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Book 2 Tier List


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Does anyone else think that George should move above Sheeda? George can be useful in outdoors and indoor maps while Sheeda is forced to use swords on indoor maps, good weapon level so he is capable of using all the bows in the game, and chip damage. Though I was wondering if what George offers (as I listed) > Sheeda's flying on outdoor maps,Speed, and support with Marth?

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Galactic Leader Cyrus is Grandjackal. I thought he was one of the new dudes from GFAQs. *puts Machis back into Upper Mid*

Come on now, thats not really fair. If somebody puts forth a convincing argument, you can't just ignore it because of the user. His points made sense, and thats really biased if you're going to change the tier list around based on what users you like more.

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Galactic Leader Cyrus is Grandjackal. I thought he was one of the new dudes from GFAQs. *puts Machis back into Upper Mid*

Come on now, thats not really fair. If somebody puts forth a convincing argument, you can't just ignore it because of the user. His points made sense, and thats really biased if you're going to change the tier list around based on what users you like more.

Dood, he was joking I hope . I tend to jump the gun quite often, and I missed a fatal flaw of Wlv in my argument. Lancy caught me on it, it happens. We chuckle, we move on.

If he ain't joking though, I will shove my foot through the internet to kick his balls in so deep that it will create a vagina

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Exactly, he's biased toward and against specific users. If BB says anything, he makes the change without any thought. If you say anything, he'll immediately do the opposite. That was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen, changing his mind because he figured out who was the person who posted the argument.

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I don't respond well to hype, especially since most characters Grandjackal hypes up ends up dropping soon afterward.

Machis can work his way above Gordon and Doga if needed.

EDIT: In fact, I will do that now. I can't really think of any reason for them to be above Matthis after thinking it through better. Doga is able to take advantage of tanking on Ch. 3, though, so it's not an instant win.

Does anyone else think that George should move above Sheeda? George can be useful in outdoors and indoor maps while Sheeda is forced to use swords on indoor maps, good weapon level so he is capable of using all the bows in the game, and chip damage. Though I was wondering if what George offers (as I listed) > Sheeda's flying on outdoor maps,Speed, and support with Marth?
I'm not sure. Looking at bases it looks like Sheeda sucks more in Book 2 than in Book 1, having 1 more Str at level 4 and her biggest improvement being HP. George does have Parthia utility, so yes, I will certainly put George above her. Edited by FE3 Player
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Well he DOES basically show up your best unit on arrival, George. He can use any weapon, 13 speed and 10 Str isn't bad at all (whatever helps us shoot down fliers in one shot with silver, something Sheeda has no chance in hell of doing), Parthia use for dragonvalley on things like fire and ice dragons (10 Str + 20 might - 15= 15x2=30, ice dragon HP, so George can ORKO ice dragons. Again, nothing I'm seeing Sheeda be able to do.).

That is not to say he doesn't have flaws afterwards, in fact they're pretty glaring. 10 levels is only +2 Str and speed, a total of 12 Str and 15 Str. Max level is only 15 Str and 17 Speed. Not doubling chapter 20 snipers, and is in danger of being mauled by heroes. Upon exiting dragonvalley, he's struggling to ORKO paladins with silver, and anyone with a ridersbane could easily do that, Sheeda being one of them. Hell, after promotion, Sheeda has the same strength with a stronger weapon type, she could do it with silver (12+14=26, paladins have 30 HP, 11 Def). It basically continues from there.

So, basically a good archer in dragonvalley is godly, and George fulfills that purpose free of charge. Sheeda needs some effort ahead of him, but in exchange she stomps him post dragonvalley. She needs to promote for this however, and he's destroying her up until then. I could see George above her, but it's a close call.

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I don't respond well to hype, especially since most characters Grandjackal hypes up ends up dropping soon afterward.

Machis can work his way above Gordon and Doga if needed.

EDIT: In fact, I will do that now. I can't really think of any reason for them to be above Matthis after thinking it through better. Doga is able to take advantage of tanking on Ch. 3, though, so it's not an instant win.

Does anyone else think that George should move above Sheeda? George can be useful in outdoors and indoor maps while Sheeda is forced to use swords on indoor maps, good weapon level so he is capable of using all the bows in the game, and chip damage. Though I was wondering if what George offers (as I listed) > Sheeda's flying on outdoor maps,Speed, and support with Marth?
I'm not sure. Looking at bases it looks like Sheeda sucks more in Book 2 than in Book 1, having 1 more Str at level 4 and her biggest improvement being HP. George does have Parthia utility, so yes, I will certainly put George above her.

You did when you thought that it wasn't GrandJackal who brought the point forward. That's bias, and should not be considered in a tier list.

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I didn't even say he should go into high. In fact, I remember specifically saying that there are a couple things keeping him from going into high (bad luck, incredibly shitty performance in chapter 20, has problems with snipers). I just posted an argument, and you just thought to put him in high. So, the idea you don't respond well to hype is wrong even.

Maybe this time it wasn't so much I hyped him up (I didn't), as much as you got overhyped.

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All water under the bridge, eh?

Hmm...Well since Arren clearly isn't the jeigen, how about Banut>him?
Arran actually has pretty good bases, though I don't know why Banut is below him. I think even in older versions of the Book 2 tier list Banutu > Arran would be a given, but there had to be a reason why Arran went above. I suppose I could search for an ancient thread on it.

EDIT: Lol.

Edited by FE3 Player
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Exactly, he's biased toward and against specific users. If BB says anything, he makes the change without any thought. If you say anything, he'll immediately do the opposite. That was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen, changing his mind because he figured out who was the person who posted the argument.

Look, you may be a former member of the FEC, and for that I do hold some degree of respect for you, but I'm not going to tolerate you involving my name in discussions about bias, because:

A: It's not true [i can think of many occasions where he's disagreed with me, look at the previous book 2 topic and he also didnt want FEDS Wendell in high when I did]

B: I'm not involved in this current discussion

So please take more care of this in the future.

*goes back to not really caring about this topic*

Edited by BBblader
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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick response:

Exactly, he's biased toward and against specific users. If BB says anything, he makes the change without any thought. If you say anything, he'll immediately do the opposite. That was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen, changing his mind because he figured out who was the person who posted the argument.

Then why did he put Katua a tier over Dolph in the FEDS tier list? I don't see any biasm toward that.

EDIT: Quick question, probably easy to answer: why is Cecilia a tier over Luke and Rody? Is it due to her higher Spd?

Edited by Colonel M
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