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Help me with my hack !


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The purpose of this hack is to give more priority to units who are generally bad. Also to make some units much easier to use. I will be altering a bunch of stuff, but I want to keep things relatively balanced, and change classes like FE11 does. I am posting this here because it relates more to the game than hacking itself. I want input on what I should make each character.

Roy: I'm leaving Roy the way he is.

Marcus: I'm thinking Dragon master for extra utility?

Alan: Cavalier is good

Bors: I'm going with Shaman I think. Either that or mage. But a mage seems way too fragile on him.

Wolt: Mercenary. Basically Wolt's growth's are nice, but one range attacking is what he needs.

Lance: Archer. He's only losing hp and res growths, and his speed will really help him out I think.


Ellen: I think I'm going to leave her, but raise her speed growth to 35%, and lower her magic to 40 and lower her luck to 65%

Dieck: Wyvern rider? I really have no clue where to go with this guy. I'd like him to be faster and more durable.

Lot: Armor Knight? He will lose a lot of attack, but it makes good use of his defense. He loses strength almost everywhere, and he has a low growth to begin with.

Wade: Wyvern rider. This looks good everywhere but speed, but speed his hurting him no matter what.

Thany: I think mercenary looks good on her. Either this or her default class.

Chad: Well, lets see how I can break the game. I think fighter looks good but I'm open to suggestions.

Lugh: Meet the new thief(I'll be raising his str and defense growths to compensate for thief's terrible class growths)

Clarine: I think she will stay what she is.

Rutger: not so sure here

Dorothy: UGLY Nomad or myrmidon looks pretty good on her.

Saul: Cavalier?

Sue: Probably stay a nomad, attacking a two range is almost necessary with her defense.

Zealot: I am planning on having some fun with Zealot. Basically, I want to give him growths resembling Sedgar's as a General. I would make Zealot a general, with pretty bad bases, but give him great growths.

Noah: pretty much everything I do will not make him good.

Treck: I wanna go wyvern rider

Astol: Broken character, round 2: Knight

Lilina: Pegasus Knight

Barth: Cavalier

Wendy: Wyvern rider(for Soul)

Oujay: I like his default class

I'll post more characters later, tell me if I forgot anyone. Help me in any way, tell me your opinions. constructive criticism is appreciated.

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You forgot Lance.

And making Bors a Shaman only hinders him. He should probably be a promoted General with some +5's sprinkled pretty much everywhere.

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You forgot Lance.

And making Bors a Shaman only hinders him. He should probably be a promoted General with some +5's sprinkled pretty much everywhere.

I didn't forget Lance. Look again, he's the last of the chapter one units. As a Shaman, Bors is doing great offensively. He has a 40 magic growth and a 55 speed growth. Sure, his bases are terrible, but he's got 5 speed which is enough to double the earlygame soldiers. The only real problem I see with shaman Bors is his hit, which is consistently around 70. He is also useful against mages, but that's not a big deal here. As for General Bors, I would only do this if I changed Marcus to something else. Having 1 prepromote in chapter 1 is standard. Having 2 is not.

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FE5 had two prepromotes.

Yeah I guess it did, This is probably just me being stubborn, but aren't generals pretty much the worst promoted class? Also, This game doesn't have the difficulty to warrant two prepromotes, IMO.

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Roy: I'm leaving Roy the way he is.

Marcus: I'm thinking Dragon master for extra utility?

Well, that would be very useful, problem is, a little TOO useful, think of it...H4X.

Bors: I'm going with Shaman I think. Either that or mage. But a mage seems way too fragile on him.

Hm...a very early magic user...especially with THAT offense isn't too idealistic, sorry =/

I think he would make a good mercenary if it weren't for his low Str...

Dieck: Wyvern rider? I really have no clue where to go with this guy. I'd like him to be faster and more durable.

Dunno about this one...but such an early wyern rider, like Marcus, seems H4X...we'll think of something...custom class for Dieck ONLY.

Lot: Armor Knight? He will lose a lot of attack, but it makes good use of his defense. He loses strength almost everywhere, and he has a low growth to begin with.

The only advantage he gets is his AWESOME Def, but he is crap all around, especially his Spd.

Wade: Wyvern rider. This looks good everywhere but speed, but speed his hurting him no matter what.

I suggest you make him a pirate but to keep his growths intact, when promoted, he would basically be like Garret just with better Str, SKILL, Def and Luck.

Thany: I think mercenary looks good on her. Either this or her default class.

Indeed, go with default here, the female mercenary class is also glitched.

Chad: Well, lets see how I can break the game. I think fighter looks good but I'm open to suggestions.

Myrmidon. He will be BROKEN.

Dorothy: UGLY Nomad or myrmidon looks pretty good on her.

Myrmidon. She's awesome.

Saul: Cavalier?

Nah, go with default here.

Treck: I wanna go wyvern rider

Keep him as a cavalier, he'll be your 3rd cavalier that isn't Noah.

Astol: Broken character, round 2: Knight

Nah, another default...you need him for lockpicking, he also starts out good.

Barth: Cavalier

A fighter, his HP & Str will be broken, this is also to help out his Spd.

Wendy: Wyvern rider(for Soul)

Ah, thanks. ;)

Oujay: I like his default class

Hm...he wouldn't make a bad myrmidon...problem is, his Str & the fact there are already two other GREAT myrmidons, so yeah, keep like he is.

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Ok, Next characters. I really haven't thought much about these.

Fir: She's good enough as her default class, however she's overshadowed by Dorothy's amazing strength combined with a sufficient speed growth.

Shin: Either default or Mercenary. He has good strength as pretty much anything.

Gonzolas: Cavalier? Things really only get better for him there.

Geese: either default, or mage. I haven't been including many mages

Klein: Warrior fixes some of his problem areas

Tate: default


Echidna: I don't know how to fix hisher terrible growths


Bartre: Pirate helps his skill

Ray: Mage

Cath: default

Miledy: default

Percival: Sniper or default

Cecilia: default

Sophia: Nomad or default, mage

Igrene: default

Garret: default


Hugh: Knight or almost anything else.

Zeiss: Nomad or default

Douglas: default

Niime: Terrible unit. default

Dayan: Terrible unit. default

Juno: terrible unit. default

Yodel: default

Karel: lvl 17

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One question I have: Do I have to change all of the variations of a person? For example, there is a NPC Gonzo and a standard Gonzo. Do I need to change them both? the same goes for Juno.

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Add Wyvern Lord!Percival.


               HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Wyvern Lord    45  19   14   18   12   16    9


               HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Wyvern Lord    80  45   25   37   15   28    0

There needs to be a WTFH4x character, and Percival's there to do the job.

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Add Wyvern Lord!Percival.


               HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Wyvern Lord    45  19   14   18   12   16    9


               HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Wyvern Lord    80  45   25   37   15   28    0

There needs to be a WTFH4x character, and Percival's there to do the job.

I already have WTFH4X characters: Chad, Zealot, Dorothy, Wendy with lots of levels, the whole purpose of this is to make everyone worth using. Also, Percival would be my 5th dragon riding unit so if I made him a dragon master, I would most likely need to change either Marcus, Treck(I like the looks of this), Wendy, Miledy, or Zeiss. I also will have Lilina and Thany as peg knights. Just way too many fliers. Right now I have percival as a Sniper. It really was a random choice, but I made klein a warrior so Percival is the new sniper.

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Gonzales: Cavalier? Things really only get better for him there.

Go with Warrior, making him a cavalier is just a waste of good Str & Spd, the only thing he's gaining is Skill.

Geese: either default, or mage. I haven't been including many mages

Keep him how he is. Pirate.

Klein: Warrior fixes some of his problem areas

Make him a sage, good Mag, Skill, Spd, Luck and decent enough Res.

Bartre: Pirate helps his skill


Ray: Mage

Actually, leave him as a shaman, he doesn't get any benefits from being a mage aside from his Spd.

Cath: default

A female cavalier? You could export the FE8 animation with FEditor.

Percival: Sniper or default

Sniper looks good.

Sophia: Nomad or default, mage

Default, she will still suck as a mage and as a nomad she will have trouble at her joining chapter due to her being mounted in a sand terrain.

Igrene: default

Make her a hero, she will be better than Echidna.

Garret: default

Warrior. It helps out his Spd and gives him slightly more Str.

Hugh: Knight or almost anything else.

Go with mage in this one, you aren't having too many anima users around so...

Zeiss: Nomad or default

He makes a pretty decent cavalier.

Douglas: default

Wyern Lord. All the way. He gets +1 Str, +1 Skill, +4 Spd, slightly less Def (But quite high for a wyern lord.

Karel: lvl 17

General That fits...

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How do I change Cath? Which chapter do I change her on? As for her animation, couldn't I just make her a male? I'm going to be lazy and leave Bartre alone because I'm going 10 A and 11 A. Also, Mage!Ray is gaining growths in everything but def. As a cav, Gonzo loses is only weakness: skill, while retaining excellent growths mostly everywhere else. If anything, I would leave him where he is for +30 crit upon promotion.

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Then leave Cath the way she is =/

But I mean...it's a waste for Gonzo because he is also gaining +10% Skill growth, his Hit could become betyer, we will be a beast one he promotes to a Warrior.

I tend to make some class changes fitting, you know, it's really weird to see such a HUGE guy on top of a horse, same with Saul being an archer...

But really, you will also later have Cavalier!Zeiss which grows even better, his Str, Spd & Skill are great enough, it'll just be a waste when Gonzo hits those Str & Spd caps while he is stronger as a warrior.

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Then leave Cath the way she is =/

But I mean...it's a waste for Gonzo because he is also gaining +10% Skill growth, his Hit could become betyer, we will be a beast one he promotes to a Warrior.

I tend to make some class changes fitting, you know, it's really weird to see such a HUGE guy on top of a horse, same with Saul being a cavalier...

But really, you will also later have Cavalier!Zeiss which grows even better, his Str, Spd & Skill are great enough, it'll just be a waste when Gonzo hits those Str & Spd caps while he is stronger as a warrior.

fixed. I am going to try and change Cath, but she'll only be recruitable in C12. I wouldn't bet on Zeiss being a better cav than Gonzo. They probably have equal offense, but Gonzo has much more durability and speed. Looking at their growths:

Zeiss:                                                         Gonzo:
hp:  75                                                        83
str: 50                                                        45
Skl: 55                                                        25
Spd: 35                                                        58
Def: 10                                                        30
Res: 5                                                         7
Lck: 35                                                        50

And, tbh, I have a ton of axe users already. I have Dieck, Lot, Ward, Bartre, Barth, Klein(Klein's hp as a sage is very unappealing, Garret, Geese.

Edit: Now that I think about it, Zeiss looks great as a fighter. He will have broken strength, and more hp, while pretty much everything else stays where it is.

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Chapters 1 and 2

Mercenary!Wolt is a beast. he has the speed to double everything, and he is just short of one rounding things.

Archer!Lance does ok chip damage he isn't really doubling much, but he can pick off people that Wolt leaves.

Bors as a shaman is decent he does great chip damage and can double the soldiers

Pirate!Ward has great bases.

Fighter!Dieck is a little slow, but he has a whopping 10 strength base.

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Personally i change the class if the pallet looks good

I gave up my hack but here are some good ones

Clarine looks awesome as an archer or myrmidion

Wolt looks awesome as a myrmidion

Ellen is good as a mage

Dorothy looks normal as a cleric

Ray is pretty epic as a mage

Let me now how it went

Also chnge the growth with accordance of the class

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Personally i change the class if the pallet looks good

I gave up my hack but here are some good ones

Clarine looks awesome as an archer or myrmidion

Wolt looks awesome as a myrmidion

Ellen is good as a mage

Dorothy looks normal as a cleric

Ray is pretty epic as a mage

Let me now how it went

Also chnge the growth with accordance of the class

When you say "looks" do you mean their stats? or their colors. If I can't find anyone to change someone's palette to, I change it to the generic palette. I've been class changing the way FE:DS does: add or subtract the difference between the two classes' growth rates.


Chapter 3, 4, 5

Chad is just lolfragile. 16 hp with 2 defense....yeah...The good news is that he gained strength on both his level ups, which he needs.

Lugh is also fragile , but he's a thief so it's ok.

Dragon Master!Marcus is extremely useful :awesome:

Rutger came in and killed my Alan. Oh well. I'm not using you anymore Rutger.

Clarine came along, she'll be my healer for now.

I can't wait until I get Dorothy.

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When you say "looks" do you mean their stats? or their colors. If I can't find anyone to change someone's palette to, I change it to the generic palette. I've been class changing the way FE:DS does: add or subtract the difference between the two classes' growth rates.


Chapter 3, 4, 5

Chad is just lolfragile. 16 hp with 2 defense....yeah...The good news is that he gained strength on both his level ups, which he needs.

Lugh is also fragile , but he's a thief so it's ok.

Dragon Master!Marcus is extremely useful :awesome:

Rutger came in and killed my Alan. Oh well. I'm not using you anymore Rutger.

Clarine came along, she'll be my healer for now.

I can't wait until I get Dorothy.

Yeah dont add more to the growth you dont want a really broken character

Just subtract from the growth

Like Chad has a WTF 80 percent SPD growth

Subtract some of that and add it to attack

Oh and in the module it says which pallete you want it to be

Some will come out fucked up and some will come out good

It would say something like Marcus paladin pallete

It wont change it to a paladin it will have the color scheme

Like i said some come out good and some come out terrible

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Yeah dont add more to the growth you dont want a really broken character

Just subtract from the growth

Like Chad has a WTF 80 percent SPD growth

Subtract some of that and add it to attack

Oh and in the module it says which pallete you want it to be

Some will come out fucked up and some will come out good

It would say something like Marcus paladin pallete

It wont change it to a paladin it will have the color scheme

Like i said some come out good and some come out terrible

From what I've found, most character's palettes don't transfer well from one class to another. I class switched Chad to myrmidon so his growths are downright amazing. Here he is:

hp  105
str 80
skl 45
spd 80
def 35
lck 50

I did add growth rates to characters that needed them, like Echidna, Dayan, and some other people. I turned Zealot into a prepromote general with wtfh4x growths and bad bases for fun.

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You should change shin to a merc and put his pallete as a generic merc if the original looks messed up

I did change Shin to a merc, and yeah it is the default generic palette. I don't really have the time to test everyone's palette and see what they look like.

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Zeiss: Gonzo:

hp: 75 83

str: 50 45

Skl: 55 25

Spd: 35 58

Def: 10 30

Res: 5 7

Lck: 35 50[/code]

Hmm...but what you could do is make him a cavalier and keep his last Def growth, that or at least get it up toi 20%.

I mean really, don't waste such caps on Gonzo, make him a warrior, he's just awesome. Maybe we could later decide to make Geese something else if you think we have too much axe users.

And please...try to avoid double or triple posting, it is against the rules.

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