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[FE9] PoR Draft #7, Experimental


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After having some debate with Kaoz over PM regarding our argument in the Master Topic, I've decided to host another FE9 draft. We'll be, most specifically, testing a theory he had related to limiting BEXP use. Specifics will be spoilered below, but first I have a special request for this draft: please only apply if you've participated in a previous FE9 draft. I hate to be an elitist faggot, but there it is. I want to measure this against previous draft experience and, well, you need previous draft experience to have any.

Yeah, that said, here're the generic rules:

Ike, Titania, and one Royal at the player's discretion are free for everybody to use. Hard Mode, Fixed Mode. Green and yellow units do not give penalties if they do stuff. Reyson and Janaff/Ulki, at the player's discretion, may be used to "recruit" Naesala in C19 and get the Cantoring, as long as none of them are directly engaged.

Now, onto the real shit: I stress, courtesy Kaoz and not me.

Chapter	Character	BEXP
8	Ike		+0.X
Boyd		+0.X
Oscar		+0.X
Rhys		+3.X
Soren		+2.X
Mia		+2.X

9	Ilyana		+2.X
Mist		3/-
Rolf		4/-

10	Lethe		+0
Mordecai	+0
Marcia		+2.X
Volke		+X

11	Kieran		14/-
Brom		12/-
Nephenee	11/-

12	Zihark		12/-
Sothe		4/-

13	Jill		+2.X

14	Astrid		+2.X
Gatrie		+4.X

15	Makalov		+2.X

16	Muarim		+0
Tormod		10/-
Stefan		+0

17	Danved		+0

18	Tanith		+0
Janaff		+0
Ulki		+0
Reyson		+X

19	Shinon		+4.X
Calill		+0

22	Tauroneo	+0

23	Ranulf		+0

24	Haar		+0

25	Lucia		+0
Bastian		+0
Geoffrey	+0
Largo		+0

26	Elincia		10/-

28	Ena		+0
Nasir		+0

wut do these numbers mean integrity lol? This is how you may adjust each character's level at the first opportunity. Taking a late example: you may BEXP Elincia straight to level 10 in the first base you possibly can, and can never give her more. For +x.x, you're allowed to finish off the character's current level, and add X. So if Rhys comes into the C8 base (first BEXP) at 6.35, you're allowed to feed him 365 XP to reach level 10. If he's 12.99, you may feed him 301 to reach level 16. Tracking? I'm leaving it up to you to not add 1 BEXP to abuse levels, you cheeky gits.

To those of you with smarts: Kaoz and I are pondering what to do with Volke and Stefan. I, personally, haven't used either of them long-term in FE9 ever so I'm refraining from comment.

I'll be participating, that leaves 4 slots. Yes, I'll still finish my other draft, I promise. go go go

zhaoyunfan: Marcia, Makalov, Mordecai, Tormod, Shinon, Ranulf, Rolf, Bastian

Integrity: Jill, Gatrie, Nephenee, Volke, Rhys, Devdan, Calill, Ena/Nasir

Red Fox of Fire: Oscar, Kieran, Soren, Lethe, Haar, Janaff, Sothe, Brom

WeaponsofMassConstruction: Boyd, Reyson, Astrid, Zihark, Ilyana, Elincia, Ulki, Lucia

Kaoz: Mia, Tanith, Mist, Muarim, Stefan, Geoffrey, Tauroneo, Largo

Edited by Integrity
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Looks fun. 8)

Although, before reading about this little "experiment", I thought it would have to do with that arguement back there regarding "Whoever gets Marcia or Jill first wins".

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I see. 8)

But why are these drafts in Fixed Mode? I see it as a way to prevent BEXP-abuse, even though they can still do it in Fixed Mode. It's basically the same thing since you control the stat gains for both.

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Because Fixed Mode allows less variance among drafters, which is something to strive for. It's the same reason most games have the route pre-selected and gaidens are either mandatory or don't count.

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I'll join, and ask a question: for characters like Mist, Rolf, Kieran, etc. who have something like 3/- or 12/- as their restriction, does that mean that you can get them to that level but never give them BEXP again (because then I have to ask why Brom and Rolf have to have this kind of restriction)? And the premotes with +0 can't get any BEXP at all?

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Correct and correct, RD.

The intent behind handicapping everyone is to keep some semblance of order. If Brom has no BEXP limit then we're left with the same situation - except the earlygame is roflstomped by Brom instead of Boyd. The limits might be too low, but that's the intent of this draft to an extent.

The problem Kaoz and I have, and the reason we're trying this out, is that the winner's slot is fought over by whoever drafted Marcia vs. Jill because they have flier utility and always have extreme combat potential due to, wait for it, BEXP. Where most games are vaguely balanced by the fliers having rocky starts, this one doesn't even have that. Beyond that, the early and middle game is rather close to zero strategy, and simply a matter of infusing (X) with enough BEXP to tranq a horse, where X is Boyd, Oscar, Titania, Kieran, whoever you want.

Also, Soul, were you signing up or no?

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So... Rolf can only be BEXP to level 4/- once he joins and that's it, while Marcia and Jill can be given 3 levels each chapter? I seem to be missing something here.

Anyway, my opinion has just gotten somewhat insignificant, because trying (and failing) to find my PoR disk made me remember that I've let one of my friends borrow it, so I'll have to un-sign up. Although, if you can't get 5 people feel free to sign me back up, but know that it's going to be a while until I'm able to actually start playing.

EDIT: As it turns out, I was missing the fact that people with +X.X can only be given BEXP once as well.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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EDIT: As it turns out, I was missing the fact that people with +X.X can only be given BEXP once as well.

Precisely, yes. Marcia and Jill can gain 4 levels in the first base you can assign BEXP, and not a lick more.

EDIT: I'll pull you from the list for now :(

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Elincia isn't really a pre-promote in this game, in my experience. She's really balls until she gets going.

As to the others, part of this draft is hammering out actual numbers rather than theory, so your insights are appreciated.

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She's still a flying Rescue staff user, though. If I were to suggest actual numbers, maybe: 5/- for Mist, 6/- for Rolf, +4.X for Astrid, and -/6 for Elincia? I'm not sure about Sothe and Rhys may actually be fine as he is, considering his base level is 4.

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I have a half-dozen other projects under my belt, I wouldn't feel comfortable adding one more. If you guys get to four, I could join in for the drafting if you're okay with the playing being put off for months.

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i'm at around level 21 in the other draft i'm doing so adding this one might not be a bad idea however i don't get the whole x.x thing? lol noobing out here:P

hah thinking about it twice never mind i'm still a noob and you want some vets to play this game i'll wait to get more experience under my belt.

Edited by zhaoyunfan
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i'm at around level 21 in the other draft i'm doing so adding this one might not be a bad idea however i don't get the whole x.x thing? lol noobing out here:P

hah thinking about it twice never mind i'm still a noob and you want some vets to play this game i'll wait to get more experience under my belt.

Honestly, I don't mean "people who are good at por" because then I wouldn't be participating. I want people who have at least played much of the way through another draft - especially early/midgame, because this is what this'll shake up most.

I'll sign you up, but correct me if you don't want to be.

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If a unit has +x.x by them, instead of a level, you can add that many levels to them in the first base possible and no more. So if Mia is 7.35 and she gets +3.x, you can feed her 365 BEXP and get her to level 11 as soon as possible and never again. If Mia's level 10.01 going into the same C8 base, you can feed her 399 BEXP to bring her to 14.00. And never again after that.

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Since you seem to be short on drafters, I suppose I could sign up for this.

P: 4/4

Nothing to say.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   	
Ike	   	2  	 20 	5 	1 	7 	8 	7 	6 	0    

1: 2/6

Boyd gives Ike the Fighter Band in exchange for some Swords. Ike gets the Steel Sword. Oscar Rescues Ike and moves all the way. Titania drops Ike north then takes the spot just north of Ike for a clear path on the next turn. Oscar crits two enemies on enemy phase and gets the Robe on turn 2 before Titania kills the boss and Ike Seizes.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   	
Ike	   	2  	 20 	5 	1 	7 	8 	7 	6 	0    
Titania		1	 33	12	4	13	14	11	11	7
Oscar		3	 26	6	1	6	7	5	8	0

2: 4/10

Oscar handles the northwest enemies while Ike handles the east. This time it's Ike's turn to crit kill two enemies. Titania comes and charges the boss.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   	
Ike	   	4  	 21 	6 	2 	8 	9 	7 	6 	1    
Titania		1	 33	12	4	13	14	11	11	7
Oscar		4	 27	7	1	7	8	5	8	0

3: 4/14

I am reasonably certain that to get the Hand Axe and finish in 3 turns requires Titania to crit the boss with the Hand Axe. I did not feel like restarting a ton for that and went for the 4 turn clear instead. Ike held back to minimize his chances of death while Titania charged. Surprisingly, Marcia dodged every single enemy attack, though since I didn't talk to her it doesn't matter anyway.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   	
Ike	   	5  	 22 	7 	2 	8 	9 	7 	7 	1    
Titania		2	 34	13	4	13	14	12	11	7
Oscar		4	 27	7	1	7	8	5	8	0

4: 2/16

Pulling this off with Ike and Soren alive - and getting them decent experience - was actually rather difficult.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   	
Ike	   	5  	 29 	7 	2 	8 	9 	7 	7 	1    
Titania		2	 34	13	4	13	14	12	11	7
Oscar		4	 27	7	1	7	8	5	8	0
Soren		1	 18	0	6	8	8	5	2	7

5: 6/22

Same as the last one. Doing with everyone alive and getting them some kills wasn't too easy, though I did manage to get all notable dropped items (Hammer, Iron Blade, Ashera Icon).

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   	
Ike	   	7  	 31 	8 	2 	9 	10 	8 	7 	2    
Titania		3	 35	13	4	14	15	12	12	7
Oscar		5	 27	7	1	7	8	5	9	0
Soren		2	 18	0	7	8	8	5	2	8

6: 5/27

This was easier with Oscar to distract some enemies that would otherwise get in Titania's way of reaching the boss fast enough for a 5 turn clear. Soren mainly held back and distracted the Mage.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   	
Ike	   	7  	 31 	8 	2 	9 	10 	8 	7 	2    
Titania		4	 36	14	4	15	15	13	12	8
Oscar		6	 28	8	1	8	9	5	9	0
Soren		3	 19	0	8	9	8	5	2	9

7: 9/36

Titania went west and to the chest room. Oscar hung around the center south area until Soren and Ike, who went north and then west, met up with him in the middle. The last enemy to die ended up being the Thief because he kept running away, and he dropped me the Ward staff which I will likely never use. I also got the Armorslayer.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   	
Ike	   	9  	 32 	9 	3 	11 	12 	9 	8 	3    
Titania		5	 37	14	4	15	16	13	13	8
Oscar		9	 30	9	2	10	11	6	10	1
Soren		4	 19	0	8	9	9	5	2	9

8: 8/44

Base: Cap off Ike's and Oscar's levels and give Soren his levels. Forge a Lance for Oscar. Buy other various goodies, Hand Axes especially, and sell all Bows.

Map: Obvious turn count. Titania handled the south and boss. Ike and Soren went west, and I start building Soren's Fire level. Oscar held off the east until Titania could come in, then went south to eat up reinforcements. Got Ilyana and all that jazz.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   	
Ike	   	11  	 34 	10 	3 	12 	13 	9 	9 	4    
Titania		6	 38	15	5	16	16	13	13	8
Oscar		11	 31	10	2	12	12	7	11	2
Soren		8	 21	0	11	11	10	7	2	11

9: 6/50

Base: Build Ike/Soren C. Forge a Sword for Ike. Buy Javelins and a Steel Lance.

Map: 5 turns may have been possible, but I tried many strategies and couldn't get it. Lethe helped quite a bit here. I totally ignored the northern part of the map.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   	
Ike	   	12  	 35 	11 	3 	12 	13 	10 	10 	4    
Titania		6	 38	15	5	16	16	13	13	8
Oscar		13	 32	11	2	12	13	7	12	2
Soren		9	 22	0	11	12	11	7	3	12

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I'm going to amend this real fast as I accept your offer, WoMC: I really only need people to finish the first two-thirds of the draft. I suspect the Endgame is going to rough out almost exactly the same as the other drafts. Obviously finishing is preferred but not mandatory for the test.

Edited by Integrity
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