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H5 WarpSkip Basic.

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I wanted to get everything I've thought up on the subject of warpskipping down onto paper. These are my thoughts.

Before anything else I am gonna list which chapters are getting skipped and which are not. On specific chapters I will go in depth about certain strategies. All 4 warp staves are necessary to actually beating the game so I'm gonna be listing which one to use and when I feel since a large amount of chapters are going to be skipped most of which are in the late game. The 4 warp staves you get are in 3, 12, 17, and 17x. Hammerne is also necessary. They will be titled Warp A through D. I will be listing the number of uses and which stave you are using and when. I'm just gonna assume forging on any weapons shiida needs the forge on. Also the only gaiden we are going to is 17x because of the warp. Maintain a low number of units but enough to avoid the gaiden's for the most part. Shiida is the main warp skipper here cause she has no problems doubling anything and she can double dragons that barst can't and never will be able to. He can use critical's though so it is possible to warp skip anything with barst and he has better durability if he is the main warpskipper making some chapters easier.

This is just a basic run up of which chapters to skip and what not to and my own strategies. Didn't list everything that could be useful. I know I missed a lot of gold. Point out anything I might have missed. Lord knows I prob missed a ton.

Chapter 1-3 are to be played normally. You could skip chapter 3 with a warp and a online killer. But don't.


Chapter 4 is skippable but Merric has excalibur. We want excalibur. And to a lesser extent merric. 5000 gold is useful. Get it.


Chapter 5 has Wendell, Hardin, Wolf, and Sedgar. All are characters you want on your team. You can skip this like 4 but I feel you shouldn't. Wendell can and should spam excalibur by the way. Your unlikely to run it out of uses so have fun.


Chapter 6 has a Seraph Robe for Shiida. Have her use the Seraph robe. Extra funds helps to. Have Wolf and Sedgar go Warrior for this chapter. Give's them the speed to avoid the double, two range in handaxes and bows which helps for weapon rank building on axes, and a high amount of hp. Helps them level up quicker. Make sure you have enough guys so you don't go to 6x.


Chapter 7 is a halfskip although not immediately. We want Bantu first so we can recruit tiki later on. We can have shiida fly down and take the boss with a forged wing spear and then warp Marth in as well. Thanks Colonel M.

Warp A: 6/7 uses left.


Chapter 8 is a half warp skip. Get an extra wingspear before the skip. Have shiida fly across the sea from the start to take the boss on her own. Warp Marth to cap.

WARP A: 5/7 uses left.


Chapter 9 is to be played normally. The funds are useful. The wyrm slayer is necessary. Have shiida fly over to get it while avoiding enemies. You should have it by turn 6-7. Finish the chapter once you have the sword.


Chapter 10 is weird. We are skipping but not in the usual way. We are gonna warp marth and shiida up to the corridor above Maria's room. Marth can recruit maria in the meantime so we can get minerva later. We are not gonna open up the door to the hero with the master seal until the enemies near the boss have head south. Once that hero is down (maria can help heal shiida) and we have the master seal marth will recruit minerva while shiida flies over as a freshly promoted draco to kill the boss. Have your other units head into the building and have the Zag or the Wolf as generals block off the entrance. Keep them alive until the map is beaten and get that psychic stave. Get extra experience from the enemies inside if you can.

Map for reference: http://fireemblemwod.net/fe11/guia/capitulo10.htm

Warp A: 3/7 uses left.


Chapter 11 is half skipped. Shiida can fly up as a draco and take the mook on the capsquare on turn 1 with proper positioning.

Warp A: 2/7 uses left.


Chapter 12 is to be played normally. Make sure boah lives. Don't bother opening the cell door though. Just go right for the room with the general to the boss. Let the rest die. We need the warpstave so KILL THAT THIEF. There is two master seals here as well. If the boss doesn't get to before you can beat the chapter then give the one master seal in the chest to Barst. Don't go to 12x. The boots only save you turns... and they take two turns to get. Go figure. They do save you seconds in a speedrun though by skipping enemy turns so do pick them up if that's your intent.... which it probably is.


Chapter 13 is warpskipped with stave B. Set up your team so you can effectively warp them both via trading with just that stave.

Stave B: 5/7 uses left.


Chapter 14 is warp skipped with stave B. Skip the silver card.

Stave B: 3/7 uses left.


Chapter 15 is half skipped with stave B. Have shiida fly up using parthia for res in addition to having a barrier staff used on her. You gotta protect all those bishops/curates from those pesky mages. The barrierstave/purewaters should give you the ability to do that in combination with the psychic stave. Warp in marth once sheeda has taken the dude on the cap spot.

Stave B: 2 uses left.


Chapter 16 will be half skipped. Have Sheeda fly across and take the boss then warp marth in with Stave A. That's why we saved up that last use on WARP A.

Stave A: 1/7. Toss it in your inventory and don't use it again.


Chapter 17 is to be rushed through normally. Warp someone over to the chests to get the Warp Stave with the final use of B before it's chucked into storage. The chest is shown on this page: http://fireemblemwod.net/fe11/guia/capitulo17.htm

Have sheeda and marth rush the throne. Have shiida go swordmaster for this chapter with the wyrmslayer we got on 9. Forge it for extra might. Get the vip card. Just don't sacrifice anyone important to do so.

WarpA and WarpB should both have 1/7 uses left. Don't use them until after hammerne has been used on either.


Chapter 17x. Warp Zag, Wolf, or Barst as a general up to the room containing the warp stave while holding a masterkey. On Turn 1 they will open the door. Turn 2 they will get Warp D. Setup a square containing in the top row Lena/Wrys(anyone with C ranks will do) and in the bottom row Marth/Sheeda. Warp Sheeda down to the passageway before the boss on turn 2. This will enable you to see the boss and have her rush in. Have her as a draco/paladin. Warp Marth to the throne directly. You will recruit Etzel upon beating the chapter.

Check this link out to see where the warpstave is: http://fireemblemwod.net/fe11/guia/capitulo17x.htm

Warp C:

4/7 uses left.


And let the real warp skipping begin. Use D for the next two chapters.

Chapter 18 skipped with stave C and/or D. A and B should have one use left each.

Warp stave A: 1

Warp stave B: 1

Warp C: 4

Warp D: 5


Chapter 19 we warp Bantu up to recruit tiki. Warp in Marth to cap.

Warp C: 4

Warp D: 3


Chapter 20... we need hammerne to continue skipping. Use C or D to warp in Marth to get Hammerne on the first turn. Then warp another stave user with either C or D next to marth to warp him back up to the main team. THIS STAVE USER WILL DIE WITH THE WARP STAVE. We will get that stave back next chapter. Make sure neither C or D breaks. Have lena use hammerne on the warp staves on turn 1 if possible. Have your generals form a wall and keep your stave users alive. We will not be truly warpskipping until turn 2 because Marth can't cap cause of visiting the village.. This gives lena another warp stave to use hammerne on.

No point in listing stave uses from here on out.


Chapter 21. Warp some mook up to go to the secret shop if you need anything. I'd suggest energy dusts for shiida/tiki/nagi. Buy all 3. Then warp skip. Use hammerne on the other warp staves.


Chapter 22. Michalis has the iote shield. This means we are gonna have to warp in people just to weaken him for shiida and/or hope they land a critical. The best two sacrifices you can make are any sage with excalibur specifically etzel and Barst. Make sure barst is a warrior/berzerker so he dies from getting doubled. Both of them can try for a critical so they live. They will not be useful from here on out except for getting items out of the secret shop on 24 and getting the aum staff on 24. RIP Barst. Hammerne. Warp Skip then.


Chapter 23 is warp skipped. Hammerne.


Chapter 24. We need the aum staff for beating medeus on the first turn. Warp in a mook to get the aum staff. Warp tiki up to the boss so she can die and weaken it. Warp in Caeda with the forged wyrmslayer and Marth and beat the chapter.


Chapter 24X: Warpskip. Hammerne. Use aum on tiki with Elice.


Finale. Warp in sheeda to take the mamkute right below medeus with the forged wyrmslayer. Warp tiki/nagi in to weaken medeus for the other. Finish medeus with the other. Warp in marth to win.


Alright. In my next post I am gonna go over the characters and who I feel is viable/not viable. Word of warning: Over half the cast I feel isn't viable in any form whatsoever.

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Queen of Warpskip:




Elite Mooks:










Athena would be viable but she isn't cause of her join chapter.



The Class B's above them are better generals due to bases/growths/more availability/gains experience quicker. Horace isn't viable because we don't want to go to his chapter.

Kills medius:


One of the warp stave users will be sacrificed to save marth on Chapter 20. It cannot be lena. This means the warp skipper will have to have 3 warp stavers not counting elice and lena.

Best 6 Warpers:







Recruits Tiki:


Non viable:

Anyone who didn't fill a position listed above.

A few I wanna highlight who could be put on the list potentially for whatever reason:



Everyone else I am throwing in non viable until proven otherwise because they can't compete with the people listed above and there is barely any experience to raise up people if they don't join from the very beginning. Or because quite simply they aren't getting recruited.

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Chapter 9 is to be played normally. We want Ceasar, the funds, and the wyrmslayer sword.

Caesar auto-joins in Ch9. You probably meant Jeorge. I dunno why you'd bother recruiting him since it's a long way away for Marth.

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Caesar auto-joins in Ch9. You probably meant Jeorge. I dunno why you'd bother recruiting him since it's a long way away for Marth.

I figured silver bows/parthia will be useful on a few chapters. And he can go bishop as well.

But your right. And we could could prob just get the wyrmslayer some other time to lessen the time on the chapter.

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Hm, the Wyrmslayers are located in kind of in awkward places. Besides Ch9, there's the following options:

Ch17 Secret Shop. Requires an extra Warp use right before you get C and D, which might be tight.

Ch24 Armory. The Warp use is no problem anymore as long as you have enough people to do it. Boah, Elice and Lena with one of them dying in Ch20 does not bode very well for that. Also, this means you can't forge the thing on this map to allow the kill for Shiida, which is kind of ass.

The Ch9 Wyrmslayer and Jeorge are mutually exclusive though. Shiida probably isn't the best for fighting Pirates anyway (not promoted yet), so she could fly to the thief who steals the Wyrmslayer and Javelin him to death while avoiding the rest.

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Hm, the Wyrmslayers are located in kind of in awkward places. Besides Ch9, there's the following options:

Ch17 Secret Shop. Requires an extra Warp use right before you get C and D, which might be tight.

Ch24 Armory. The Warp use is no problem anymore as long as you have enough people to do it. Boah, Elice and Lena with one of them dying in Ch20 does not bode very well for that. Also, this means you can't forge the thing on this map to allow the kill for Shiida, which is kind of ass.

The Ch9 Wyrmslayer and Jeorge are mutually exclusive though. Shiida probably isn't the best for fighting Pirates anyway (not promoted yet), so she could fly to the thief who steals the Wyrmslayer and Javelin him to death while avoiding the rest.

I got dinner but I'll be back afterwards.

We got quite a few people available to use warp on 20. Jeigan and those class A's that join in the beginning along with wendell and wrys should be able to get to C ranks in time.

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Hm, the Wyrmslayers are located in kind of in awkward places. Besides Ch9, there's the following options:

Ch17 Secret Shop. Requires an extra Warp use right before you get C and D, which might be tight.

Ch24 Armory. The Warp use is no problem anymore as long as you have enough people to do it. Boah, Elice and Lena with one of them dying in Ch20 does not bode very well for that. Also, this means you can't forge the thing on this map to allow the kill for Shiida, which is kind of ass.

The Ch9 Wyrmslayer and Jeorge are mutually exclusive though. Shiida probably isn't the best for fighting Pirates anyway (not promoted yet), so she could fly to the thief who steals the Wyrmslayer and Javelin him to death while avoiding the rest.

Ok. I got it. Let's go for 24's actually. We can warp someone to buy the wyrmslayer. We don't need to forge it to take the boss. We will do that on 24x or final. Then we warp tiki over to weaken the boss and die. Caeda should be able to pull off the kill with other weaponry now.

That's 5 warps counting trades and careful positioning. One for tiki to weaken the boss and die, one for caeda, one to get the aum staff, one to warp marth. We have alot of warp candidates and we got elice just this chapter so with careful planning and trading we can warp a fifth to get the wyrmslayer.

Edit: ITP: I show my idiocy. The shop was in walking distance from the start of turn 1.

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Two (?)s:

- Why Caesar?

- Why Darros? He uh... sucks, ya know. =/

Just wondering I guess.

Ceasar might suck less on chapter 9. That was my reason for listing him sadly.

I listed Darros cause of the stupid stunt I pulled on the tier list last time I was here. He's a potential unit (as in he sucks till his defense kicks in) so warpskip negates him completely. I was waiting till someone told me that he was useless before I was gonna knock him off.

I should prob kick cord off to since he is in the same exact boat as Darros. I think castor could pull some usefulness though what with his growthrates/weaponranks. Edit again: Cord can pull some immediate positive utility as a hunter. High strength growth and decent base. Bord might be able to get on the list as a hunter as well just cause of the 3 base strength. Never mind he gets to stay.

Minerva is dependent on if we can recruit her actually. If we can.... I can see her as being among the best of our mooks just cause of A rank axes.

Edit: BTW can you link me to that one spanish fe site with all the chapter maps that show off where all the enemies are and what's in each treasure chest?

I decided to do a quick playthrough on H5 just to ascertain what will be helpful and to see how much money we are gonna be able to get. Might as well list that the boots on 12 (if there not in the far off corner with the cav boss) are going to shiida since with them she can cut down 15 and 17 by a turn.

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Thank you so much. Truly helpful.

Now I know everything I got majorly wrong. Don't need to do proper positioning and warping to get the wyrmslayer on 24. Just gotta walk over and buy it =/ . 17x can be done in 2 turns with warp.

Or even 1 turned with warp.

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I moved Barst below Shiida on the grounds that he can't fly and his one class with 10 move after promotion sucks balls. He's still better than her until we begin warp skipping pretty much every goddamn chapter. She also has a A support with marth that boosts her high hit with the wing spear to even higher and a minor crit boost to give her +15 crit with the wingspear before we take into account forging or skill. Also the +5 crit evade helps on chapter 14's boss. So if we can take the boss on any given turn we can warp marth in range to give shiida the extra crit bonus to conserve wing spear usage. And she doesn't have barst's speed problems such as doubling.

I also have come up with some plans to warpskip a few earlier chapters by taking better advantage of high move units.

Chapter 7 I will try to see if we can do a halfskip by splitting my characters into two teams. One to recruit bantu with marth and the other to rush down and take the forts and give shiida an opening to take the boss. If we have to sacrifice a few mooks then so be it. Just ignore minerva and the others. http://fireemblemwod.net/fe11/guia/capitulo07.htm

Chapter 11 is easily half skipped with a promoted draco shiida. We can skip this chapter on the first turn by carefully positioning shiida so she is in immediate range of the mook on the cap square. http://fireemblemwod.net/fe11/guia/capitulo11.htm

If I can half skip 7 then we can speed up chapter 10 by warping marth and shiida up to the corridor above maria's room. We need the masterseal so we can't skip outright. Have marth recruit maria and then have her pull a mend staff out of his inventory. We want the units over by the boss to head south before we open the door to the hero so just give them some time. This should allow minerva the time to fly over after we kill the hero so we can then recruit her. Then we can take the boss. Just have the rest of our units run inside the fort and have zag/wolf as generals block the entrance. Get that extra psychic stave as well. http://fireemblemwod.net/fe11/guia/capitulo10.htm

The boots are nil. They prob do delete several seconds off any speedrun by skipping enemy turns through so they are still a positive. It only takes two turns to get them after killing the boss on 12. They enable us to take Chapter 15 IN TWO TURNS and 16 on the first turn with dracoknight shiida.

http://fireemblemwod.net/fe11/guia/capitulo15.htm - I would suggest we have shiida use parthia on the first turn to increase her res and have someone use a barrier staff on her before she takes flight. I think this chapter would only take 3 turns without the boots.

http://fireemblemwod.net/fe11/guia/capitulo16.htm - two spaces south of marth and one to the right is where we place shiida to take this chapter on the first turn with the boots as a draco. We could take this chapter in two turns without the boots.

So really these are the only chapters where they would have a positive effect on after 12. So it's two turns to get and two turns lost... Go figure.

http://fireemblemwod.net/fe11/guia/capitulo17.htm - I would have Shiida go paladin here and using parthia/barrier she can take that bishop with the vip card before heading up towards the boss. We might be able to get someone else like minerva/jeigan/wendell to fly over to the secret shop and buy a wyrmslayer before marth caps. This chapter is really short so I am just throwing the boots out saying the positive effect here is nil.

I also changed the number of warpers needed to 3 (counting the one who dies) aside from lena/elice. We only should need 5 uses of hammerne with 1 for each warp and 1 for the forged wing spear. The warp skipper is after all intelligent with his usage of the warpstave.

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Chapter 7 can be half-skipped. I noted it in my video that it's easily possible by turn 7 or earlier if you send Shiida to smash the boss with a forged Wing Spear and just Warp Marf onto the throne.

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Chapter 7 can be half-skipped. I noted it in my video that it's easily possible by turn 7 or earlier if you send Shiida to smash the boss with a forged Wing Spear and just Warp Marf onto the throne.

That's perfect. I don't think I can refine the chapters to warpskip/halfskip any further than what I got listed then. Chapters 1-6 are necessary and it's better to do the early chapters over the later chapters normally in a warpskip. And chapter 9 has barely any troops standing between you and the boss (with the boss having no 2 range also) on top of the enemies being weaker than 7 and 8's. 12, 17 and 17x all have warp staves and thus are necessary. 12 has next to no enemies between you and the boss and 17 is the same way. 17x is being warpskipped on the second turn unless I come up with something stupidly complex to do it on the first turn.

I'll just have to go more in depth then and start listing all available money/what items we get and what we don't get.

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Ch 9 is kind of tough to bum-rush despite the density, if only because you have to tangle with a lot of 2-range, some of which is mage-powered, and there's even a Devil Axe guy. That bridge gets cramped really quickly, too.

I definitely prefer sending Caeda to pick up the Wyrmslayer, and setting up a killzone east of the bridge with my best guys (aside from Caeda) up to that point.

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Ch 9 is kind of tough to bum-rush despite the density, if only because you have to tangle with a lot of 2-range, some of which is mage-powered, and there's even a Devil Axe guy. That bridge gets cramped really quickly, too.

I definitely prefer sending Caeda to pick up the Wyrmslayer, and setting up a killzone east of the bridge with my best guys (aside from Caeda) up to that point.

IIRC The pirates try to cross the river leaving the bridge fairly easy to take. http://fireemblemwod.net/fe11/guia/capitulo09.htm

Sniper Jeigan, Merc Ogma, Sage Wendell, Hunter Barst (for the high amount of damage he does to the boss), Hero Zag and Wolf should all be doing rather good here. Shiida can provide mage killing now that she has some extra hp in combination with the barrier stave. I generally tend to rip through chapter 9's mooks to the boss pretty quickly myself.

Ogma with the silver sword is pretty epic on those pirates with a 1rko and 2rkoing them with the levin sword. Although we did skip some chapters so he might not have the speed...

We are skipping the wyrmslayer because it takes to long to get I believe btw. We could already have beaten the chapter by the time we have it.

Edit In Response to the Colonel: I'm assuming that she always gets the seraph robe in 6 since Barst can't fly which is instrumental in half skipping several of these chapters.

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I would suggest we have shiida use parthia on the first turn to increase her res and have someone use a barrier staff on her before she takes flight. I think this chapter would only take 3 turns without the boots.

I'm pretty sure you need A bows to use Parthia as an item, just like only Marth can use Falchion to heal. In addition, I think it uses the same res modifier as Barrier/Pure Water (I actually tested this iirc) meaning you can't stack it.

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They do try to cross the river, but the ones that do are the ones with Hand Axes, and they will come back. You can distract them, I suppose, with someone like Radd on a fort. And I guess Caeda will be fine gettingh countered by the Mage if everything else stays away on EP.

If you think you're actually going to have enough firepower with all of the skipping that you're doing up to this point, more power to you. You're already giving up Sedgar's best training chapters by skipping 6x and half-skipping 8, so it seems to me like you have your work cut out for you.

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I'm pretty sure you need A bows to use Parthia as an item, just like only Marth can use Falchion to heal. In addition, I think it uses the same res modifier as Barrier/Pure Water (I actually tested this iirc) meaning you can't stack it.

Well that actually makes the boots useful since shiida was being assumed to do a pure rush north to boss on 15... although I'm pretty sure I did a purewater/barrier double stack on some chapter in a prior playthrough. Oh well I'll test it again later.

Edit: I prob used one on merric just for Gharnef. I'm prob wrong.

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We are skipping the wyrmslayer because it takes to long to get I believe btw. We could already have beaten the chapter by the time we have it.

You can have it by like Turn 6-7 or something, how fast are you thinking that you can get to the boss, exactly?

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Why didn't I really pay attention to this topic earlier? Warp skipping is fun!

I think I have an improvement for Chapter 20, but keep in mind that I haven't seriously played through the game in centuries. (Even longer, if you only count Hard 5.) So please correct me if I get something horribly wrong. Also, if you're not willing to abuse the duplication glitch (skip the Warp animation entirely), this plan doesn't work.

Plan goes like this:

- Warp Marth (duplication glitch now) to village. Get Hammerne.

- Trade for Hammerne (or use the storage) and repair a Warp staff.

- Warp glitch Marth 3 left, 1 down from Lawrence (mountain tile left of a puddle). End turn.

- Repair another Hammerne (if need be).

- Warp Sheeda to Lawrence and recruit him. Move him away and seize.

Assuming I'm correct about movement costs and all that, Marth should only need to dodge the ballista's attack. The mountain certainly helps with that though, so things should be easy enough.

Hope this helps.

[Edit]: Just tested this with a Normal mode save. Everything worked out fine...even with only two Warp users. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

You can have it by like Turn 6-7 or something, how fast are you thinking that you can get to the boss, exactly?

Sorry I took forever to respond to this. I was playing soul blazer and ff6 in my spare time. Didn't feel like going any further in SD until I beat both.

Anyway the only way you can pull off turn 5 is with a crit from wendell with excalibur. So turn 6-7 is good. This also gives us extra time to get the chest with the money in it.

We are gonna be needing the wyrmslayer anyway because the only unit capable of even damaging much less one shotting the mage dragon on 17 is swordmaster!shiida with a forged wyrmslayer. Everyone else does crap damage. So that means chapter 9's is a must.

In response to yaymarsha.... I'm staying away from glitches for this topic.

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Well, if it proves too difficult there's always the Dragonpike. The Ch17 boss has effective 19 DEF on the tile, and 17 AS. So you need 41 effective mt and 21 AS, which Caeda can pull off as a Draco if need be, although you do need to forge the Pike and you're not going to get much more use out of it.

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Well, if it proves too difficult there's always the Dragonpike. The Ch17 boss has effective 19 DEF on the tile, and 17 AS. So you need 41 effective mt and 21 AS, which Caeda can pull off as a Draco if need be, although you do need to forge the Pike and you're not going to get much more use out of it.

Yea. I thought of that but like you said we're gonna be needing the forged wyrmslayer for 24 and Final and a good portion of our money is going to forging the wyrmslayer.

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