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Shin Megami Tensei Mafia Day 5


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Don't really see the reasoning behind votes still being on Samael. Are people really justifying by "Manix is a mod of dis game".

Would vote Raido except that would put him at L-1 I believe and we still have time left to talk.

Question @ No Lynch: Why did you target me N1?

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##vote Samael

still think he's clear on role but no time and otherwise we're not getting a lynch

This is the worst reason to lynch someone ever. It would be better to NO LYNCH than lynch someone who is pretty much clear.

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No Lynch- for future, hooking/jailing somebody on N0 is a dumb idea.

Also, Samael WAS under pressure when he used his role; several people were pressing him for a bad reaction to the fake guilty. And nobody is lynching him off mod meta, people pointed that out to say why he's not clear. He was being voted for other reasons.

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Frankly I want to know why Stickman voted him when he says he feels that Samael is clear. Especially when he could have just voted Raido unless he feels like Raido is even MORE town than Samael or something.

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Alright, concerning samael, it pretty much devolves in I find most of his content scummy sans their role and the most scummy content in D2. I hoped that was clear enough, but matter is in spite of their role's towniness in my eyes I think a lot of things they assume and do seem to come from a scummy mindset.

Valid point that Samael's role should have given them a hint that town wouldn't have a Cop. In retrospective, this gives some sense to how they doubted Scum Goon's role at first. Yet, their other post where they assume that we have a chance to find scum in Scum Goon's 2 assumed reads is very scum-intentioned. This is pretty much lining up lynches for a reason unexplained (I mean, really, can anyone translate their reasoning to me?), and for some reason they did not take in account how Scum Goon retracted the claim. Not to mention how they used their role in a last attempt to clear themselves and coast, that is the scummiest part of it all if he does have a towny role for no good reason.

Kenji what's the point of this? Who do you want lynched? You have this much time to defend yourself, can you give opinions on the current wagons too? = (

Frankly I want to know why Stickman voted him when he says he feels that Samael is clear. Especially when he could have just voted Raido unless he feels like Raido is even MORE town than Samael or something.

Agree with this, RAIDO is a real lynch yet stickman guns for Samael despite voicing they are clear on role. Do you find Samael, role withstanding, scummier than Raido's actions?

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Samael's explanation for her reaction is fine. I agree that the conclusion that Scum Goon was either a sane/insane cop was weird, but I don't think that's a scummy line of reasoning. I do think the slot should output more actual reads though, although honestly I'm not one to complain considering my wonderful activity today. I think their role is obvious town though and while I don't like their play overall and agree that it could be part of a JoAT, that being the case is far less likely and if I ended up mislynching such a claim I'd get yelled at a lot during post game. :< Also that was the best role for Manix to flip. I actually do agree that the role would be really powerful as town, but like...I dunno. Maybe it's 1-Shot and if the Universal Backup works like I think Backups do, then it probably doesn't restore shots.

Sheeping Scum Goon's RAIDO read, though. Honestly wish I could spend time rereading and stuff, but that's what happens when you do nothing all day. Also I don't really want to lynch someone who has done fuck all, either.

I'll read Kelpie's posts during the night, I guess.

Made a huge response to Minerva X but since it got eaten the gist of it is as follows; I think her wagon analysis is pretty great, and I generally agree with all of her reads there. However, I just want to point out that if Twitter_Famous was scum, he probably wouldn't be modkilled unless he's also not talking on scum chat. I didn't find any scum intent in the stickmanramp votes yesterday because I didn't know for sure that Death.. was scum. With that knowledge, it does look more suspicious overall, although obviously the Red Eye wagon is still worse due to how 1) he wasn't scummy 2) he's flipped town and 3) flipped scum voted him.

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While all of you were busy arguing among yourselves, a lightning bolt struck down Twitter_Famous, who was standing silently behind the scenes. Later, you find their body.

Dear Twitter_Famous,
You are Jaki Obariyon, a recurring demon.
Japanese folklore says that you are a demon who jumps out and attaches yourself to the back of a person who's walking along a woodland or grassy path.You cannot be seen, but your weight can be felt, and the person finds it harder to walk. You cannot be removed easily without magic, but if you're removed and taken home, you will turn into many valuable gold coins.
You have no special abilites.
You are aligned with the Light: You win when all hostile factions are eliminated.

Everyone then wonders why RAIDO was spared, since they too were silent and didn't bother helping out with the discussion. All of you came to conclusions:

"He's silent because he's guilty of murder! He was spared due to Devil's Judgement!"

"He's not contributing anyway. I hate motherfuckers who can't be fucked to do anything about this situation."

"You know what let's lynch that guy he's nuts anyway."

And so it happened.


You are Megami Amaterasu, a recurring demon in the series.


You are the Japanese sun goddess who rules over the High Plain of Heaven. Your most famous myth involves you hiding in a cave when Susano-o attacked your temple. Darkness fell on the world during the time that you had hidden in the cave. You were eventually lured out of your hiding place by the gods and light returned to the world again.

You are the centrepiece of the Light. Great misfortune will befall upon the Light if you die, so protecting yourself should remain your top priority.

"He who desires light, you call my name? I am the goddess of life, Amaterasu..."

Lightkeeper: Because you are the sun goddess, if you are killed or lynched, the next Day phase will be shrouded in darkness. With darkness looming over the world, everyone will choose to seek shelter, making any discussion and conversations between the players impossible.

Courier: Ruling from the High Plain of Heaven, you are able to receive and pass on the wishes and prayers of everyone on the Human World. As such, you are able to pass messages between players in the game. You will however, not be able to read or eavesdrop on the wishes and prayers that you pass on.

Every Day/Night cycle (Day X and Night X are considered a Day/Night cycle), you may reply to your role PM with Day X: I hear your prayers, <Player 1> and <Player 2> or Night X: I hear your prayers, <Player 1> and <Player 2>. During the next phase (which can be either a Day or Night phase), both players will be able to send one message to the other player. This ability can be used on consecutive phases as long as it is used only once during each Day/Night cycle. You may not target yourself with this ability.

You are aligned with the Light: You win when all hostile factions are eliminated.

Looks like all of you won't be getting out of your houses for tomorrow.

D3 will be shrouded in darkness. As such, all votes will be cast via PM, and at the end of the phase, the candidates will be shown only with the number of votes on them. Voters will not be shown. There will be no discussion in thread. D1 voting rules will come into effect on D3 (Can't really expect you guys to reach hammer under such conditions.)

It is now Night 2. Night 2 ends on Tuesday the 19th, GMT 1:50 am.

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inb4 i messed something up or forgot something

Somehow you found out that stickmanramp and The Wife had died. Word somehow travels quickly.

Dear stickmanramp,

You are Eiji Kamiya, nicknamed Gin, from Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor

You are the owner of a bar called Eiji, and act as a guardian to haru. You used to be uncaring abotu life but then met Aya, the lead singer of D-VA, and cared more. You seem to be laid-back and love Aya so much that you begin a search

on her. You don't tell this to Haru because you don't want to depress her. If the protagnoist saves you in time after you believe false information regarding Aya's whereabouts, you will join the protagonsit to restore Tokyo

to its original state.

Being a bar owner, you are influential and charismatic, so your vote counts as two. Or rather, it increases the total no. of votes by one, which affects the hammer numbers. This ability will activate even during MYLO/LYLO

In short, you are the Mayor.

You are aligned with the Light: You win when all hostile factions are eliminated.

Dear The Wife,

You are Kijukawa Rise, a playable character in Persona 4.

You were a famous teen idol, well-known amongst teenagers and adults. However, due to heavy stress, you quit your job, citing health reasons for your decision. While you were resting with your grandmother, you were drawn into the shadow world, and almost killed, if not for Narukami Yu and the rest of the Investigation Team rescuing you. From your time in the shadow world, you were able to face your worst fears, and thus, earned the right to use your Persona - Himiko.

Voyeur: Every Night, you may respond to your role PM with Night X: Scanning <Player>. You will send your Persona, Himiko, to scan the area around <Player> and determine any and all actions that were used on that player that Night.

In short, you are the Voyeur.

You are aligned with the Light: You win when all hostile factions are eliminated.

May they rest in peace.

It is now Day Three. You have 72 hours (potentially 48 due to the nature of the day) to decide on a lynch. With 9 alive, it takes 4 to lynch at deadline, 6 to hammer. You may not post in thread during this day phase.

Edited by Curly Brace
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