to read. I mean, seriously, this isn't even my final form! I should show you the fanfic I'm writing, it's glorious :wub:)

Its not changing opinions. Its a favorable opinion on your actual content with a negative opinion on your fluffy posting style.

Stickman: Scum or just dumb? Currently leaning dumb. His logic makes no sense and he's very narrow minded. However, he's done p much nothing other than hound my case so might be scum trying to look useful

Knuckles: What would you rather someone do when they agree with someone's case and have nothing to add? This is a REAL THING that happens in REAL MAFIA GAMES. Get over this idea that if someone isn't constantly producing new content that they're doing something wrong

Death said he was gonna reread since we're out of RVS but has yet to really do fuck all. See, buddy, this is what I was saying when I said you needed to do shit eventually. Your posts since are half useless and your Wife vote is terrible

Lucifer can you take a course in technical writing so that your posts aren't so absurdly tldr. FUN FACT: I haven't read your posts

Well duh, that's why I called out Twitter Famous on being dumb

also I'm not even trying to hide who I am so I'll be disappointed if you didn't get me after like 2 posts =(

Who the fuck am I even voting

##Unvote, ##Vote: Death

I don't wanna vote Scum Goon since idk votals and waiting for him to respond, currently think other players might just be dumb so this is my best lead

I'm confused by your mention of scum goon in this post? You don't mention a read on him, but say you don't want to vote him because not knowing votals. So you find scummy and would vote him otherwise? Of course not knowing votals was dumb anyways because Goon wasn't even attracting a ton of votes to be worried about that. What?

The fangirl is the one who got the game out of RVS, which is kind of townie. I guess, maybe. People should actually explain their town/scumreads (in general, really) on her

Would like to hear other opinions on Deathbound

If you read past annoying RP fluff she actually has thoughtful legit scum hunting content. Really onlt complaint would be she dropped my case p. easily but that makes sense if it was mostly to get out of rvs.

For Deathbound I thought he was not using his brain much in the beginning. However, his posts have improved and he is one of my top town reads for the effort he is putting into the game.

All apologies for having missed the early portion of this game; previous matters have interfered in my ability to participate to the fullest of my ability.

From what I have gathered so far, a number of people are more or less guilty of sheeping some less-than-stellar cases in a rather blatant way, which, in my opinion, is a rather poor and overall scummy method of dodging meaningful content. Of the two people most commonly associated with it, I feel as if, based on the admittedly basic read-through I have done so far, he has stood out as the more suspicious in his 'efforts'.

##Vote: Red Eye

I will have to read over the thread once more in the near future to see if I am able to deduce anything else of particular note.

This is probably my least favorite post of the whole game outside of rvs. If you have such a basic read, is a vote really necessary?



null so far on Stickman, Knuckles, and Goon.

Unsure on WIfe and Death. I didn't like Death's vote on wife. But his more recent content is better. (Those huge yellow letters are obnoxious though) WIfe seems to lack confidence, but I can't tell if thats just who they are or what. Liking Kelpie, but holy butt such long posts.

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[spoiler=Why so many people not exist?]

No lynch: Exist please.

Scum Goon: Not thrilled with the vote in 65 as I have said before. However post 133 is very townie IMO. He brings up decent points about Knuckles and L1F. Also his post 146 isn't horrible. Though I do disagree about a quick growing red eye wagon. I think 5 votes in 36 hours isn't very quick. Overall I'm fairly sure he's town.

Also TF I don't get an option. If I intentionally don't follow the PR day 1 I get modkilled.

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Now that I have time to sit down and read Kelpie's musings properly, I find myself unhappy with her. In my opinion, it feels as if she is doing her best to attack as many posts as possible to the point that I am becoming paranoid about it. Whilst this could be dismissed as townie paranoia, the fact that Kelpie seems to have avoided stating any post whatsoever that she has agreed with or feels like came from a townie's mind makes me lean more towards her being a mafia member who is slinging as much suspicion onto others as she can.

In response to points specifically addressed to me:

(Page 7)

1) Red Eye's sheeping is the worst for reasons I have already explained. He puts in no effort to further examine his suspicion or even state what points Deathbound made that he had agreed with, showing a blatant lack of effort.

2) I do believe that the stickman is scummy; his absense in my lynch priority was as a result of interuptions whilst I rewrote my post, leading me to forget his existence. Had I remembered, he would have been one of my lower priority scumreads.

3) When the reasoning provided for the vote is otherwise faulty or otherwise fairly weak (as was the case here) to the point that supposed prodding for content appears to be filler.

4) To say that I thought L1F was tunneling is a blatant exaggeration. What I said was that he had posted was that L1F's vote focused too heavily on playstyle, not that he was tunneling. The fact that you have managed to confuse these when it was clearly not the case makes me frown.

(Page 8)

1) Red Eye has not voted me; please pay more attention to such matters in future. But I believe the implication that I found his comment suspicious was obvious regardless.

2) Again, the answer is obviously yes. Just because I feel the need to not explicitly state that an act is scummy does not mean the implications are not there.

3) The fact that I could not recall his prior suspicion on The Wife reinforces my point rather than weakening it. The amount of time remaining in the phase has nothing to do with this. Also the idea that the majority of the post was in fact not spam is laughable.

4) You missed one.

5) I changed my vote in order to further pressure Death. Red Eye already had four others after his head, so leaving the vote on him would make no difference. Your theories for why I would switch away as a member of the Darkness are grasping and are dependent upon associations with players who are still alive, rather than looking at more realistic options for why I may consider changing my vote.

The fact that there are so many holes in her suspicion of me (as well as a fair amount of nitpicking) reinforces my prior thoughts about the slot.

Red: the person who's vote you called "bad and hypocritical" was Twitter Famous, not myself. Have you managed to confuse us? That point aside, I feel much more comfortable with that post as a whole. His explanations appear genuine and his fury feels like that of misrepresented town rather that a mafia member.

Death's response to said post on the other hand is absolutely horrible and simply feels like a futher attempt to smear the slot and portray him as coasting. His opinions on other players are shallow and easily faked, with the word "null" appearing far too often for my own comfort.

Death > Kelpie > Various others whom I don't care enough to prioritize.
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I'm still happy with a Red Eye lynch, if for no other reason than "s/he makes me angry" (although I will stand by what I said earlier)

L1F is obviously village because jumping in and immediately being confrontational isn't something that wolves do; if anything the anti-village play there would have been to sit back and let RVS continue to muddle onwards for as long as possible. FWIW I didn't think the vote itself was spectacular but the overall effect on the game was inherently pro-village.

Someone tell me where the wolf intent is in the rest of their posts because I'm not seeing it

Pot meet kettle wrt "it seems like trying really hard to make L1F a villager/could be buddying" - you said so yourself: "After that first post, L1F is so clearly a villager it hurts". and 4. Waifu notion sounds like you're giving another free pass to go- just because someone's doing something pro-town doesn't mean you don't look into them or ignore any sort of feeling.

On a more serious note "you're a hypocrite" isn't actually a defense

I suppose you could be not-so-subtly trying to say that I'm a wolf, in which case I invite you to vote me

stickmanramp- forgot to say, not going to DO ANYTHING but if you're going to talk about how you have a different definition of sheeping than me you should, you know, give that definition.


Anyways, not really sure how serious you were being when you said to lynch me after Red Eye (I think you were joking but idk).

If I had a dayvig I would dayvig anybody who ever questioned me!

You also clearly noticed what I said about you saying that Red Eye's vote was pointless but didn't actually reply directly to it- what gives?


Also being a hypocrite does indeed make an argument less valid because if you're town and doing A, why is someone scum for also doing A?

This entire reasoning falls apart in the scenario that I'm a wolf

Also just generally feel like stickman ignored a lot of stuff idk

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[spoiler=Knuckles and L1F and Kelpie]

Post 98- Not really impressed with the scum goon vote. I agree with his opinion that L1F isn't auto cleared simply because she got us out of RVS but I do think its a plus in her favor.

Post 109 - Nothing particularly outstanding either way. Null

L1F: The TF vote was graspy but it was RVS everything is graspy. A lot of RPing. As I already said the vote on me isn't horrible but it's not baseless. I think she got the time of the posts mixed because as I said my concerns were not addressed by the time of my vote. Solidly townie.

Kelpie: Now those are walls. But I agree with most if not all of what he said. And I do see genuine scum hunting.

Solidly townie.

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Death is kind of giving me wolfy vibes as well; the actual posts are okayish, I guess, but the whole thing about "Please note that this Red Eye vote has nothing to do with the sheeping" seems like taking unnecessary precautions to cover one's ass.

Nope not what I was doing. I'm pointing out the fact that it's not based on sheeping so when people chose to say I'm voting her because she was sheeping I can go back and call them stupid for it. I know this is gonna happen. And I will not miss my chance to justifiably call somebody stupid.
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I missed Twitter Famous' post and feel and I feel as though he should better explain his vote on Raido, as I feel as though it is impossible to follow.

He admit multiple time that he didn't get as really deep reading of the thread and makes a imo shallow vote from it. I feel like in that case not voting but sharing initial opinions is more justifiable and makes more sense. It doesn't sit right with me.

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I still don't feel as though you've explained the actual scum intent behind his actions with that? How does any of what you said make Raido a mafia member?

Death's preemptive defense doesn't better my opinion of him in any way.

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Using a shallow vote with excusable clauses around it allows flaking on the vote later. I see that as potentially scummy.

I see posting initial basic reads over multiple people as a more townie action in his circumstances, even if those are extremely basic reads. However, voting is valued and thus if you at least come in and make a vote, a lot of people will think you're at least trying. In very early rvs this makes sense, but not now when the before mentioned action would add more to the game.

So, I guess I see it as scum reaction to not being able to be active versus town reaction to not being able to be active.

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Using a shallow vote with excusable clauses around it allows flaking on the vote later. I see that as potentially scummy.

I see posting initial basic reads over multiple people as a more townie action in his circumstances, even if those are extremely basic reads. However, voting is valued and thus if you at least come in and make a vote, a lot of people will think you're at least trying. In very early rvs this makes sense, but not now when the before mentioned action would add more to the game.

So, I guess I see it as scum reaction to not being able to be active versus town reaction to not being able to be active.

This is about RAIDO? Correct?
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Overreacts to L1F early. Also is very correct in post 59. I was enjoying being an ass. Still kinda am. Now Deathbound was pivotal in bringing us out of RVS but I have some problem with their post.

Post 61 wasn't great. Endorsing RVS post over something getting us out of RVS isn't townie. It's very Wolfy (oh god look at what you people've done) not wanting the game to progress.

Post 64 confuses me. Because I am not smart. But in my vast 19283 game experience I have never seen scum try to pass something off as a reaction test.

Post 79 I don't agree with the logic behind the self concious aspect. Predominately because scum would be sure to remove those aspects. No problem with the rest of the post.

Post 102 once again bad. Says the red eye "wagon", which at the time consisted of three people if I remeber correctly, is mostly sheeping. Two votes were posted in the same minute and as such neither could be sheeping. And as said earlier Stickmanramp's vote appeared to be based off of scum intent from sheeping rather than the sheeping itself. Aside from the comments about the cases on Red eye I don't really have any problems with the rest of the post.

Post 104 my wife vote was weak. But the rebuttal was weaker. How do you explain that something doesn't exist when it doesn't exist. Would it be "hey the justification doesn't exist, because she never gave it". I didn't say the justification was weak, which would make what Db said valid, I said it didn't exist. And nobody disproved me might I add.

Post 144 no problems here. I definitely agree with the RAIDO thing.

Post 147

a) that will come in due time (read next post)

b) I do admit a good amount of that was more so me just being angry at him, off topic here but this part which may seem useless is actually very important to my vote on Red Eye before post 150. My original vote was a lot of being mad at him for being very rude and beligirent. I will address this in full latter though.

c) This is true and I apologize to Red Eye for that.

d) Kinda was driving home so I don't see how I could update my thoughts so this part was useless.

e/f) Why were these not point a and b? They were perfectly valid points. Were being the key word as I have just given reads on the vast majority of the game so far.

The problems with this post though come after his pretty good case on me.

Still obsessing over fangirl. Why? I don't know. Seems to really be pushing Red Eye as Guy Who Got Wagones instead of actual scum. Because???

Post 149, yeah kelpie should focus on the bad, that's how people scum hunting. But kelpie might've been going a bit far with it. I just don't see any scum intent in him doing so. Also everybody should know who I am, and saying spam is an allotment tell requires meta. Which is the opposite of Anon games.

Also he keeps getting trolled by Stickmanramp.

So yeah third scummiest.

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Running errands, fun times.

[PEDIT: Apparently Deathbound had posted this right as my other post had gone through, so will be taking that into consideration.]

Kelpie's last post is also mostly decent enough though I don't really know what to say to my Fangirl vote being graspy. My main problem in reading him is that I just don't agree with most of the points (eg Death could easily have inactive buddies, or buddies in a different timezone, or a bunch of reasons he didn't ask). Plus, a failure to lynch isn't much better for scum than town. Or the Scum Goon suspicion- Death's Wife vote was mediocre at best and he seemingly forgot about it when he voted Red Eye, so I'm not really surprised that he focused on that. And spam, unlike being a dick, can be alignment-relevant; see: scum Manix.

The other main issue is that with his minor scumreads (namely on me and Wife) I feel like he focuses on just the bad things they do even when they're little without looking at their posts as a whole. I mean, Wife has a postcount in the high 20s; is 2 fluffy posts indicative of scum? And I didn't agree with the Fangirl townslip either but is that scummy? Maybe if they're buddies but Fangirl isn't in your scumread list.

Speaking of which, Kelpie, what are your opinions on Fangirl? You keep talking about her posts being super fluffy and that people are allowed to complain about that, but I don't see it reflected in your priorities.

1. I actually quoted/responded to the majority of Wife's meaningful content/posts (ignored the whole wincon blurbs and other minor/non-game-relevant comments), so I went over what I did and didn't agree with Wife's gameplay/posts as a whole, not just focusing on what was wrong/bad. The only thing that matters to me is that there's enough of the bad to warrant having him as a lower priority read currently.

2. I'm unsure as to whether it's fully a scummy move or not: Fangirl isn't on my scumlist currently, but that doesn't nullify the possibility of buddying nonetheless. The issue I have with it is the nature of utilizing the "townslip" to basically throw someone under the radar in general, given the statement that either side (scum or town) could've easily used. (Seems too easy of a method to clear someone.)

3. For me, Fangirl's a sticky read. I've seen a fair amount of valid points/cases (which I've already linked/agreed to in other posts), but at the same time, I don't like the padding aspect of said posts. Perhaps they're just going overboard with the RPing, which is what I initially felt, but if it gets to the point to where I am unable to read/pull out the content from her posts (or if the quality of the points/cases presented decline as a result), then there is a problem. So currently, Fangirl's a null for me.

I dislike Kelpie's latest posts, since he seems to be ignoring certain facts (like, as Deathbound pointed out, Death kept his vote despite it not being deadline panic like he originally thought).

For one, I never mentioned whether Death did or didn't keep his post- I spoke of what I thought of his reaction/vote itself. So I don't know what the problem is?

That, and all things considered, it's been made pretty damn clear that he's set on you, Red Eye, so why is the fact that he hasn't changed votes bad/odd for Death to do?

Now that I have time to sit down and read Kelpie's musings properly, I find myself unhappy with her. In my opinion, it feels as if she is doing her best to attack as many posts as possible to the point that I am becoming paranoid about it. Whilst this could be dismissed as townie paranoia, the fact that Kelpie seems to have avoided stating any post whatsoever that she has agreed with or feels like came from a townie's mind makes me lean more towards her being a mafia member who is slinging as much suspicion onto others as she can.

In response to points specifically addressed to me:
(Page 7)
1) Red Eye's sheeping is the worst for reasons I have already explained. He puts in no effort to further examine his suspicion or even state what points Deathbound made that he had agreed with, showing a blatant lack of effort.
2) I do believe that the stickman is scummy; his absense in my lynch priority was as a result of interuptions whilst I rewrote my post, leading me to forget his existence. Had I remembered, he would have been one of my lower priority scumreads.
3) When the reasoning provided for the vote is otherwise faulty or otherwise fairly weak (as was the case here) to the point that supposed prodding for content appears to be filler.
4) To say that I thought L1F was tunneling is a blatant exaggeration. What I said was that he had posted was that L1F's vote focused too heavily on playstyle, not that he was tunneling. The fact that you have managed to confuse these when it was clearly not the case makes me frown.
(Page 8)
1) Red Eye has not voted me; please pay more attention to such matters in future. But I believe the implication that I found his comment suspicious was obvious regardless.
2) Again, the answer is obviously yes. Just because I feel the need to not explicitly state that an act is scummy does not mean the implications are not there.
3) The fact that I could not recall his prior suspicion on The Wife reinforces my point rather than weakening it. The amount of time remaining in the phase has nothing to do with this. Also the idea that the majority of the post was in fact not spam is laughable.
4) You missed one.
5) I changed my vote in order to further pressure Death. Red Eye already had four others after his head, so leaving the vote on him would make no difference. Your theories for why I would switch away as a member of the Darkness are grasping and are dependent upon associations with players who are still alive, rather than looking at more realistic options for why I may consider changing my vote.
The fact that there are so many holes in her suspicion of me (as well as a fair amount of nitpicking) reinforces my prior thoughts about the slot.

1. I started out with Page 3, because of RVS shit and that's where real content of any sort started. The preference to be thorough over blatantly overlooking posts/points is what prompts me to do so.

2. It's generally implied when I agree with people's points/cases (unless otherwise stated) that it's coming from a non-scummy view-point. I've also listed a few people as having had townie reactions/vibes, so I fail to see how I'm "only slinging as much suspicion onto others as s(he) can".

(Page 7)

1. Yeah, he sheeped. Using someone else's case/points and validating a vote on said person as a result based on what another person (not themselves) have said. Lack of effort generally happens when people sheep others' cases; that is given. I asked if your point/case wrt sheeping thus falls on anyone else as a result, since I figure more than a few people have been sheeping throughout this game (and what makes one case of sheeping different from all the rest?).

2. Seems odd to 'forget that he existed', since you still remembered/had him in the post itself, but didn't end up in the priority? (Preview Post OP?)

3. Knuckles voted you for what he believed to be a contradiction/double-standard wrt Fangirl, so in that sense, I feel his vote is fairly valid. That, and prompting you for an explanation (along with his vote) seems like a pretty generic response/post? (If/when you vote for someone, it's natural to await their reply as to further gauge their responses and/or further/alter the case and points against them. I personally see no issues with how he played it out.)

4. The "tunneling" aspect that I was referring to was (as you said): "he is too focused upon Death's posting style being bad as opposed to scummy.", not to full-blown tunneling in general. Sorry if the wording was poor.

(Page 8)

1. Once again, mistakes are grand (as is misreading)- thought Red Eye had voted you (and not just talked about it).

2. Acceptable.

3. You being able to recall who states what case bears little influence on whether someone has or hasn't presented multiple cases or not against other people (personal memory < in-game posts and actual content). Secondly, I never stated/implied that he hasn't spammed a lot (I said so myself in prior posts), but it's the fact that he spammed and created a stronger bias in your mind as a result is what I was referring to- that bias in itself is (in effect) similar to that of if Death had indeed responded towards Red Eye out of emotional bias. What makes one bias (both of which are actually valid, given Red Eye's gameplay/performance) okay, while the other is not?

4. I'm good at counting.

5. Death was 2 votes under Red Eye (and so you basically put Red Eye/Death both at 3 as a result). One more vote (with the votal count + how much time we still had left) really doesn't apply a whole lot of "pressure" moreso onto Death than before you vote swapped, and all it did was relieve Red of one vote on him. I fail to see what was actually accomplished in the vote swap, and this is why I got more of a distancing/odd vibe than anything from your post/vote swap.

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The preemptive defense was poor as it comes across as self-conscious and as an attempt to shut down any potential attacks made on you using that point.

I suppose Twitter Famous' attack is passable, but I can't say I agree with the conlcusion he has drawn.

From what I can see, there was only one point your last post where you declared you had a townread on another player. That hardly refutes my point.

1) If I haven't identified a sheeping vote specifically, the odds are that I haven't found the action suspicious.

2) This has already been explained; I was unable to complete the post in one sitting and as a result I lost my train of thought.

3) I have already refuted his case and explained why it is a weak one. Please read my posts.

3) I disagree, this is very important. The fact that his vote was unmemorable conveys just how weak it was, which makes Death even more suspicious. I don't feel as if you've understood this point at all.

5) Then i suppose we shall have to agree to disagree.

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I got Goon and Twitter confused. That's actually really shameful, going to commit sudoku. Twitter is the guy that's second-ish

Kelpie, the problem is that his "town reaction" is canceled out by the fact that he made later actions that made it seem like it was less a "UH OH NEED TO SECURE A LYNCH" and more a "UH OH NEED TO SECURE A NOT-ME-OR-MY-SCUMBUDDIES LYNCH". He did not step back and reassess his vote, instead he kept insisting I am scummiest even though he'd given no indication of such thoughts prior to his alleged panic vote.

In fact, go read Death's iso to see his case. He never once calls me scummy (he questions me but doesn't call me scummy) until he decides to vote me in "deadline panic" and then decides to turn it into a full case when Wife calls him out, but he has no case it's just "Red Eye is mean so he must be mafia also he's doing less than me." If he thought I was scum before his vote he would have brought up his lines of questioning BUT HE DIDN'T. He says stickman is probably town and has the best vote on me, except stickman also voted me for sheeping he just claimed it wasn't. The problem people have with sheeping is that they are sorta not contributing and not really showing opinions of their own, which is p. much what stickman voted me for (excepting he said it wasn't sheeping so Death thinks it's legit). The best part is that he 180S ON MY SHEEPING BEING SCUMMY, saying that

This is only true if the person is bringing it to attention and not trying to make it seem like original content. Which is what she did.

in response to Wife defending my sheeping (it's possible he's not referring to me here but it doesn't make sense to refer to Wife in third person when he's responding to her). So is it scummy or is it not? If it is, why does your vote on me have nothing to do with it? Why is it never brought up again?

Death saying I am not doing anything is bullshit since all he's done is ask questions with no followup, complain at people about nongame related things, give a super lazy vote on Wife (seriously you waited til we were out of RVS for this?), then decide I'm not doing anything and vote me. Puh-leez.

I am a pretty easy wagon because I'm making posts in a certain manner that can be a bit offensive but isn't really supposed to be because it's facetious and stuff (although that one post was probably over the line so w/e).

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