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About Dayni

  • Birthday 10/30/1992


  • Member Title
    My face when something inconvenient happens

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    Between a rock and a hard place

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  1. Well, that's my bad in the end, nothing else. Congrats on the finish as well, to yourself, @Eltosian Kadath and commiserations @Codename Shrimp to the end of SD cutting it short. Holy shit someone said it. I mean, I had a rough time of it when I played ORAS, but that's me being bad. Wallace for being monotype still does a decent job of mixing it up.
  2. 5 years of discourse baby The heresy for the Fallout 2 Mod was more about the older Fallouts in FPS viewpoint, but still, you have to admit that's some real effort to be putting away. Suppose so. You mean AM2R? Man they really wanted that dead but we all know the AM2R is out there. The Enclave? And this heresy? Hasha no Tsurugi's still obscure enough isn't it? Maybe the conclusion would be confusion as a while. And sheesh, how long has it been since Cipher wound up? Just realised it has to have been a while back. This game. It deserves horny jail. Don't get entangled with a piano it'll string you along and take the keys of your heart for itself. Looks like my hunch was right. Wanna try it next chapter? Chairem anime was a mistake, especially with the choose your own ending undermining the theming up to that point. He has Kumagera captured too, go into the thread to insist both come along
  3. Fellas, is this heresy? I could see that happening, but I would anticipate an outright fight to break out if the remake went as far as to alter the main plot entirely. Push characters down the pecking order? It's happened twice already. Make the OC out to be hot shit? I mean, Kris and Conrad exist. Adding more fights that people don't necessarily care about? Even SD got in on that. Do it all at once with the OC and with a special dragon child at that? After Engage? I can't see that not being a fanbase argument. Wouldn't be surprised if it's a property for captured units that they can't use it or sing. I'd have to use a logbook bought Azura to check. I mean, I have to wonder if Thiel's goon had the "bright" idea to show such a thing as the indicator that the internet is messed up and against all he's supposedly standing for. Even then, why? It's a weird thing to do. That's not even getting into those reasons. (And regardless of the veracity of the couch canoodling, the fact these rumours haven't died yet is a bad sign for his usefulness.) I don't exactly have small hands either. That it is the action screen is fair though, it's still where the player interacts with and all that entails.
  4. That is a very unfortunate typo. Also, I just realised something for a BinB remake. It'll have to address in some form the Manga weapons. They were originally a tie-in to reference the manga, but there's very little argument they'd do nothing about them in a remake right? This could be a whole other issue for adding another second protag to a game that already has several potentates to that role when the base story is Boi's journey. And if a BinB remake incorporates the whole of Al's arc? Oh boy I can see how well that goes down already. Even if it just retcons them out, what do they get replaced with? Steels and a heal staff will not be worth the trouble, especially for late on. Doesn't work for generics, I checked. Curious about that one, seeing as it kind of requires other players and my 3DS social network is nonexistent I never found it worthwhile picking it up. That point about parallel society rings about right for the time period as a while, though I keep thinking of the Victorian period which, well, is later on. Noting of course that point that there was no need to head off to begin with, of course aristocracy would stay in as long as could be gotten away with, the servents had the morning covered. It's all Ham-over to me anyways Once again, you have to absolutely murder the dream world. So many examples by now. Odd, I've gotten an application that can patch xdelta without a terminal for a while now. If this works maybe that's fine? I just found it nice to have the option personally, commandline can be finicky at the best of times. An aside, Got the content patch on SD, but despite saying it'd work on emulator, the attempt to play it crashed out where it said it would on flashcart in an emulator. Repeatedly. Across multiple emulators. I don't think I felt my hand was much of an impediment, though that is as much a benefit of level design as anything else. And yes, DS Boomerangs are certainly more varied in applicability than in other games, though arrows do cover the elemental use often enough in other games.
  5. Look, it's better than that person wanting us dead I suppose. I remember getting back from America, having to take hours to get back home, arriving around 11 and conking out till 8. I definitely was panicing there. Took a week to fix my sleep. Snazzy look, course the vampire shrimp gets one. Now that's a lot of score. So you didn't have all of Spain? was it all in pieces? Me, with a working situation incoming: D O O M O O M I'd say it's less of an issue with fliers, being able to pincer Hana's forces helps. Is the patch simple enough? Like, nothing that can't just be using tools? I'd say it's fine to take the time myself, Spirit Tracks is the better of the two, despite being railroaded (heh) I've played both as intended, so I suppose the question is are the controls the killer issue? Apparently not, but Phantom Hourglass was a long time ago. The main problem with that strat is if you're someone who doesn't have many DV users. I feel like you have to have more than 2 per side just to ensure you have flexibility with doing that. Yes you could have just 2 DV users, but they have to always be free to act on that, which doesn't seem likely with just, say, Corrin and Azura. Generic runs might have this problem, so I'm biased there. Sommie, my beloved
  6. I now have a desklaptop. A sort of safe port in the storm of life, I would posit.
  7. Here, an upload of the hurling final, which'll likely get taken down. What a game bais, what a game. Man, someone actually went for that style. Brave choice, you're likely very confident to go get that done and then walk with it. Can't think of anyone else doing that two-tone before it either, but I could have just forgotten any examples. Nah, it's no trouble. I'm back since June, it's been a while since it finished. We'll all pass by and be like the tide then? Not sure where I'm going with that one. As for charges on my end, there's only one who can pick up a controller and actually play it at the moment, the eponymous gremlin (as mentioned elsewhere) has some experience (I've even had them play Fates years ago, but they didn't really click with it, I'd assume because they were 5 or something) but I mainly do co-op with them. I'm likely to get asked for minding the (newly titled) goblin as they get old enough that it makes sense, but pick up and play is something I'm in a pretty good position with anyways. For reference, I left Teehee days before Engage came out. I wouldn't disappear from SF as a whole before January this year, for irl priorities.
  8. Fair accusation. What else would you call English cowardly over? The pain is the +Str scroll is very annoyingly late, if she had it she would have a Str growth that could be possible. Guess the can take Hezul and Neir to be at a more decent 45%, but that's still sub 50%. Least it's not E base, but yeah, unlucky. Veld is loquacious and verbose, has an eye for detail, can see how people might feel while feeling distant from it and is focused mainly on getting on with his work and finds Raydrik's games unneeded Is Veld autistc and has people as a special interest? /s Hooray, tedium. Yes if they aren't cowards. Well that's good to know. (Though I will admit I'd consider bringing the Flame Sword to Munster, considering Fergus is 20 combats away from B and Leif might be near it at some point then if you've been abusing him) Informed by someone who would be more appropriately there in that scenario? If he already knew about Galzus's brand, it can be assumed someone could describe the brand and he could probably conclude about the relation. Don't know how he's surprised about Galzus breaking her out beyond it being all of a sudden then. (despite calls for privacy, you just know there'd be a "keep an eye on them, they might try to escape" as justification.) Sounds about right, far from the only case (see: Circle of the Moon is hard to play on console because it kept to a darker palette)
  9. Edit: Thought SF was rejecting for posting too soon, turned out I managed to attempt to double post, it stopped me and I ended up double posting after the fact. RIP This copy.
  10. There may be other shops..... And hello there. Alright, this chapter's all about movement right? How bout I don't Haitaka: Spear Fighter; Swap, Elbow Room, Dancing Blade Leo: Gradmaster; Strong Riposte, Malefic Aura Odin: Monk; Gentilhomme, Demoiselle
  11. We will have to learn what a Skibidi is through trailers as Michael Bay wants to do a film for some reason. Because those who do know sure as shit won't tell me. Not using RAM for improving memory, smh. The wine toss, of course there there were bros. Ugh, the edge. Ah weaponised incompetence. This is obviously planned for (And far from the only shutdown in the last decade, which for some reason affects civil servants and other staff just doing day to day shit ), but because the system's so entrenched there'll be no repercussions for it for most of those involved. The Miracle at the end, Pfft. ....Why did I on first glance thing Daybreak Man was a figure like Shulk and Link? "Somebody set up us the bomb!" "It was me!"
  12. A braver soul than I might. Ah Greek elites and their high-faluting opinions. Clearly didn't drink to forget enough. So plum tomatoes? Those are the most obvious ones that come to mind as halving into leaves. Don't remember being that fond of them myself, but maybe the circumstances could change for that. Tried Rise and I just didn't get into the game myself. Honster Hunter probably isn't a me thing. Well, you're ready for the sequel 😛 Also, Cars 2 Suppose it'd depend on the sauce and what's mixed. I'd like to say I'm pretty tolerant, but there's more than a few vegetables I'd have to do something with to find enjoyable. And then there's beetroot, one of the most dirtwater foods to exist. I can think of an example of people making it work in some side dish like in an aioli, but at that point it's a good deal of effort for making it work. Onions. Cannot deal myself, texture is an issue and I tend to be bothered by the taste if it's strong enough, especially for red onions which are more likely to be chopped thin enough for the texture to not be an issue but then their taste is. Grapes are also a little unfortunate. And you didn't even mention the other grape juice
  13. Well, not what I expected today. Also, that's unfortunate for me, a generic appreciator. The Spear always feels kinda niche case for me in Fates, mostly due to it's structural tradeoffs. but here it certainly proved to be enough. The ride never ends. Kuma 👏 👏 👏 gera 👏 👏 👏 Dang shame Gunter was made without staves, so let's see here. Honestly want to give Amateratsu just to speed things up. But I am trying to avoid those skills (Chapter 10 notwithstanding) Dancer, Special Dance, Camaraderie And oh yeah, I feel like Warp does allow for bringing units across, least I recall the same. Saying Haitaka doesn't have the prerequisite performa is BS and we know it.
  14. >Joker discourse >They got Brendan Gleeson for foile a deux Sorry, missed you there earlier. And yes. As for how I'm doing, well things are happening for me at least, so better than when I was last around and even when I was first coming back here after that long disappearance. See, I'd feel like the better angle is "dish that is it's own creature, no need to be the pseudo", I should have asked some people I know about their bean chili before they left for instance, but that's me being skeptical. probably should be more willing to investigate. It's the infinitely generating dungeon, there is no end to find the treasure in because it's that deep Happy birthday indeed. Veggie Sauce? Just wondering what you're getting at with this one. Motivation's motivation. Funny, I remember the same. Yeah, probably not. Just me having the thought come to mind, pretty mindless speculation indeed. I mean, if I kept digging I'm sure I could point to others, or at least leading lights of same. And how once something is established how ingrained the idea can get and how pushing to change the thought process is it's own struggle. Wouldn't that be partly driven by much of prior history in many places (mostly in The West from what I know) that many would be having to drink lower percentage beverages as it's better than the water would be? I feel like that'd be a factor back then, especially when germ theory is being figured out in parallel and applied in a similar time period (I remember an incident in London about figuring out Cholera infections in the water and the obvious consequences). Okay, so the petals unlike the stalks are fine? huh. And I can't store ice cream, freezer too small 😛
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