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The Raid


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((As I said it before, this is just a small excerpt perhaps of a glorious story yet to come. The world has been built, part of the characters too. Excuse any grammar errors you might find, or any other mistake. Also, do not feedback here, do so in the Feedback topic. Moreover, there is a map in the sign up thread, if you need it to find your way. Thanks))


The chilly winds of Yvia were known to be another fierce enemy for the human race. Aside from the many dangers that lurked in that frozen northern land, the weather was also a grave enemy to those brave adventures who dared to set foot in the forbidden land. With low temperatures reaching in the negative numbers most of the time, those who entered the land without the proper winter gear were as good as dead.

But that was not the case with Rad Quetz, the mercenary had come well prepared to fend off even the most of dangerous monsters that lurked here. He was dressed in warm clothing that was not visible. All that was visible at the moment to any observer was a long, silver leather trenchcoat. Facing the brutal conditions of Yvia was no trouble for him, Rad had done it before, and so the mercenary knew how to come prepared every time he needed to come here. He felt very cozy under the anti-winter garments that he wore under the long coat. The weather here hardly did anything to put him off balance. Not even his cute looking, angelic young face showed the redness that some other human might of had shown under the brutal, wintery conditions.

The white maned, bronze skinned and peculiar looking mercenary stood on top of a large boulder that showed the harsh elements of the land. With the boulder having being covered with snow, Rad had made sure not to slip off when he had jumped from the ground and up to it. Rad was short, measuring at the very most five-seven, but he made up for his lack of height with his girth. No, the merc was not fat, but rather broad looking and strong.

From on top, the mercenary was able to take a good view of the scenery that this rough land offered. All he could see with his white orb eyes at the moment was the surrounding sea of tall pine trees, most of which were covered with snow. This frozen land was always covered with snow, element that made the land's floor loo like a pearly, white carpet.

It had snowed a couple of days ago, and by hearing the chilly wind's wild whistling, Rad could tell that another nasty storm was on the way from the northern Yvian mountains. Perhaps this one would make its way out of Yvia and into Asaki territory, unlike the last storm which had barely reached the southern reaches of the cold realm. He grimaced at the thought, for he could very well take it, but he doubt it that the rest of his troops and the southerners that would meet him in brief moments would not. Rad shook his head, knowing that humans were very fragile. Unlike him, who was not human, they could not withstand many obstacles that life threw out at them.

Forgetting about the meeting with the southerners, his eyes took notice of the large mountains off in the distance to the north, their snow covered peaks just barely visible over the grayish sky and wintery conditions. Rad gazed grimly at the behemoth mountains, knowing that soon he would have to venture there, whether accompanied or alone. He preferred going alone, for that would save him the trouble of having to babysit those that went with him. Rad moved faster alone. He kept his serious gaze on the mountains, for he was also discerning what was going on there at the moment. The mercenary could feel evil emanations, though these were weak. Still, he realized that the Elder council back in his land had been right. Soon the human realms would be covered in darkness and despair.

The mercenary jumped down from the boulder, knowing that the time for the meeting was close. He unbuttoned his trenchcoat and searched inside one of the two sacks he carried to his right side of the waist and brought out a small container that contained a potion of strength to invigorate both mind and body. To Rad's eyes, the liquid was of a light blue color. He took the wooden cap off and began drinking it, knowing that it was more than necessary for what he was about to do next. Once he finished drinking the potion, Rad set the container back in the sack and then licked his lips. The potion had tasted like vanilla, a flavor that Rad really loved.

Calling forth the magical aid of one of the many color-assorted rings he wore in his fingers, Rad then disappeared from view and started traveling through the very fabrics of time itself. Traveling by those means required lots of body and mind strength, and so by having consumed the potion, Rad would be alright during this magical trip. Had he not gulped down the potion, his entire self would of had dissolved into nothingness as the extra-planar molecules would of had eaten him in a matter of seconds, like acid would eat just about anything.

Rad would not be late for the meeting with the southerners, and as he traveled, he hoped that the southerners would not be either, because he had other matters to attend to that were also very important.


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"I hear he is the best asakian mercenary ever," said Bryn Zenith as she rode up front on the wagon with the guild leader herself. With a narked face, Toby Galatea, the leader of the White Rose Brigade, turned to stare at her best friend.

"I hear he is a laguz as well," Toby turned her attention to the dirt road. She had said it in a way that let her friend know how annoyed she now was, for Bryn had been saying this kind of stuff about the agent all trip long.

Bryn, grinning, nodded, for she, as always, had managed to annoy her friend, something that according to her she had been born to do.

"Seriously?" the cute, long brown haired girl asked.

At first glance, Bryn couldn't be past twenty years of age, but she was. She was actually twenty-three years of age, time had just passed her by without so much as making her look older than sixteen. The same could be said for Toby Galatea. She was the taller of the two at six foot even and was also twenty-three years young, though a few months older than Bryn. Toby's hair was medium length to the shoulders, curly on the sides and she wore braces and glasses. She was very pretty despite having thought the opposite about herself many times.

"I was just kidding, geez," Toby glanced at her friend and smiled. She could not remain annoyed or angry at Bryn for long, for they had been friends since they were kids. So close and sincere was their friendship that they both looked the other as a sister, and they both knew that, making their friendship bond stronger and special. Aside from all that, Toby knew that Bryn was just as curious as the rest of the group to meet this figure who had made a name for himself maintaining the forces of evil at bay from Yvia.

In real life, both girls had no parents nor any kind of family left whatsoever. In one foul, tragic night, the friends had lost family and friends in a monster raid. From there on, Toby and Bryn, young Broahn girls who had been nine years old at the time, swore to protect those who could not protect themselves, such as their family and friends had not been able to do that tragic night.

That tragic night was always with them, always in their minds, though the girls had learnt to keep the pain at bay, their memories sealed in the deepest hideouts of their hearts.

"It's getting chillier," Bryn protested and hugged herself, making Toby forget about the past, which she had been reliving. Bryn, as well as Toby, was wearing anti-winter clothing but the chilly wind that suddenly whistled by had penetrated deep into her bones, reminding the cadet ranked girl where exactly they were. So had Toby felt the coldness, and she knew that they were merely a few miles away from the Yvian border, so that's why it was cold. The leader just never imagined it could feel this cold. The northern parts of Asaki in no way compared to the frigid temperatures of Yvia, yet since they shared a border, the frigid temperatures from Yvia and many of its nasty winter storms always made the trips into Asakian territory.

"We are getting close to the border," Toby told her, feeling good since she wore gloves that covered her hands. "That decrepit fort should be around here somewhere. Look for it, Bryn."

The mercenary gal started doing so, glancing to the sides while she kept her hands inside her jacket's pockets, which afforded her little, if not any, comfort from the cold wind despite the wool-made gloves doing their job on her hands.

The girls did not ride alone on this trip. Behind them was another wagon, and behind this one rolled on the last of the trio of wagons. Behind the primary wagon rode Lisa Hoopia, a tall, short-haired blonde girl from the realm of Broah. She was in charge of the culinary objects and food. Although she was a cheerful girl, she rode alone, but behind her white-flapped wagon rode three more girls on another. Beautiful young girls that went by the names of Nancy Shoemakur, Kristi Hizer and Gen Hui, all under the service of the White Rose Brigade, a guild that had started making a new for itself several years ago. Two of those girls were brunettes, Nancy and Gen. Nancy wore her hair short and and she had light skin. Gen, on the other hand, had long, dark hair that ran all the way down to her waist, though at the moment she wore a large ponytail. She was short in stature, probably five-two at the very most, and she was dressed in her land's typical girlish outfit, an outfit that was meant to keep the cold out. The outfit resembled a long robe, but her's was two-piece. Underneath the long dark coat, which ran down to her buttocks and ended in a W, the girl also wore dark, tight pants and short, dark leathery boots. Her eyes were small and slanted-like, making her already beautiful face stand out even more. Gen was Cheery as well, but she fell short when compared to Lisa, who could be even cheerful enough in dire situations.

Kristi Hizer wore her hair fairly short and of a pink color. She was two inches taller than Gen and her skin was somewhat of a peachy color. She was a prodigy, so she could do that kind of stuff with her hair, she always did when she grew bored of a particular color. Nancy was the only girl from Vanezia, while Kristi was from Broah. Gen was the only Asakian in the group, and the youngest of them all at fifteen. She was serving as a guide as well, for the Vanezian Brigade did not know the land well, it was their first time stepping on the land of Asaki, the land of dreams.

To be honest, Gen knew little about the northern parts of Asaki, the girl had grown up in a cottage farm to the south of Asaki, near a port town called Port Xin. Toby had sent her to ride in the back with the other girls since she would not be of any use to them in the front wagon. Not that it bothered the leader in the least that the fifteen year old Asakian be riding with them, but Gen was excellent with a bow and would serve a better purpose in the rear if the group was attacked. Toby and Bryn could very well cover the front, and Lisa, the cook, could very well handle covering the middle. Aside from being the group's cook, Lisa was also part mage and fighter. She could wield an axe just as good as she could call forth a small fire ball that could kill a being.

"Wait up, boss," suddenly Bryn said, noticing some old fort in the distance to her right. "I think I see something."

The old garrison was barely visible to her who was sitting. Keeping calm but with her spirits soaring high because of the news, Toby glanced at Bryn who had stood up, perhaps to take a better look.

Indeed, Bryn had stood up to make sure it was the old fort that the Asakian contractor had described to them back in the guild in Vanezia.

"It is, that's the fort. There are many bushes and trees surrounding it, just like Miria Wong said. So that's gotta be it, right?"

"We shall take a look," Toby nodded, knowing that it had to be the fort they were looking for. She only hoped that the agent would be there already, otherwise, she'd hate to wait for him to arrive.

Something about this new land had the White Rose Brigade leader restless, and that was something unusual for her to feel since she rarely felt uneasy. Still, keeping as calm as she could, Toby directed the horses and the rest of the group toward the now visible fort in the distance. There was no road for the group to follow, but the terrain all around them was flat, with little or no specks of bushes and grasses here and there, not to mention a few boulders. There were also trees of assorted colors and taller pine trees that dwarfed most of these trees, but the wagons could easily maneuver around them, for they were separated by large gaps of about twenty and sometimes thirty or more feet. Staring at the trees around them, Bryn wondered why there were no chirps coming from birds or other aerial creatures. She wondered whether that had anything to do with how cold it actually felt up here in northern Asaki.


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The village of Hao-Yin had withstood numerous monster attacks over the years. But lately, the attacks had gotten worse and graver. Even with several platoons of elite Asakian guards deployed in the area, villagers, innocents that could not defend themselves, were dying or disappearing in major numbers during the raids, and there was nothing these forces could do to prevent it.

The danger was high, the monster attacks imminent day and night, and many of the inhabitants of the northern village were in fear and planning to abandon the village. But few villagers thought differently. An insignificant number of villagers, those that loved the town too much to forsake it, thought that someone had to do something about the situation.

The people of Hao-Yin, a mix of Asakians and other people from the other realms, had lived without fear ever since the village had been erected fifteen years ago. But back then, the danger was not as high as it was now. Back then, everything was peaceful. Back then, humans were able to hold the frontier from monster and beastly attacks with ease. Not anymore. The settlers of Hao-Yin knew something odd was going on lately within the realm of ever-cold. For indeed, something sinister had to be driving the monsters mad and make them attack consecutively and at random intervals. It had not been like this before, so something was amiss.

In their dark hours of despair, the villagers embraced the help that began to arrive from all parts of the continent. Still, eventhough the village and its surroundings had been re-enforced with Asakian guards and mercenaries that arrived day by day to answer the threat, many of the villagers felt as if they had the need to abandon the village. They were simply not safe anymore. Even many of the tough seasoned fighters that had arrived throughout the passage of time of this crisis, had suffered a nasty death at the hands of the monsters. What chance, then, did villagers and farmers stand?

Many of these villagers and their families thought that they were better off somewhere else, away from all this trouble. And so even now that help arrived day by passing day, still villagers were leaving, because nothing truly change. Blood kept spilling and spilling and many believe that it would only get worse. Many rumors had started circulating amongst the people that all this had to do with judgment day. The village of Hao-Yin would simply be the beginning of it all.

"There goes another caravan," Rhaan Merces, a lengthy, brown haired mercenary noted that chilly afternoon. He was wearing a dark purplish robed outfit, with many insignias sewn to it. The robe's dark purple color made his pale skin stand out. Rhaan, owner of a set of blue eyes, took a good stare in an attempt to count how many inhabitants had departed in that small caravan. Seven was the lucky number, an entire family and one that he had grown quite fond of during his three month stay in the village. He had enjoyed the presence of that family simply because one of the parent's daughter had caught his eye, and a woman rarely caught his attention.

Rhaan at the moment stood near the outer walls of a brick-made house, reclined and with his right elbow set on top of barrel's top, his hairless face showing a smile as if the man was truly enjoying the spectacle. Sure, the family he liked most in the village had opted to leave, there was nothing he could do about it, really. He knew that perhaps going after this caravan and ask the father if he could speak with his daughter was just absurd. Smiling, Rhaan knew that tomorrow would bring something new for him, it always did. And the fair-face man knew that there would be other times when he could meet a new girl. So the merc simply stood staring at the departing set of wagons.

Next to the cheery sage merc stood a shorter, blondish boy who could not be more than twelve years of age. His name was Chaz Wiler. With a huge dark Killer bow strapped across his back as well as his brown-leathered quiver of arrows, Chaz glanced past Rhaan's broad shoulders to take a look at the departing set of wagons. His friend was right, it appeared that another group of villagers had decided to abandon the village.

"Do they do the right thing, Rhaan?" the wily boy stared at the sage, whom he looked up to.

Rhaan did not bother to look at him, but he did answer.

"As things are at the moment, yes. These non-fighting people belong in an area where there is no trouble, especially the kids."

Chaz spat on the dirty ground underneath him, not taking offense at Rhaan's words. Chaz was a kid still, but in a sense, he had lived too much and was mature enough to fight like a grown man. He was not good with a bow, he was great! That is why he had managed to make the group of three that had come with Rhaan from south Asaki.

The other two mercs were out on patrol at the moment, accompanying a platoon of Asakian soldiers. There were always several patrol units of ten patrolling the surrounding areas of the village. To the west of the village was a large forest, but no threat came from there. The real threat came from up north, from behind the border, from the cold realm of Yvia.

Having grown bored of staring at villagers, Rhaan started walking away towards the outside of town. Seeing this, Chaz started after him, not even asking a word. Wherever his boss went, the kid was sure to follow because of his compulsive demeanor.

"Stay put, Chaz," Rhaan suddenly said, after he heard the kid's footsteps behind him. "I am just gonna take a look over here."

Nodding, Chaz stopped and saw his role-model go away. The twelve year old spat at the ground again and turned back to return to his post.


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The sun was still visible to the young, blonde couple. Staring to the east, glancing at the clouds and the sun, Sean Storm kept his cool while his girlfriend rode beside him, holding his gloved hand. As any other traveler in that part of the region was doing lately, so too had Sean and Alexis equipped themselves good with anti-winter clothing. Alexis even wore a self-made scarf, and Sean did too, one that she had made for him before they had departed from the capital of Asaki; Kikure.

They were close to arriving the village known as Hao-Yin, a village that had pleaded for help to every realm's guilds and contract houses many weeks ago. Sean and his lovely girlfriend were here to answer that call, just as Sean was sure many other mercenaries and hired blades had done so already.

"Oh, I always find the setting of the sun quite beautiful," Sean explained to his girlfriend when he turned to face her to his right and noticed that she had been eyeing him curiously. "I never tend to miss one."

Nodding, Alexis said. "But it cannot compare to the rising of the sun. With it, the sun starts every creature's new day and brings hope to everyone."

Sean did not disagree. He noted then that up ahead a small caravan of two wagons was coming their way. He maneuvered his team of two horses to move to the right, to give the oncoming caravan ample space to go through undisturbed. As the caravan approached, Sean and his girlfriend realized it was another family. The man holding the horses' reins nodded at him and tipped his straw hat with his left hand, probably because of Alexis' presence aboard the wagon. Sean, courteously as always, nodded back with a smile, as did Alexis.

"They leave," Alexis reasoned when the caravan passed them.

"Things might be a little grimmer than we believed, then," Sean said, as if it did not matter. He concentrated his set of blue eyes on the village ahead, which they were getting closer to.

"Perhaps it is the best thing to do, dear," said Alexis.

"Indeed, hon. Hell, if I was no fighter but a simply farmer or fisherman, like these folks of Asaki are, then I would flee as well. Family comes first, in my opinion anyway." Alexis rose her eyebrows and simply stared ahead.

Five minutes later, they were about to enter through the southern entrance. Sean noticed a tall, brown haired young man dressed in a dark purple outfit standing outside of the entrance. He carried no weapons and was staring towards the east, just to where the sun was beginning to set behind the Broahn mountains in the east. After seeing the many insignias he wore on his robed outfit, Sean realized that the man had to know about magic. His outfit was no magicians robe, if it was, Sean realized it must of had been custom made. It looked gorgeous on the wearer.

"Is he a wizard?" Alexis asked, having contemplated the youngster as well. Hearing her, brought an air of hope to Sean. Wizards, mages and sages, or any kind of magic user for that matter, was always a good friend to have in a situation such as dire as this one. Magic users packed a punch, but their weakness was the time they needed to cast their spells. If nobody gave them protection, they were vulnerable to melee attacks. However, when given their time, any good magic user could well devastate an entire army with a few spells.

Just then, the figure turned towards them, Sean and Alexis noticing his smile.

"Good day," the man said in a polite tone. Sean stopped the wagon.

"Well met, friend. Are you a mercenary?"

The young man did not answer right away, rather Sean noticed that he took the time to study them both well, especially Alexis.

After about thirty seconds, the young man nodded and asked. "Are you?"

Sean showed a smile and said, "Yes. I am Sean Storm, of house Storm in Vanezia. This is my girlfriend Alexis, we are both at your disposal."

"We are here to aid this village," Alexis added, smiling joyously.

The man shared a smile with her and introduced himself.

"Rhaan...of house Merces of..."

Sean noticed the man took a good view to the inside of their wagon and did not finish what he was going to say. Since he was tall and lean as Sean himself was, the mercenary that had come from Kikure with his girlfriend alongside knew that the youngster was able to see what was on board.

The robed man smiled and said with a cheery tone. "I see you are well armed, friend. Brought plenty of weapons and food, eh?"

"I like to be well armed in these...troublesome situations," Sean answered with a cheery smile of his own, though wondering why the man had not included his realm of birth in his introduction. House Cerces, Sean thought rapidly, though he was unable to come up with any clear conclusions as to what realm did that house name belong to. He had never heard of it in Vanezia, and the name did not even sound from any of the other two realms.

Just then, Sean's thoughts were disrupted when the cheerful fellow spoke again.

"I am sure the people of Hao-Yin, the few that are left that is, will welcome you with open arms. Go on in, friends, get settled down. This night, I fear, will bring us another monster attack."

Sean rose his hand at him, as if waving him off politely, then proceeded to get the horses and the wagon moving, even though he knew right away that Alexis had gotten scared after hearing the man say that.

Off to the right of the road, Rhaan watched them enter the village, feeling glad that at least two fighters had replaced the family that had left. Things were beginning to look up again. But his worry was not the monster attack, no, the clever sage wondered where that peculiar looking white-maned mercenary had gone off to. Rad was his name, he knew, for he had even talked with the young man several times and he had introduced himself to him just as Rhaan had done so with him in return. They had shared strategy plans and had even fought alongside several nights weeks ago.

As he turned again to stare to the east, the sun now beginning to disappear behind the mountains, Rhaan wondered whether the young mercenary had decided to tuck tail and run. He laughed when he imagined the guy doing that, though that laugh ended in a snap when he realized that perhaps Rad Quetz would not be here any longer to assist the village. Perhaps, if the white-maned merc had really left, he had done the wisest thing, like that other family that he had seen leaving had done so. But Rhaan, as well as the rest of the villagers and soldiers were going to sorely miss him, for the guy actually had fought well-balanced and could handle two blades unlike anyone he had ever seen before.

"God bless you, lad," Rhaan said aloud, referring to the merc who had fought alongside him. "If you did leave, live a long life and be happy, bed many woman and have many children, just in case I don't get that chance."

Closing his eyes, Rhaan sighed away his anguish and decided that it was time to head back into the center of the village, where as of late, everyone; villagers and soldiers, were spending the night huddled together.

Rhaan had to speak with Chaz, Karino and his pupil Luigi, whom he had enlisted lastly to his small band. He never passed a night without giving them instructions on what they were to do to assist him if a raid actually came. Feeling the cold wind that howled as he walked in, Rhaan could almost feel the attack coming.


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The lead wagon stopped just about twenty feet from the old garrison. Seeing this action from their leader, Lisa and Nancy also stopped their wagons.

Up front, they saw their leader jump off the wagon's front end. Bryn followed her momentarily.

Lisa did the same then, as did the other three gals, though Lisa took the liberty to walk to the back of her wagon and search for her mighty companion. She reached with her long arm for Ygdra, the two-headed axe that could tear anything apart, even stone.

The tall, black-cinderblock made building stood like a towering giant in front of them. The color of it would give any starer a shiver, and the dark gray clouds that traveled slowly toward the south up in the sky added to that dark effect perfectly. Even Toby, the leader of this group of girls, felt uneased by the fort's darkened look. Kioko Fort was the name of this place. It had served the Asakians great over the span of time, but now it was abandoned. Seeing that the fort was not in bad shape, Toby had to wonder why it would be empty now.

As the other four girls reunited with the leader and her lieutenant, they noticed that everything around the garrison was quiet. Not even a bird's chirp could be heard, nor a cricket's noisy singing.

"Should we go inside?" Bryn asked the leader, feeling the coldness of the wind, which had picked up a little. It stung their belle faces and the girls had started to develop the redness of its cold effects.

Toby stood staring at the fort, investigating every nook and cranny. The agent was nowhere to be seen, but the leader thought that perhaps he was waiting for them inside. After all, the region was cold as hell was sure to be hot. If the agent had felt the cold as they were sure experiencing it now, he had gone inside where without a doubt it would be a little warmer.

"Regular procedure," Toby nodded, starting forward, though she had unbuttoned her coat so that her right hand was able to reach for her faithful broad sword. The others, seeing this action coming from their leader, did likewise, while Kristi Hizer prepared a quick offensive spell in case she needed to cast it.

On the group of six girls headed, maintaining an inverted V formation, their wily leader leading them on bravely.

The fort's huge thick wooden door was still intact, though several of the girls noticed that erosion was beginning to do its part on it from the top. At the moment, the two-halves door was semi opened, a sign that perhaps let thoughtful Bryn know that the agent had gone inside. Oh, the mercenary girl thought. I want to meet him now.

The group came into a large, rectangular room, which had no roof of any kind. It was just the fort's front yard, where without a doubt provisions and weapons were kept. This, the group knew to be true when they noticed old crates and barrels along the sides of the walls, some battered, some intact but all empty. They also noticed how well made was the fort from within. Up on top of the walls were catwalks that afforded fighters to stand at and fire off perhaps arrows or magic. The corners of the fort also ended in watch towers.

Bryn Zenith, by staring intently on to the watch tower to the right, noticed that a huge ballista still stood in its place there. She had fired ballistas before, when Toby and she had been training under the tutelage of Wist Crogg, a famed mercenary that had a guild in the capital of Vanezia. Wist had been the girl's first ever teacher. They had abandoned his guidance a few years ago, when Wist had taught them all that was needed to be taught to a mercenary wanna-be. The merc leader had let them know that they were well prepared now and could start their own guild, just as it had been the girl's primary goal to do so.

All of sudden, Bryn abandoned her pondering to pay attention to Toby, who spoke in a low tone.

"He is nowhere to be seen. Perhaps he is waiting within the rooms to the sides. We split up. Bryn?"

"Uh huh?" Bryn instantly paid attention for instructions that were coming.

Toby turned to look at her and ordered. "Take Gen and Lisa with you and look in the right side rooms. I'll take Nancy and Krista with me, and do be careful."

-"Its Kristi, boss," Came Kristi's sweet voice from behind. "Kristi Hizer, 'member?"

"Krista suits you better," Toby turned and smiled at her, just to settle her prodigy down. In truth, Toby liked calling her servants anything that she thought fitted them better than their usual names. They had no trouble with that since Toby also let them call her whatever they wished.

"Fine," Kristi decided, nodding. "Krista it is, your majesty."

"Okay, enough of the chit-chat," Toby looked upon Kristi's beautiful face. "Lets find the agent and be on our way. I just want to leave this place and make it to Hao-Yin as soon as possible. This place gives me the creeps."

"And me," Kristi agreed with Toby's reasoning.

"I third that," laughed Gen while raising her hand. Toby glanced at her.

"Anyone feels like fourthing it?" Toby said with her voice a little higher than usual. Nobody said nothing. "Alright, then, let us proceed with our mission, ladies."

All of a sudden, a fair voice was heard from somewhere on top the catwalks, a male's voice that said:

"No need to go looking for me, I am here."

Stunned and caught off guard, the entire group glanced all around them in an attempt to find this man.


--Edited the word some for any--

Edited by Löki
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Rad Quetz had seen the wagons when they were arriving closely to the garrison, though the young man had decided to keep his secrecy behind the open doors of the garrison. He even had seen them jump off the wagons.

"All girls?" he had asked himself when he had noticed that indeed all of the newcomers were females. "Damn you, Miria."

Smiling because of his friend's wily joke on him, Rad had decided to head on to the top of the catwalks and let the girls come in and find him. He sort of wanted to test their courage. So he took a seat on the left side ledge of the left side watch tower, hiding well behind the shadows that the tower afforded him.

Moments later, he heard them approaching the entrance and nodded, knowing that they at least had courage to come in and investigate, whereas some other squad might of had turned tail and run at the sight of the abandoned fort. Rad knew several groups that had actually done that before, one of these groups had included a relative of his.

From the shadows he saw the girls make their way in, and he heard them talking lowly. Still, with his kin ears, Rad was able to hear everything they said. So when the mercenary heard that they planned to split up in an attempt to find him, the merc decided to show himself. After all, he did not want them to think he had been playing a game with them by hiding and they seeking.


Lisa was the one who made out the figure first when he jumped out of the watch tower and on to the catwalk. The blonde girl couldn't help but grimace, just as the other five girls did when they saw that the young man had actually not opted to land on the catwalk, rather he had opted to land way at the bottom of the ground where they stood. The fall would surely not kill him, it was about thirty feet high, but his legs would feel the worst of it. Lisa smiled when the young man did not reach the ground, rather he had sustained himself in mid-air about ten feet afore landing. A gravitational spell of some kind, she realized, beaming at the astute man's trick. Kristi growled off to the side when Bryn applauded and shouted. "Impressive!"

Hearing her, a smiling Gen turned to look at the pink haired magician and laughed. Kristi glanced at her and rose an eyebrow.

"I know," Gen said lowly with her Asakian accent, leaning towards her. "You can also pull off something like that, huh?"

"You bet your little Asakian ass I can," Kristi sounded more than disgusted, though Gen knew that she was actually kidding, acting as if she really was mad. In truth, the prodigy always was amazed at any fine display of magic, however, this agent had done so without the use of a magical stone. At least Kristi had been sharp enough with her eyes to catch that. She said nothing, though, only stood straight like the rest of them were.

The group of girls saw the young man approaching them then, when he had at last fallen down to the ground and landed swiftly without an injury. They all liked what they saw then, and so did Rad, who smiled at them.

There was a brief moment of silence between them all as the girls looked at him and Rad stared back. To them, the young man looked normal, except his white hair, which really stood out. His eyes, a set of orbs of a glimmering light brown to them, almost matched the color of his light tanned skin. In his real persona, Rad was owner of a set of white orbs, but an enchanted ring he wore made sure that humans saw brown orbs instead, so they would not be thrown off with his appearance. His name, Rad thought, was enough to make people question the nature of his true origin. But Rad never liked using other aliases. In his 4210 years of existence, he had always been Rad Quetz and nothing else.

The most amazed of the girls with Rad was Bryn, who had imagined Rad to be many different possibilities. However, none of those images she had painted of him while she had been traveling on the wagon turned out to be accurate. For one thing, she had never imagined that the agent could have white hair, but he did. Also, he was short and stocky, and Bryn had envisioned him as tall, with noble clothing and shorter hair of a dark color. He seemed manly, maturely, and that was enough for Bryn, who loved men that seemed mature, not childish. Oh, she was sure he was younger than her, but still, he looked very mature. Rad noticed her smile and the way she looked at him with her brown eyes. No, Rad had not turned out to be any of those models she had envisioned, rather he had turned out to be more than she had expected. A lot more. There was an eccentric air about him, and that made Bryn like him much the more.

To the mercenary's reasoning, as he stood there watching them, they were all very beautiful, not to mention very brave and young as himself. However, even being beautiful and all as they were, they could not compare to the owner of his heart back in Dragonia. Rad was about to slip off into a reverie of past memories, though it abruptly ended when the tallest of the girls spoke.

"Are you our agent?"

She was the leader, Rad knew right away, and he noticed what she had asked. She was clever, but Rad, smiling, knew that every good leader was. She had not asked him if he was Rad Quetz, the name that Miria delivered to them back in Vanezia. Rather the girl had asked him if he was simply their agent, a man they were suppose to meet with here. Rad believed that the girl was thinking that perhaps anyone would of had answered; "Yes, I am Rad Quetz," when in fact, that someone could turn out not to be this Rad Quetz. So she had let him introduce himself to them all, and he did.

Nodding, Rad answered, "Yes, that'd be me. My name is Rad Quetz. I believe you are the group that Miria, my associate, sent?"

Satisfied with the information, Toby smiled, for indeed, what Rad had thought of her had been on the mark. It was not that she did not trust him, but a clever leader was always on the safe side this way, by sticking to their code of conduct. The brave leader had also taken into consideration how the young man had presented himself to them. He had introduced his name to them, to let them know that he was indeed Rad Quetz, the man they had come to meet and no other.

"We are," Toby said, and eased her hand off the hilt of her weapon, her eyes staring blankly at the many rings she made out in the fine man's fingers. Rad did not even appear to have noticed her hand near her weapon, but he had, though the clever mercenary had known that she had put the hand there as a safety measure, not because she meant to strike him dead. He had also noticed that they seemed perplexed at the many rings he wore. He caught a pink-haired girl staring intently at the necklaces he wore. Only a few of many were visible to them, yet Rad could perceive that the pink-haired girl wanted to take a good measure of them all, as if trying to discern what purpose they served. "Your associate came to our guild and contracted our service, " Toby Galatea added, lifting her stare to match his own. " She told us that Hao-Yin is in trouble. We are here to assist its people and anybody else involved."

Rad nodded at her, but there was more to the matter, though he could not tell them about that. He said nothing. He simply started walking around them, investigating them all too well. They knew why he was doing that, so they all kept their posture. Most of the time, a very good contractor always liked to investigate thoroughly what he was getting for his money, and so they had no problem with him.

But that was not the case here. Rad had not hired their service, good old Miria Wong had. Miria was a resident of Hao-Yin, she was sort of like the mayor, though in Asaki, a person that ran that role was known as a cock. Miria had simply appointed Rad, the mercenary she most trusted from all the rest, to take on the job of escorting this group to the village of Hao-Yin. Rad was simply wondering whether the girls were made of hard stuff. When it came to facing off against the hordes of monsters from Yvia, not too many had the heart to stand up to them and fight them. Rad had seen many seasoned mercs die without so much as lifting a hand to defend themselves. He sure hoped these girls were not made of the same weak stuff.

"Shall we get going, then?" Rad asked, eyeing Toby when he made the full turn around them. "Time is of the essence, and I am sure the village could benefit from our presence there and not here."

"You, too, are a mercenary protecting the village?" Bryn dared asked, her voice normal.

"I am under contract there, yes. Miria is my contractor, but my time of service is almost up."

That soured up Bryn's happy mood. And she had had her hopes up of passing several days alongside him. Rad saw as the beautiful girl lowered her head.

"Then let us get going," Toby interjected, sensing her friend's disappointment. "It's starting to get dark."

Toby herself was also disappointed in hearing Rad Quetz say that. The agent had an air of familiarity about him when it came to combat, it was a shame his service was almost over, though Toby did not know whether that statement meant a couple of weeks to come or sooner than that. Still, as Rad offered to lead them out, she could not help it but feel saddened, perhaps mostly due to the fact that Bryn was resenting more than her.

"Yeah, it is getting darker," Rad said. "Not to mention colder."

As they walked in unison out of the fort, Rad let them know what they needed to do to arrive to Hao-Yin. It was not far and they could not get lost if they followed his words.

"You are not coming with us?" Toby asked him. Rad glanced upon her and decided to explain to them all that he did not have the use of a horse, something that brought Toby's eyebrows up.

"So how do you manage to travel around?" she asked, eyeing him.

Still feeling invigorated by the potion he had taken no more than a fifteen minutes ago, Rad decided that he would not need to take another one for his means of fast travel.

"I travel by the use of magic," Rad glanced at her. He wasn't about to tell her and the rest of the girls that in truth he carried a mighty companion who served him better than a horse whenever he felt the need to travel by means of riding. To sustain his explanation, Rad brought out from one of his satchels a grayish looking stone, one that the group of girls instantly recognized as a magical stone. He lifted it up to face level for them to see.

Toby nodded at him, understanding. Magicians used those sort of stones to activate tougher spells, such as was the case with a teleportation spell. One had to hold the stone in hand and murmur or blurt out the proper incantation. The stone's magical power would then fuse with the user's inner magical ability and the spell would work if the words of it were said correctly and if the magician's magical ability within him or her was exceptional.

"So you are somewhat of a mix between a magic and melee mercenary?" Nancy Shoemakur asked the youngster.

"Indeed," Rad smiled at her. If only she knew what he truly was. He accompanied them out towards the wagons, and he saw as they all got on aboard.

"Sure you don't want to travel with us?" the tall, blonde girl asked him. "I have plenty of room here if you'd like to come with me."

A fine invitation if Rad had ever heard one. Still, he smiled at her and shook his head.

"I have other stuff I must do before I go back to the village."

The pretty blonde nodded at him.

"But you will be there this night, right?" the short Asakian asked him as she was getting aboard in the last wagon. Rad turned his attention to the last wagon and nodded at her.

"Oh, I am always there. I am sure I will be there before you gals."

Smiling, Toby sent a wave forward using the horses' reins, a move that got the obedient horses to move forward.

Rad waited for the three wagons to move up ahead then decided to hide the magical stone. He would use his ring again, no need to go wasting a stone when he could use his endless supply found within the ring. A moment later, using the ring's power, Rad disappeared from view, but not before sensing the strong emanations of one of his kin.


Edited by Löki
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As he had said so, Rad arrived the village first. He reappeared outside on the outskirts of the village, taking care that the sentries did not watch him. Without anyone laying an eye on him, Rad started moving towards the southern entrance, pondering on the sensations he had felt right after he was disappearing. Thinking on this dilemma, the merc made his way into the village, saluting the two guards that had been set to guard the entrance. When he got to the middle area, he noticed that everyone was crowded in the center of the village. Several fires were keeping the hosts warm, and as Rad walked toward the crowd, he noticed several new faces among them.

"Oh, Rad!" he heard the purple-clothed mage say in a more than happy tone. Rhann, he had noticed, had been sitting in the middle of the crowd and was relating a tell to them all. Rad noticed the mage had stood up and started to make his way towards him. "Where were you?"

As he investigated the approaching mage, Rad noticed that several of the other mercs and villagers seemed glad to see him back. Rad could tell much on a person just by looking at their faces and their bodily reactions. Much could be said without the need of words.

"I was out patrolling the northern area," Rad simply said to him and made his way to one of the fires, where he was sure to catch some warmth.

"Alone?" Rhaan gasped, following him. "You know that the northern parts are dangerous and off our limits."

Rad nodded at him, too deep in his thoughts to say anything else. The emanations that he had felt back at the fort had him on edge. The emanations were as strong as his own, one of his kin without a doubt. "But you know Miria's regulations, right? Nobody is suppose to go out alone, let alone to the north!"

The mage's protesting did not do anything to disrupt his thoughts. When something else mattered most than the current situation at hand, Rad was well disciplined to keep his focus. He did so there, believing that perhaps the elders had sent in a troop to extract him from the human realms and his current mission.

"I had to," Rad set his hands close to the fire, deciding to respond to the mage. He liked the warmth sensation he felt then, with the fire's flickering flames reaching out to him. "Thought I had seen something."

"And did you?"

Shaking his head and staring at the tall mage, Rad answered his doubts. "Just a few enemy rangers, which I killed."

Before he could even finish his phrase, the crowd that had overheard his tale started to applaud. Staring around, Rad noticed that everyone who was present started to join in the celebration, applauding, whistling and even shouting cheers. Rad just smiled at them and rose his right hand, as if thanking them all. Then he remembered he had seen new faces.

"I see we have new fighters here," Rad leaned close to Rhaan, smiling at the crowd all the while. "Do you know if they are any good at fighting?"

"Well," Rhaan answered, gazing over at the newly arrived couple. "Earlier, the beautiful girl over yonder displayed to us her skill with a bow." Rad glanced over at the couple and noticed that they were staring at him, having perhaps taken notice of him. They were huddled among the villagers, who ate and shared tales with the each other. Rad noticed the lengthy man nodded at him and he nodded back. The young girl leaned close to him and whispered something. Rad noticed that they were perhaps married or would soon be. He could tell they were in love simply be making out the way they were sitting very close to each other.

"How is the camp security set up this night?"

"Usual as always," Rhaan explained. "Four patrols covering the four directions. If anything comes at us tonight, we will know of it."

"Good," Rad smiled at him and pat his shoulder. "Miria will be pleased with you. Also, we will be having more hosts in a matter of minutes."

"What is this that you speak?" Rhaan asked, contently. "Did I hear right? More hosts who come to help?"

"Aye, a group of six beautiful girls," Rad assured him, noticing that a fine looking woman in her early twenties was approaching them with a plate of assorted food in her right hand and a silver cup in her left one. Her hair was long and dark as the night, kept in a ponytail, and the woman was dressed all in black. Aside from being a villager, she was also volunteering to act as a village defender. Her name was Charmaine Berning, and from what Rad had seen of her during his stay here, she was a good fighter despite not being trained as a mercenary, not to mention a fine cook.

"My good sire," Charmaine said, staring at Rad. The merc smiled at her while Rhaan stepped aside. "Some food and drink for the night?" Rad and Charmaine shared the same height, so the merc was able to look her directly into her dark eyes. He thought he saw the woman blushing. Smiling, Rad took the plate and the cup from her.

"Oh, many thanks," Rad thanked.

"Don't mention it," Charmaine said, bowed and departed from them.

"So six, huh?"

Rad said nothing, he nodded at the mage and offered him the cup.

"I've had my rations, Rad, so no thanks," Rhaan waved off his offer.

"I'm not asking you to drink it," Rad glanced at him. "Hold the cup for me while I find myself a seat."

"Oh," Rhaan, embarrassed, took the cup from him in a snap. "Right."

Having spent most of the day investigating and gathering information in Yvia had sure made the mercenary hungry. So Rad quickly found a wooden stool and sat on it. Walking towards him, Rhaan grabbed another stool and set it next to the eating merc. On top of the stool he sat the cup so that Rad was able to grab it whenever he wanted to take a sip.

"And what did these girls look like to you? Fine warriors or just regulars?"

"They seem to know their business. Miria hired them."

The mage nodded, understanding.

"Well, Rad," Rhaan said, clasping his hands together. "They will be welcomed to the team. And now, I will let you eat in peace. You know where to find me, though."

Rad nodded at him and kept eating. The mercenary wanted to finish eating as soon as possible. He knew that he would be leaving again soon, this time, in an attempt to find the source of the emanation.


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The White Rose Brigade made its entrance to the village ten minutes after Rad had arrived. As the group was escorted by two guards to a corner in the village where they could set their wagons, Toby noticed that there were more than a few houses standing tall. What with all that she had heard lately from the attacks on the village, the leader mercenary had thought that the village would look decrepit, possibly all but destroyed.

But the scenery she had found when they had arrived had cheered her up. The village looked all right, worthy of being defended. The guards, who wielded long spears, welcomed them and then they were off.

Toby jumped from the wagon to the ground and landed on her feet.

"Okay, girls, we are here. Let us find the leader and be brought up to speed on the situation."

"I would say finding Rad would make that task easier," Lisa commented as she approached the leader. By that time, the other girls surrounded Toby.

Nodding, Toby agreed with Lisa.

"Then let us find him," the leader of the group started off, the others going after her.

It was not hard for the girls to miss him. They found him sitting on a stool, his posture as if he was deep in thought. Nonetheless, he did nod at them when he caught a glimpse of them. They saw him stand up and head toward them.

"You made it," Rad said, smiling. "Why don't you all make yourselves at home? Come, I will show you where you will be stationed, and after that, you girls can settle down for dinner or something."

"You are the leader here?" Gen dared ask from behind Bryn, in a tone that let Rad know she did not believe it.

"When Miria is away, yes, I am the leader. When she is not, I am just another hired hand."

The group of girls followed Rad to the north section of town, where the mercenary quickly explained to them what they were to do in case a raid came.

"I am afraid we lack a good front line at the moment," said Rad as he walked beside Toby, who listened intently to the information being shared by Rad. "All the best mercenaries we had died in the front line in the last attack, but I am afraid we need you girls up here." Rad then stared at Toby and added. "How many of you are actually hand to hand fighters?"

"You can say four of us are," Toby said immediately. She went on to point out with her right hand at Lisa, Bryn, Nancy and herself, and she introduced her companions to the young man. "Very good fighters may I add.” She then pointed at Kristi and Gen and explained. "Kristi is our prodigy and Gen is an excellent bow girl. I am sure they can be positioned in the rear as a covering team, right?"

Rad glanced at Kristi and Gen, noticing that the latter showed the effects of the cold night. The Asakian seemed to be trembling more than the rest, but Rad thought it was from the cold. He was wrong; Gen was actually feeling quite nervous due to the whole predicament she had gotten her young self into.

"R...Rad?" Gen stammered.

"Yes?" Rad glanced over at her. She was the shortest of the pack and Rad noticed that the cutest amongst them as well. As he took a good measure of her face, which was just two feet away from him, Rad noticed that she actually had one eye, the left one, smaller than the other, though the mercenary knew right away that that did not interfere in any way with the young girl's beauty. He did ponder why she had a smaller eye, though.

"Where will you be the whole time if a raid does happen?"

Rad lowered his head and smiled. Indeed, where would he be? Rad went back to long past times in Dragonia, where he had always been on the front lines of the endless war that his kin waged against the forces of evil there. For a moment, pondering on a situation where he had been upfront leading a squadron of his own kin, Rad became lost in his memories and didn't seem to be aware that Toby had asked: "Rad? Are you okay?"

He then snapped out of it, right after he heard the female voice far off in the distance of his memories. His head turned to Gen then and said. "I have always been here on the front line meeting the oncoming foes, so I reckon I will be here when the next raid comes."

Everyone was quiet then. Bryn coughed and Rad looked over at her.

"So you will be beside us and perhaps leading us?" Toby glanced at Rad, proudly. Proudly because the mercenary could tell that Rad had survived several times here already. If only she knew how many times in the past Rad had survived endless battles. If only the leader of the White Rose Brigade and her colleagues knew of the many foes that had tasted the sharpness of his twin Eküraa blades.

"I believe so," Rad nodded. The girls then noticed how the mercenary turned to glance to the north, to the vast land that without a doubt housed many monsters. "But come...You should have some dinner and be prepared for the rest of the night."

The girls followed him, with Kristi and Gen at the back exchanging glances and following the group slower than normal.

"Something troubles him," Gen leaned and whispered to the prodigy's left ear.

"You are not the only one who noticed," Kristi replied back in the same manner. "When you asked the question I noticed that he drifted off into his inner thoughts. Perhaps he was remembering something or perhaps your question brought up something that troubles him."

"Perhaps this whole situation has changed him or something," Gen reasoned. "I mean to fight off monsters on the front lines sure gives a person something to think about, after you’ve done it for quite some time. All the blood, all the chaos, all the screams, all the death around you..."

"I am afraid it's much more than that, Asakian," Kristi was not rude with her words, and Gen perceived it so, smiling. "Tell me, dear Gen, where have you seen a person like him? A person with light tan skin and white hair?"

"And you are playing at what?" Gen glanced at the prodigy.

"His name is just the start of the mystery," Kristi went on, ignoring Gen's comment. "It's so ambiguous...And so rare, don't you think?"

"Rad Quetz," Gen pronounced it. "It does sound exotic, like our own names here in Asaki."

"He's not of your kind," Kristi smiled. "He's not even Broahn and definitely not a Vanezian."

"A laguz, perhaps?"

Kristi glanced at Gen.

"You--We are on to something."

"Does it matter what he is?" Gen added. "As long as he is on our side, I am happy. I just thought something was troubling him."

Kristi wanted to reply to that, but the group had arrived the middle of the village, where most of the folk was crowded around the fires.

"Well," Lisa spoke up. "A good fire always beats the cold."

"I agree with you," Bryn said as she arrived one of the fires and stood close to it. She glanced around, just like her own companions did, and noticed the folks staring at them. She could see they showed some sort of uncertainty, though it was not all from fear she was sure. They were still here, how could it be fear? If it was fear that they felt, the whole village had tuck tail and run long ago.

"I will get you some food, ladies," Rad told Toby, who nodded at him. "And after I do that, I have some stuff I must do, so I will be absent for some time."

"How long?" Toby dared asked, although she knew right away that she had sounded kind of worried.

Rad turned to regard her, smiled and added. "Just a few minutes."

He departed and Nancy was quick to scold her boss.

"You sounded very motherlish there, boss."

"I forgot that I am not in my office now," Toby cracked a smile and was off to get closer to one of the fires where her companions and some other folks stood at. Surprised, Nancy followed her.

Rad had done as he had promised, relating the news to Charmaine, who took care of sending the girls some food and drink. He also spoke briefly with Rhaan and his boys and then was off. Nobody really knew where to, because when he left the scene of the village, nobody saw him disappear not even Sean who had gone out to the outer edge of the village to take a leak. The newly arrived blonde mercenary had taken a notice of the short man as he had made his way out toward the east. But it was dark and when Sean lowered his eyes down to the action he was taking by strapping up his pant's belt, Rad disappeared from his view. When the Vanezian mercenary raised his sight again in an attempt to see the departing mercenary, he was nowhere to be seen.

"What in the nine..." Sean's phrase trailed off. "Where did he go?"


Bryce Boggs was a lean fellow and very clever. That cold night he was dressed in royal, white armor, with a long, dark cape at his back. His hair was of a sandy color and fell to the sides and his skin was light. Two cat-like ears protruded from the top of his hair, giving his face a cat-like appearance.

At the moment, the laguz from Broah rode inside one of his wagons, and he sat comfortably as he read a fat book.

Bryce was one of the five Laguz captains that served the princess of the Broahn Mountains, a princess simply known as Lady Kilvas. As Bryce did, many other laguz called her ladyship Princess Kilvas. Well, Kilvas had heard of the trouble that the near village of Hao-Yin was experiencing. She had always known this since back in years. The troublesome monsters also raided the borders of her homeland Broah, but the army of Broah was far more prepared than that of the Asakians.

The laguz species resided in the southern mountains in Broah, close to the sea. Princess Kilvas was really just a princess for her people, not for the land. Humans knew of the existence of laguz, but these rare creatures had fled to the mountains where they thought they could not be bothered with the rest of the world. They mostly kept to themselves, although there were a few laguz who had turned rogue and had joined the human ways.

Well, that being said, Princess Kilvas had sent Bryce and his company out to help the people in need. Bryce knew why the young crow princess had done so. The laguz princess wanted to finally unite the laguz tribes with the humans. As far as the laguz royal guard was concerned, the princess had taken the right action. Helping the town in need would not only make the laguz be seen as allies to the humans, but perhaps the Empress of Asaki would grant union ship with the laguz species. This was just a small step of the long ladder that the laguz had to climb in order to play with the rest of the big boys out there. Vanezia, Broah and Asaki shared union ship, free passage to all people and markets and free trade agreements. The laguz wanted all that too, and they had taken the first step.

Bryce Boggs knew the town was not far now. His buttocks hurt from all the long hours of riding. As he traveled inside his flapped wagon, Bryce knew that if he had been born with wings, the trip for him and his clique would of had gone much easier. Too bad, he was a cat laguz, and so were the rest of his squad, a group of ten other laguz guards, five male and five female.

The laguz species had useful magic and stones when it came to weaponry. In real life, their appearance resembled that of a human, but with their laguz stones they could transform into the beasts they actually were. They fought when transformed into beasts, and they were a force to be reckoned with, especially when joined in a pack.

Bryce Boggs knew that his help would not be rejected. Asaki and Broah showed great appreciation toward the laguz. Vanezia however...

Bryce brought out a small, red stone from a jewel box nearby and spoke at it. "How much longer?"

A reply came to him a few seconds later, a female's voice that spoke out of the stone. "Three miles, sir."

The stone was a communicating device, one imbued with magical properties to communicate with another same stone and to the person who wielded it. Hearing the response from one of his guards, Bryce relaxed a bit and kept reading the book.


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Rad was disappointed when he could not find traces of the emanations he had sensed earlier. He had looked in several places. He had even gone back to the old fort and found nothing.

And for a moment he had thought that the elder council had sent someone in to fill him on the situation. He shook his head and paid attention to the north, where he began to sense something else, something that meant trouble. Over on the northern frozen land, Rad knew that a very large force was advancing to the south, without a doubt toward the village.

He opted not to return to the village for the time being; rather he would go and take a close look at the trouble that was marching south. Any data he could gather on the enemy would be useful to him and without a doubt to his allies. So off he went, disappearing again thanks to the use of his faithful ring.


His nocturnal vision allowed him to see the huge force that was marching along the snow covered ground. Keeping his long dark wings flapping as he hovered way above in the darkened sky, Rad noticed that this night the village would not survive the onslaught.

Scores of Poyls led the procession, all poorly armed and poorly armored as was to expect from such low rank monsters. These were foes that were considered fodder by monster standards, the lowest of the low. Their numbers were many, and though they were always eager to kill -and eat- humans, the monsters were clumsy and slow when it came to battle. In an all out battle, they were good creatures to have around as bait or as initiatives of the battle. Behind the thousand or so hairy creatures came small ranks of goblins, these well equipped and armed with spears, axes and swords. And behind them marched scores and scores of the feared trolls, large foes that only fire could kill. An enemy could cut a troll to pieces to no avail, the cut parts would just multiply into other trolls. Fire consumed these beasts, and they feared it just as humans feared them.

Grimacing, Rad noticed that beside the trolls marched a group of the rare creatures he knew so well. The Makeedras, or as humans knew them as; knight terrors, because with their twelve inch nails that were more like blades, they could penetrate even the sturdiest of armors. These makeedras were tough, even against dragirs such as him. Rad had fought the beasts before, but he never enjoyed the encounters he had had with them.

A score of ice giants followed the four-legged knight terrors. These were the biggest foes marching along to the south. They were tall, human-like in appearance yet monstrous looking. Their skin was a light blue, almost icy looking, but they all had assorted hair color that went from white, red, brown, black and yellow. As trolls were afraid of fire, these giants, too, were not fond of fire. They would melt if hit with it, for in truth, the ice giants were just that, thick iced monsters born in the coldest of regions.

Rad had seen enough. He did not have to stay and take measure of the other many foes lingering still in the back, all great foes, he knew, yet serving only as back up. He was about to fly south and get the villagers ready to abandon the village, when all of a sudden he sensed again that strong emanation.

This time, though, he perceived the emanation oh so ever close. As he hovered there, he tried to make out the exact location of the source, but he perceived that the creature emanating such power was actually coming fast at him.

He grunted when all of a sudden someone impacted him forcefully from behind, driving him out of the air and sending them both spiraling down. However had impacted him had also made sure not to let go of him.

"What!" Rad shouted, unable to flap his wings, though he knew that whoever had him embraced was doing a good job of sending them both down to their deaths. He perceived the raw power of the emanations there, behind him.

Then, he heard the laugh, a laugh that had been living in his memories since he was a kid. No! It could not be!

"It's good to see you again, Radamanthys," came the voice from behind, Rad closing his eyes when he realized he had been deceived.

The two beings kept spiraling down apparently to their deaths as Rad saw it. But to the dragir, death did not matter anymore. The deception had hurt him more than any other death he could of had experienced.

All of a sudden, the creature that had enveloped him in a strong embrace let him go, and Rad quickly recovered his balance, flipping in mid air and maintaining his hovering balance. He would not die without at least hearing an explanation from his cousin, whom Rad had thought long gone and out of the reaches of this world.

But there he was, hovering in mid-air and smiling at him. A dragir with long, dark brown hair that fell to the sides and who wore glasses. He was just as Rad remembered him. Time, as it had done with Rad as well, had not consumed a bit of his physical human-like appearance.

Yosh Xicotencatl was his name, cousin to the Quetz family line and second ranked family name in Dragonia.

"Why?" was all Rad asked.

Yosh shrugged at him and shook his head.

"Why? I'll tell you why. Because I craved what I did not have, simple as that."

"You lied to me. No, you deceived me. You deceived my family, your family and the entire dragir race. Such an action warrants elimination...and yet, I feel happy that you are alive."

"Always the kind-hearted one, eh, Rad?" Yosh said and flew closer to his cousin. "That is why."

"That is why what?" Rad's stern face spoke most than words, Yosh could notice. If looks could kill, Rad would sure have made the finest of assassin ever.

"Come," Yosh bade. "Fly with me, I'll explain everything, my dear cousin."

Even though Rad wanted to kill him, he could not. Yosh was of his blood, his kin. In the old days Rad had seen him as a brother. As he flew to catch up to the departing dragir, Rad thought he still did.

"The army that marches below us belongs to me," Yosh admitted, drawing a glare from the other dragir.

"What did you do? Did you deceive them as well?"

Yosh laughed out loud.

"Don't be silly, Rad. They are simply obeying orders from their master. They were slaves in the past and they surely are slaves yet again."

"You speak foolishness. Mother set the creatures free, there is no way they can listen to you or to your inner power."

Again, Yosh laughed again. He carried several satchels, so he rummaged inside one and brought out a large glowing diamond that glowed of many colors even though there was no light from where the thing could acquire its brilliance. He showed it to Rad, keeping his cool demeanor.

Rad recognized the stone immediately and he could not avoid feeling a deep sensation of dread. He even swallowed hard.

"Yes," Yosh said, coolly. "One of the emblem stones that your mother used to seal poor old Blitzkrieg and his out of control minions."

"They wanted to destroy everything! Give me that." And Rad lunged for the stone, but Yosh froze him in mid-air simply by extending his left hand and saying, "Nuh-uh. You stay right there, cousin and listen to what I have to say. With this stone I can command these Yvian creatures to do my bidding. After all, they were created with it. By combining my thoughts into the stone I am able to control their minds, my dear cousin."

In his frozen state, Rad knew that Yosh had used one of his many rings to freeze him. He would of had used another of his to break free of the spell, but he was sure that Yosh would surely freeze him again simply by using his mind's strength and that, Rad did not wish for. Yosh, a rare dragir with the power of mind control, had the advantage here. Rad proceeded to hear Yosh say just what he had been thinking.

"Don't even attempt to free yourself, cousin. We both know I will just simply dig into my inner thoughts and bind you again, this time so much without a mode of escaping for you."

He was right. Anything Yosh binded with his mind was as good as his slave, like the large army marching down there.

"You cannot set Blitzkrieg free," Rad said. "To do so, you must find all five pieces of the emblem, and I doubt you know where the rest are."

Yosh smiled. "You are right, cousin. You were always a bright student in the academy. But so was I." He flew around his cousin, while he explained his current situation. "I have found this stone, and I surely have an idea where your mother hid the others. It’s just a matter of time before I set Blitzkrieg and his minions free. Soon, Phydoria will be mine. It starts being mine with that little village that you've been defending from my minions over the past few months. The other piece of the emblem lies within the heart of the Asakian Mountains. Once I establish my headquarters and declare the realm of Morgoth openly to the rest of the world, I will surely go for the second one, excuse me, did I say second one? I meant third one."

Yosh laughed and then brought out another glowing stone, this one glowed the same as the other but of a dark hue as its main core.

Rad could only wonder how many of the damn pieces his cousin already had. After all, he had set up his death many years ago and without a doubt the bastard had had the time to look for the marvelous things.

"So you have found the dark piece," Rad said. "You have two of five."

"And one of them being a truly important piece," Yosh flew close to him, keeping away from his cousin's face by just a foot apart. "This dark stone has the power to create dark beings."

Rad knew this already, the dark stone was created to give life to the under dark creatures that once served the dragirs as slaves.

"Once I establish my realm and make myself visible to the other realms, I will start creating a vast army that will help me cleanse most of the world from those humans. Once I gain control of Vanezia, Broah and yes...Dragonia, the other stones will be mine for the taking."

"A group of dragirs surely is on its way..."

"Yes, I know," Yosh had known all too well. But he knew that Rad's mother would not dare interfere this very moment, not when Rad's life was at stake. "But they will not interfere. They are simply sent in to show you how much my aunt cares for you." He laughed and added, while taking a good measure of Rad. "You easily fell for my trap, cousin. The emanations you sensed were surely my own. I let myself be sensed by you for a short period of time, to lure you into Yvia, where I could have my chat with you and show you that I mean business."

"And so what is going to happen now?"

Yosh laughed at Rad.

"Look at you, Rad. How pathetic you now look in that frozen state. I could of had been greater than you in our homeland. We both know who the most powerful dragir is. I just simply studied everything that was going on in the world and decided that my chance laid in the future, not in the previous present we were living as teenagers. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a village to raid, not to mention, destroy."

Rad unfroze himself then, but he sure knew that Yosh had perceived his actions. Yosh Xicotencatl stared deeply at him and added with an arrogant smile.

"Are you going to try it?"

Rad would of; he would have surely tried to fight him there. But Rad thought ahead of time, as Yosh had done so. The chance laid in the future, not in the present. The dragir knew that he would have a chance of facing his cousin once again, unless he decided to end him there with his mind controlling binding spell.

Yosh laughed as he put the stones back into the satchels.

"No? I thought so. I will let you live simply for all the love that you showed me during our teen years, Rad. But be assured, I will get the rest of the stones that make up the seal, wake Blitzkrieg and his followers up and claim this world as my own. Not mother Bianchi or you, nor anyone else can stand in my way. Now tuck tail and return to Dragonia and let everyone know of the doom that is to come. Know that we are now enemies. Next time we meet, one of us will die."

Rad did not answer at all. He had nothing to say to this fraud. The whole time he stared at Yosh from the moment he had unfreezed himself, Rad had done it in a hateful way. The bond between them had been severed.

A troubled Rad flew away without turning back to face the other dragir. He knew that at the moment the villagers needed of his help. He was sure that his mother and the council had seen this encounter, and they would be busy over there in Dragonia, if they were not already.


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What pained the dragir was the fact that Yosh was of his blood, a relative. No matter how much hate he felt for the bastard, Rad still loved him despite everything. But lines had been crossed and a very mighty enemy had risen out of the darkness to threaten the land once again.

Rad entered the village with long strides, and Sean, who had been waiting closely at the entrance with his girlfriend nearby, saw him entering.

He wanted to speak to him, to ask him if he was the leader at the moment, but seeing how troubled the young man seemed, he detained himself from doing so.

"Something is the matter," Sean told his girlfriend when he heard the mercenary's wild shouting. Alexis and Sean headed toward the center of the village, where Rad was calling for everyone to gather.

Rad was glad when he noticed everyone present stirring to his call. Perhaps they perceived in his voice that trouble was coming. Miria was already in the village, this Rad found out when the thirty year old Asakian arrived at his right side and touched his shoulder as she said.

"What is the matter, Rad? Where have you been? I was sick worried about you."

"I was out doing ranger duties," Rad pacified her worries, for he could tell that the village's leader had been worried for him. "And I bring dire news."

Quickly as ever, Miria simply asked. "How big a force?"

Rad shook his head and then stared around. Everyone present had surrounded him, forming a circle. He noticed Rhaan and his boys in front of him fifteen feet across from where he stood. He also caught sight of Toby and her girls, and his eyes also caught a group of...Laguz!

Eleven or so of the exotic species he counted among the crowd, one tall one dressed in royal armor. He could tell that the tall figure was the leader. He knew Laguz and their ways too well, his mother had created them as day watchers for the dragirs many generations ago.

"And who are they? When did they arrive?" Rad asked Miria.

"A couple of minutes ago, perhaps ten before you."

Rad nodded, though did not ask what their intentions here were. He suspected that they were here to answer the call as many other mercenaries from around Phydoria had done so.

"Is there trouble?" Some female voice was heard among the crowd.

"Yes," Rad shouted, glancing around at them all. "Listen to me, good people of Hao-Yin. The situation looks dire, unlike anything I've seen before."

Murmurs started to be heard among the crowd. Rad lifted his arms and asked for silence, the crowd complied, for there was more to be heard.

"Hao-Yin is finished," Rad added, a tone of seriousness in his voice. "Not even the great armada of Asaki combined with us stands a chance this night. We are in danger, all of us are. There will be no fighting to be done tonight, we must flee to the south and perhaps...into the neighboring realm of Vanezia."

Again, when Rad stopped for a breather, more murmurs were heard amongst the people and this time louder.

"But we've defended this village ever since it was built," someone said. "We can't abandon it just like that. Not when we have paid dearly with our blood. Surely we can drive the monsters back, or at least hold them off until help arrives from the south."

--"No, you cannot," Rad shouted, stepping into the middle of the circle. "This is no joke, good people." He turned around to face everyone as he spoke. "The force is large, too large in fact that I declare this night the northern parts of Asaki gone. The monsters will surely have them by the end of the night. The southern parts are sure to follow in the days to come. Flee we must, and now."

Miria stepped into the center with him.

"Are you serious? Is all Yvia emptied?"

"As serious as I can be," Rad assured her. "For Fox's sake, start moving, people. We can't stay much longer!"

At his shout, more than a few started off to do just that. When Rad saw that most of the fighters did not move, he added.

"You can stay and find out with your own deaths, or you can flee and find out about it still breathing, it’s up to you. My time here has ended."

"But we want to fight," Rad heard a kid who held a bow say. One of Rhaan's boys without a doubt, the one they called Chaz. "We are no cowards and fleeing will make us look like that."

Rad, angry and loosing it, headed his way. Toby stepped in and held him back just as he was about to yell something at the kid.

"Hey, hey," Toby said. "Come on, now, its okay, Rad. You kid, shut the hell up and get moving."

"I am feeling like feathering somebody," Chaz shouted as he looked at Toby with disgrace.

"You just go ahead and try it," Toby told him and let go of Rad. The mercenary noticed that Toby began to unbutton her coat so that she would have access to her weapons.

"Oh, so now we are fighting amongst ourselves?" shouted Rhaan, interfering in front of Chaz and the tall female. "Chaz, get your ass to the wagon. And you guys," he added as he glanced at the other two. "Go and help him."

The mage then turn to Rad, who apparently began to leave.

"Wait, Rad." he went after him. Toby and her clique followed them, because they wanted to hear more from Rad. They did not doubt him, never had, but they wanted to see if they could find anything else on the matter. Nobody had gone to get the wagons ready, because even Toby knew that they already were.

"Is it true what you say, my man?" Rhaan got to Rad.

Rad glanced at Rhaan, skeptically. "You doubt my words?"

"Never have I," Rhaan said. "But what did you see? Is it really as Miria said? Is all Yvia emptied?"

Rad continued walking.

"We have a reason to know," Toby spoke, freezing him in place. "We came all the way from Vanezia for nothing?"

"You want your fighting?" Rad turned to regard her. "Then stay and pay with your lives. I'm trying to save you people. Why is it that you all hesitate? The simple fact that you did not see what I saw keeps you lingering here? Then wait a few more minutes and find out for yourselves."

At those moments, Rad felt many emanations that belonged to his kin. A squadron from his homeland without a doubt who had come to see if he was fine and perhaps to assist him.

Without saying so much as another word, Rad disappeared from view, leaving the mercenary girls and Rhaan more than stunned.

"He...Is he gone?" Rhaan was lost for words. Unable to say anything, Toby barely nodded.

"Boss," Lisa spoke. "I...I think it's time for us to depart as well. I don‘t think Rad is kidding."

Seeing that the mercenary was long gone, Toby turned around and gave the order to retreat. Rhaan was not far behind running after them.


Rad re-appeared somewhere out on the outskirts of the village to the west, where a near forest stood by.

The emanations were coming from within the forest. Rad headed there knowing that the squadron of dragirs would be there waiting for him.

He was not off in his thinking, for ten warriors well clad in sturdy looking armor awaited for him there. He knew all of them of course, the elite force he had once led in Dragonia.

"Your mother sent us in to retrieve you at all costs, master Rad," Ether Tsuki, a very tall and handsome looking lad advanced toward him. Rad realized that he looked the same as always. The dragir stood six-nine, looked colossal and had long, dark hair and icy blue eyes. He also had a nasty looking scar running along his right eye, scar that Rad remembered all too well, for he had been the one who had given it to him in a practice session that they had shared in the academy.

They greeted in a hug despite the seriousness of the matter at hand. Back in Dragonia, Ether had been a student under Rad's tutorship for a long time. They were not related at all but were the best of friends, though Rad had many who appreciated him and looked up to him. This nearly seven foot monster was the one who looked up to him more than anyone else. "Will you comply with her orders, captain?"

Rad hesitated to answer, and the entire clan knew why.

Rad felt sorry for the humans, who would soon see their lands enveloped in darkness and total chaos. But Dragonia, too, would soon have to face a similar situation, and so Rad knew that his mother only wanted him to be ready to defend it. He was the strongest dragon Phydoria had at the moment, excluding the troublesome Yosh Xicotencatl, who had betrayed everyone with his acts.


"I still think of you as my captain, sir."

"Is that so? Then we must give the people from the village time to leave," Rad said as he looked at his friend. Ether, now leader of the squad Rad had led years back before being sent here to the human lands, lowered his head. He was the leader now, and it was up to him to decide whether he would disobey a direct order from the holy mother. Bianchi Quetz had instructed the squadron that they were not to engage in any form of combat. Their mission was to bring Rad back to the royal palace whether by submission or by self agreement.

Rad saw the hesitation in his dear friend, though he knew all of them were ready to assist him. To them all he would always be their leader.

"The holy mother ordered us to simply take you back, Rad. We are not to engage in any form of combat, unless we were to fight to save you."

"Well, you are," Rad smiled at him, making Ether raise his head back.

"What?" Ether was at a loss.

They saw him close his eyes and raise his right hand. Ether caught a glimpse of a ring that shone a light red, and then suddenly, they all saw as a shadow covered them all. Ether and the squad took a step back, but Rad smiled and opened his eyes again. He told them.

"I've placed over us an anti-magic spell. Surely our people back in Dragonia cannot see us any more. So lets go, we have some fighting to do before we depart."

"But," the tall Ether hesitated.

"Are you going to disobey the orders of a Quetz?"

"No, master Rad," Ether quickly spoke and bowed to him. "My squadron is at your disposal."

"Then let us make our way to the village."

"Lets go," Ether turned around and told the rest of the squad, who were eager to stain their weapons with monster blood.

Wings sprouted out of their backs and they all flew following Rad. Below, not three hundred yards away from reaching the village, the dragirs noticed that the first line of foes were running toward the village with such ferocity. Within the village, Rad still saw several wagons trying to escape, among those the wagons of the mercenary girls and Rhaan's boys.

By going back to the village, Rad knew that he would put his kin's long time kept secret at risk, but so be it, things had changed now.

Still in their human form but with wings and horns on their heads, the dragirs descended down on to the village, many befuddled eyes catching a glimpse of them as they did. Among those witnesses had been Rhaan and his three followers as well as Sean, who had pointed at the sky so that his girlfriend could take a look at the incoming creatures. Toby and Bryn, who finalized the escaping wagons, also caught sight of the flying creatures. As Toby had stared on, she had realized it was Rad. There could be no mistake, she had a great sight, it was Rad.

"Hold," she shouted to the wagons in front of her. Her crew did not stop to ponder, they had seen and heard the raucous that came from the frozen land and wanted nothing more than to abandon the village before it was too late. "It's Rad! And he's brought friends, it appears."

Toby jumped off the wagon, surprising Bryn.

"What are you doing?" Bryn shouted.

"They seem to have come to fight the monsters off and give us a chance to run."

"Which is why you should get on the wagon so we can get going," Bryn suggested, taking the reins.

"No," the leader shouted. "We--I shall stay behind and aid them."

Bryn stood up on the wooden seat of the wagon and shouted. "Are you mad? You are going to get yourself killed, boss! Get your Broahn ass back up here!"

"Go if you must," Toby shouted as she headed away running, blade drawn. "I swore to protect those that cannot protect themselves! It is these same monsters that were the cause of our families’ deaths!"

Bryn Zenith shook her head, unbelieving of what her boss had done. She then turned to the front where Lisa had also jumped off her wagon. She had heard the shouts and so had Nancy and the other two girls.

"What in the nine eternal hells do you think you are doing? Get the heck back on the wagons. I as your second leader order you to do so!"

Bryn noticed that they were rushing to aid Rad and his friends. She was also very surprised when she noticed that several people from the other front wagons had stopped and were now rushing after the girls. Shaking her head, Bryn shouted.

"What a bunch of fools. You are just going to get yourselves killed..." She did not know what to do, though in the end, her friendship with Toby outmatched her other doubts. She had also sworn to protect the needy from the monsters. Not that she would be doing much protecting, but still, she had to be with her friends.

"Guess it's better if I die as a hero beside my friends," Bryn realized much to her disgust as she ran after them.


"Let us break their lines!" Rad shouted as the entire squadron, his ex-squadron but still very much his squadron to command, lined up beside him, weapons drawn. Out came Rad's two Eküraa curved blades, swords that were bathed in magic and who wore a cover of an egg white color in its hilts, not to mention the many magical runes inscribed along the two silver blades.

"And their wits," added Ether from Rad's right, bringing out Tsukuyomi, his short magical sword, which pretty much resembled Rad‘s own blades, except Tsukuyomi‘s blade was of an ivory color and glowed of a dark aura that faded to red. They saw the hairy monsters approaching up ahead, two hundred yards within their range. Just then, Rad turned back when he heard another tumult behind them. He was surprised to find many of the fighters had decided to stay. He blamed himself for that, for having come to their aid, he had let them catch a glimpse of him and his friends. He wanted to conceal his long, dark wings, then, but it was too late.

"Meet the foes!" Rad shouted to his friends. "I will follow momentarily." His friends rushed on, weapons leading.

"Rad!" It was Toby who reached him first. The tall mercenary was perplexed to see him, to see his wings and his horns that adorned his head.

"What manner of being are you?" She had asked surprised, not in a disgusted sort of way, like Rad had imagined many times that humans would react to their true physical appearance.

"Why did you stay?" Rad said, ignoring the question, though he would find the time to answer to her. He was more concerned with her folly. The dragir mercenary then realized that Rhaan and his boys had stayed as well and the young couple that he had seen together near the fire. Aside from them came the ten laguz, more than ready to fight.

"We had too," Toby said, holding her huge blade. "I saw you flying up in the sky and realized that I had to help you."

"But I was helping you," Rad cried. "And your friends and the rest people. My boys and I wanted to give you a chance to leave...”

"Too late," laughed Toby. "If I shall meet my maker this night, I will meet him or her with a huge smile in my face because I always wanted to die in battle. And besides, I thought I had seen it all, and I was wrong! So, what are you?"

The other girls arrived just then, and when they laid their eyes on Rad, they seemed as surprised as Toby had been.

"A dragir," Rad explained, glancing back over his shoulder. His squadron was about to engage the enemy. Fifty yards separated the foes.

"A what?" Toby made a funny face.

"A dragir, a species that's been here on earth far more than humans and anything else you know that lives. But I'll explain later, right now we have no way of winning this battle. I simply came back to keep the enemy busy while giving you a chance to escape!"

"I knew it," Kristi seemed more than happy. "There was more to you than met the eye."

"I noticed you were very observant," Rad laughed at her. "But do as I say. Toby, gather everyone up while I prepare a magical tunnel for you all."

Toby understood that she had to do as Rad was instructing. The dragir, whatever that word meant, had come back to give them a chance to escape. All she could do now was listen to his reasoning. So she started to bring in all those that had stayed to help.

Rad got to work, knowing that time was of the essence. Hundreds of monsters would soon arrive and surround them. He brought out a magical stone and started designing a large door in mid air.

"Is this some sort of extra planar door?" Kristi asked. "Because I could help you with it, I know a few spells myself that could speed things up."

"Yes, its a portal," Rad shouted, keeping his eyes closed and busy. "But I'll have it ready in a few minutes."

Kristi’s eyebrows rose up like beer foam in a mug. To create such a magical door took the maker hours, for the many runes that were required for the portal to work were intricate in design and only the most advanced magic users could pull it off no faster than ten minutes. Rad had said he would have it ready in a couple of minutes, so this was something the prodigy wanted to see.

"Where is this door supposed to take us?" Gen asked, then, Rad barely able to hear her, for his senses had detected that his friends had met the enemy.

"The clearest image in my mind," Rad answered, having not the time to think of another place where he could send them all to safety. "My home!"

Kristi was amazed at the mercenary’s composure. Even while under deep concentration in what he was doing, Rad still answered the questions he was getting pelt with.

"Your home?" asked the tall blonde mercenary, a voice Rad had not heard before. With his eyes closed designing the door, he was not able to see who it was, but it had been Sean.

"We call it Dragonia, it's located to the south beyond the sea. You folks will surely love it."

Just then, Rad opened his eyes and many of the observers noticed that the door he had traced began to glow, its many runes that Rad had drawn began to come to life all over it. Toby smiled when she saw the runes glowing a deep gold color. She glanced over at Kristi and noticed that her prodigy was humbled. A fine magical door as any they had seen before had been crafted right before their very own eyes in a matter of minutes.

"It's ready," Rad said, glancing at the north, where he noticed that the numbers were beginning to overwhelm his friends. They sorely needed his assistance, and Rad knew that he would at least help them so that they could get away. "Start going through, people, my friends will not be able to hold the monsters for long."

"But," Kristi hesitated. "We have but a few strengthening potions, and we are many. If we go into the portal unprepared, we are surely doomed. The extra planar molecules..."

“Will surely eat you in a matter of seconds, yes,” Rad finished for her, digging into his satchels.

He brought out five small vials and handed them to the pink haired prodigy. "These will help, share them, those are all I have left with me, though I am sure my friends carry others with them. The trip will not kill you but it will disorient you because of the lack of proper strength."

With that, he was off from the ground and flying to help his squad.

Around them, Rad noticed that his friends had left piles of the hairy creatures dead. He touched ground near them and assisted them, his blades working in a blurry motion just to keep the hairy monsters at bay. Soon, the piles grew out of proportion as the clumsy creatures died at the blades of true masters of the art of fighting. With their leader amongst them, the dragirs fought excellently and without fear.

Those monsters that tried to get a hit on Rad failed miserably and fell hard. Heads flew, sometimes a hand or a leg, but always Rad’s Eküraa blades tore at something fleshy, just as his squads‘ weapons were also doing. Screams of agony filled the night and bodies all around the dragirs became uncountable. Soon, there were no remaining foes to kill, as Rad and company had sent many Poyls on the run.

"We must retreat now as well," Rad told his team when the first lines were cleared. "What comes next will be more than a match even for us. And I feel Yosh's presence close, I don‘t want him getting involved in the fight. We wont be able to defeat him with what little weapons we have with us."

"So now we run?" Ether asked. "I've never run away from these sorts of creatures, much less from a traitor."

"It's time to go home," Rad acknowledged, glancing at him. "There will be plenty of fighting to be done in the coming days."

"I was just starting to have fun," Ether said, sheathing his sword back where it belonged within an inner pocket of his dark Haori armor. "But let us go, my captain."

Nodding, Rad led the way back to the portal he had created, seeing as they arrived that there were still a few bystanders waiting there, weapons drawn.

"After you, Toby," Rad told her, realizing that the mercenary girl had opted to wait until he arrived. Smiling, Toby started toward the portal, drinking a portion of one of the potions she had been given by the pink haired prodigy. She was glad Rad and his friends had made it safe. She tossed the empty vial to the ground and in she went, wondering what this Dragonia land would be like.

After drinking their potions, the remaining mercenaries went in, and then the dragir squad headed in, leaving only Ether and Rad standing there.

"After you, master." Ether gave his friend one potion from the few he carried.

"I'll follow you, my student," Rad countered, taking the potion. "I need to murmur a few syllables before I enter, else the portal will remain open. I got to be the last one in."

Nodding and realizing it was the truth, Ether drank a potion and went through the glowing portal, disappearing from view right away.

Rad pronounced the last syllables of the portal spell, which made the portal’s glowing begin to fade. With that in mind, he turned to the north, where the next line of monsters were arriving. A group of goblins and trolls were barely visible to him. Too bad, they would not get to him in time. He gulped down the potion and then threw the empty vial away. With a heavy heart, Rad started toward the portal. It was time to go home.


*In the next story, alliances will be made, new fierce enemies will appear, and the people of Phydoria will be witnesses to something never seen by the human eye. Will Rad and friends find a way to stop the powerful dragir who threatens to awake Blitzkrieg and his minions of old? Or will the world fall to the rule of Yosh Xicotencatl? Don't miss "Servants of the Emblem."

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