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About Jyosua

  • Birthday 04/17/1989


  • Member Title
    Resident Administrative Lurker

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    Tokyo, JP

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance


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  1. Hey guys, there's a good chance some of you have had trouble registering or resetting passwords due to being unable to receive emails this past month. It turns out that our email provider had stopped our account from sending further emails due to a spike in bounce rate from previously deliverable addresses becoming undeliverable. We've since corrected the issue and you should be able to receive emails per usual, so if you are in this category, please try having the email resent. Sorry for the trouble!
  2. Apologies about this -- I really should have checked better after adding them back, but as Integrity said, the option that prevented you guys from seeing other people's titles has quite conceivably the most inaccurate description possible. Sorry that stuff like this blows up every upgrade. I wish it didn't and it frustrates me as much as it does you guys.
  3. The Engage traffic was hitting us pretty hard, so I've taken the liberty to address it with the latest upgrade. Should be better for now, though I'm keeping an eye on things.
  4. I've been playing it quite a bit and having a blast. This is the first pokemon game in years that has kept me playing beyond the first half of the gyms. The things I like: Really enjoy the open world. When I was a kid playing RBY/GSC, this is what I envisioned future games would be like. I would like more of a mix between Arceus and Scarlet/Violet for actually catching pokemon (thinking, you can try to catch outright, but if you fail then a battle starts), but this is overall a huge improvement for Pokemon's world building and it's really fun. Cooperative play in the open world is nice to have. This is definitely a contributing factor to why I kept playing the game past a few hours. It's a little sparse on content, but it's a good start and I really hope they flesh it out in later games. Raids. While they feel like a bit of a time waste if they're too low level, it's still good to have another method of multiplayer interaction and it is fun to look for the nodes. Also the higher level raids giving specific pokemon you'd want makes it a desirable feature. Just being able to chill and join other people's raids if you want is also nice, although the UI for finding and joining is pretty terrible. Map system seems good. I don't remember it being as useful in older pokemon games, but I've been detached from the series for a long time. It also helps for tracking progress through the main 3 objectives and while it could still be even better, it's a big upgrade from what I remember of older games. What I didn't like: Performance was garbage. It's beyond just not looking pretty; I can totally forgive shoddy graphics, but on a pretty frequent basis the game slows down and doesn't feel responsive. This is a big foul in my opinion. I can even forgive the large number of bugs; I remember playing FFXV when it was new and there were a ton of (really funny) bugs in that game. The major difference is the FFXV felt good control-wise, while this game feels like it's chugging far too often. UI is kinda bad. Might be par for the course with pokemon games, but no search functionality in the dex and a very confusing layout for where everything is, is a bad combination. I'm constantly forgetting which buttons I need to press to get where and where specific functions or information is. I can't even fine-tune my party order from the main party menu and have to go into the Box to do that? Like come on. Not to mention how poor the raid system UI is. lol Not much scaling. To echo what Emobot said, I basically had the same idea with regards to power scaling. The only thing that seems to scale is your rival. It's good there's even that, though. I think it would be pretty difficult to implement power scaling in a practical way that would also jive with multiplayer coop, so I don't really count this as a HUGE foul, but I think they probably could have thought of something better than the existing system. Maybe they'll address this in the next mainline game. While I think the bugs and performance issues with the game really soured a lot of people, this is really a promising starting point for the next era of mainline pokemon games if they can iterate on and refine what they have here. I'm really excited and will definitely consider playing the newer games if they manage to address the issues mentioned above.
  5. It was initially broken when I looked before, but it seems like it's possible to add a widget for it back now. I've done that now and it should show up eventually once the caches are invalidated, but it's not as though you had no way of accessing the search. You can just type /?s after the URL for nearly any wordpress-based site and use the built in search if it's not explicitly disabled.
  6. Seems there was yet another cache I needed to clear. Check again. It should be there now!
  7. Hey, thanks for letting us know. It seems like some of our settings got nuked during an automatic update... I think I've fixed it now, but if you don't mind, could you look again and let me know if you see the sidebar menus now?
  8. We know -- I've already done the setup needed to fix it, but I have to wait for the service we're using to approve our account before the e-mails will start being sent again.
  9. I've updated the first post with the current status. If you want to join the server, just click the invite link and follow the instructions in the #validation channel.
  10. They are pretty intentionally designed to evoke big thinkums because that is the typical stuff the moderator team here deals with on a day-to-day basis. Also, just want to reinforce that having discord is Very Good™️ because it's an easy, convenient medium for us to have detailed conversations in as a staff.
  11. Okay, I'm going to preempt this from escalating any further and address this myself: First of all, moving threads to a more appropriate location isn't really a form of reprimanding. You're not in trouble for having your thread moved, so there's no reason to feel slighted or get defensive about it. That is also certainly no reason to throw shade at the staff for simply doing their job. The only way someone could actually get in any kind of trouble for putting a thread in the wrong forum is if they continually do it over and over. Other than that, it's just a simple maintenance task to move stuff around to the right place. All eclipse did was let you know why it was being moved. There was no hostility. As for eclipse, I feel this is an overreaction, but I also agree with the sentiment. To be frank, "so and so is friendlier than you guys blah blah blah" is, in general, a really shitty way to complain about it. If you genuinely felt the need to voice a concern, you should first take the time to verify the intent of the person who seemingly offended you. A private message is a good way to accomplish that and this is better precisely because it is sometimes hard to read intent through written English and, here, you kinda talked shit about us for no real reason at all. You weren't even in trouble!!
  12. This headline is highly inaccurate. I watched the presentation by Apple today. They are not killing iTunes, they are spinning it off into 3 separate applications. One for music, one for podcasts, one for video. Shouldn't affect your music library for the most part, it's just that the old application was getting really bloated and they recognized that fact.
  13. No, the way it works is like this: the server spins up multiple processes that listen for people who request pages. With every request, the process may allocate more memory for a variety of things: caching, space needed to manipulate things in memory, etc. If all the processes are busy, the server may spin up new ones to keep up with more incoming requests, but if it can't it just has to wait for the existing processes to finish what they are doing before they can respond. Over time, the amount of RAM that has been allocated to each of these process may grow if the allocations are not cleaned up; this is called a memory leak. We had some settings on our old server that helped mitigate that issue and, just this morning, I realized those hadn't been enabled on this new one. So I enabled those and tried to tweak some other things; hopefully that will keep it stable. The size of server we are using is also different than what it was before, so we can't just copy and paste the old config -- that won't work. As far as the ads, I've reported some of them to our ad provider, but if you can give us some information about exactly what device and ISP you are using, as well as what the ad displays at first and where it takes you, that would be appreciated.
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