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You people remind me of people

Thingy Person

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Once upon a time, there was Blootix, a forum with a weird name. You could say it was my first. While I've noticed that some of the same archetypes of members seem to pop up in each forum, I felt like making a comparison this time because I really miss that forum and damnit, you people remind me of it.

The first such resemblence that came to me is TLS to a member called DoaJ, because both of them tend to have rather sexual posting behaviors. This resemblance proved to be rather superficial, however, considering Doa was actually knowledgable in sexuality whereas TLS...

From the moment I saw Vincent in action for the first time in that LylexPrincess thread that went horribly wrong, I had to think of Von, Blootix's no. 1 poster and most well-known member. His seeming inability to get mad or be partial (except maybe one or two times in all those days [and his average posts per day was 30]) led some to argue that he had Asperger's, except the complete opposite. He was responsible for some of the most epic posts in the forum and had the godly ability to derail a drama-filled topic for the better, sometimes unintentionally. He was often teased with the name "Voun" because he couldn't stand the British spelling of words like "Colour". While this may be a bit of a stretch for Vincent, that guy still struck me as awesomesauce and highly contrasted with Blootix's old admin (boringly named "Blootix") who loved being distant and formal all the time. If only Vincent POSTED MOAR.

Von's eternal rival was Chaos_Theory (or "Jerry"), Blootix's No. 2 poster. An aimiable fellow, but he often had trouble taking a joke and made himself guilty of seriously epic fail every once in a while (which Feona [see supra] loved to act on each time; Von managed to annoy Jerry to tears just by taking him seriously (which, in that context, equaled patronising), leading to much lulz and overall cleavage of his ego ;P

It's that comical touchiness and tendency to be the center of drama that makes me link him to Lyle Dayek (lololol)

Wist strongly reminds me of Warren H., Blootix's secondary administrator, in that he managed to disguise sheer win in seemingly dry sentences (this post in particular). Both of these would seem like excrutiatingly humourless types at first sight, but are capable of rare degrees of win. Except Warren was so eccentric and so good at his masquerade that he almost didn't even seem human XD

Death (or Ars Amandi or whatever his name is now) is sort of a far cry to Vergil, a really dubious character. At first, I somewhat wondered wether they weren't the same person to begin with, although later on I figured that Death isn't truly jaded but just good at telling people off, and Vergil simply enjoyed being an asshole. A LOT. And ironically, despite his blatant bullying of new members, he was a moderator and a loved member of the forum XD I first made the link in the "Are you a virgin" thread, because the way Death made me reflect upon myself (due to having lost his virginity at around my age and simultaneously [in other senses] acting like what I'd consider a role model) somewhat reminded me of Vergil's intimidation.

Fia/Tiltyu/Ishtar (and since recently "fury") reminds me, in a way, of Feona17, particularly her (over)use of emotes and her ability to monstrify a topic through post-tagging with one or two other members (except that was in a general board XD). She'd also have topic sprees when bored (usually five new threads within ten minutes, ranging from "Breakfast" to "Best season to make out"). A major difference is that she was guilty of inappriopriately adressing some of the male members (like "When do I get to GFX your little place? ;D" to DoaJ [she was an awesomely good graphic artist]), contrasting with Fia's role of spectator. And while Fia likes being a pretend drama queen, Fee was an actual drama queen '~' Either way, she was Poster no. 3.

Come to think of it, there was also Telims, a friend of Doa's and a couple of years older than me. He was rather mellow and uninteresting, until we started being all gay around eachother (see the resemblence?), much to the distress of the ever-so-straight DoaJ. However, that never went further than general innuendo in threads, and he was likely straight anyway. Just some mischief to vent or something, I dunno.

Lastly, I might add Chestnut, who resembles Quetz in general tough guy-ness, although the resemblance stops there. Black and around fourteen (back then, at least) he put his personal photo as being half-naked and sporting the rebellious index-and-tiny-finger-sticking-out-hand-gesture, claiming to be 17. I was on relatively good terms with the guy, but he bitched to me about the mods some times. Rather annoying.

(honorable mention goes to MaSu/G sPoTz for being a social butterfly, although that may be a delusion on my part)

The Mugen Forum I dwelled in for a while after Blootix went down for good (JSMugen Central [JudgeSpear's circle, including Mustkillroy, GigaBowserX and KingShadow3]) also bore such resemblences, although they were a lot less pronounced.

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@Levin: If this topic had a point, I'd have put it in the general boards =P

@Wozzeck: How flattering that you consider yourself so familiar with me, but no.

@Death: Alright, the part starting from "not truly jaded" was a bit of a dare. Aside from that, I thought I described you as nominally as possible, though...

@Hikarusa: Actually, now that I see your tasteful sig, I am reminded of Lord Defience (a typo he never fixed, how defiant). It'd incredibly hard to describe him, but I can say that he had the tendency to say "penis" at random times.

@Rhaan: Oh, fine. I should've sleeping. But it's not like I could avoid being nocturnal for the next few days either way. Christmas Eve = lols

@Fox: You remind me of the scout. Happy?

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