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Hey what up im off punishment and i finnally ot an 100% on my S.S test thanks to my new study habits and lots of other things happened
Good for you right now I am playing Rune Factory 3 in japanese. :/

I also need to finish making a 20 page booklet for Wednesday.

Hahaha you get alot of work me all i got to do is do 3 pages for my science fair project ive also noticed something in my class im in a class where the boys r smarter then the girls ... its wierd ive never experienced this before but for some reason the people you han out with rub thier intelligence on you ... if only if it was thier spelling two but now i just nedd to be in a class where the boys right better then the girls that would be the day
Take your time when typing these posts out. Your writing will show who you are.

Neat or Messy.

Hmm never thought of it that way, but ill do it sense thats sound advice.

I figure out sense reading that S.S book is completely boring and has irrelevent information, I decided that while reading, ill write down all information I found important and when the test finnally came I knew everything. It was so good being the one to finish first, instead off just having my head on the dest, complaning.

The idea was so simple and easy I cant believe I had never came up with it before.

P.S is that good enough or do I need to space everything out to make it easier to read

What I do sometimes, is:

read the book and memorize it.

Listen in class so I know everything already.

I really don't take notes since I'm good at retaining info.

But yeah space out your notes so you can read them better.

well yeah for some reason I cant remeber anything from the book.

I already listin in class.

Hmm whats going on in your life lately. Lots of things have happened in mine, but I wont tell you some of them.

Most likey cause you wont believe me, are they'll seem a little perverted.

Nothing much just making a new wi fi team re-making an old wi fi team, Playing some new games (some are in japanese), Posting more often, uh nothing much... :/
Am making that horsemen and berseker team.

But saddly in life I couldnt make the basketball team, but it is some bull, my friend who is super raw at basketball didnt make it.

The team has 5 freakin centers, 5 FREAKING CENTERS and all these other tall people man it sucks.

I swear to god if that couch ruined the team the was suppose to be the best team my school ever had am going to be so pissed off... I think I might curse him out.

But the goods news is on friday everybody in my clss played a secret game where we had to touch eachother on the butts (oppisite sex only thank god!!!) I came in 3rd though but the girl who one gave me her phone number and this other girl said we should do it every friday.

Oh yeah I passed my S.S test :awesome:

Good for you.

Tremaine is every odd one. >_>

.... yeah read it....

This was a week ago. >_>

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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Ninji is going to die.

What else is new?

This time I'm really going to kill him.

I'll eat his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

I was going to say that to someone.


*Catches Ninji*

Now to wait for Seph.

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*Catches Ninji for Seph*

*Catches Ninji*

Now to wait for Seph.

Uh, yeah, heard you the first time.

You couldn't pull that off. Only Hannibal Lecter can say something like that and still remain awesome.


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Hey luck, tell me if i message you to much XD.gif" />

LUX. It's Lux!!! : P

And it's fine, as long as you have something to say. Just don't always expect me to take the conversation and run with it all the time. ^^;

oh okay but im pissed off i got a detetion and 2 calls to my mom so im most likey going to be introuble ..

Why'd you get in such trouble? =/

They say cause of talking but i think there some B>:)tches

Such as? What exactly were you talking about?

Or was it the fact you kept talking when you were told not to? D:

Umm first she didnt tell me to stop that day but when someone else talks she somehow cant hear it... so that made me pissed its made me want to choke her but i guess its my fault.


But i think its cause im black...

Well, teachers have an extra eye on those who have gotten in trouble before. Do you have a history of getting yelled at?

I'm glad you don't mean that... RIGHT?!

well ummm maybe but im not even bad.....

Umm about the joke ummm i ummm ..... yes i mean no umm wait no wiat maybe..... just kidding

Well then you're asking the wrong person as to why she caught you. =/

But i would never hate the teacher if i didnt get in trouble for some stupid bullshit then they let some body get away with it by doing the exact same thing without caring hmhp... maybe i should just forgive and forget .... thank you ....

umm what do u mean by thak...

I'll keep trying to find answers.

I say you may be asking the wrong person because the teacher's love me lately. Except my art teacher. Anyway, I know the teacher's will love you unless you do three things. Blow up a pumpkin (don't ask), do poorly in their class, or talk.

You did the last, I guess. Are you not doing well?

I'll keep trying to find answers.

I say you may be asking the wrong person because the teacher's love me lately. Except my art teacher. Anyway, I know the teacher's will love you unless you do three things. Blow up a pumpkin (don't ask), do poorly in their class, or talk.

You did the last, I guess. Are you not doing well?

I believe this works with any hollow fruit, actually. Stick an air pump into it then pump away. It should explode soon enough.

That's a shame. Do the time, then be ungrounded, however! : D

But not just me my sister too .... hmhp im grounded for what i did before im been good so far but my sisters the bad one she gets a woopin 3 times a week

Hey im off punsihment what does plethora mean

oh guess what happened to me this female friend (not my girlfriend just a friend) she ... (as me to continue cause this is going to be a sex story

message was sent twice

Go on. ^^

okay she said she wanted to see my dick but i said no but sense she kept asking i showed it to her so then she showed me her tites so i asked could i fuck her but she said no but she let me dry hump her while grabing her tites


Keep your childish and immature pretend stories to yourself. I'll hear none of your lies.

I swear to god on my life that its the truth ... well except the dielog or whatever cause she asked me like 20 times i think she had lowself estime though... cause she was tellin me all this crap ... anyway i also got cursed out by somebodys momma

message was sent twice

and why the hell do u asume its fake ... but to tell u the truth she was a little fat and aint all that

Let's count of the reasons why I don't believe you...

1. She's 13, and so are you. That's illegal.

2. That would mean you have no shame.

3. That would mean she has no shame.

4. Depending on whether you're religious or not, that's an awful sin.

5. You couldn't possibly find a private place to do this.

6. People your age tend to try to "impress" people by spinning sex story yarns

7. You say "she ain't all that" and yet you "humped her," so to speak.

8. If this is true, you clearly want to be grounded again. Or go to jail.

9. "Low self-esteem" does NOT lead to such interaction.

10. Did I forget to mention it's illegal?

So that's that.

hmhp yea i get where youre coming from but it did happen though and plus i skipped must of the ackward parts and the fact that she was in my house and my mom doesnt get home till 7 everyday except wesday responses

1.Its illegal crap... not to mention she youn...

2.Um yea ill probable care later but now i dont

3.i dont know she sayed it was wierd and ackward

4.Its a sin two...

5.my house but we almost got caught by my grandmother

6.actaully ive never sayed a sex story before but everybody i know whos sayed one is pretty much not a verin i believe but i dont care ... (one my friend said he had sex in a church so i believe and hope that was a lie

7. ....

8. ........

9. yea probable but do u think it might be the fact that we always talk about sex with eachother have something to do about it

10. ... am i going to hell r can i go to a confetion r get baptisted ... anything

okay first off when i got cursed out by someodys momma

In the beginig we was at a field trip so me and my friends were prank calling people so i let my friends prank this girl so one of am called her a bitch then she cursed him out then they went at it. (note this was on my phone) so after school right this girl texted me sayin why did i call her a bitch ... like my playful self i was like i did what the fuck u gone do about you ugly fat bitch ... then later this other person called me and was like is this tremaine i was like yea then next thing i know im getting cursed out by a grown woman ... it was not very pretty ... she said 100 things in like one minute ... i got my feelings hurt... = )

Good God!!! TOO MUCH TREMAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wtf.gifwtf.gifwtf.gif

Continued on next post. Exceeds the quote block limit on this one.

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