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Marthipan: Lowen, Erk, Rath, Dart, Bartre/Karla, Jaffar, Karel

Not sure how I feel about my team. No flight is going to be a pain but I managed to snag Rath when I thought I wouldn't which was sweet.

Chapter 11- 6 (6)

Played this chapter the safe way, so no Red Gem or 2 level up for Hector. His first level was pretty good though.

Chapter 12- 4 (10)

Hand Axe hitrates were pretty sketchy, but everything came out ok. Bartre got the Secret Book and I funneled some exp into Lowen.

Chapter 13- 4 (14)

Lowen goes to the village, Marcus ferries Hector blah blah blah. Didn't get Guy and Bartre gets his first kill <3

Chapter 13x- 7 (21)

Main focus of the chapter was getting Lowen as much exp as possible and getting the 5000g. Managed to do both so this chapter was a win.

Chapter 14- 4 (25)

Bartre helps clear the way for Serra to recruit Erk, Lowen heads down, Hector stays back. Marcus continues to wreck everything.

Chapter 15- 7 (32)

This game loves defend chapters. I love free exp.

Chapter 16- 5 (37)

Buy all of the things at the shops with Lyn and her crew. Got the Red Gem and the Heavy Spear. RIP MARCUS I LOVE YOU BRO YOU'RE SO BRO

Hector Lvl 9 HP 27 STR 13 SKL 7 SPD 7 LCK 5 DEF 11 RES 2

Lowen Lvl 10 HP 30 STR 12 SKL 7 SPD 11 LCK 8 DEF 12 RES 3

Bartre Lvl 5 HP 31 STR 11 SKL 6 SPD 4 LCK 4 DEF 6 RES 0

Erk Lvl 4 HP 17 MAG 7 SKL 7 SPD 9 LCK 4 DEF 2 RES 6

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Chapter 11 – 6/6

Chapter 12 – 5/11

I was luck for Hector to kill the last enemy with a low percentage hit.

Chapter 13 – 6/17

Marcus and Hector headed to the seize point. Rebecca continued to get more experience.

Chapter 13x – 7/24

Everyone is still alive and Marcus managed to get to the village on time.

Chapter 14 – 5/29

Marcus took on most of the enemies to the west while everyone else went down south.

Chapter 15 – 7/36

Chapter 16 – 5/41

I use Florina to carry Hector close enough to the seize point and Marcus traveled the long way to the seize point.

Chapter 17 – 11/52

Hector killed the boss with a crit, Florina and Lyn support level is at C, and Oswin got powerful enough to promote.

Chapter 17x – 4/56

Oswin rushed towards to Fargus.

Chapter 18 – 5/67

Oswin alone headed towards the boss while everybody else defended the right side.

Chapter 19 – 6/73

Oswin and Florina headed to Uhai and Oswin got the crit on the second hit.

Chapter 19x – 8/81

Chapter 20 – 6/87

Rebecca got the brave bow and promote to sniper. Also got Legault and stole the member card.

Chapter 21 – 4/91

Stolen hero crest for money and got the elysian whip.

Chapter 22 – 7/98

Rebecca and Oswin headed to the boss and everybody else defended.

Chapter 23 – 4/102

Pent got a critical on one of the boss on the four turn.

Chapter 24 – 2/104

Oswin came into Lloyd’s attack range one turn one, then Rebecca attacked him twice.

Chapter 25 – 5/109

Hector and Oswin headed to the northwest fortress, Lyn and Legault goes for the southwest fortress, and Florina who promoted headed to the north east fortress.

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CR: Fiora, Lucius, Eliwood, Isadora, Raven, Louise, Renault

Chapter 11 - 6/6 turns

fun fact I got 11 turns on my first attempt because I forgot how the strat worked and I ended the turn twice on accident

Chapter 12 - 4/10 turns



Also Eliwood got this same level lmao and he critblicked with the rapier

Chapter 13 - 5/15 turns

Marcus and Hector go down, Eliwood goes left, breaks snags, and all he has to do is kill the peg.

Killed Guy on accident lmao

Chapter 13x - 7/22 turns

Defense yo

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Chapter 14 - 4/26 turns

Eliwood ORKO's loldiers and it's beautiful. I deployed Serra so she could get Erk.


Chapter 15 - 7/36 turns


too bad you're being benched

Chapter 16 - 5/41 turns


Chapter 17 - 11/52 turns


Chapter 17x - 4/56 turns


Chapter 18 - 4/60 turns


Chapter 19 - 7/67 turns


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Chapter 19x - 4/71 turns


yes, very gay

Chapter 20 - 5/76 turns

Fiora is the best

Chapter 21 - 3/79 turns

got the WHIP



Chapter 22 - 3/82 turns

Isadora and Fiora tag team on Eubans. Silver sword Isadora is the best

Chapter 23 - 3/85 turns

Fiora and Lucius run into the desert and kill things and I might've accidentally critkilled the boss but that's ok

Chapter 23x - free/85 turns


Chapter 24 - 1/86 turns

LUCIUS torches and Fiora runs up

Chapter 25 - 3/89 turns

Fiora uses a pure water and she goes right and tanks everything like a boss. Eliwood, Lucius and Hector go down, Isadora and Raven go up.

Chapter 26 - 11/100 turns

STAFF RANK SPAM, Lucius trains and I bench Raven for the chapter just to be safe

Chapter 27 - 5/105 turns

Fiora ferries Hector, Lucius spams for more staffrank

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Chapter 17- 9 (46)

Lowen was not adequate enough to ORKO the boss with the Heavy Spear so I had to take a turn to have Hector do it. Bartre got the Knight Crest and CRIT KILLED RAVEN LULZ. Erk escorted Matthew to the Hero Crest.

Chapter 17x- 3 (49)


Chapter 18- 3 (52)


Chapter 19- 4 (56)

WHORSE MAN PROMOTES but still needed help from Bartre/Dart to break down snags. He barely 2HKOed with the horseslayer because of his lolStrength. Which apparently is better than his average. Idk man I always get blessed units, its weird. Not complaining tho.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 19x- 4 (60)

Lowen carries Hector and everyone else picks off the scraps. Got the goddess icon to sell.

Chapter 20- 4 (64)

Lowen carries Hector and chips at Cameron and the cavaliers so that Erk/Dart/Bartre can clear the way for him to drop Hector close to the door on turn 2. Hector opens the door turn 3 and Lowen 2RKO's Darin with the Heavy Spear.

Chapter 21- 2 (66)

Lowen runs, gets danced by Ninian, and drops Erk in range of Oleg. Dart goes shopping and Bartre gets the Restore staff. Turn 2 Erk and Lowen finish off Oleg. No whip because lol no flight.

Chapter 22- 3 (69)

Lowen runs with a Hand Axe to get Eubans and 2RKO him (a reoccurring theme). I get RATH which is awesome.

Chapter 23- 4 (73)

3 turn was definitely possible with a thunder crit from Erk the recently promoted Sage (he wasn't doubling because he lacks the speed), but I'd rather take an extra turn and get the free Gaiden so that I can buff up my units a little bit since Rath would really appreciate the exp and the rest of my units aren't doing so hot except for Dart, whose offense is pretty much overkill. Hector and Bartre are both 2 points below their average in speed, Erk is down a point in magic and 2 points in speed, and Lowen is chilling with 13 str/20 spd/22 def...wtf Lowen.

Chapter 23x- free (73)

STOP..GAIDEN TIME! Erk gets to D staff rank, and then some training takes place.

Chapter 24- 2 (75)

Even with help from Torch, I couldn't get the 1 turn because Lowen only 3HKO's with the Spear and obviously wasn't doubling.

Fun Fact: Lowen hasn't proc'ed strength since Chapter 18 :/

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Oh, right, this exists. :P:

Chapter 11 - 6/6

YouTube FTW. Matthew gained a level here.

Chapter 12 - 4/10

-> go north

-> still pull the four-turn clear

Chapter 13 - 6/16

Screw it, got Guy. And some experience for Serra.

Chapter 13x - 7/23

Uh, I got the gold? Oh, right, and two Strength levels for Matthew~!

Chapter 14 - 4/27

Matthew makes my life easier. Not much else to say about this. :P:

Chapter 15 - 7/34

Defend/10, and got Serra to level~!

Chapter 16 - 6/40

Sain gained speed, and that's what counts. Oh, and so did Hector.

Chapter 17 - 10/50

Managed to eke out some levels for Matthew and Sain. Sain's gonna need five more levels. . .

Oh, and got the Knight Crest, and intentionally skipped the Hero Crest.

Chapter 17x - 5/55

I went shopping, SO THERE.

Chapter 18 - 3/58

Matthew can three-turn this, but things are way easier if he has Guy's Killing Edge. Also got the Speedwings~! Sain is a kill away from promoting.

Chapter 19 - 6/64

Since Sain can't double, and no one else is particularly strong enough to deal damage, I had to ferry Hector down there to delete most of Uhai's life.

My lack of offense is a bit odd, and then I did a little bit of average stat comparison:


This'll do it.

Chapter 19x - 6/70

I figured Sain could use a few more levels to help him. He seems to have stolen Guy's growths. ;/

Chapter 20 - 6/76

Promoted Sain.


That's why I kept it.

Chapter 21 - 3/79

Jacked the Hero Crest before Sain put an end to Oleg.

Chapter 22 - 3/82

Sain a la Guy meant that he could double Eubans with a Hand Axe. . .and even at 14 Strength, that's enough to finish Eubans on EP turn 3. Could've promoted Wil, didn't, and am not regretting it~! Considering holding off for one more chapter (for 23x). Recruited Heath for his good looks inventory.

Chapter 23 - 11/93

THAT was annoying. Somehow managed to score the gaiden - Sain getting both boss kills might've had something to do with that. :P:

Chapter 23x - free



Chapter 24 - 2/95

Sain couldn't 2RKO with the Spear, so I went the more conservative route instead. Grabbed Orion's Bolt, which will be liquidated to fund Farina.

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Chapter 25 - 8/103

YES I RECRUITED FARINA. Not that it mattered, because that's how long it took for Sain to get to the final point (had Florina ferry her sister across the battlefield, to save time). Guy promoted here (also level 20, but he's not GOD MODE WIL, who promoted last chapter). Should be able to promote Serra on the next chapter. Pale Flower of Darkness will be SO MUCH FUN.

Chapter 26 - 11/114

Bug off, Vaida. I need to go shopping.

(hell yes Killing Edges FTW)

Chapter 27 - 9/123

Screw it, I pulled this in less than ten turns. Also got all the relevant treasure (which should make certain things much easier). Those Killing Edges I bought last chapter paid off - Matthew and Guy were able to consistently ORKO stuff.

Chapter 28 - 15/138

Gee, that took a lot of turns. :P:

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Chapter 25- 5 (80)

Lowen goes to the right fort, Dart crosses the river and goes to the left fort, everyone else goes up. Rath promotes, Bartre promotes, Dart promotes.

Chapter 26- 11 (91)

Staff spamming is fun. I didn't get Hammerne. Too bad so sad.

Chapter 27- 6 (97)

Well, I did something wrong but honestly my units suck so much that I'm just trying to finish this thing so I'll take it.

Chapter 28- 15 (112)


Chapter 28x- Free (112)


Chapter 29- 5 (117)

Horrible. Just horrible. Got to the warp village turn 4 and killed Linus despite having a pretty strength screwed Lowen, but nobody on my team besides Rath, Lowen, and Erk can double with 1-2 range so the wyverns were a PITA.

Chapter 30- 4 (121)

9 warp range sucks, thanks so much Erk.

Chapter 31- 11 (132)


Chapter 31x- 5 (137)


Chapter 32- 5 (143)

9 warp range still sucks.

Chapter 32x- 1 (144)

At least it doesn't make a difference here.

Final- 4 (148)

RIP Dart who got killed by a Generic Sniper after killing Darin and Rath who got critted by the Dragon with a 4% crit rate. I had to rig a Luna crit on the dragon. I hate this team. Stats later if I feel like dealing with the pain of trying to upload pictures.

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Chapter 26 – 11/120

I trusted Florina to get more items and she survived

Chapter 27 – 8/128

Florina rushed to the boss and one shot him.

Chapter 28 – 15/143

I let Nino gain some exp.

Chapter 28x

I kept defending until we can move along. I send Florina to attack Sonia so Priscilla can drop off Hector to the seize point.

Chapter 29 – 11/154

Manage to get the warp staff and have Nino promote in this chapter.

Chapter 30 – 7/161

Florina was used in this chapter so she can carry Hector and I also used Priscilla just for some exp.

Chapter 31 – 11/172

The last of the enemies were defeated on the last turn.

Chapter 31x – 5/177

Chapter 32 – 6/183

Florina carried Hector most of the time and I have Priscilla warp Rebecca close enough so she can help Florina take on the boss.

Chapter 33 – 1/184

Nils powers up Rebecca and Priscilla warps her to the boss where she crits him in one shot.

Final – 11/195


Oswin – B: 231 W: 156

Rebecca – B: 198 W: 113

Priscilla – B: 46 W: 24

Florina – B: 177 W: 102

Legault – B: 58 W: 28

Nino – B: 57 W: 41

Lyn – B: 133 W: 72

Hector – B: 187 W: 110

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Chapter 28x - free

Nabbed Thor's Ire and the Speedwings. Thanks to Filla's Might, Wil was able to ORKO Sonia with a Silver Bow.

Chapter 29 - 7/145

Promoted Matthew (duh).

So this map featured the most two-stat level-ups I've seen, and thanks to the earlier Strength rigging, Matthew is ON AVERAGE. Grabbed Warp, and Florina did my restocking. Didn't get a chance to do the funny move (Berserk a Berserker, and have it gib things for you).

Chapter 30 - 4/149

Stupid ways to waste a Rescue and Warp, but at least Farina got the kill on Kaim (Killer Lance FTW).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Let's get this out of queue.

Chapter 31 - 11/160

Not much to say, really.

Chapter 31x - 5/165

Wil is now 20/20.

Chapter 32 - 5/170

Two Rescues and a Warp later, and the map was won. The RNG was being a little PITA, so I had to end it, or Farina would've died. Missed Fortify, and am not happy.

Chapter 32x - 1/171

This is why I picked up Thor's Ire. Used it on Matthew to raise his crit to 48%, then had him assassinate Kishuna.

Final - 4+1/176

Gave Athos the Body Ring, so he could ORKO both Nergal and the dragon (Pent's Mend FTW). Used my lone Door Key on Ursula's door, then warped Matthew around to get Lloyd and Linus' room, along with Darin's one. Athos made the brothers fight (Lloyd won, how did I screw that up), Wil took care of Uhai, Kenneth went down to Sain and Athos, and Jerme/Ursula died to Farina/Guy. Oh, and Brendan learned to fear Filla's Might on Guy.

Will check turn counts, then post screenshots later.

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  • 2 weeks later...



WORTH THE WAIT! Co-MVP for being awesomesauce.


Believe it or not, he's screwed (promoted at 20).


That was 16 Speed at level 20. Pity that he wasn't able to travel as much when he promoted, but he was GODLY.


I heart assassination.




Co-MVP right here~! And the closest to average, too~! (no one cares about Nils)


Promoted at level 14. Still managed to do well, despite trading all his Strength and Skill for Speed. Co-MVP for making things easier until I got Farina.


Fuck you too. Promoted at level 11.


WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW? He gets co-MVP for having godly Speed.

Overall - Well, that was funny. I wouldn't wish that Serra on anyone.

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