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FE: Wings of Courage


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Name: Leon

Race: Branded(Raven mother, Beorc Father.)

Class: Myrmidon

Affinity: Wind

Country: Gallia

History: His mother had once been A commander for the Kilvan army. However she relinquinshed her command and status in favor of her betrothed, A Daein soldier. They lived in Daein happily until the mad king's acension when laguz were hunted there. Leon's mother was found and soon slain and his father fled with his newborn child to Gallia ,the last place he could turn. Upon arrival, garbed in bloodstained clothes and a heavy heart, His father relinquinshed his son to a beast tribe man. "My son...Leon...Please watch over...him..." Leon's father uttered. with those word's his last he passed away. Years passed and Leon grew into a fine young man, trained in the ways of the sword. Pit against his adoptive Tiger laguz father he was quite a swordsman. He awaits the day he can enact his vengenace on the royal house of Daein, because of what Ashnard had did to his family.

Personality: He is quiet usually but will talk to those that want to talk, much to his dislike.Due to spending his whole life only knowing one person he comes off as a bit rude at times, And he doesn't really like being around others. Even so he will always be there to help those that need it.


Sorry for this being so long...

Any how here is what he looks like! (Ignore, the right one, he is the left one!)


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Hey can I get in this






Weapon Level:Sword S



Speed:Whatever max is







HP Growth:85%

Strenth Growth50%

Skill Growth60%

Speed Growth80%

Magic Growth40%

Defence Growth45%

Resistance Growth35%

Luck Growth45%

You do realize you have a 440% growth total there,right?That`s obscenely high,you should cut it down to like 300 - 350% total.

Also,edited my profile into my first post

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Sasunn: You submitted a myrmidon after I had enough...maybe change his class. His sprite makes him look like an archer. And if I add him I'll change his name to Reon because I already have a Leo, just to make the names different enough.

EddiesEgo: History too confusing, why would somebody be exiled for training recruits?

Ether: Is it ok if he's a halberdier?

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Sasunn: You submitted a myrmidon after I had enough...maybe change his class, everything else is good.

EddiesEgo: History too confusing, why would somebody be exiled for training recruits?

Ether: Is it ok if he's a halberdier?

sry i was really tired when i posted that . i'll think of a better one. History isn't my forte....

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Sasunn: You submitted a myrmidon after I had enough...maybe change his class, everything else is good.

EddiesEgo: History too confusing, why would somebody be exiled for training recruits?

Ether: Is it ok if he's a halberdier?

Since your asking,I guess that means I`ll join rather early?(lol third tiers in 1-5)

Sure,that`s ok,so long as I`m joining early.

Also,I made a stat sheet for my character.Base stats are there,and growths are in brackets

Lv.5 Halberdier

Hp:38 (70)

Str:20 (60)

Mag:6 (0)

Skl:21 (45)

Spd:22 (60)

Lck:11 (30)

Def:20 (60)

Res:12 (30)

Just so you know,I made this with the original SE template,taking class bases and adding 15 points,as well as + 3 for every level(So in my case,+ 27 total).

As for the growths,I just took a 350% growth total and worked from there.

Edit:Added my Hawk bonus

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I think I have enough brandeds, and I'm getting too many males...

Does this refer to me? I'll be fine with changing him to a beorc. Also i'll probably just change the history of him entirely due to said change.

Sasunn: You submitted a myrmidon after I had enough...maybe change his class. His sprite makes him look like an archer. And if I add him I'll change his name to Reon because I already have a Leo, just to make the names different enough.

That's what I get for picking a class that alot of people love! Would changing him to a swordmaster cut it? ;) If not i'll modify the sprite to make him look more like a theif or something...Maybe a merc/hero if that's class that you are doing. Worst case scenario, you could use him as a main enemy if you like him enough and he could be a swordmaster through means of that. (i'll modify him a little to make him fit this role if you'd like...) If this becomes the case then i'll be more than happy to make another playable character, Rather a Female one due to your lack of them...and a possibility of relations between the two of them ;) , provided you are okay with what i've proposed.

Well that's about it...Hope i'm not throwing too much onto your plate! Good luck!

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This project isn't going to last.

Maybe you can show proof that you can do everything.....

Gee...that's encouraging... <_<

Any way i was playing around with sprites and here are some updates/add ons i did after heeding your previous post, Orange dragon. Hopefully this will be a little better.


Quick explanation of all of them, The top left most one is a more regal appearance of the Original sprite i sent in earlier. To the right of him is a evil appearance that i experimented with after proposing making him evil. under him is a sprite of his sister i suppose in a more adventurous garb, and to the left of that is a more regal garb for her also. finally the bottom 3 are just different versions of the evil brother guy. Small modifications like a smaller collar, a softer look e.g. not angry/evil and the original sprite i handed in.

If you like these i suppose i could make a more detailed history and such with them. Didn't want to start it yet without knowing how you wanted to do this.

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Sasunn: A thief would be great. An idea I have: maybe make his sis a raven, thus making them half siblings?

Short on ravens, I presume? ;)

Regardless i'd be okay with that. To clear things up/get things straight, BOY(TENTATIVE NAME) is a branded? if so then that mean that the father/ mother was a raven that mated with a human and a laguz, right? That being where the half sibling came into play. Sounds a little weird, Doesn't click right to me...Maybe they could be lovers? That's a relation. The girl could be a raven and the guy could just be a beorc or whatever. Their story could be something like this...I'll work on the names later... :facepalm: ...I'm thinking that the lover status would happen throughout the course of the game...

Theif guy is like an Ex-daein soldier (Explains the dark armor) turned theif once he learns that daein has gotten a new monarch like before. not wanting to relive what happened during the Mad king's war and be drafted again he leaves the country severing ties to his homeland and living a free life, traveling from country to country in search of work. (More so a robin hood kind of theif...Due to his homeland's quarrels with royality he has grown to dislike it.)

Raven girl is like a princess-y type of raven. As a member of one of the royal houses of kilvas, She didn't take place in the Mad king's war nor has she ever seen the heat of battle. One ill fated day upon visiting begnion to go to the Serenes forest, she is captured by Beorc bandits and taken to their stronghold. Upon seeing this villiany a noble theif pursues the bandits in hopes of saving her. Little did either of them know, that this would be the encounter that would change their lives forever.

(Said encounter, if possible, Would happen in the game not as history before the game.)

Tell me what you think, orange dragon! If this is alright i'll do a more official page for the both of them names and all.

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name: Alicia (If it matters the pegasus' name is Calibur.)

race: beorc

country: Begnion

affinity: anima

class: Pegasus knight

history: After the passing of her mother due to the mad king's war she soon inherited the mount, A pegasi, her mother had previously ridden. One long and tough year later she had finally gotten good enough at riding to enter the royal guard. It proved to be much harder than she thought it would be and was soon thrown out with nothing but the scarce amount of cash in her pocket and the clothes on her back. with no money, food, lodging and such she knew she could not last long and so she set off to find work. Days later with no luck, she was on the brink of starving to death when a mercenary group found her and cared for her. In debted to them she decided to stay with them to get better and to show her thanks for their hospitality.

Personality: Outgoing, Spirited, Vivacious. A little cocky at points but her general clumsy way of doing things negates this.

Lastly here is my sprite!


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To clear things up/get things straight, BOY(TENTATIVE NAME) is a branded? if so then that mean that the father/ mother was a raven that mated with a human and a laguz, right? That being where the half sibling came into play. Sounds a little weird, Doesn't click right to me...

From the history you posted before, I was infering that his mom(the raven) was in a relationship with another raven, something happened between them(they broke up, or he got killed in battle, etc), before she fell for the beorc.

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From the history you posted before, I was infering that his mom(the raven) was in a relationship with another raven, something happened between them(they broke up, or he got killed in battle, etc), before she fell for the beorc.

Yeah that's understandable it's just that...don't know how to explain it...I was just throwing ideas out on the table, you don't have to have them being siblings. what i'd like to know though is if you like the other idea i had, (the two paragraphs) As i put alittle more thought into those as i'd like to think... <_<

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since you seem to want less male characters signed up, I will apply with one of my original characters then

Name: Stefanie

Race: Beorc

Age: 17

Class: cavalier -> ranged knight OR archer (explained below)

Affinity: Wind

Country: Crimea

History: Stefanie has very vague memories of what her life was like before she was adopted by her foster father (hereafter simply referred to as her father) when she was 5 years old, but what she does know is that she was born in Crimea with her younger brother Len and has been looking out for him ever since. Her father is an admirable man, and through his guidance she learned a thing or two in the ways of archery and even some ability with the sword although her father had an injury long ago that rendered him unable to properly use a sword, but he has since fine-tuned his knowledge of the bow and passed it to his daughter. He did not do so very easily, but with a heavy heart and long talk with his children, he left when the Mad King's War broke out and never returned. Oddly, there were no records of her father anywhere, when Stefanie would ask, locals simply shrugged or apologizing for not knowing who her father was or where he came from though he didn't seem suspicious or untrustworthy in his daughter's eyes. All she knew was that with a new tension rising, she would at least protect her brother and her own life, for the sake of the strange, kind man who raised her.

Personality: Stefanie is a rather blunt, honest and straight-forward individual. She would never lie to anyone as her father reared her and her brother not to. She does not show much emotion but gets very heated when it comes to her brother or people giving others a hard time, particularly if a fellow lady is in distress. She talks to everyone equally and as if she'd known them forever as she does not judge anyone.

it personally does not matter to me if Stefanie is implemented as either of the two classes suggested as either would fit her given the history I provided, Stefanie can use a sword with passable skill though it's not her specialty since her father could only show her basic form but unable to train her in advanced maneuvers, she does however possess enough skill with a bow to be an archer from the start, so whatever you want, I hope you like her ^^

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Rhaan: Males are fine, I'm just getting a bit too many. If I make her a cavalier, in the game play people can choose whether they want to make her a paladin or ranged knight. With the exception of the lord characters, classes with more than one promotion option have just that, their promotion class isnt set in stone. If you absolutely want her to use bows no matter what she'll have to be an archer. Maybe I can also add Len, depending on what class he is.

Alnox: The hero group happens to be a mercenary group, so that fits well.

Sasunn: If you like the second history thing, thats fine. So we have Reon the thief, and you can name the raven now.

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I'd enter in a male, but we seem to have an overabundance. Like I care.


Name: Kurda

Race: Beorc

Age: 22

Class: Thief -> Assassin/Night Striker

Affinity: Earth

Country: Crimea (At least, it was where he's born...)

History: Born in a little countryside village, a neighboring village to Brom and Nephenee, he was raised as a timid farmer until the Mad King's War broke out. As Daein' army marched upon the footsteps of Kurda's village, his family ran and migrated to the nearby Serenes Forest. However, a band of hawks there attacked them, believing them to be of Daein ilk, and injured Kurda, severing his left arm's muscles. His parents, superstitious of their son's all-black look, decided to travel towards Begnion, believing that such a wealthy and influential government could help their slowly disintegrating family. Instead, they were stuck in servitude to Duke Lekain's property, forced to do even the most mundane things for him on the threat of death. Kurda's parents then decided to drop their 14 year old child into the streets of the large country, believing him to be a bad omen. Several weeks later, not only were they released from captivity due to a loophole, but managed to establish themselves as nobility. This deeply affected Kurda's psyche, gaining a negativity complex over himself and believing his very existence was bad luck, despite learning of their deaths a few weeks later.

Alone in the world, Kurda practiced in the ways of thievery, being indiscriminate about his victims. By the end of each month, he had enough money to get him a decent meal, drink, and inn room for about four days. This pattern of slow self-destruction continued until he reached the age of 17, where the Greil Mercenaries of Crimea brought with them the very Princess Elincia. Seizing this opportunity, Kurda stalked the group during their stay (Assuming we're translating Rausten into Begnion...) until he was stopped by a man dressed in black, who called himself Volke. He threatened Kurda, saying, "If you want to keep your head connected to your neck, I'd suggest you leave them alone. Undeterred by the man's ominous threat, Kurda gathered information from some of the locals and even some members when he learned that one of these mercenaries held the power of a dark god. The thief decided to take matters into his own hands by acting out one of the greatest heists of all: he would steal the Fire Emblem.

Later that night, after the mercenaries freed a group of prisoners, he snuck into various rooms and was almost caught twice due to his nervousness, but he manage to finally find Mist's room. He managed to reach the far end of the room where he noticed a sky-blue aura emitting from under Mist's bed. Ever the confident one, Kurda felt around until he made contact with something stony, yet metallic. And when he touched the gem, he received one of the worst headaches in the history of headaches. Quietly, yet clumsily limping out of Mist's room, he received a premonition- he saw the sky falling and destroying everything he'd ever known, fire scorching the very seas, winds blowing up the very land he walked on. He witnessed what would happen if the wrong person ever got their hands on the Fire Emblem. He survived this encounter only because he retains a large amount of Order- but only enough to painfully resist the madness temptation.

After his run-in with the Emblem, he traveled to Daein in order to join the Daein Military so he may one day take the Fire Emblem from his grasp should he succeed. When he proved how useful his skills would be not just in combat, he was introduced to the very king himself; Ashnard. Kurda was given a simple command- to be able to kill as many people as possible. Over the course of two years, he practiced his knife skills in solitude until the time came when Kurda would prove his loyalty to the Mad King. Instead, he let the mercenaries destroy the king and save the world from possible destruction.

(Now, the next part is a variable; assuming this game takes place three years as RD did, he'll be apart of the Daein government once more in order to prevent the mad daughter from getting her clutches on the Fire Emblem once more. You DID say she has her father's personality.)

Kurda went under Valmas's command and is currently feigning loyalty to the Daein people, but should the opportunity arise when the forces of Order are able to defeat the Delirious Daughter, Kurda would take revenge upon himself for "forcing" all this chaos to occur.

Personality: Kurda is a quiet, yet confident Thief under Valmas's command, who has proven himself time and time again that he's incredibly capable of the utility he provides. He solemnly believes, however, that he is the cause for all things bad; even the war three years ago had given him a guilt complex. As such, Kurda is driven by the desire to end this war so he may end his own life- to "save" Tellius from his bad luck. Because of this, he is willing to do whatever it takes to end the war, from killing a person he knows is innocent, to feigning loyalty for a higher command.

He prefers to work alone, although he is occasionally paired with tougher, bigger-looking fellows so while they fight to their death, Kurda can go around and stab people in the back. He knows this too well, and has on one occassion killed a Daein general and shifted blame on the GM. Nonetheless, his attitude towards others varies between who he is talking to; his main two are a completely fabricated royal attitude towards Daein higher-ups, and a much more formal tone towards others.

Kurda doesn't see a difference between races, so unlike many Daein military men, he views Laguz as different but equal. This gives him notoriety among the many factions of the Daein military as the "Half-Breed Lover." This also gives an excuse for others to bully Kurda around, spreading lies of insubordination; were it not for his incredible use to Valmas and the queen, he may have been beheaded years ago.

Recruitment: Kurda's an interesting fellow. First, he appears in Chapter Four as a unique enemy by the Southeast Corner on Turn 3, with the fallowing dialogue as he enters:

"So, this is where the Silver-Haired Maiden is? I may be under orders to kill her on sight, but that doesn't mean I'll do it just yet. Perhaps some practice is in order."

He'll head towards the nearest soldier and if in combat, he'll say: "I'm not here to fight, but you're in my way. Nothing personal, just the millions of lives at stake."

If he fights Micaiah, however, he'll have a different dialogue:

K: "The Silver-Haired Maiden... Daein brands you as a traitor. I can see past that."

M: "Then why do you fight for them? Please, I don't want to hurt you. Just leave, tell them it was-"

K: "Unfortunately, if I want this war to end, I must do what it takes. No matter the consequences."

When defeated, he says: "Oof, you're tougher than I estimated. I'll have to withdraw for now, but at least I'll know where you're headed."

He then disappears as if he dies, but he'll appear later.

He next appears as a unique enemy in Chapter 14 (Eirika/Micaiah Path) or Chapter 13 (Ephraim/Ike Path). If you talk to him with the lord of your path, the following dialogue will commence:

(If Micaiah)

M: "You... You're that thief we met back nearby Serafew!"

K: "Good eye, Maiden. Still, it appears I have no choice but to-"

M: "Wait! Please, allow me to talk for one moment. I just wish to ask you something."

K: "Ugh... very well, I'll allow one question."

M: "Why do you fight against something you know will not bring harm to our world? Why fight with the true cause of this chaos?"

K: "I fight to end this war... and the calamities I have caused. That is why I fight for the true foe and not for the forces of good."

M: "The calamities... that you caused? But... surely you cannot believe that! If it was you, would I still be asking your motives? Would I still request that you question who you fight for? What you fight for?"

K: "True enough, but it matters not to me. If it means an end to the troubles I am responsible for, then so be it."

M: "You know you never caused this war. Nyra did. The flaws of humanity caused this. Not you. So will you fight for the cause of what could be the world's destruction? Or the forces who wish to prevent it?"

K: "...You know nothing of my life. But it appears you have a point. Tides are shifting to your favor now. I might as well make the most of it. My knife will strike the heart of darkness!"


(If Ike)

K: "Ah! You, it's you! General Ike, hero of the Mad King's War!"

I: "Err, this is a bit awkward. But why do- AH!"

K "Your little toy causes me grief to this day. It is why I fight! The visions still-"

I: "Wait, toy? What do you mean?"

K: "The Fire Emblem."

I: "What're you saying? Nobody is able to touch the F-"

K: "If the rumors are indeed true, how am I still in one piece? Now draw your blade, general!"

I: "Hold on, so YOU are the one who touched it? Then you too have immense order."

K: "What? What is this babble? ORDER? If anything, I am just an incarnation of chaos."

I: "Really? Then why do you hesitate to strike me down? Is it because you fight for something that is only causing Tellius's destruction? You know this, don't you? Then fight for us. Fight for what seems right."

K: "That's unbearably corny, General Ike. Regardless, this is not the good fight. My name is Kurda, and I'll be joining your ranks now- to end what I have caused."


Base Stats:

Join Time: Lvl. 18 Thief (Ch. 13 Ike/Ch. 14 Micaiah)

HP: 32

STR: 14

MAG: 4

SKL: 17

SPD: 20

LCK: 20

DEF: 8

RES: 3

Promotional Gains:

To Assassin:

+60 Sword Points

HP +3

STR +2

MAG +1

SKL +0

SPD +0

DEF +2

RES +2

MOV +0

To Night Striker:

E in Dark Magic

+30 Sword Points

HP +1

STR +0

MAG +4

SKL +1

SPD +1

DEF +0

RES +3


Has supports with:




*Possibly one of the newly made characters?*

Edited by OliverXRenning
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okay than, Stefanie can be an Archer since yes, I would like her to always have bows

Len can be added if you'd like to, he's 3 years younger than his sister who he tends to call "Stefie" for short.

He'd be Light affinity and a weather mage, Stefanie wonders how he got any skill with magic, but Len always was a bit better at reading and understanding such things than she was, though she is fairly intelligent herself. It could be a talent their birthparents had, though they'll never really know. Len doesn't have a lot of practice in it yet but it, along with his literary skills seem natural. Stefanie would have set out after leaving Len behind and promising she'd be back soon, leaving him to himself. Though Len would be seeking to prove he can handle himself and help his sister too. Len's more timid than Stefanie but also very honest and also kind to people, even if he doesn't know them, which can make him seem naive at times.

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You've got me interested.

Ok, since there's a lack of female chars, I'll give you some of mine from the stories I've written XD

I don't wanna submit more than one so for now just pick whichever class there's a greater need of. If you need extras, you're welcome to use the rest.

Name: Serenity

Gender: Female

Race: Beorc

Class: Fighter-->Warrior-->Reaver

Affinity: Light

Country: Born in Daein, raised in Goldoa

Personality: Easygoing, overall. She likes battles to be decisive. Shy Laguz around royalty and afraid of Beorc royalty.


Serenity and her brother Mark Anthony were the first Beorc allowed to reside in Goldoa since ancient times. Their mother Terra (a Beorc) befriended Nasir, who told them of his homeland. Intrigued by this land of the Dragon Laguz, they hid themselves aboard the ship after until it ported in Goldoa. When they were discovered by Goldoa's Prince Kurthnaga, he took them before his father, King Dheginsia. The Black Dragon was displeased to learn of the trespass and gave them a choice: Either live among them traverse a dangerous cavern that led to Crimea and Begnion.

Nasir disappeared from the country shortly after the Serenes Massacre. Terra left Goldoa for Crimea upon learning of the fall of capital. Her children--19 year old Mark Anthony and 12 year old Serenity were left in the care of Carbina, a Red Dragon Laguz. Serenity was trained to use an Axe and Mark Anthony trained to use a sword. Even though the Laguz had no need of Beorc-made weapons, they permitted the Beorc among them to make use of them. Terra herself was a seasoned archer.

The Mad King's War was brought to an end by Ike, a Mercenary hired by Crimea's lost princess. Terra returned to Goldoa with Nasir and Ena bearing news of the death of Ragion and the surprise survival of Leanne, a Heron princess thought killed in the massacre. Three years later, Terra returns to Daein upon learning of the Silver-Haired Maiden, her ability to heal people without a stave and her campaign against the broken nation's Begnion opressors. Serenity goes with her while Mark Anthony goes to Crimea to join the Greil Mercenaries.

Recruitment: Up to you.

Name: Terra

Race: Beorc

Gender: Female

Class: Sniper-->Marksman

Affinity: Anima (Wind)

Country: Born in Daein, lives in Goldoa

Personality: Cautious. Likes to analyze situations before proceeding in battle. Sees Shinon and Raphiel as rival marksmen.


Serenity and her brother Mark Anthony were the first Beorc allowed to reside in Goldoa since ancient times. Their mother Terra (a Beorc) befriended Nasir, who told them of his homeland. Intrigued by this land of the Dragon Laguz, they hid themselves aboard the ship after until it ported in Goldoa. When they were discovered by Goldoa's Prince Kurthnaga, he took them before his father, King Dheginsia. The Black Dragon was displeased to learn of the trespass and gave them a choice: Either live among them traverse a dangerous cavern that led to Crimea and Begnion.

Nasir disappeared from the country shortly after the Serenes Massacre. Terra left Goldoa for Crimea upon learning of the fall of capital. Her children--19 year old Mark Anthony and 12 year old Serenity were left in the care of Carbina, a Red Dragon Laguz. Serenity was trained to use an Axe and Mark Anthony trained to use a sword. Even though the Laguz had no need of Beorc-made weapons, they permitted the Beorc among them to make use of them. Terra herself was a seasoned archer.

The Mad King's War was brought to an end by Ike, a Mercenary hired by Crimea's lost princess. Terra returned to Goldoa with Nasir and Ena bearing news of the death of Ragion and the surprise survival of Leanne, a Heron princess thought killed in the massacre. Three years later, Terra returns to Daein upon learning of the Silver-Haired Maiden, her ability to heal people without a stave and her campaign against the broken nation's Begnion opressors. Serenity goes with her while Mark Anthony goes to Crimea to join the Greil Mercenaries.

Recruitment: Up to you.

Name: Carbina

Race: Laguz

Gender: Female

Class: Red Dragon

Affinity: Anima (Fire)

Country: Goldoa

Personality: Energetic and restless. Likes to attack foes while flying (she's the same size as Kurthnaga while transformed). An acquaintance of Naesala and Caineghis.


Carbina worked as an emissary to Kilvas until the Mad King's War began. She resigned her position to look after Serenity and Mark Anthony, Beorc children who lived among the Dragon Laguz. Soon after the war ended, Carbina secretly met with King Naesala to ascertain the wareabouts of a branded child rumored to be the true heir of Daein's throne. The king of crows told her "The best way to get answers would be to talk to one of the Greil Mercenaries". Although the Dragon nation is isolated from the outside world, it is not uncommon for Dragon Laguz to leave the country for a time--Nasir and Ena are two such recent examples. When Mark Anthony announces he's leaving for Crimea to join the Greil Mercenaries, Carbina leaves soon after for Melior in the hopes of learning something of the mercenaries who helped bring peace to Tellius.

Recruitment: Up to you.

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Aurabolt: A draggy! Nice. Added Carbina, Terra, and Mark. Didnt add Serenity simply because fighter is a male only class.

Oliverxrenning: You can help with supports :) and yeah I'll add him. Just remember that the main lords arent Ike and Micaiah. I probably wont have the separate routes thing either. However, canon characters might still appear on the battlefield as other or partner units.

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Three years later, Terra returns to Daein upon learning of the Silver-Haired Maiden, her ability to heal people without a stave and her campaign against the broken nation's Begnion opressors.

Actually, the story is changed in that detail. Daein got themselves a new ruler rather than falling into Begnion's hands. But the above can still work: same cause, different enemy.

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