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About Grace

  • Birthday 04/08/1994


  • Member Title
    im gay

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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  1. yeah i kinda wish i didn't get immense brainfog from getting covid, do not rate trying to amble out a post with no capacity for coherent thought
  2. like honestly, this feels really contrived. is it safer to do something that doesn't advance the gamestate in the hopes that town implodes on itself? scum's goal is realistically to avoid lynches and detrimental night actions, and you don't do that by barely existing (even if that ends up being the case at times, perfect play doesn't exist etc) unsure whether the immediate bart vote despite having a defined idea in the post that they could have chased instead is worth pursuing, particularly in light of a later post that mentioned that it was a wagon for a sake of a wagon to move the gamestate. leaning toward Just A Little Weird Chief like i get it. i'm inactive, but also the fact no reason was specified feels off. the only other person who's even remotely mentioned a lynch on me is weapons, but specifically for inactivity. something dun feel right, would probably vote if we weren't in consolidation mode Soon(tm) - i'm not quoting any of the eury/elie posts (save me) but i actually think their collective interactions with each other are incredibly weird tonally. it's hard to explain but despite elie saying his initial case was forced, the way those two interacted even after (and all of eury's followups to related topics) felt overblown. severely. i do not know how to read that in terms of anything right now, but i know i don't like it in any case - i have no idea what to think of shinori's chicanery around voting tbh. like he's still been here but i can't pin whether it's trying to mess with alignment reads or whether it's a legitimate role restriction piece of work. i don't particularly feel like we're going to get any good answers today, and something still feels off there. will have a good ol think N1 about it - just looking at the current votals (sniped as of writing), and given i don't think a shinori wagon is happening today (since i'm moving my vote), it's currently just blue/eury. and honestly i can't really get enough brainpower to actually get proper reads on either atm, so unfortunately i might just resort to the kinda shit "balance the wagons vote" before i head off to sleep for the night (now). as above i'm not exactly reading eury tonally well to begin with so it's better than nothing? apologies for my shit D1, i love being sick (as for aforementioned role mentioning stuff a few posts back; gonna refrain from doing that) ##Unvote: @Shinori ##Vote: @Eurykins
  3. my brain is actually mush and i am having a read time reading into literally anything right now, but wanted to note re inactive lynches; there's no chance i will be awake at 8am for deadline, so unfortunately i wouldn't be able to claim in the case of a wagon. i'm debating whether i should specify anything about my role before i end up sleeping, but no idea atm. gonna try and get something out now i suppose, even though i desperately do not want to reread elie/eury in any detail >_<
  4. (update: i have not read the thread since my last post and i'm starting to come down with some kind of illness; i will try and catch up but i cannot promise anything because i feel like absolute booty)
  5. not me about to have a minor tirade on making things happen because of 48h d1 but reading that we were given 65.5h instead. still concerning that Nothing Much Has Happened i think that beyond a suspected 10/2/2 setup it's not worth considering other options until much later when we have claims and role results to dig into. it's still probably very swingy even then, bc worst case for town is 4/2/2 d3 after 2 ML's (but that's not likely to happen via probability, but it could!) i'm not especially on board with giving DefyingFates an easy out with the whole "newbie NL argument" thing; i think it's strictly null given a reasonable amount of the playerlist are old hands and could very well make that point to them and have it be used for cred; but i won't deny that it's definitely something newbies do! (i got crucified for it early on, and i totally don't hold grudges or anything... 😛 ) idfk why shinori is being obstinate about doing anything in RVS. i might just take the bait tbh. ##Unvote: @Elieson ##Vote: @Shinori explain yourself bucko. you know better than to fuck around like this :^)
  6. wow weird how no one has voted yet (remember your syntax team) ##Vote: @Elieson we still policy rvs elie yeah? :^)
  7. oh fineeeeeeeeeeeeee i'll just take whatever's left then 😛 e: reading is tech etc. this bodes well 🙂 (also fairy with gun is still just certifiably Good)
  8. can i regret decisions? probably. fair warning to players that i may not be reliably active at crunch times or whenever really bc i'm distracted by the new expansion in ffxiv, the critically acclaimed mmo etc anyway here's my character
  9. i pondered, and i'm not feeling up to a game of mafuia right now. i'm /out, sorry
  10. i'll /in, but i don't promise good play/lots of time in advance merry birthday me
  11. wouldn't be a trainwreck without that happening to me
  12. https://www.twitch.tv/deliciousbees y'all get in here, it's mario party purgatory with 4 variable difficulty ai
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