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Reverse Mafia

Fayt Zelpher

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Alright, this is just a standard game of Mafia, with a few twists. First of all, as you might already know, most of you are going to be traitors - you win if the mafia wins (and lose if the mafia loses.) Also new in this game - there is no town faction in this game; there is, however, a cult seeking new recruits and a group of masons seeking to add new members to their sacred order.

As there are no investigative roles in this game, you must lynch someone every day phase - the traitors and mafia must eliminate both the cult and mason factions in order to win the game, while the cult and/or masons must reach parity (control 50% of the players) in order to win.

I will say this much about the game. There is one cult leader, one head mason, two mafioso, and seven traitors to begin the game. I will also say that some or all of the factions may have a power beyond recruitment or killing. I will not specify what those powers might be though, so be wary when it comes to claiming or accusing.

With two recruiting factions in this game, do note that your alignment may (and probably will) change at some point during the game. Keep that in mind as well with your actions and votes as well.

No PM's or external communication allowed at any time during this game, except for the cult/masons/mafioso. With that said, communication is key in this game, so all of you need to talk and be active - you may speak during night phase if you choose, but speaking during day phase is crucial. If you want to be a replacement, feel free to ask, and you'll be subbed in if someone wants out or is being inactive.

The players (and yes, roles will be revealed on death):


Core - Found dead in the night (night 1) - Cult Leader


I Eat Tables


Psychout50 - Dragged into the Abyss for cheating (day 2) - Mafioso




Sync - Lynched day 1 - Traitor


Role PM's will go out shortly, and you may begin discussing stuff now. You may not quote or screenshot your role PM at any time. You may claim roles, but no quoting your PM - doing so will result in a swift modkill.

Oh, and since I forgot to mention it, day phase will last 48 hours (with possible extensions if requested) and night phase will last 24 hours (however, I do NOT plan to extend this deadline except in extreme circumstances).

Edited by Cocytus
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Let's be bold.

I'll come out and claim Cult Leader, and then I will watch you debate amongst yourselves as to why I might do with that, and what to do with me. I may even chime in from time to time. :lol:

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I counter claim.

You really like watching other players suffer, don't you..?

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So who here seems like they aren't town? Hmm... I'm getting a bad feeling from all of you...

But anyway... the Mafia shouldn't claim in this game. It seems reasonable to think that at least one of the anti-mafia factions (the cult, if my assumptions in the signup topic were correct) will have a killing role, so they should be wary of that. Also, we have to lynch apparently, which is kinda bad at this point, since there's 2 anti-mafia players and a lot more mafiosos, but on the other hand, eliminating a faction quickly and early would be a huge boon.

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You people are confusing me.

If Bal is telling the truth, lynching him now seems the best move for the traitors - because, after all, with him gone, the chance of alignment changing decreases massively, so people will be more willing to play pro-mafia, rather than sitting on the fence, hoping to be recruited by masons/cult.

On the other hand, the mafia could just kill Bal tonight anyway if he's telling the truth, unless he's bulletproof or something... it seems a wholly bad move for him to claim.

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There is no BP. Check the opening.

Fayt might give dudes additional abilities in addition to their usual stuff, which does not exclude bulletproof protection. Check the first post.

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There is no BP. Check the opening.



I will say this much about the game. There is one cult leader, one head mason, two mafioso, and seven traitors to begin the game. I will also say that some or all of the factions may have a power beyond recruitment or killing. I will not specify what those powers might be though, so be wary when it comes to claiming or accusing.


Thanks for proving me right.

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....I love how you'll counter Bal's claim, and not say a thing about mine and Ninji's.

Well, you and Ninji obviously cannot be mafia, as I and Ulki already are. :newyears:

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I'm ignoring yours because yours is doubly stupid, so I don't think it's true. Telling the cult and masons who not to recruit and who to use any killing powers they might have on would be a ridiculously stupid thing to do, and outing your partner as well would make it four times stupider than most Youtube commenters.

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