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About WeaponsofMassConstruction

  • Birthday 03/18/1994


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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance


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  1. SF never comes up with their own fake claims anymore :’(
  2. If it isn't Fates it's probably just Jamie 🤷‍♂️ I think I'm out until deadline
  3. @DefyingFates who are your second/third choices after Cam?
  4. Sorry, I'm really not sure either but you're just in the PoE at this point.
  5. 3 elims so 3 names, right? Let's list these out so we can get to consensus. DF > Jamie > Cam
  6. As in Jamie's lying about it and would be outed if she dies. Could be a pocket situation as well
  7. Mm actually I think we should decide vig shot at least. That way we don't accidentally let scum shoot + avoids problems where omniguard the target
  8. What are your thoughts on Jamie? Obviously Boron not dying could be related to him.
  9. I'm down for that actually, means I don't have to think about it anymore 🫠
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