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    Path of Radiance

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  1. Did you know you're supposed to go the long way around and attack the house behind the barrier? Like, that's what the game expects you to do. Learned that on Maddening mode cause Edelgard could murder everyone but Dedue.
  2. Being cool. Their most practical purpose is to be cool.
  3. That Rinkah is, presuming promotion at 20, slightly below average.
  4. Guys, the chapter was designed to let flyers let you escape easily. It was the point.
  5. Killer weapons are great if the damage difference between the killer weapon and another choice doesn't matter, that's always been the case in FE. The one thing I think could be a major improvement would be to, if at all possible, move silver weapon debuffs from the character to the weapon itself. That would preserve their purpose of having to be used only for important kills without decentivising their use in the middle of a chapter.
  6. The inability to save between 27 and endgame is a nuisance, especially for Conquest where you need to figure out how to use the dragon veins the first time.
  7. Some enemies definitely favor surviving even over taking a kill shot, but I'm pretty sure that's only if they have a healer to retreat towards and are heavily damaged. I remember being prepared to reset in Birthright's ninja chapter as a half-dead ninja should have had the damage to finish off Hayato easily, but instead retreated back towards the healers.
  8. Level 5 Basara in chapter 15. Man, I know I don't grind any, but that's stupid early to me. I have a level 6 promoted Hayato in chapter 23. Finally, as stated already, Rend Heaven is great only against anyone with an actual MAG stat. It is funny to see it activate against 0 MAG stoneborn though.
  9. I'm looking at that picture and asking myself, "Why aren't those cavalier half dead already?" My second question is "Why the heck haven't we got dual guards to lower damage on EP?" Also, if I recall from my playthrough, those middle archers died on PP and I only baited the cavs.
  10. I mainly use dual guard to go charging into enemy lines that I'd get dual attacked in. Usually in a kill the middle of three guys option to then cheaply get two dual attacks.
  11. The penalties placed on the higher tier weapons is there to make iron weapons your main choice. Steel and silver weapons have their advantages but are supposed to be relegated to situational usage. Given that, iron weapons are the obvious choice to forge often. But when you really need that extra umph you'll probably regret not forging something stronger.
  12. Takumi is definitely powerful. I don't know if he's the best ever though. It helps that, at least in birthright, he joins and immediately has two chapters that are favorable to him.
  13. Lion King to top, Frozen to top, Little Mermaid down (seriously, why is this top?). Also, I'll echo that Aristocats needs to go up. But I'm going to go get dinner and probably forget about this. So take this as a why are these where they are (other than Aristocats, obviously).
  14. And the only reason anyone knows of it is because it got Brady a win against the Raiders in 2002 and eventually a title.
  15. I don't think that the ump that "blew" the 27th out on Detroit's perfect game was wrong to make the call nor do I think a big deal should have been made out of it. Yes, with video evidence it was an out. Watch it in real time and you realize it's a lot closer than you might think from slow-mo replay. In fact, it is a call that gets blown on a regular basis. MLB didn't change the call, nor should they. On that note, I don't care how "robbed" of a Super Bowl the Seahawks (or anyone else) was. Edit: @Raven - The "tuck rule" as it was commonly called was abolished. I'm pretty sure that is what is being referred to as the Brady rule here. It wouldn't have effected the Rodgers fumble in the Bears-Packers game though.
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