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Introduce your Kamui!

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Hello! So, as the name of this thread implies, this is a thread for you to introduce your Kamui/Corrin/OC, whoever! Here, you can share (but are not limited to):

  • Name + a picture of your avatar (though the Kamui Customizer app is currently overloaded so this might not be possible unless you've already made one and saved the image beforehand) EDIT: Thank you for giving me an alternate link, Thor Odinson! You can make your avatar and save the image using this: http://luminescentblade.github.io/KamuiCustomizer/
  • Their skills
  • Spouse
  • Class
  • Route taken
  • Personality description
  • Theme music, voice options, personal critical quotes, anything! I'm just curious as to what people made of their avatars.

Just as a quick note, here's my fem!unit for the Conquest route:


Name: Aila

Birthday: either mine (November 19) or April 24

Strength: Skill

Weakness: Luck?

Spouse: Niles

Description: Aila is truly a gentle soul at heart, but can come off as a bit of a nag or a worrywart at times. She is incredibly nurturing and devoted, which is a great factor in why she decides to stay with Nohr. A bit of a dreamer at times and can overreact or overthink worst case scenarios and end up becoming incredibly reclusive and lost in her own thoughts without voicing them aloud at all. Truthfully, the reason she devotes herself so much to others is because she dislikes herself and dwelling on her own qualities, as she believes she is unworthy of the praise of a noble compared to her siblings. She and Camilla are alike in that aspect, so Aila often seeks her for comfort. Enjoys music and stargazing very much and is prone to telling white lies.

Crit Quotes:

"You made me do this!"

"You, are DONE!"

"For those I love!"

"Die for me!"

"Shall I dig your grave?"

Edited by interconnecteddream
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Hello! So, as the name of this thread implies, this is a thread for you to introduce your Kamui/Corrin/OC, whoever! Here, you can share (but are not limited to):

  • Name + a picture of your avatar (though the Kamui Customizer app is currently overloaded so this might not be possible unless you've already made one and saved the image beforehand)

Use http://luminescentblade.github.io/KamuiCustomizer/. The appspot one just exists for legacy reasons. I learned to put anything without a backend on github instead these days.

(which reminds me I'll need to get to coding expressions on to Robin at some point)

Anyway my one custom Cornflake, as much as I don't like canon!Corn, I suffer from compulsive character design syndrome and had to do something. Remember that gay comic I drew where Ryoma and Xander class changed into Bride and got married? It's her.

Name: Kengetsu (figures I'd use a JPN name for BROSHIDO SQUAD)


- Res

Canon Portrait:


Custom Design:


Route: Revelation. How else is Ryoumarx getting married?

Class: Dread Fighter. I was gonna go Blacksmith for the shredded 8 pack but hidden weapons won me over.

Spouse: Tsubaki ingame because he's pretty but really, I don't even treat her as having one. All your waifus are trash.

Skills: Most of them. Skill collection is just a bit under Ryoma but Ryoma has basically everything so

Notable Traits:

- Buffer than you

- Sunglasses all the time even indoors

- Fucking ripped

- Doesn't look at explosions

- Do you even lift scrub

- Probably caused the explosions

- Does 58x2 to the final boss

- Has a grenade launcher that shoots shurikens. 15 mt shurikens. Iron Shuriken +7.

- Kengetsu has an 8 pack

- Tryna get the bros married so she can take their armies for world domination

- Kengetsu is shredded

- What a meme shit

I am a completely serious person, totally

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Name: Gabriel

Spouse: Beruka

Route: Conquest

[spoiler=Conquest and Revelation spoilas] Bio: A simple man despite his rough upbringing, Gabriel loves the country of Nohr and would never betray it. Despite this, or maybe because of it, he attempts to reform Nohr via political methods only to fail, and as such, he goes along with the invasion of Hoshido in order to end the war with as few atrocities as possible. After the war, he helps rebuild Nohr, and becomes one of King Xander's personal tacticians alongside Leo. Instead of being the son of Ananakos, Gabriel is the secret son of my Awakening avatar and Tiki.

Theme song:


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Here are my SUPER exciting Corrins:

Name: Corrin, Corrin, Corrin, Corrin, Corrin

Skills: +Str/-Lck, +Str/-Lck, +HP/-Lck, +Mag//-Lck, +Str/-Lck

Appearance: Default with dark purple hair, default with light pink hair, default, default with lilac hair, default with pink hair

Spouse: Silas, Niles, Leo, Hinata, Leo

Class: Hoshidan Noble, Nohr Noble, Hoshidan Noble, Hoshidan Noble, Nohr Noble

Path: Birthright, Conquest, Rev, Birthright, Conquest

Personality: Default, default, default, default, default

I just can't see Corrin as anything other than what the game gives us, really.

To be more interesting I'll throw in my kid's Corrin:

Name: Anya

Skills: +Str/-Lck

Appearance: 'Purple hair and a cool scar across the nose'

Spouse: 'Maybe I'll marry Elise. Because I like Elise.'

Class: Dragon fighter, duh

Path taken: Conquest, 'because my Hoshidan siblings are a little odd'

Personality: 'I like purple'

Crit lines: 'It's over! Alright!'

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So here's my crappy OC in all her self-insert Mary Sue glory, complete with terrible skills:


She's got the fox tail accessory because I absolutely hate the gourd thing the Oni Chieftan outfit comes with.

She's a Nohr girl all the way, but with a Hoshido class because Berserkers don't have pants in this game as a show of respect for her homeland. In game, she's married to Silas, but that was a huge mistake and if I ever run through Conquest again, it'll be Benny or Niles instead. Or Charlotte if I can figure out how to get the f/f patch running by then, we'll see.

I'd imagine her to be a fairly levelheaded and clever person, as well as having a certain knack for tactical thinking despite the whole sheltered-upbringing thing. Unlike default loves-absolutely-everyone Corn, though, she's kind of icy and standoffish, and not very outwardly emotional except for when she's angry. She's also fairly snide, and critical of everything, including and especially herself. (effectively, she's me but actually good at things)

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You should not have asked this. I had too much fun with this.

[spoiler=Character Bio]


Name: Canicus (Nohrian name); Kagutsuchi (Real name)

Birthday: August 12
Age: 19 years old
Retainer(s): Jakob, Silas and Shura
Significant Other(s): Jakob, Silas and Shura
Route: Nohr
Class: Dragoon – An infantry unit decorated for outstanding battle capabilities, likened to dragons of old for their power. Proficient in wielding lances.
Boon: Magic
Bane: Resistance
[Personal Skill] Devil's Luck When four enemies are adjacent to unit, grants +30 Hit and +50 Avoid when engaged in combat.
Sentinel – Grants +10 to resistance and +10 to defense when the "Wait" command is used.
Wrath – When HP is 50% or lower, +50 to critical rate during all encounters.
Wary Fighter – Neither this unit nor enemies in combat with him can use follow-up attacks.
Impale – Allows user to inflict (4*DMG/2) to a selected enemy unit. Activation Rate = (SKL/2)%
Maximum Stats
HP 60 | STR 35 | MAG 39 | SKL 40 | SPD 28 | LUK 28 | DEF 35 | RES 25 | MOV 6
Personal Weapon
Muspelheim – A magical lance wreathed in flames, once belonging to the previous king of Nohr.
Rank E | MT 11 | HIT 85 | CRIT 0 | AVO 0 | RNG 1-2 | WORTH 0 (Can only be wielded by Canicus. Avoid +15 and +5 Resistance when equipped. (SKL)% chance of halving enemy’s resistance upon successful strike.)
Canicus is described to be an unsociable and aloof individual, often seen with a sharp, sneering scowl marring his features. When not staved off by his searing glares, he deters those brave enough to speak to him with curt, blunt words, full of condescension and scorn. Despite this, Canicus is noted to have an indescribable magnetic charm that can captivate many—but he is more than likely to drive off anyone foolish enough to approach him.
He can be a rather impatient young man that often has trouble recognizing the smaller aspects, sometimes making quick, shallow decisions based on a moment. As well, he is ill-tempered and domineering, taking distinct glee from seeing another broken before him. Combined with his competitive and vengeful nature, it makes for a rather unrelenting man that will become fixated on a problem or slight until it is rectified in a way that he prefers.
Canicus is a surprisingly deliberate individual, manipulative and intent when he has his sights set. He is knowledgeable on many subjects due to studying, observing and his draconic heritage amplifying his comprehension and understanding. While he is not as tactically or strategically inclined, he prides himself on his martial strength and physical abilities. When leading his troops into battle, he takes on a more level-headed and composed persona, demanding absolute obedience from his subordinates. However, when in the midst of chaotic battle, he becomes consumed in the fighting, growing savage and uncontrollable—focused on proving his superiority and prowess over his peers and enemies alike.
Beneath his cruel and seemingly conceited mask, Canicus is a rather fragile, insecure, lonely and suspicious person, afraid of being tossed away or betrayed by those close to his heart—as few as that may be. His feelings for his retainers are intimate and somewhat odd, bordering on a balance of comrades, master/servants and lovers. He clings desperately to his retainers, attached to them with severe possessiveness and dependency. He grows agitated when they are too far from his side and is often plagued by thoughts of being separated from them in any manner; Canicus struggles with abandonment and often has trouble expressing exactly how he feels towards his retainers. In spite of this, the feelings he holds towards them are strong and their bond is one that is unbreakable by any.
He has a deep seated hatred for Hoshido for abandoning him in Nohr. In particular, he loathes the king, Sumeragi.
-He is voiced by Crispin Freeman.
-He killed Lilith when she was an injured bird. He cremated her and threw the ashes at one of Garon's children.
-His favorite fruit are peaches. Once a year, he sends Shura on a journey to secure a crate of them from Hoshido.
-He knows how to play the shamisen from his time in Hoshido. While in Nohr, he learned to play the piano.
-The only people within Nohr that know his true name are his retainers and Garon.
-He has an aversion to women due to the childless concubines of Garon attempting to use him for their own gain during the ongoing Concubine Wars.
-He has canines that are longer than the average person's.
-He still cries at night for his mother.
Level Up Quotes
0-1 – "How pathetic..."
2-3 – "Still not enough..."
4-5 – "To be expected."
6+ – "This feels so good..."
Capped – "I am the most powerful in Nohr!"
Class Change – "No matter the skin, the insides remain the same."
Duel Support Quotes
"In need of my assistance...?"
"I will keep you safe from harm!" (When supporting retainers only)
"You cannot lose with me here."
"I suppose I could lend a hand."
Duel Strike Quotes
"You're open!"
"Once more!"
"Eyes on me!"
"Did you forget about me!?"
Duel Guard Quotes
"Pay. Attention."
"I won't save you again."
"Who do you think you're hitting!?" (When supporting retainers only)
"Strengthen your defenses!"
Victory Quotes
"On your knees!"
"Sleep tight."
"How weak!"
"You never stood a chance."
Critical/Skill Activation Quotes
"Ashes to ashes!"
"Douse yourself in flames and REPENT!"
"You cannot win!"
Retreat Quote
"Grr...! I'll bow out in a show of flames, only to return stronger!"
Defeat Quote
"It seems...that my luck has finally...run...out..."
Death Quote

[spoiler=Character Theme and Battle Music]

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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Name: Erwin (Official Title Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel)

Class: Nohr Noble/ Basara

Route Taken: Nohr

Personality: A calculated but caring tactician from an Outrealm far removed from the reality of the situation.

Boon/Bane: Clever/Sickly

Skills: Unsure, Quixotic probably among them

Spouse: Erwin has a family in his point of origin, so unless he can make all of his soldiers happy before himself, he will most likely end up celibate.(This means I will probably pair myself either last or with someone who can't have S with anyone other than Corrin.)

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Actually I felt like it so I doodled Kengetsu from my earlier post with an updated design:


i don't usually posts in threads like this if i have nothing to offer but this is my favorite character

can i adopt her or something

it's beautiful i love it

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Name: Jasmyn

Strength: Quick

Weakness: Unlucky

Skills: Awakening, Galeforce, Life and Death, Vantage, Spendthrift

Class: Great Lord

Spouse: Jakob (no one knows why a sweet girl like her is with a jerk like him but she is sorta possessive in a way and likes Jakob is different and truly kind to her and only her)

Personality: I imagine her to be sweet and kind, sorta like Sakura. She's quite strict on herself and hates messing up, she's envious of those who can let loose and loves those who can only be described as mad or with a darker side. Her sweet appearance fools others, while she is a sweetheart, on the battlefield she is quick, stealthy, and slightly aggressive, knock her down enough and she'll only get tougher on herself and will come back stronger and deadlier (awakening). She prefers to fight alone, when fighting with others she carries the guilt and worry of risking the life of her allies for her protection, she feels stronger on her own and knows she has her own back (Galeforce, she feels stronger on her own which allows her to move twice, a way she had to adapt to fighting more of her own and making sure she has her own back). She hates seeing her friends and allies get hurt and even if the situation has nothing to do with her she still ends up feeling as if it was her fault, this has caused her to be a bit more withdrawn. She seeks the approvals and compliments of others and feels lost and doesn't know what to do without them which doesn't always go well with her being more withdrawn. In the end she cares deeply for her family and would do anything to protect them, the same goes for all her allies and friends.

Edited by Shadow0809
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Actually I felt like it so I doodled Kengetsu from my earlier post with an updated design:


holy shit this and your last post were absolutely incredible im crying i can't believe original corn evolved to this that's so funny I WOULD ALSO LIKE A SHURIKEN CANNON

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holy shit this and your last post were absolutely incredible im crying i can't believe original corn evolved to this that's so funny I WOULD ALSO LIKE A SHURIKEN CANNON

I based Kengetsu's personality off of a Stereotypical Action Movie Badass and they tend to have grenade launchers

and then I'm like, wait, since she's +str with full str statues and has a max forge shuriken does it mean they just like, make things explode

and then shuriken launchers happened

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Thor first off, your Corrin makes me insanely gay. Like holy shit.

Also @Sai Crispin Freeman +1. We should have our Corrins fight 1v1.

Anyway here's the Corrin I'm using for my FEFates rewrite I decided to make a profile for.


Name: Fubuki, still called this in Nohr. Everyone knows she's an outsider.

Birthday: December 25th

Age: 18

Relatives: Azura (older sister), Arete (mother), Mercury (father), Mikoto (aunt), Takumi (cousin), Sakura (cousin)

Gender: Female

Route: Custom (let's say a middle route like Revelations)/Hoshido (if/when i play as her in the game, but for this sake let's keep it on the fanfic side)

Class: Nohr Princess -> Gray Noble

Retainer(s): Jakob, Flora

Significant other: Oboro fight me canon

Alignment: Lawful Neutral, but develops into a clear cut Neutral Good human being.

Personality: "She exists." That is, she has a somewhat stunted emotional growth due to the Concubine Wars she was a part of. Being the last in her family (that she knows of) she has a low self esteem but tries to remain as perfect as possible to stay in the castle and prove to Garon she's nothing but an asset. Fubuki tries to keep herself as non-mysterious as possible and answers any questions anyone asks, but people tend to assume she can't explain any of her history, a thought she finds confusing. Has a drowsy visage due to being plagued by an extreme lack of sleep. Has an almost apathetic look on her own life, noted in battle she fights without care for herself, and essentially doesn't care whether she dies or not. Despite all of this apathy, she does have a side that rarely comes out unless she is talking to the siblings, children, or animals. Late at night people have noted hearing her sing quietly in Elise's room, or reading a book in silence with Leo, allowing her hair to be brushed by Camilla, or even train with Xander. This will extend to the Hoshido family as time passes - feeding the tenma with Hinoka, learning to swim with Ryoma, playing board games with Elise, and eventually even Takumi and her can be seen taking walks and discussing more pleasant dreams they've had.

History: Camilla's mother murdered Arete and Azura with poison while the murderous matron locked Fubuki in a chest, hoping she'd lose air and suffocate. She lasted in there for around 3 days before Xander eventually found her. Garon was no fan of her, but begrudgingly kept her in the castle to pay respects to Azura, Arete, and Mercury (who by that point had been dead for years.) The trauma kept her from socializing with anyone unless they practically forced themselves to do it, with the side effects having her be one of five to survive the concubine wars - her, Xander, Camilla, Leo, and Elise. Due to her b Camilla, out of regret for her mother being the one who ruined her life, tries to make it up to her by acting like the big sister to her. This has mixed results, but enough that Fubuki took an attack by an unknown traitor that resulted in a crater in her face, leaving a massive scar down the right side of her face and rendering that eye useless. She gets along decently with Camilla, Leo, and Elise, but is rather distant to Xander. Not out of want, but due to Xander's... well, constant working. When she finds out about having family still in Hoshido, well, fate starts to change rapidly in front of her...

Critical Quotes: "May you pass quickly!"

"Don't close your eyes!"

"Time for your final bow!" (yeah, I know, an Azura quote, but they're sisters)

"Pray for a God to spare you - I won't!"

"You weren't fast enough!"

Other: Voiced by Kari Wahlgren, aka Saber (https://youtu.be/u-idET8DfXg?t=3m31s an example)

Not as dreamy bara as Thor's avatar, but has a decently muscled core and arms.

Favorite foods are pomegranates and beef. Severely allergic to lobster.

Hopelessly terrible with tomes and bows.

Wears Azura's pendant, which she keeps concealed under her armor.

Wears a modified version of the Nohr Princess outfit - the cape is attached by a piece of shoulder armor to her, well, shoulder and is smaller and shorter, and wears a bodysuit under it that goes down to her knees to prevent the battle panties.

Despite her being apathetic to death, is afraid of dying by heights.

Is a decent singer in her own right, but lacks the magic of Azura.

Secretly seen attempting to take small kittens and puppies home.

Edit: omfg i actually forgot the song(s)



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Let's dig up some old files...
[spoiler=Canon Avatars]


Corrin, Cavalier // Nohr Noble, +STR, -RES

Route: All (Nohr -> Birthright -> Revelations)

Spouse: Azura

Birthday: Feburary 19th

Skills: Dragon Fang, Draconic Hex, Draconic Ward, Hoshidian Unity, Nohrian Trust

Nohr Description: Corrin, the man torn by blood and loyalty. At the decisive crossroads, Corrin decides to side with Nohr, but even after he made the decision, some dark omen seems to linger in the back of his mind...

Hoshido Description: What if Corrin chose a different route, that of Hoshido instead of Nohr? Lingering images remain in his memory, as if he was in some dream world just a few moments before. Yet, why is there still that sense of dread?...
Revelations Description: After witnessing the horrors of war on both sides, Corrin now sees his true path. He refuses to align with either kingdom and seeks to seize his own destiny.
"Azura, I am coming. Please, just wait for me..."


Anya, Cavalier // Dark Blood, +SPD, -RES

Route: Nohr, Revelations

Spouse: Xander

Skills: Dragon Fang, Aether, Draconic Hex, Charm, Awakening

Nohr Description: Anya, the girl who has only known the world within the borders of Nohr. While she cares for her blood relatives, there must be a better way to stop the war than just fighting against Nohr's invasion...

Revelations Description: Seeking an end to the conflict, Anya goes back to the Branch of Fate. Desiring not to see the outcome of her birthright, she sets out on her own to claim peace between the two warring kingdoms.

Isamu, Samurai // White Blood, +STR, -MAG

Route: Hoshido

Spouse: Hana?

Skills: Dragon Fang, Astra, Duelist’s Blow, Swordfaire, Hoshido

Description: Blood and Honor are two values instilled within the young Isamu. Even while within the kingdom of Nohr, he yearned to return home to his birthright. Now, he has that chance, but at what cost?...


Kamui, Hoshido, Priestess // White Blood, +MAG, -LCK

Route: Hoshido

Spouse: Ryoma?

Skill: Draconic Ward, Counter, Magic Counter, Swordfaire, Renewal

Description: The little princess Kamui shares many similarities to her kin in Hoshido. She is also shy and reserved, much like Sakura.

[spoiler=Original Characters]


Notes: This is a hybrid of my avatar character as well as a fleshed out OC. I made the mistake of going back to the You in Fire Emblem Awakening topic and started adapting the character for Fates, but managed to stop myself before going full overboard...

[Main File] Marcus, Cavalier // Dark Knight, +MAG, -LCK

Route: Revelations

Spouse: Gameplay - Ophelia // Canon: None

Gameplay Skills: Dragon Fang, Speed Drain, Tomefaire, Nohrian Trust, Bold Stance

Canon Skills: Aether, Lethality, Swordfaire, Tomefaire, Speed Drain

Personal Skill - Forsaken Vow: During battles, damage +5, damage received +5 (A weaker Life or Death)

Roster Description: A stranger from the Outrealms. While a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, he tends to keep to himself and enjoys the simple wonders of nature. Writes and reads poetry. Born May 7th.


- Duskfall (Unique Weapon - Weapon Rank: E Swords, Might: 11 Hit 75, Crit 15, Avoid 10, Range 1-2, Worth: 0, Marcus Only, Magic Weapon)

- Eclipse (Unique Weapon - Weapon Rank: E Tome, Might: 10 Hit 85, Crit 0, Avoid 0, Range 2-3, Worth: 0, Marcus Only, Uses both STR and MAG against foe's DEF and RES)

- Elixir

- Talisman

Stats Modifiers
55 32 31 28 27 31 34 30 (Dark Knight Base)
+5 -2 -1 +2 +2 -2 -2 +2 (Modifers)
Support Options:
- Avatar, Royal Siblings (More or less the usual support conversations)
- Laslow, Selena, Odin (They will be surprised by Marcus' appearance, as they have interacted with him before in Awakening.)
Notice: Marcus cannot achieve S supports and shares the same conversation with either Avatar.
Ending: The Shattered Wanderer
"After the war as over, Marcus reportedly settled down near the border of Hoshido and Nohr and lived in on a luxurious estate. However, after some time, the estate was found to be abandoned and in disrepair. The fate of the man himself is unknown.”
Level Up Quotes:
- 0 to 1: “Things never change, do they?”
- 2 to 3: “A modest development.”
- 4 to 5: “Apparently I still have much to learn.”
- 6+: “Hmm, it feels like I’m breaking mortal limits…”
- 0 to 1, capped: “I am merely human, this power is sufficient.”
- Class Change: “Let’s try something else…”
Battle Quotes:
- Critical Hit
-- “You should have reconsidered…”
-- “You have met a terrible fate…”
-- “Farewell, and good night…”
-- “Do not fear, Death is near…”
- Defeated: “I have been bested...”
- Story Death: “And so it ends. I was such a fool to believe…”
- Death: “I see Death, and it cannot wait. Alas, I…”
- Retreat: “It seems I had made a miscalculation… I must take my leave.”


Crystal, Truth, Lance Fighter // Holy Lancer, +STR, -MAG

Route: Revelations

Spouse: Gameplay - ??? // Canon - None

Skills: Aether, Astra, Lethality, Quixotic, Hoshido

Description: Said to be reincarnation of an Einherjar that assisted a famed Grandmaster, Crystal searches for a way to assist him once again. Some say she provides the power of foresight, gaining knowledge on enemy soldiers, battle terrain, and battlefield events before the true battles are fought.

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I'v never talked much about my Kamui here mostly because I hadn't thought through it very much so I'll put what I can.

  • Kamui (references are sketches and not from the game)
  • http://imgur.com/bWDkxSj

  • http://imgur.com/JipwV51

  • Skills: Mostly rally skills
  • Spouse: Marks
  • Class: Dark Blood
  • Route: Nohr (for this one)
  • Description: I headcanoned her as a Dancer!Kamui but since the option isn't available, it is why she's a Dark Blood with the Rally skills. I imagined her as very quiet but never weak. I didn't change Kamui too much though, she is still very naive. Her design is a combination of default Kamui/dancer/manakete aesthetics.
Edited by Hatsuoki
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I based Kengetsu's personality off of a Stereotypical Action Movie Badass and they tend to have grenade launchers

and then I'm like, wait, since she's +str with full str statues and has a max forge shuriken does it mean they just like, make things explode

and then shuriken launchers happened

i...i would not have it any other way that's so perfect. can your corn star in an action movie i'd pay real ca$h money

on another note, these are all so creative! i love seeing what you guys are doing with kamui/corrin's original design and making it your own :D i think to add to my avatar Aila: (because some of these inspired me to make extra notes!)

  • She loves raspberries. She also loves spicy foods but can't actually eat them, she only pretends she can stomach it because she doesn't want to lose to Leo's palate. (she really wants to surpass him even though she's older)
  • Aila would most definitely be voiced by Erica Mendez! Using her gentler voice, of course. (youtube doesn't have a lot of good examples but this could be one? https://youtu.be/XBrMdz_r-z4?t=5m50s also 8:12 mark in that same video)
  • Absolutely cannot stand slugs. They're just so slimy and... uck.
  • She is, however, fond of sheep and frogs.
  • The type of lover to dote on her significant other like no one else. Her favorite thing is to tuck their head under her chin and hold them there for a while and pet their hair.
  • Though she knows how to play the flute, she isn't very good at it. Her practice sessions are pretty horrible.
  • Still makes pinky promises, but rarely and never around Xander. (He'd surely scold her for being immature.)
  • Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b6ah-2l5pw
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i...i would not have it any other way that's so perfect. can your corn star in an action movie i'd pay real ca$h money


i would watch my own corn in an action movie too

Also Omega Yato being a chainsaw is hilariously perfect

Also you know those action movie duffle bags full of weapons

that's the convoy

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Use http://luminescentblade.github.io/KamuiCustomizer/. The appspot one just exists for legacy reasons. I learned to put anything without a backend on github instead these days.

(which reminds me I'll need to get to coding expressions on to Robin at some point)

Anyway my one custom Cornflake, as much as I don't like canon!Corn, I suffer from compulsive character design syndrome and had to do something. Remember that gay comic I drew where Ryoma and Xander class changed into Bride and got married? It's her.

Name: Kengetsu (figures I'd use a JPN name for BROSHIDO SQUAD)


- Res

Canon Portrait:


Custom Design:


Route: Revelation. How else is Ryoumarx getting married?

Class: Dread Fighter. I was gonna go Blacksmith for the shredded 8 pack but hidden weapons won me over.

Spouse: Tsubaki ingame because he's pretty but really, I don't even treat her as having one. All your waifus are trash.

Skills: Most of them. Skill collection is just a bit under Ryoma but Ryoma has basically everything so

Notable Traits:

- Buffer than you

- Sunglasses all the time even indoors

- Fucking ripped

- Doesn't look at explosions

- Do you even lift scrub

- Probably caused the explosions

- Does 58x2 to the final boss

- Has a grenade launcher that shoots shurikens. 15 mt shurikens. Iron Shuriken +7.

- Kengetsu has an 8 pack

- Tryna get the bros married so she can take their armies for world domination

- Kengetsu is shredded

- What a meme shit

I am a completely serious person, totally

wtf thor why is your Corrin bangin'

Thor first off, your Corrin makes me insanely gay. Like holy shit.

Also @Sai Crispin Freeman +1. We should have our Corrins fight 1v1.

Anyway here's the Corrin I'm using for my FEFates rewrite I decided to make a profile for.


Name: Fubuki, still called this in Nohr. Everyone knows she's an outsider.

Birthday: December 25th

Age: 18

Relatives: Azura (older sister), Arete (mother), Mercury (father), Mikoto (aunt), Takumi (cousin), Sakura (cousin)

Gender: Female

Route: Custom (let's say a middle route like Revelations)/Hoshido (if/when i play as her in the game, but for this sake let's keep it on the fanfic side)

Class: Nohr Princess -> Gray Noble

Retainer(s): Jakob, Flora

Significant other: Oboro fight me canon

Alignment: Lawful Neutral, but develops into a clear cut Neutral Good human being.

Personality: "She exists." That is, she has a somewhat stunted emotional growth due to the Concubine Wars she was a part of. Being the last in her family (that she knows of) she has a low self esteem but tries to remain as perfect as possible to stay in the castle and prove to Garon she's nothing but an asset. Fubuki tries to keep herself as non-mysterious as possible and answers any questions anyone asks, but people tend to assume she can't explain any of her history, a thought she finds confusing. Has a drowsy visage due to being plagued by an extreme lack of sleep. Has an almost apathetic look on her own life, noted in battle she fights without care for herself, and essentially doesn't care whether she dies or not. Despite all of this apathy, she does have a side that rarely comes out unless she is talking to the siblings, children, or animals. Late at night people have noted hearing her sing quietly in Elise's room, or reading a book in silence with Leo, allowing her hair to be brushed by Camilla, or even train with Xander. This will extend to the Hoshido family as time passes - feeding the tenma with Hinoka, learning to swim with Ryoma, playing board games with Elise, and eventually even Takumi and her can be seen taking walks and discussing more pleasant dreams they've had.

History: Camilla's mother murdered Arete and Azura with poison while the murderous matron locked Fubuki in a chest, hoping she'd lose air and suffocate. She lasted in there for around 3 days before Xander eventually found her. Garon was no fan of her, but begrudgingly kept her in the castle to pay respects to Azura, Arete, and Mercury (who by that point had been dead for years.) The trauma kept her from socializing with anyone unless they practically forced themselves to do it, with the side effects having her be one of five to survive the concubine wars - her, Xander, Camilla, Leo, and Elise. Due to her b Camilla, out of regret for her mother being the one who ruined her life, tries to make it up to her by acting like the big sister to her. This has mixed results, but enough that Fubuki took an attack by an unknown traitor that resulted in a crater in her face, leaving a massive scar down the right side of her face and rendering that eye useless. She gets along decently with Camilla, Leo, and Elise, but is rather distant to Xander. Not out of want, but due to Xander's... well, constant working. When she finds out about having family still in Hoshido, well, fate starts to change rapidly in front of her...

Critical Quotes: "May you pass quickly!"

"Don't close your eyes!"

"Time for your final bow!" (yeah, I know, an Azura quote, but they're sisters)

"Pray for a God to spare you - I won't!"

"You weren't fast enough!"

Other: Voiced by Kari Wahlgren, aka Saber (https://youtu.be/u-idET8DfXg?t=3m31s an example)

Not as dreamy bara as Thor's avatar, but has a decently muscled core and arms.

Favorite foods are pomegranates and beef. Severely allergic to lobster.

Hopelessly terrible with tomes and bows.

Wears Azura's pendant, which she keeps concealed under her armor.

Wears a modified version of the Nohr Princess outfit - the cape is attached by a piece of shoulder armor to her, well, shoulder and is smaller and shorter, and wears a bodysuit under it that goes down to her knees to prevent the battle panties.

Despite her being apathetic to death, is afraid of dying by heights.

Is a decent singer in her own right, but lacks the magic of Azura.

Secretly seen attempting to take small kittens and puppies home.

Edit: omfg i actually forgot the song(s)




My Corrin would win.

Also, is there a reference I was supposed to get?

I'v never talked much about my Kamui here mostly because I hadn't thought through it very much so I'll put what I can.

  • Kamui (references are sketches and not from the game)
  • http://imgur.com/bWDkxSj

  • http://imgur.com/JipwV51

  • Skills: Mostly rally skills
  • Spouse: Marks
  • Class: Dark Blood
  • Route: Nohr (for this one)
  • Description: I headcanoned her as a Dancer!Kamui but since the option isn't available, it is why she's a Dark Blood with the Rally skills. I imagined her as very quiet but never weak. I didn't change Kamui too much though, she is still very naive. Her design is a combination of default Kamui/dancer/manakete aesthetics.

Your Corrin is so adorable~! Did you draw those yourself!? I love them!

I'm so jealous of ya'll being able to draw. Stop doing it so good (pause?) and give me your abilities.

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My Corrin would win.

Also, is there a reference I was supposed to get?

Well, no... but there is a voice actor in Fate/Stay Night you are familiar with.


Also loving all of these Corrins.

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Yes, that is her name

  • Spouse: Kaden
  • Class: Hoshido Noble, second class Mercenary line
  • Route taken: Revelations its the main file, since she didn't liked the idea of destroy one of her two families and really wanted to make them one big family
  • Personality description: She is crazy to the point that nearly everyone think that she is over sugar all the time, but actually she isn't that much into sweet stuffs, the crazyness is natural. She is very active and sometimes she ends looking a bit creepy because of it. She also have bad sense of humor.
  • Theme music, voice options, personal critical quotes, anything! : Voice is the more mature the game have, and build the smaller.

I actually don't think that much about Corrin, I like to think about other characters more. But yeah, I think of her as a crazy person, she actually followed everyone telling them to get two childrens after the weddings, for example she said to Leo in the day of his wedding "Now have two childrens" , she said the same to Takumi and made him angry. So basically, she try to convince everyone to have two childrens... Why? Because she is crazy! And she actually have two childrens.

She is all very sensitive to loud noises and can hear small sounds, something she have for being half dragon. That make her to hate loud noises and it's always scolding Takumi for shouting in front of her face.

She loves Kaden a lot, and give him lot of hugs because of how fluffy he is, and play a lot with both Kana and Selkie. And after Kana became sad for not having a tail like his father and sister, she bought one of the fox tail accesories for him and for herself... She also try to keep everyone happy and learn more about them


She didn't consider Silas his best friend and actually find him a bit creepy for auto proclaiming to be her best friend

Edited by SniperGYS
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