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Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

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A sequel to the the first series of Code Geass which took place one year later after the failed attempted of The Order of the Black Knights to liberate Area 11 formerly known as Japan. Zero was believed to be dead. Lelouch who was rebellious to his past as Zero somehow lost all his memories of him ever being Zero.

As well forgottening his mother and his sister Nunnally

. Upon his encounter with C.C. once again during the attack in Babel Tower, it was then she revealed Lelouch's past, as well as his purpose and hisself. Now that he regained his memories, he now set off as Zero to finish off what he had left off, to eliminate Britannia.

Strongly recommend watching the first series if you have not yet watch it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Copy-pasta from Newtype spoilers I'm fairly sure, but not 100% certain, as I can't read Moonspeak, so don't kill me if they're wrong.

Turn 11

The Order is hiding out in a place called the 88 Tombs of the Emperors, probably some royal family graveyard or catacomb where all the old emperors are buried. Lelouch goes to rescue Kallen in his new mech and succeeds.

Turn 12

Sayako has been pretending to be Lelouch while he's out (presumably everyone who goes to the school is retarded and failed to notice the difference). Sayako is clueless about romance and so Milly decides to hold a love party to find Lelouch a girl. Unfortunately for Lelouch, he ends up coming back in time for this whole thing. Kallen gets invited to the event and comes (hence the concept art with her in a dress) because she's curious about who Lelouch is interested in (translation: she wants his cock). When Milly declares that time is up, Lelouch picks Kallen because he doesn't want to pick a girl from Ashford. Milly tries to get them to kiss.

Or you can go through this:


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Copy-pasta from Newtype spoilers I'm fairly sure, but not 100% certain, as I can't read Moonspeak, so don't kill me if they're wrong.

Turn 11

The Order is hiding out in a place called the 88 Tombs of the Emperors, probably some royal family graveyard or catacomb where all the old emperors are buried. Lelouch goes to rescue Kallen in his new mech and succeeds.

Turn 12

Sayako has been pretending to be Lelouch while he's out (presumably everyone who goes to the school is retarded and failed to notice the difference). Sayako is clueless about romance and so Milly decides to hold a love party to find Lelouch a girl. Unfortunately for Lelouch, he ends up coming back in time for this whole thing. Kallen gets invited to the event and comes (hence the concept art with her in a dress) because she's curious about who Lelouch is interested in (translation: she wants his cock). When Milly declares that time is up, Lelouch picks Kallen because he doesn't want to pick a girl from Ashford. Milly tries to get them to kiss.

Or you can go through this:


That's Turn 12 is fuckin Hillarious, can't wait till they actually come out

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love watching Code Geass but I just... don't understand the story or WTF is going on. Started watching it a few weeks ago.

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What makes me laugh is the fact that he's trying to take over the world and he get's stuck with 108 dates.

I know! Most guys would think that's a good thing!

And lol at Rolo's jealous face throughout the episode.

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I love watching Code Geass but I just... don't understand the story or WTF is going on. Started watching it a few weeks ago.

Well I have a tendency to spoil entire series of anime for people so I ain't going to comment

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yeah i dont get the plot exactly either. I'm all caught up on the english episodes

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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn there's more plot twist in Turn 14 than you can shake a sword at, honestly it looks like the season could end in the next five episode's that's how bad it is

and for Suzaku to force Kallen to take Refrain to tell him that Lelouch has recovered his memories, Charles traping Lelouch in the tower in the sky, Rolo not dying, and more

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Suzaku made an enemy out of me for trying to drug Kallen.

Therefore, I must quote who is possibly the best Suzaku roleplayer ever:

His Lordship Suzaku Kururugi, Acting Regent of Area Eleven !1e8PYWL8zo 07/13/08(Sun)22:51 No.13251758


"If Refrain keeps the population docile, I see no harm in putting it in the water supply."

-Excerpt from Suzaku's Report on Domestic Affairs

Urgh, Suzaku. >_>

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The Korean Animator who got stories from the storyboards has seemed to return with more stories from his tiny mind. Don't read this unless your dying to know:

☆ Lelouch will walk further down the path of the Demon King. He will go on a rampage when he learns of Nunally's death and attack Charles directly

☆ Anya meets Orange-kun and in some crazy way (yes, this is exactly like the joking Geass thing with Euphie) he erases the Geass Charles put on her, and she remembers back and sees the truth.

Anya was actually really Nunally, and the Nunally who Lelouch came to love and know was a spy from Charles. She joins Lelouch afterward, but does not give him the info, yet.

☆ Gino gets infatuated with Kallen, and he falls in love with her. He joins Lelouch's side because he sees some pureness in her. He turns against Suzaku after the Freya incident.

☆ Kallen joins back with Lelouch and watches him as he crumbles under his weight of revenge and anger. At first, she wants to use Gino just like Lelouch used people, but she also becomes locked in his determination and heart

☆ C.C's memories continue to stay gone. She thinks the band-aid that was given to her was a marriage ring.

☆ Lelouch doesn't bury Rolo. He recovers his body and then burns it. He laughs and this is what causes his total monster streak to begin.

☆ Nunally actually doesn't die. She goes to Charles, like the spy she is, and stays close to him. This sets up for the two episode finale.

☆ Rivalz is the only person still at Ashford. Everyone else leaves because of the fear of war. He won't leave and wanders around.

☆ Luciano blows up in Freya, lives, and seeks out to kill Suzaku

☆ Suzaku goes crazy over killing millions, and he seeks for his own life to end. He doesn't die because of the Geass, so he seeks Lelouch to have his best friend to kill him

☆ A new knight? It seems Suzaku is taken out of the knights, is banished, and they bring in a new knight. Seems to be a young genius that interacts with the Lancelot.

☆ Ougi and Villeta die under Lelouch's wake

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WOW, is all I can say.

☆ Lelouch will walk further down the path of the Demon King. He will go on a rampage when he learns of Nunally's death and attack Charles directly

☆ Anya meets Orange-kun and in some crazy way (yes, this is exactly like the joking Geass thing with Euphie) he erases the Geass Charles put on her, and she remembers back and sees the truth.

Anya was actually really Nunally, and the Nunally who Lelouch came to love and know was a spy from Charles. She joins Lelouch afterward, but does not give him the info, yet.

☆ Nunally actually doesn't die. She goes to Charles, like the spy she is, and stays close to him. This sets up for the two episode finale.

This probably surprised me the most. The single person Lelouch took up the mask of Zero for, the one person he probably cared about more than life itself, turns out to be a fake? And not only that, but a fake who was also spying on him and working for the enemy all along. This is going to kill Lelouch.

And the fact that Anya is really his sister shocked me too. She doesn't look much like Marianne, where as Nunally looked very similar to her. But the again, Charles is the master at finding look-alike people. (e.g. Rolo) I just wonder how Marianne could have let her real daughter be taken away from her. Or, more importantly, why Anya was taken from her in the first place.

Oh well, at least Anya looks somewhat like Euphie and Cornelia. Wonder where the pink hair gene comes from. =/

☆ Gino gets infatuated with Kallen, and he falls in love with her. He joins Lelouch's side because he sees some pureness in her. He turns against Suzaku after the Freya incident.

☆ Kallen joins back with Lelouch and watches him as he crumbles under his weight of revenge and anger. At first, she wants to use Gino just like Lelouch used people, but she also becomes locked in his determination and heart

Well, hopefully all the KallenLulu and KallenSuzaku ship wars will stop now. Though I am kind of happy about this. Can't wait to see how this is played out, especially with Kallen planning to use him at first.

☆ Lelouch doesn't bury Rolo. He recovers his body and then burns it. He laughs and this is what causes his total monster streak to begin.

☆ Suzaku goes crazy over killing millions, and he seeks for his own life to end. He doesn't die because of the Geass, so he seeks Lelouch to have his best friend to kill him

Yup. Those two are going crazy. But I have a feeling I'll feel sorry for them in the end more than anything else.

☆ Ougi and Villeta die under Lelouch's wake

Makes me sad. I was hoping they could have lived through it...

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The Korean Animator who got stories from the storyboards has seemed to return with more stories from his tiny mind. Don't read this unless your dying to know:

☆ Lelouch will walk further down the path of the Demon King. He will go on a rampage when he learns of Nunally's death and attack Charles directly

☆ Anya meets Orange-kun and in some crazy way (yes, this is exactly like the joking Geass thing with Euphie) he erases the Geass Charles put on her, and she remembers back and sees the truth.

Anya was actually really Nunally, and the Nunally who Lelouch came to love and know was a spy from Charles. She joins Lelouch afterward, but does not give him the info, yet.

☆ Gino gets infatuated with Kallen, and he falls in love with her. He joins Lelouch's side because he sees some pureness in her. He turns against Suzaku after the Freya incident.

☆ Kallen joins back with Lelouch and watches him as he crumbles under his weight of revenge and anger. At first, she wants to use Gino just like Lelouch used people, but she also becomes locked in his determination and heart

☆ C.C's memories continue to stay gone. She thinks the band-aid that was given to her was a marriage ring.

☆ Lelouch doesn't bury Rolo. He recovers his body and then burns it. He laughs and this is what causes his total monster streak to begin.

☆ Nunally actually doesn't die. She goes to Charles, like the spy she is, and stays close to him. This sets up for the two episode finale.

☆ Rivalz is the only person still at Ashford. Everyone else leaves because of the fear of war. He won't leave and wanders around.

☆ Luciano blows up in Freya, lives, and seeks out to kill Suzaku

☆ Suzaku goes crazy over killing millions, and he seeks for his own life to end. He doesn't die because of the Geass, so he seeks Lelouch to have his best friend to kill him

☆ A new knight? It seems Suzaku is taken out of the knights, is banished, and they bring in a new knight. Seems to be a young genius that interacts with the Lancelot.

☆ Ougi and Villeta die under Lelouch's wake


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  • 2 weeks later...

I HATE how you guys want to BAWWW now and then until about 30 minutes ago it was “****ing Rolo!”

This is a comment by someone from somewhere else, and I had to quote this since it basically sums up the latest episode XD

And I'm guilty of it. I kind of feel bad for the guy, and the writers clearly wanted to redeem him.


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the most recent episode sucked for Lelouch since he lost everything including his brother

he has a brother?

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