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Why micaiah!? WHY!?


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Im on chapter 7 of part 1 and micaiah has only gained ONE hp increase! She's level 15 and anything can kill her in one hit majority of the time! Have i done something horribly wrong!? I'd like to know so if i have to restart its early on rather than later.

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Micaiah has terrible Hp throughout the entire game. Rafiel comes with a seraph robe that you can give her. Just save any you come across if you don't need them for someone else. You could also use BEXP when you get to a point where it's efficient.

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Hmm okay thanks. I was gonna save BEXP for healers so they could keep up with the others but i guess i can shell out a couple of levels for micaiah. hopefully when she promotes her HP and or defense will increase to the point where she can take an attack or 2 (physical, she has great RES)

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I wouldn't count on it. But if you're worried about healers, Miciaiah can use staves after she promotes. Plus Elincia is an amazing Healer to. When you get her.

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One thing you could do is save up all your BEXP until the Endgame and make Micaiah lvl 17 or so so that you can level her up to twenty before she promotes, that should get her HP in the...twenties...maybe.

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Kay. So what should i do if i want to use laura? I have a B support with her and Edward already and she's level 11.

Laura has a pretty good speed growth. Once she get's high enough in level she should avoid most attacks. But I abused BEXP with her. What I did is just have Michiah finish off most of the Bosses with Thani, so she got good exp. Once she caps magic and resistance I gave her BExp. Then I gave Laura all the bexp. Also, I passed around the paragon skill everywhere. to those who could use it.

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omfg that sounds so horrible.....hp in the twenties towards the END!? Well im gonna have fun making a wall of steel around her. XD

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Laura has a pretty good speed growth. Once she get's high enough in level she should avoid most attacks. But I abused BEXP with her. What I did is just have Michiah finish off most of the Bosses with Thani, so she got good exp. Once she caps magic and resistance I gave her BExp. Then I gave Laura all the bexp. Also, I passed around the paragon skill everywhere. to those who could use it.

Yeah so in Radiant dawn if you remove a skill you still have it right? I know in path of radiance when you remove it its gone forever from what i've experienced.

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Yeah. Radiant dawn is cool like that. It's helped me out a bunch. So you can take Paragon off of Astrid and Geoferey when you get them. Any skill that has that locked thing can't be removed though. As I'm sure you can tell.

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This will help me immensely......*gets an evil grin..........goes to give zihark edward's wrath skill so if he's dying he will have over 60% critical with a killing edge*

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Alright. I don't want to spoil anything for ya, so look at this if you decide you don't mind. That being said I'm sure curiosity will take it's toll. It's not that big of spoiler though so don't worry about it spoiling the whole game for ya.

Don't let Tormod, maurim and Vika trick you when they come. They show up overleveled and take away exp from people who really need it. use em when you have to but take them out of the final chapter. They tricked me and I wound up with a terrible micaiah party cept for Jill.

That's all.

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Ah okay thanks for that. That didn't seem very spoilerish lol. Maybe i should lay off of using sothe and volug for a while too. Well, today was cool! Got some help, added a few friends,and i just posted a kinda hyperactive post on my introduction topic. Now its bed time. C ya tomorrow and thanks for all of your help!

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See ya guy. BTW if that's Genius in your avatar we'll get along really well. Tales of Symphonia is my favorite game EVUR!!!!!!

If not, we'll still get along pretty good.

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YOU ARE AMAZING! It is genis(genius in japanese) From tales of symphonia! Its my favorite game series! Im a total tales and Fire Emblem junkie! I cant wait till next month! TOS 2 comes out in japan on the wii! (im in america but with a japanese wii)

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I'm really nervious about Symphonia 2. I hope they incorporate the affection system. That was my favorite part of the game and I hate Collete and LOVE Sheena. (And not just for her looks) It might ruin the whole game for me. So far it looks awesome though.

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Ok, how to go about using Micaiah...

Micaiah has terrible HP and Defence, but great Magic, Luck and Resistance. Her Speed is a little low.

You get the Paragon scroll from the boss of chapter 6. Equip the skill on her ASAP. I won't spoil anything, but she MUST be level 20 by the end of part 1.

After pt.1, you won't be seeing her again for a while, and when you do, she (and her team in general) will be very underleveled. (because of this, I recomend you upgrade at least three of the following characters by the end of part 1: Edward, Nolan, Aran, Jill, Ilyana, and if you want to: Meg, Leonardo or Fiona. Don't premote them until level 20, or they will suck big time.) Try to level her up as much as possible, her inability to double attack makes this hard, so try to weaken enemies and have her finish them off. Try to attack armoured and mounted units with her unique spell, and give her adept if you're really worried about her attack speed.

In part 4, try to get her to level 20 before the final chapters. Be sure to give her paragon during the five final chapters, and once she maxes magic, luck and resistance, use Bonus Exp to get her speed up.

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Speaking of Micaiah, it looks like there's something missing form your profile pick, MS. I wonder why...

But to be on topic, those are some really good ideas, but i suggest you hold off on promoting the Dawn Brigade until after you fight them in 3-7, with the exception of Ilyana. Otherwise you'll find yourself staring down a bit of a problem when you cross the river.

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