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Yet another efficient PT log.


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So after my ranked run I immediately had the idea of posting a log on an efficient run for myself.

Now what is efficient to Kim?

Low turn counts.

No bullshit luck needed (20 restarts to get it 1 turn faster is not efficient)

No deaths

So if I can low turn something without losing turns later on or having to get rediculous luck later on I will call it efficient even if I do miss an item this way.


Ike, Skl, Res

Brom, HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Jill, Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Ilyana, Mag, Skl, Spd, Res

(that's it because it was a HM PT of PoR.)

I will only post stats of characters that leveled.

Chapter 1-P

This chapter I try to get Micaiah as many kills as possible because I don't like Edward throughout the entire game.

My luck has it again that Edward gets good crits and can pull the boss at the end of turn 5. On turn 6 Leonardo kills the last archer and Micaiah kills the boss.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah         2      16    2    8      8     8    10   3    5
Edward          5      19    8    0      12    12    8   5    0

Turns 6/6

Chapter 1-1

Didn't bother with the left village. Grab the hand axe and make my way to tthe end asap. Leonardo and Edward weaken the boss so Nolan can kill him. He has more use for the cake later on. Micaiah escapes on turn 6. I hope the lack of Cexp I took this chapter won't bite me in the butt.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah        3      17     2     9     8     9    11   3    6
Nolan         10      30    12     1    11    11     7  10    3

Turns 6/12

Chapter 1-2

Leo shoves Micaiah and She and Nolan own on top of the ledge. Edward takes on the soldiers to the east (and gets pretty much beaten up). Laura heals only when she can do so on her maximum movement range. Sothe appears and immediately owns everythign towards the energy drop. Nolan and Micaiah manage to grab the Thani tome and wind edge and Leonardo shoves Laura once so she ends it on turn 6.

(Sothe did get the energy drop but the boss remained)

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah         4     17     3     9     9     8   11    4    6

Turns 6/18

Chapter 1-3

I always go the left side. Nolan lures the enemies with Leonardo behind him. When Aran's reinforcements come the others block Aran from suiciding. On the player phase I own the soldier next to Nolan. Laura fills the hole and talks to Aran followed by a heal on Nolan. Tried to get Nolan more kills but I tried it more speedy with more love for Sothe. 6-turned it again without Yellow escapees. (Micaiah bombed the boss.)

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah         6     18     3    10    10     9   13    4    8
Leonardo        5     17     8     0    13    10    6    5    4
Nolan          11     30    13     1    12    12    7   11    3
Sothe           2     36    19     4    20    21   15   15    9

Turns 6/24

Chapter 1-4

The usual strategy I always do. Brought the beast killer in base. Leonardo, Edward and Meg open up the door on turn 1 and Sothe storms through it. Ilyana and Micaiah kill the tiger. Nolan and Aran form a wall on the south.

Boss and other beasties storm at Sothe and die on the enemy phase.

On the second turn Leonardo and Sothe move further west while the rest fights in the south.

On the 3th turn Sothe finds the Beastfoe and Leonardo opens the top chest.

4th turn things start to calm down in the south and Nolan can pull the beastie in the southwest corner while the rest moves further to the Southeast. Sothe walks back north (and then east) passing Leonardo who is going south.

5th turn reinforcements suicide on Sothe. Edward finds the seal.

6th turn. Luring the boss.

7th turn. Leonardo opens the chest in the south west and Sothe the one in the north east. Nolan finishes the boss.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah         7     19     3    11    10     10   13   4    9
Nolan          12     31    13     1    13     13    7  11    4
Sothe           3     36    20     4    21     22   16  15    9
Aran            8     25    11     0    13     10    6  12    2

Turns 7/31

Chapter 1-5

Gave the Drops and Draco to Volug. Broke Miciah and Sothe support.

Nolan and Sothe C established.

Volug moves north and owns the fire mage on the first turn without fear of getting hit back.

Sothe and Nolan clear the stuff downstairs (with help of Miccy and Ilyana and then on thr 2nd turn sothe jumps on the ledge with Nolan following the turn afterwards.

Volug continues accross the northern side of the map and kicks all butt. Sothe laughs at everything comign up the ledge before putting a knife in thier faces. On the last turn Volug killed the mage next to the boss allowing the boss to attack Volug on the enemy phase but that effort was in vain.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah         8     19     3    12    10    10   14    4   10
Nolan          13     32    14     2    13    14    7   11    4
Sothe           4     36    20     4    22    22   17   15    9
Laura           2     16     3     9     4     6    8    2   10
Ilyana         13     22     6    15    14    16    6    3   11


Chapter 1-6-1

Forge an axe for Jill and give the robe to her for sure pwnage. Brought the extra hand axe because it'll surely come in handy. Bexped Jill to .95 (same result as .99)

Tauroneo killed everything on the right side while the rest of the team ploughs to the west. Didn't deploy:








Because they would only get in the way (I would have to move them to be out of peggy range all the time)

Jill storms ahead with Volug while Sothe and Nolan try to keep up. Micaiah skillfully dodges anything that could move up to her and actually attack her (scary scary!). Jill gets a superbly good level-up allowing her to rampage on hitting yet another up (not as awesome as the first though evening things out).

On turn 6 it's all over for that show. No sweat!

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Nolan          15     33    15     2    14    15    7   12    4
Sothe           5     36    20     4    23    22   18   15    9
Jill           16     32    14     2    15    18   14   15    5


Chapter 1-6-2

Volug runs towards the bridge to kill something while Tauroneo, Sothe, Nolan, Jill, Micaiah and Zihark go left across the bridge. Moving boss make it easy to pull with Jill and then Sothe grabs the Seal on turn 4 and Micaiah drops the bomb.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah        10     20     3    13    11    11   15    4   11
Jill           17     33    15     2    15    18   15   15    5


Chapter 1-7

Savior goes to Volug.

Paragon to Sothe.

Hammer to Jill.

Buy the secret book and give it to Volug.

Bexp Jill to .95 again.

Only deploy Micaiah, Sothe, Zihark, Volug, Jill, Nolan.

Nolan shoves Sothe.

Micaiah walks as far as possible eastwards.

Volug picks up Micaiah.

Sothe walks towards the Tormodz.

Jill flies up towards the Armor knights.

On turn 2 Tormod gets recruited and he and his buddies don't stay still. Ignoring the reinforcements to the south east everyone goes towards the ledge where the armor knights were on before. Rocking onwards with serious power Volug drops Micaiah near the boss on turn 4. Volug claims the cake and Micaiah caps (I actually let the rest fight as much as possible before Micaiah finishes the map)

Volug gains S-strike

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Nolan          16     34    15     2    15    16    7   12    4
Sothe           7     37    21     4    25    23   20   16    9
Jill           18     34    15     2    16    19   15   15    5


Chapter 1-8

Buy Olvi Grass and give them to Muarim.

Forge Iron Knife for Sothe.

Volug gains Paragon.

Sothe gains Resolve.

Bexp Volug to .99 (he was only 12 points away anyways)

Do the Olvi trick where Muarim walks to Vika and uses Grass. Then Vika trades the grass to herself uses it and then flies to the west on the bush so she'll dodge the brigand and gain her full transformation bar.Tormod moves north hopefully to help Sothe and co.

Nailah and Volug kill the left side with help from Rafiel.

Sothe and Nolan(who fails to hit) work through the enemies towards the boss where they meet up with Vika. Sothe kills the boss.

Zihark killed something and then got set on mobile bench warmer duty.

Nolan didn't find the scroll.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Sothe           8     37    22     4    26    23   21   16    10
Volug          16     50    13     2    15    14   14   11     5

Turns 5/57

Chapter 1-9

The usual 8-turn. No level-ups.

Turns 8/65

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Chapter 1-F

Bexp Jill to 20.

Sealed Jill.

Pump Volug with as much BEXP as possible.

Took TSS off Tormod.

Packed Ilyana with:


-Blue Gem

-Brave Sword

-Ashera Icon

-Savior Scroll

Micaiah gains Shade

Volug and Jill build a C-support.

Nolan and Sothe grows to B


Without TSS I can't do the 4-turn Vikan once did on this map but I wanted the speedwings too so I couldn't 5-turn it either.

First turn BK, Nailah(grabbing Micaiah), Volug and Sothe form a diamond. And Rafiel Vigor's. BK kills the archer on the ledge and Nailah and Volug jump up. Sothe follows close by.

Jill mops up the bottomfloor while Nailah and Volug go forward in ragemode. After bashing through the door I safely drop Micaiah because things will attack the wolfs first thanks to Shade.

Volug Kills the boss.

Sothe opens the chest with the wings.

Micaiah ends the map.

Screw all other treasure.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Sothe           9     38    22     4    26    24   21   16   10
Volug          18     52    14     2    15    16   16   12    5
Jill            2     37    18     4    18    22   17   18    8

Turns 6/71

Chapter 2-P

Nothing special here. Marcia is the only one who gains reliable exp but I don't plan on using her so when Haar shows up he just moves forward and owns everything in sight.

Turns 9/80

Chapter 2-1

Nephenee grabs the steel axe while Brom goes south to get to Heather asap. Nephenee has problems not dieing but manages to grab the ashera icon while Brom moves towards the boss. Heather grabs the Javelin on the last turn when Brom finally finishes this chapter, just before Nephenee would probably have died.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Brom            4     42    22     4    20    20   14   24    9

Turns 8/88

Chapter 2-2

Gave Javelin to Nephenee.

Iron Sword to Brom.

Lucia rocks the top side.

Rest goes along the bottom side. Lethe and Mordecai trade their Laguz Gems and the Olvi on turn 1 so that Mordecai is the one transformed and not Lethe. Focussing my vigor on Brom and Mordecai it's easy plowing through the map.

Didn't care about the discipline scroll but did steal the Secret book before Nephenee got the Javelin kill on the boss.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Brom            6     43    23     4    21    20   16   25   10
Nephenee        2     32    15     6    19    21   13   15   14
Leanne          6     25     0     4     1     6   28    2   11


Chapter 2-3

Brought the Horseslayer, Hammer and Killer bow.

Horseslayer to Marcia other 2 to Supply.

Shuffle items so Kieran is fully packed.

Let Yellow units rampage to a few squares below the door and have them protect the CRK. Smashed the door on turn 4 with the brave lance so the boss attacks Geoffrey on the enemy phase. Kieran kills the Speedwing halb on turn 5 (with some Makalov help) and Marcia kills the boss.

Geoffrey moves to the square and finishes it.

The horseslayer cav was so nice to attack Yellow units instead of the wide open CRK.

53 enemies survived. (enough for max BExp)

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marcia          7     35    17     6    18    22   12   16   16

Turns 5/99


(actually I could just clear 2-E on the 100th turn lol.)

Chapter 2-F

Pumped all Bexp into Haar (3 ups) and saw how he happily gained 2 speed. (lucky!)

Gave Haar the hammer.

Gave Brom the Killer Bow and the horseslayer.

I don't think I'll need the Nullify scroll so instead Callil used her meteor on other units.

On turn 1 Haar dropped to the lower ledge and murdered pretty much everything on enemy phase.

Turn 2 Elincia meets Brom on the right side and Haar drops 1 ledge lower (with his Short axe and Javelin so he doesn't kill the boss) Heather arrives on the middle ledge along with Leanne and Nealuchi. (outside of enemy range)

On turn 3 Callil(Meteor) and Brom manage to kill an enemy so Elincia can snipe the energy drop dude. Nephenee trades the Meteor tome to her own inventory.

Haar rescue's Heather and jump back down. Nealuchi flies next to Haar and takes heather and drops her next to her (and then cantho's out of the way). Leanne Vigor's Haar and Heather. Heather grabs the shield. Haar murders the boss.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Haar           15     47    25     2    26    23   14   26    8
Brom            7     44    24     4    21    20   16   25   10

Turns 3/102

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Pumped all Bexp into Haar (3 ups) and saw how he happily gained 2 speed. (lucky!)

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Haar           15     47    25     2    26    23   14   26    8

You are ridiculously lucky, you know that? 3 speed in 5 levels on Haar of all people? With 2 normal levels and 3 bexp levels, you are lucky that he picked up even +1 spd, let alone the +3 he got for you. Granted he caps skl and def along the way so I could perhaps say anything beyond +1 spd is lucky.

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Reset abuse-much? :)

She said "lucky", so I'll assume that she wasn't cheating.

Plus, I've tried to cheat for Micaiah before. It took so long that I gave up and used bexp to get her to 99 and reset abused in turn 1. A low % growth typically takes a very long time to force to proc with bexp. It only takes around 3 to 5 tries for Micaiah in a chapter, though, much better than the 20+ attempts I made before giving up.

Hence, really really lucky. If you aren't lucky, it can take a really long time and I don't know her well enough to say if she's willing to devote that kind of time. Maybe she is? But if you give bexp and you just happen to get lucky, I don't think a person should feel forced to reset and get less lucky. Of course, there is the concern that it "invalidates" the playthrough, but as long as she isn't trying to prove anything with this playthrough that isn't really a problem.

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I put a rule for myself to only reset once for everything I try (including Bexp levels)

If it fails on the second try and I have to reset I will do something saver most likely resulting in more turns.

For example I tried to do 1-5 without the drop on Volug twice so I could put it on Jill. In the end I did do it on Volug for the saver clear.

I didn't reset for Haar he got incredible lucky. (I was like "h4x!" when he got SPD after killing Ludveck)

ps: First attempts at 3-P left me with a 8th turn. By my own rule I can reset once which I did. Hopefully I get it in 7 now.

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I wouldn't say so either.

While Lethe is dealing 2 Dmg per attack, and doesn't doubling anything, Kyza at least deals 10 Dmg, and doesn't have to deal with an awful Cat gauge. And in fact, it's actually beneficial to be giving a left-over Speedwings on Kyza, since doubling might actually get him to considerable attack. Just an example that he is much easier to fix.

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Chapter 3-P

Start off with giving Adept to Mia and trading the Killer Axe and the Steel Poleaxe between Boyd and Tits.


Tits and Shinon are the main killing machienes. I don't let Shinon sit on a Ballistea because I need him to move forward (Like MOVE MOVE MOVE!). Rolf doesn't crit anything with the ballistea but that's okay as it prevented one of the tigers getting counter attacked. Oscar and Mia form a team where Oscar weakens something and Mia kills it. Leaving the heavy enemies to Boyd and Gatrie and other strong people.

Also trying to not use Ike too much.

In the end Tits got the cake at the end and Skrimir arrived on time.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Mia             8     35    17     5    27    29   18   13    9

Turns 7/109

Chapter 3-1





Really gets my vote for least enjoyable chapter of all times.

Ike and Soren to the west.

Gatrie deals with the Generals on his own.

Tits, Oscar and Mia go right and around.

Scrubs do their best.

Lethe and Lyre stay in the bottom left corner (at least I gave the gem to Mordecai so Lethe doesn't waste it).

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Ike            12     44    24     2    30    23   15   21    9
Titania        17     37    25    10    22    22   19   20   15
Shinon         14     44    22     7    28    25   15   20   14
Mia             9     35    17     5    28    30   19   13    9

Turns 5/114

Chapter 3-2

Guess who is back? HAAR! Weeeeeee.

No more hardships for the Greil Mercs.

First I unloaded Ilyana and read the base convo's.

Brought a Steel Blade for Mia and then loaded up on hand axes. (Gave Haar a few.)

Bexped Haar a level (and then 30 more exp) (Str, Spd, Lck (lucky again but not too uncommon with capped Skl and Def (HP and Spd are tied for 3th highest growth right now)))

Sold the Silver card.

Celerity on Haar.


Haar is the most forward position and he flies as far towards the boss as he can. Tits and Gatrie try to pull stuff (though one dude goes for Shinon on the enemy phase). Mia claims a total of 3 kills and so does Tits. Shinon gains only 1 and Boyd got 1 too (oh the humanity of it all!)

Haar reaches the boss range on turn 3 and one rounds him on the enemy phase with his short axe (which also breaks (we had some good times together mighty axe!)). Haar leveled and gained a single point of Str (lol)

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Haar           17     47    27     2    26    24   15   26    8 
Mia            10     35    17     6    28    30   20   14    9

Turns 3/117

Chapter 3-3

Brought the dracoshield. Not enough Bexp to get Haar up another level (sad Kim).

Haar on his black wings goes around setting fire to the place spreading terror to the hearts of the enemies.

Tits, Shinon and Mia try to bash through the front gate and get over to things asap. Killing the White gem senator, the boss and visiting the villages. Took 1 turn extra to get everything.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Shinon         15     44    22     7    29    25   16   21   14
Mia            11     36    18     6    29    30   20   15    9
Rolf            2     33    18     3    20    20   13   13    9
Rhys            4     27     8    24    16    14   22    7   25

Turns 7/124

Chapter 3-4

Bexpéd Haar to 18 (HP, Str and Luck)

Crowned Haar.

Shade on Ike

Savior on Haar

Celerity on Ranulf

Provoke on Tits.

Pass on Shinon.

Haar Grabs Ike and moves UP!

Titania makes a break to the west to pull as much as possible and whack away with her hand axe.

Mia gets some kills near the ledges.

Ranulf goes at lightning speed eating grass on turn 4

Shinon cleared the ledge so Ranulf could keep on moving.

Haar Drops Ike a bit away from the boss and then mops up the boss alone.

Ranulf snatches the spot where the boss stood.

Haar kills the guy next to Ranulf.

Ike finishes the map.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Haar            1     52    30     6    28    26   16   28   12
Titania        18     38    26    10    23    22   20   20   15
Mia            12     37    19     6    29    30   20   15    9

Turns 5/129

Chapter 3-5

Made Mia x Shinon C-support.

Shade on Heather

Provoke on Haar.

Celerity on Reyson

Haar clears the ground outside the castle (southside) on turn 1 while Heather and Tits move out too. Reyson stays at the ledge just out of range.

Turn 2 Haar and Tits move out further. Reyson, Soren and Heather move along at save distance.

Turn 3 Tits kills a cav next to the boss. Heather gets vigored and steals the drops. Haar Attacks boss.

Soren meteor's the boss.

Boss dies.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Soren           6     28     9    24    22    18   11    9   22

Turns 3/132

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...I see what you mean about Mia hating you, though. 45% growth means so far you are looking at a ~30% chance of still having 17 str. Let's see if this trend continues until you stop using her. I wish her much luck.

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Sorry I play 6 chapters in a row and then go back to see the save dates so I can write about it (so I update 6 chapters in a row quickly.) At this time she has managed to get to 19 str which is decent enough (2 ups in a row)

Chapter 3-6

Volug needs 17 speed to double everything with Wildheart. Bexped him a level and he got HP, Skl and Lck.

Reset and tried again. HP, Skl and Lck.

Reset (by my rule I can't try this again)

Speedwing on him.

Jill gains Bexp till .95

Beastfoe on Jill

Paragon (still) on Volug.

Buy the beastfoe for Sothe

Physic for Micaiah.

Sealed Nolan.

Gave concotions to Volug.


Volug jumps down the swamp and gets in all kinds of nasty situations. (he doubles everything with his 27 spd)

Sothe and Nolan wall off to the east. Sothe gets hit once and I gamble a bit by letting him stay in resolve range (that + a B with Nolan should give high dodge and I can reset once) so I can heal Jill every turn with Micaiah.

Jill hit and runs sniping tigers since she can double those (even the 18 AS ones). As always Bexp is a plenty here. At the last turn I decided to not pull Jill back and have her take on the remaining ones.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Sothe          10     39    22     4    26    24   22   16    10
Volug          20     54    15     2    16    18   18   12     5
Jill            7     40    21     5    21    25   20   20    10
Micaiah         2     22     6    15    12    12   16    7    13

Turns 10/142

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Chapter 3-7

Yay for self-improvement.

I can't speed this one up so I could.

A: Plow through and get as many kills.

B: Get those that need them kills.

Mia and Shinon are probably the only ones going to endgame of those I have so I decided to just reap stuff with Haar and let those 2 kill as many as they could. Tits of course gets stuck at the water. Hawks show up and only assist. (Don't want to waste exp ofc)

Didn't bother with the Burger King

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Haar            2     52    31     6    29    26   16   29   12
Mia            14     39    19     6    30    30   20   16   10
Shinon         16     45    22     7    29    26   17   22   14
Reyson         16     40     3     6     5    11   31    6   17

Turns 13/155

Chapter 3-8

Bexp'd Mia to 15 (she was only lacking a few exp points)

Shade on Ike

Celerity on Haar.

Daunt on Reyson (since I don't care of that skill is gone for a while)

Haar rushes south along the west side (WEST SIDE!) to deal with the annoying reinforcements while the rest takes the normal approach at the east side (EAST SIDE!)

Boss panics and steps on a lava tile but in the end gets killed by our loved Sniper.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Mia            16     40    20     6    30    30   22   17   10
Shinon         17     45    23     7    29    26   18   22   14
Titania        19     39    26    10    24    23   20   21   15
Rhys            5     28     8    25    16    14   22    7   25

Turns 6/161

Chapter 3-9

Tried to do it without crowning Geoffrey and it failed the first time.

Second time it worked.

Took Paragon off Astrid and Geoffrey. Gave them to Convoy and Kieran.

Didn't buy the Adept scroll but … meh. Won't need it.

Got the speedwings.

Didn't get the dust.

Turns 6/167

Chapter 3-10

This chapter is a Joke.

Reyson vigors Haar who with Celerity moves towards the northeast corner.

Rest does their best in the south. No strategy needed, you just try to kill the siege tome quickly and then everyone just attacks something that takes damage.


              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Mia            18     40    21     7    30    30   23   18   10
Shinon         19     45    24     7    30    26   19   22   15
Titania        20     39    26    10    24    24   20   21   15
Haar            3     53    32     6    29    27   16   30   12

Turns 5/172

Chapter 3-11

Savior on Haar.

Shade on Ike (he already had it yeah)

Adept off Mia.

Paragon on Mia.

Paragon on Shinon.

Forged a hand axe called PEWPEW

Mia X Shinon B

Ike equips Ragnell and gets picked up by Haar. Haar flies to the victory. Haar moves as far as he can every turn (including a vigor from Leanne on turn 2 who then has to be rescued herself by Sigrun)

On turn 5 Haar drops Ike next to the boss while staing on 2-range with PEWPEW. Thanks to shade everyone goes after Haar.

On turn 6 Haar kills the boss and Ike steps on the capture zone equips his Iron Sword and the finishes the map.

Others killed as much as possible ofc.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Mia            20     40    22     8    30    30   23   18   11
Shinon         20     45    24     8    30    26   19   22   15
Titania         1     43    29    14    26    26   20   24   19
Haar            4     53    33     6    30    27   16   31   12
Tanith         17     35    21    10    22    24   22   19   21

Turns 6/178

Chapter 3-12

Renewal on Volug.

Brought a steel knife for Sothe.

Brought a steel poleaxe and a hand axe for Jill.


Didn't Crowneo because I don't like his moustache. And because it's not neccecairy. This chapter has lots of strange enemies because the range of them is so great. There are T1's among them and some are stronger then most your guys should be. Volug can halfshift and rock because of his high stats and Jill is her usual little pwnmachiene.

I send the god-3 down the ramp and watched things die.

Volug got SS strike.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Sothe          11     40    22     5    26    25   22   16   11
Volug          21     55    15     2    16    18   19   12    5
Jill           10     41    22     5    22    25   23   23   12

Turns 5/182

Edited in a typo where Volug's level hadn't risen and he got SS strike.

Edited by Silith
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Chapter 3-13

Bexped Jill to 12.

Crowned Jill.

Renewal off Volug.

Paragon on Volug.

Beastfoe on Jill.

Basically this is the plan.

Turn 1

Jill flies down with her sweet Steel Poleaxe.

Volug jumps down and Halfshifts.

Enemies suicide on Jill.

Turn 2

Jill clears a path for Volug to walk.

Volug steps up to Ike and attacks him (his 27 speed doubles his 23 speed)

On the enemy phase Ike suicides on Volug.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Volug          22     56    15     2    16    18   20   12    5
Jill           2      47    27     9    26    28   23   26   17

Turns 2/184

Chapter 3-F

Forged a bunch of Hand Axes and Javelins with +1 Mt/Hit/Crit upgrade for as long as the coins allowed it. Tanith took 1 Javelin (the one I called AAAAAAAAAAA)

Bexp Ike to 18.

Paragon on Ike

Paragon on Tanith

Adept on Mia

Crowned Shinon (since he was more exp away form 21 compared to Mia)

Celerity on Shinon.

This is the moment I start to cut down on the amount of Haaroine I sniff.

Haar and Sigrun fly to the west side (WEST SIDE!) to help the beast army from getting killed so the rest of my guys can get more exp. Focussing on getting Tanith and Ike exp I let Shinon and Mia calm down. Titania hardly saw any action but she did soften up a few enemies. (Her speed is getting too low to double anymore).

Heather found the rescue staff.

Mia could double Jill who had horrible accuracy with her Steel Poleaxe, allowing Shinon to finish Jill off. Haar was too far away to recruit her. (sadface)

4 Promotions in one chapter. HUZZAH!

(Removed Paragon off Ike upon promotion)

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Ike             1     54    29     6    32    30   18   28   14
Mia             1     44    25    12    32    32   23   21   15
Shinon          2     50    26    12    33    29   19   24   19
Tanith          1     41    26    14    26    27   23   24   25
Sigrun         20     34    19    13    23    24   29   20   22

Turns 5/189

Splitting the teams I made sure to include.

Silver army: Haar, Jill, Tanith, Sigrun.

Greil Army: Mia, Shinon, Volug

Hawk Army: Hawks.

Chapter 4-P

Beastfoe off Jill and into the convoy.

Paragon on Jill.

Mordecai, Nealuchi and Kyza dump their laguz stones into the convoy.

Jill takes a forged hand axe.

Break Volug X Jill.

Break Sothe x Nolan

Micaiah X Sothe C (LOL)

This chapter is simple enough. The enemies are made to fight against the dawn brigade who are supposed to be slightly below T3.

Neassala clears the bottom side with help of Leanne vigoring his sorry ass (Seriously what does she see in him?)

The rest of the army goes north on the rampage (RAWR!)

Stuf dies. Sigrun promotes. Jill and Tanith's levels are skyrocketing.

Haar is missing his action.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Tanith          7     44    30    15    31    29   26   26   27
Sigrun          1     38    22    17    25    26   29   23   26
Jill            7     50    30    10    29    32   27   28   20
Leanne          7     26     0     4     1     6   29    2   11
Sothe           1     44    24     9    28    27   22   18   15

Turns 5/194

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Chapter 4-1

Paragon off Volug and on Ike.

(Nihil goes to convoy)

This chapter was solely made to make Ike look uber.

Ike goes south and owns the boss.

Nailah takes the right side.

Volug, Tits, Mia and Shinon take the west side (WEST SIDE!)

Volug transforms at turn 2 because he, tits, Mia and Shinon got vigored by Rafiel. Wildheart doesn't cut it anymore.

Thank god I didn't forget about the halbedier reinforcement.

Celerity came in handy on shinon (though I might have wanted it on the Silver Army for the desert?)

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res

Ike             8     58    33     6    35    33   20   31   16
Mia             3     46    26    12    34    34   24   21   15
Shinon          3     50    27    12    33    30   19   24   19 
Rafiel         12     31     1     6     1     6   32    3   14
Titania         2     43    30    14    27    26   20   24   19

Turns 5/199

Chapter 4-2

Bexp Janaff to 30.

Satori Sign Janaff

Brought Wyrmslayer and gave it to the convoy.

Reyson, Ulki and Janaff each take a laguz stone and use it. Tibarn and Elincia go through the bottom side while Ulki and Janaff rock the top side with vigors from Reyson. Tauroneo, Kieran and Lucia are there to deal with the reinforcements.

Laguz get so little exp so Elincia is the only one who gains stats.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res

Janaff         30     58    16     2    20    17   31   12    8
Elincia         3     37    20    18    22    23   30   18   25

Turns 6/205

Chapter 4-3

Skrimir dumps his lagus stone in the convoy.

Tanith and Sigrun went east (Tanith fights and Sigrun ferries Micaiah)

Neassala went south.

Jill and Haar went through the middle.

I love how I have almost my entire team flying. Getting Aran and Nolan over on my ranked run wasn't too much fun I can tell you.

Haar got hit with the sleepstaff but I managed to Smite Laura close enough so she could Restore him (used Leanne's vigor too). In the end Haar and Sigrun didn't do that much. It's pretty much Neassala, Jill and Tanith's game.

Sothe found the Dragonfoe and I really don't care about anything else among the treasures.

Miciaiah recruited Stefan.

Tanith ate the cake.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Tanith         12     46    32    16    34    31   28   28   28
Sigrun          2     39    22    17    25    26   30   23   27
Jill           11     53    33    10    32    34   29   30   22
Neassala       28     60    17     7    20    22   21   13   15
Haar            5     53    34     6    31    27   16   32   12

Turns 6/211

Chapter 4-4

Boots on rafiel.

Pass on nailah.

Titania and Ike clear the low ground. Volug steps next to them and eats grass. Rafiel vigors them.

Volug eats more grass while Titania rushes the south east corner.

Tits and Volug take the long way while the other units jump up the ledges and rush to the objective. Couldn't care about most of the chests so I have Vika take the chest keys and make a dash for the Fortify staff.

Nailah is the only one able to one-round the sturdy generals when she procs Savage so I mostly had to gang up on them. (she went for the sleep bishop first).

Didn't care about recruiting the staff and magic tome so I killed his fat ass instead.


(keep saying that to yourself Kim)

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res

Ike            14     62    36     6    36    34   22   32   16
Mia             6     48    27    13    36    36   26   22   16
Shinon          6     52    28    12    35    32   21   26   20
Rafiel         13     32     1     7     1     6   33    3   14
Titania         4     45    31    14    28    27   20   24   19
Nailah         34     67    17     5    23    20   35   16   13

Turns 8/219

Chapter 4-5

Elincia + Tibarn Rape.

Bastian recruits Volke.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res

Tibarn         32     69    19     2    24    20   29   17   10

Turns 2/221


Took all items and skills of peeps I don't plan on taking.

Endgame team.



(other unimportant forced characters)













Sigrun x Tanith C

Mia X Shinon A

Bexp Rafiel to 15.

Celerity on Rafiel.

Chapter 4-E-1

Ike and Jill create a hole in the defenses and Nailah and Caineghis come in to form the diamond formation. Rafiel vigors.

Ike and Caineghis make more holes so Jill can move up to Hetzel and Hand Axe his face to the next dimension.

Nailah kills the sleep staff bishop.

On the second turn Jill gets vigored (again in diamond formation for perfect spread) and is this time ordered to kill the guy on the island.

Neassala and Tibarn manage to take the old spots that Lekain and Hetzel left and on the enemy turn they tear off the generals faces.


              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res

Tanith         14     48    32    16    35    33   29   28   29
Sigrun          2     39    22    17    25    26   30   23   27
Jill           13     54    34    10    32    35   29   31   22
Neassala       28     60    17     7    20    22   21   13   15
Ike            15     62    37     6    37    34   22   32   16
Mia             6     48    27    13    36    36   26   22   16
Shinon          7     53    29    12    35    33   21   26   20
Rafiel         15     34     1     8     1     6   35    3   15
Nailah         34     67    17     5    23    20   35   16   13
Elincia         3     37    20    18    22    23   30   18   25
Tibarn         32     69    19     2    24    20   29   17   10
Caineghis      36     76    22     4    23    17   30   22   10

Turns 2/223

Chapter 4-E-2

Parity on Ike.

Paragon on Shinon.

Royals clear a path so Tanith and Shinon can kill Le fail. Ike Hammers the boss.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res

Tanith         15     49    32    16    36    34   29   28   30
Sigrun          2     39    22    17    25    26   30   23   27
Jill           13     54    34    10    32    35   29   31   22
Neassala       28     60    17     7    20    22   21   13   15
Ike            16     62    37     7    38    34   23   32   16
Mia             6     48    27    13    36    36   26   22   16
Shinon          8     53    30    12    35    34   21   26   20
Rafiel         15     34     1     8     1     6   35    3   15
Nailah         34     67    17     5    23    20   35   16   13
Elincia         3     37    20    18    22    23   30   18   25
Tibarn         32     69    19     2    24    20   29   17   10
Caineghis      36     76    22     4    23    17   30   22   10

Turns 1/224

Chapter 4-E-3


Ike: Ragnell

Mia: Alondite

Shinon: Double Bow

Tanith: Wishblade

Sigrun: Wyrmslayer

Elincia: Amity

Jill: Urvan


Tanith gets the wyrmslayer.

Sigrun equips an iron sword.

Tanith gets Nihil.

Caineghis gains Dragonfoe.

Clear path with Cain.

Diamond up Ena, Tanith, Sigrun and Elincia.

Shoving Shinon to the front.

Setting Sigrun and Elincia next to Dheginsea.

Ena 2 spaces below him.

Shinon 3 ranges him.

Triangle attack.


              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res

Tanith         16     50    32    16    36    34   29   28   30

Turns 1/225

Chapter 4-E-4

Diamonding with Rafiel and then just kill Lehran. Nothing fancy really.

Turns 1/226

Chapter 4-E-5

Gave speedwing to Caineghis.

Bexp'd Cain to 40 so he finally procced his 20th speed.

Nihil on Caineghis, Tibarn, Tanith and Nialah.

Cain kills a middle aura.

Peggasi get in position to triangle the corner.

Tibarn kills another middle one. (the right one) and uses left over movement to make diamond with the peggasi.

Rafiel vigors.

Tibarn flies around to kill the middle aura on the left side.

Sigrun flies around to tak ethe place where the aura was.

Tanith flies in and triangles corner left bottom.

Elincia flies to the north and Rescue's Ena.

Nailah doubles corner.

Neassala doubles the other corner.

Nasir moves up right of the top right aura.

Jill finishes off top left aura.

Mia finishes off top right arua.

Jill Urvan's top aura.

Shinon picks up Rafiel.

Ike finishes off top aura.

Micaiah uses physic on Jill.

Elincia uses Fortify.

Nialah weakens boss.

Dragons for diamond with Ashera.

Ike becomes the center of the diamond and finishes it.

              Lvl    HP    Str   Mag   Skl   Spd  Lck  Def  Res

Caineghis      40     80    24     5    23    20   33   23   13

Turns 2/228

Top 5 time!

5 Jill

4 Mia

3 Tibarn

2 Haar

1 Volug

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I added this last post to say how unfair this was.

Even though I said I wouldn't do a bullshit luck PT I still got lucky.

Volug and Haar got speed much faster then they were supposed to allowing much quicker clears.

Because of hitting caps earlier and then getting good Bexp levels these things tend to snowball easily.

If you want to do an efficient run and want to use my strategies expect to get 10-15 turns more since I was extremely lucky.

Edited by Silith
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