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Lunatic Birthright PMU? Lunatic Birthright PMU.


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Played until I beat chapter 7 today, I think it took 11 turns. I turtled alot with Rinkah tanking most of it, she could nearly one round a lot of the enemies with the raider axe. I've decided I'll be using some unpicked units, mostly the spouses of the units I'm actually using, until either I've filled out my team or I got whatever marriage/friend class change I needed out of them.

Because I currently have only one character who is currently their picked class (and can't even attack for that matter), I'll be using characters in their base class until they can change.


Hopefully this is "cuddly" enough. I've always wanted to try a Fire Emblem game with the healer as a lord, though it would be pretty impractical like it's already being for me.


The MVP of chapter 7. With Jakob as a pair-up next to Sakura she took no more than 7 damage from the strongest enemies. Going to miss this when she turns into a much squishier Samurai.


I can tell she's not going to be easy to level once she's a Ninja, I'm going to need a little luck with her levels to get her going properly.


She was a Master of Arms on my first playthrough, so I already know what to expect, decent damage and good speed with no durability at all.

I got Saizo & Orochi, though I don't know if I should promote the former to a Dark Falcon before he learns Poison Strike. I guess the decision is up to me as this is my run and all.

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Kind of big update incoming. I played up until I got to chapter 10 before really putting in effort for supports for class change & children, I figured I might as well knock them all out at once. So far everyone is has now reclassed to their proper forms through lots of skirmishes, they didn't gain much experience from them and most lost their weapon ranks through class changes so it's not unbalancing things that much. From now on I'm only going to be using picked units, though if a forced unit is in a fight or two I'm not going to make a fuss.

Here are the units so far:




(bit of an unrelated note, but the moronic changes to Imgur made posting these take four times as long)

Cuddles: She's shaping up to be a better Elise, except that unusually low Res

Sakura: Pretty terrible not going to lie, it's going to take a lot of effort to make her somewhat viable (and this is with a Dragon Herbs)

Rinkah: She went from having great defence as an Oni Savage to a worse Hana, I'm a bit worried about her

Hana: Nothing much to say other than I think she's a bit Str blessed

Saizo: Very well rounded, though I hope his Mag improves seeing as Orochi is my only other source of that currently

Orochi: The Witch class hasn't done much for her Spd growth yet, but she's pretty durable at this point

Hinoka: Good stats hindered by not being able to attack, she'll be much better once she's a Maid

Azama: My current MVP and will probably remain that throughout the rest of the game unless he gets awful levels

Oboro: She's a better Oni Savage than Rinkah was, hopefully she stays that way

I'll try to get some of the children next, but the promoted units in those chapters hurt a lot so I might delay that for a while if it's too troubling.

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Everyone is promoted, I figure this is a good time to update. Doing the children's chapters early wasn't as tough as I thought, though I had to cheese Dwyer's chapter due to the promoted enemies rushing me harder than I could turtle. Currently at chapter 17, the difficulty is starting to become more Lunaticish. Luckily my units are all at least somewhat viable so any difficulties are from the game itself rather than struggling to make use of anyone.

Here are the updated units:






Cuddles: In spite of her good stats I've still been mainly using her for healing, the E in tomes isn't helping either

Rinkah: Isn't hitting as nearly as hard as I want her too though she can kinda take a hit to make up for it

Sakura: Turning out really well actually, her passable Mag allows her to use the Flame Shuriken well enough

Hana: Great strength but could use a bit more speed, she's pretty boring compared to my other units so I don't have much to say

Orochi: She one shots any non promoted unit, she'd be my best unit if she could reliably double

Saizo: Pretty dissapointed with him from far too many two-three stat levels, though in spite of that he still has the highest stats out of anyone

Hinoka: Poor damage but passable Mag makes her still useable, she'll probably be one of the first to get benched on the lower deploy maps

Azama: Still amazing, actually so good he's been benched for a few battles to give other units use

Oboro: Blacksmith has done wonders for her durability, and the two seal abilities is a really nice bonus

Kaden: Decent enough Strplus an usually high amount of health compared to everyone else makes him one of my more unusual units

Dwyer: One of my best units, his good Res and Darting blow from his mother makes him the best unit I have to charge ahead and tank everything

Caeldori: She's basically like Dwyer but with damage over defence

Asugi: Was quite mediocre as a Diviner but looks very promising as a Basara, though he's also suffering from his father's lame levels

Hisame: Probably the worst unit I have, the only thing he does kind of well is take hits, and in spite of giving a Dragon Herbs he still has the lowest stat total on my team

I want to go more indepth with this playthrough, maybe include a log of every individual battle but I think it's too far in for me to start doing that. I'll do a Conquest PMU some time after this, I'll try harder to be more engaging with that one.

Edited by Ozarhok
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Have Hisame run pell-mell into groups of physical enemies. Assuming he gets low enough, he'll have the first shot at them on EP.

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Well it's been a whirlwind of a journey but I've finally completed it. The game didn't pick up until the last six or so chapters and that's where I had to treat it like an actual hardmode, so some units were put on the sidelines for a lot of the maps while I had to play defensively so that my unusual team could survive. Unfortunately due to my playstyle I didn't get to priortize some of the units I wanted too. And I kind of cheated on Endgame by changing Corrin Cuddles into her regular class and I used Azura once, but I really didn't feel like doing the near hour chapter over and I got off a Hexing Rod on the final boss at a 30% chance.

Here are the final stats of all the characters, minus the levels they got from the Endgame of course:






Cuddles: She was the main healer so she didn't get much battle, she was alright in fights but too fragile and couldn't magic tank like other Valkyries are kind of known for.

Rinkah: I was a bit dissapointed with her combat initially so I paired her with Oboro for a while. Though she was my best dodge tank and was very crucial to handling the middle part of Chapter 25.

Sakura: Her damage was too low so she pretty much just used the Flame Shuriken. She's great at killing armored units and weaker mages but not much else.

Hana: After a while she really couldn't catch up, and her poor defenses made it hard to even try to do so, so she was mostly pair-up fodder and for finishing off weakened enemies.

Orochi: One of the best units I had, she either one shot or nearly killed every late game enemy, being able to position with warp almost made up for her terrible defenses

Saizo: The biggest dissapointment on my team, he never seemed to get more than three stats a level. Though he was my only flyer and his pair-up bonuses worked great with Orochi so he wasn't useless.

Hinoka: She didn't have enough strength to damage anything so all she did was heal, and she wasn't even really good at that.

Azama: My best unit, he was basically Ryoma with defence. I'd send my team down one path and he'd go down the other and he'd kill everyone who engaged him.

Oboro: My best tank, and probably the best tank you can get in Birthright, this game would've taken at least a day longer to beat if I didn't have her walling or luring enemies.

Kaden: He kind of did combat well, but a lot of people needed healing so he usually finished up the weaker enemies if that.

Izana: Pretty much pair-up fodder exclusively for Azama, not to say that he was useless, the Lodestar stats worked well with him.

Dwyer: One of my best units and third best tank, he fell off during Endgame due to his lack of speed but then I got the idea of not sending him against Berzerkers and he was good again.

Caeldori: Really started to fall off once she hit level 20, got terrible levels and I don't think she even got off an Aether. She was usually paired up with Oboro or Dwyer.

Asugi: One of my better offensive units, a good mage killer with spears and a good armor killer with tomes, though the armors did a good job of killing him also.

Hisame: Wasn't that good of a unit, he wasn't good at dodging and his offence was terrible. Only use I ever had was as a back up tank if and he could barely survive that sometimes.

This was mainly a learning experience for me for how I want to do a playthrough topic. My next one will be updated more frequently; either on a chapter or daily basis and probably contain screenshots from the chapters.

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