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Low turn count videos


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Edit: Unfortunately I deleted my youtube account about a year ago, so all these links are broken :( I suppose the records are still interesting, though.

1-1 (3 turns)

1-2 (4 turns) *1 below Rsteube

1-3 (4 turns)

1-4 (3 turns) *1 below Rsteube

1-5 (2 turns) *easy mode only

1-7 (4 turns)

1-8 (2 turns)

1-9 (4 turns) *4 below Rsteube

1-E (4 turns) *1 below Rsteube

2-1 (2 turns) *1 below Rsteube

2-2 (3 turns)

2-E (1 turn) *5 alternative methods

3-P (6 turns)

3-1 (3 turns)

3-2 (2 turns) *4 alternative methods

3-3 (4 turns)

3-5 (1 turn) *Mist bosskill

3-8 (3 turns)

3-9 (2 turns) *1 below Rsteube

3-10 (3 turns)

3-11 (4 turns)

3-12 (1 turn) *1 below Rsteube

3-13 (1 turn) *1 below Rsteube

3-E (3 turns) *skipped for now

4-P (1 turn) *1 below Rsteube

4-1 (1 turn) *1 below Rsteube

4-2 (2 turns) *1 below Rsteube

4-3 (3 turns) *1 below Rsteube

4-4 (3 turns) *2 below Rsteube

4-5 (1 turn)

4-E-1 (1 turn) *1 below Rsteube

I intend to fill that list eventually. The chapters that are excluded have optimal turn counts in my speedrun already, so I won't bother with those. The turn counts above are based on Rsteube's turn counts found


Oh yeah, normal mode, and this isn't a playthrough.

Edited by Vykan12
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I'll look to see if there's any possible improvements to his 156 turn run, though I doubt I'll find any besides 4-E-5 (it's fairly common knowledge that it can be 1 turned).

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I was all O_o when I saw that lvl 11 Micaiah in 1-1 but then I realised it had to be Easy or Normal mode.

Abusing in 1-P is nearly impossible on Hard Mode. No Battle Saves makes it so you can't let a unit dodge all attacks from a boss or prevent a crit.

To put an edit in it.

Is it easy mode? That would explain why you skipped 1-2. 1-2 becomes much longer on Easy mode because the objective switches from (Laura must arrive.) to a rout one.

Edit 2: Has to be normal mode or anything like this is invalid.

Edited by Silith
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Apparently you can battle save on hard mode using some memory card trick. Something I heard from Rsteube ironically.

Good news, I just 3 turned 1-4! The encode should be up soon.

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I should learn that trick. Today I had to start over a 2 hour lasting chapter because the boss had a 3% crit chance. To make things worse the two other enemies had to have their 30-40% hit rates hit too to kill Tormod and I saw everything happening like it wasn't planned.

In the redo I just took 36 turns longer to pull the adds first and then the boss.

Stupid Tormod has to appear in chapter 4-4 at such a low level. He's doomed to be in my final team :*(

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I should learn that trick.

The trick is easy but tedious. How you do it is to Suspend like you normally would Battle Save, but back up your game save to an SD card before you resotre. That way, when you restore, you can just delete the Wii save and copy over the SD save and restore it again, as many times as you want.

Not really worth the trouble, but I guess it makes a minimum turn HM run possible.

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Important Question:

Does anyone have a map layout of the initial enemy positions and reinforcements in 1-9? That would be extremely helpful.

I can tell you what my Prima guide lists. I'll be using map coordinates like how the site does for hidden items on the ground.

Turn 1:

(4,3) Myrmidon, lv 15, Steel Sword

(5,2) Fighter, lv 15, Steel Axe

(1,7) Fighter, lv 14, Steel Axe, Vulnerary (Drop)

(8,7) Soldier, lv 16, Javelin

(7,8) Fighter, lv 14, Hand Axe

Turn 2:

(9,2) Soldier, lv 14, Javelin

(2,8) Soldier, lv 14, Steel Lance

(5,7) Fighter, lv 15, Steel Axe

Turn 3:

(5,8) Soldier, lv 15, Steel Lance, Vulnerary

(1,7) Soldier, lv 15, Steel Lance

(7,8) Fighter, lv 15, Hand Axe

Turn 4:

(1,1) Soldier, lv 15, Steel Lance

(3,8) Archer, lv 15, Steel Bow

Turn 5:

(9,2) Archer, lv 15, Steel Bow

Turn 7:

(2,8) Soldier, lv 16, Steel Lance

(9,2) Fighter, lv 15, Hand Axe

Turn 9: (For some reason, my guide lists HP values for the following 4 as well)

(5,8) Fighter, lv 16, 34 HP, Steel Axe

(7,8) Archer, lv 16, 27 HP, Steel Bow

(9,2) Fighter, lv 16, 32 HP, Hand Axe

(1,1) Soldier, lv 15, 29 HP, Javelin

When everyone else is dead, Jarod appears at (9,3).

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So clean up at turn 7 so you can kill Jarod at 8!

Not that simple. Some enemies don't move at all unless you get near them, so BK and Micky have to walk around the map killing stuff until Jarod appears. Considering the time taken back, I guess around 10 turns?

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Here's how I 8-turned 1-9. Feel free to use this in your run.

Turn 1: Nothing. End Turn.

Turn 2: BK east 1 and Attack the Fighter. Micaiah North 1 West 2.

Turn 3: BK North 3 West 1 Attack the Fighter. Micaiah East 2.

Turn 4: BK North 1 West 2. Micaiah North 2.

Turn 5: BK West 1 Attack. Micaiah North 2 West 1.

Turn 6: BK East 2 South 1. Micaiah West 1.

Turn 7: BK East 2 South 2. Micaiah North 1.

Turn 8: Kill Jarod with BK.


This assumes that Micaiah will be doing nothing so you can probably improve this by at least a turn by having her stay near the bottom because IIRC Jarod comes on turn seven using this and Micaiah with max magic and Thani critical should cleanly OHKO him.

Edited by oval
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  • 1 month later...

Hey, glad to see you here. I'm currently trying to figure out how to 3 turn 2-2, maybe you could help me out a little? Right now I'm having Nealuchi and Mordy transform, Leanne vigors them, Nealuchi rescues Lucia and cantoes off. The problem is, they eventually get stuck in a crowd of enemies near the boss :|. I did find an alternative method that was 1 attack short of the 3 turn, so I'm pretty close though. The BEXP I have at the base is also really useful for beefing whoever I want (Mordy's spd, Neph's jav offence, etc).

Edit: Figured it out. Dropping Lucia (wind edge) in front of Nealuchi, then having him canto back 1 space does the trick.

Edit 2: 0_o this is so difficult. Even after getting Mordy to procure spd (now has 20), it's possible for him to not double the sword gen in front of the boss, and even if he does, he might fall 1 damage short. Moreover, the boss has to die to a Lethe crit. I think I figured an easier way though. Instead of Nealuchi carrying Lucia, he carries Leanne. I found that Lucia can reach the correct spot without being ferried, as she just needs to be shoved once.

Edited by Oliver
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Yes, but I don't "manipulate anything possible", I just manipulate what I need... which is usually pretty demanding.

Edit: 2-2 added.

Edited by Oliver
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