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Strunk plays Fire Emblem : Sword of Seals!


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You think you know how this goes? You'd be wrong. Things are going to be different this time!

First off, I've come up with a new format for my uploads, so everything will look just a bit better in general.

Second, instead of just going with a poll this time, I'm going to be doing the selecting personally. I still want you guys to suggest characters, but if I think they're too useful, I have the right to turn them down.

Third, and possibly most importantly, I am using Roy. There's no debating this. I'm sure you can come up with some theories as to why, and if so, feel free to post them along with your suggestions. Which I still want and need, by the way.

Now, give me some character ideas. Anybody that isn't already promoted or mounted can work. And remember, you can post as many character suggestions as you'd like, along with suggestions other people have already posted, as long as you give me reasons. Just telling me "this character sucks and you should never use them ever" is totally a valid reason, by the way, so have at it.

Go to page four to start the adventure.

Edited by Strunk
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I don't know, she sounds kind of... useful... Wait, she has better combat than "Thany"? In that case, tell me a little more about this... "Thany".

Thany is the first flier who appears, which is right after the first chapter. She's pretty speedy and can dodge reliably, but her STR base is 4 while her growth is 30%.

Tate on the other hand has a 40% STR growth and a better base (even moreso in HM), and she's also speedy, as all Pegasus knights are.

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They sound nice. I'll consider both, and see what others may have to say on the matter. Are you sure you don't have any characters that suck more? Pegasus Knights are kind of great, so they probably don't suck.

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Well...go ahead and use Wolt. Earlygame archer, first chapter is the one he appears in, and he's regarded as one of the worst characters in the game.

...But hey, after that blessed Rebecca, she probably passed it on to her son. Try him out.

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Sounds fun. From what I've read looking around, the generally considered "worst" characters would be Roy, Wolt, Wendy, and Sophia, and I seem to have gotten halfway there already. Plus, there's the fact he is indeed Rebecca's son. It would only be fair to use him. But, keep suggesting. I only have two and one half characters at the moment. Hell, if you're convincing enough, I may just go with all people you've selected.

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Tate, Thany, and Wolt so far? Hmm.

Well, I might as well give you a cavalier. Use Noah, one of the Ilian cavs. He's pretty decent, actually, but he's overshadowed by Alan and Lance, who come in the first chapter. He comes in the seventh, but I want you to give him a shot.

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Hmm, the party would be filled with mounted units, which would probably make things a bit too easy. Maybe I'll go with Hard Mode. Of course, I don't plan to decide everything quite yet. Let's see what other people have to say. If nobody else bothers suggesting or arguing, I guess this is how it'll all turn out. Of course, having one of the few fans I've had since the beginning choose my team doesn't sound too bad. Oh, have I mentioned how I've never completed this game before? I bet that'll make it even more fun.

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You can ditch Thany, if you want a bit of a challenge earlygame. Noah/Roy/Wolt trio up until Tate sounds a bit challenging. Also, I assume thieves can do their thing without engaing in combat?

I want others to suggest sime options, but I still want you to use Tate, Wolt, and Noah.

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Actually, I refuse to use thief characters that haven't been selected. I believe I used Colm on his joining chapter, but that's the only time. I've missed a ton of items simply because I never get any thieves. Alas, that's the curse of playing as I do.

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Lilina's generally pretty flip-floppity. High Magic, either decent/sub-par/downright HORRIBLE everything else. But she also lets you recruit Gonzales, one of very few playable brigands in FE, which is fun to do.

If you want downright horrible, then yeah Sophia. But no arena abusing her. JUST VANILLA SOPHIA.

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Sue or Shin. Failing that, Hugh.

Hahaha, more and more mounted units! I'll consider them all, of course!

Lilina's generally pretty flip-floppity. High Magic, either decent/sub-par/downright HORRIBLE everything else. But she also lets you recruit Gonzales, one of very few playable brigands in FE, which is fun to do.

If you want downright horrible, then yeah Sophia. But no arena abusing her. JUST VANILLA SOPHIA.

Both sound simply amazing to train. Of course, I've never used the arena in any playthrough like this! Who the hell do you think I am?!

Looking forward to this run, btw.

As am I, of course! This will be the greatest of them all!

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Alright guys, have a nice fancy list!

Roy - Will be used

Wolt - Will almost certainly be used

Tate - Is technically mounted, but there's a decent chance she'll get used

Noah - Is totally mounted, but there's a decent chance he'll get used

Sue - Is technically mounted, but there's a decent chance she'll get used

Hugh - Sounds kind of powerful, what with being a Dark Mage that isn't Sophia, but is still in the running

Lilina - Sounds like a great glass-cannon character, will probably be used unless every slot gets filled

Sophia - Sounds like a great glass-cannon character, will probably be used unless every slot gets filled

Keep discussing and suggesting and whatnot. We have more than enough time before this gets started to really narrow this down. Just note, if you don't defend your suggestions, they may get eliminated~

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Rutger and/or Dieck.

Many bosses are a pain without them.

edit: Hugh is a mage. He's a pretty tanky one too. He has a 9 defense base- that's more than most of the other magic users can muster up at 20/20!

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Hugh's a mage, not a shaman.

And Tate levels up quick, but she CAN be a bit annoying to train because low CON and D Lances. Noah will probably be your only mount for earlygame, and you'll need to rush in Chapter 8.

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Oh, you want bad people?




Oh if you want more awful units, pick any of the thieves and use them in combat. Cath is especially awful. Or use Marcus/Zealot after chapter ~15 or so.

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You can replace Rutger/Deick with Ouifey for more challenge and a similar result.

Would you happen to mean a guy called Ogier/Oujay? I can't find any info on an Ouifey, so I can only guess, personally. Either way, it'll be considered.

Hugh's a mage, not a shaman.

And Tate levels up quick, but she CAN be a bit annoying to train because low CON and D Lances. Noah will probably be your only mount for earlygame, and you'll need to rush in Chapter 8.

So he is, so he is! This is really fun. I'm already making mistakes!

You're very persuasive, much more so than the common audience member! As a random and totally not important question, say someone was planning to unlock the bonus chapters and/or True Ending. Would there be any certain types of units that would be absolutely necessary?

Oh, you want bad people?



Hahaha! I now have all of the worst characters as options. Of course, knowing why she sucks would help a bit.

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