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Our Fire Emblem


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hello. I am Yair and i had an idea.

There are many fire emblem hacks out there, both completed and in progress.

most of you have probably tried to make your own or have played one.

The thing about these patches is that they are really hard to find, and after asking about them I realized that there were many which I didn't even know existed.

I am proposing that we as a community compile ALL completed patches into a master folder titled, "Our Fire emblem"

If you know about a patch, or the creator of a patch, I want you to tell me all the info you can about it so i can contact them and get a copy to put into the master folder.

It is going to be really hard to get every patch so i need full cooperation. tell your friends to tell their friends etc. you know the deal.

Here is the list of patches i know of and plan to put in the folder:


Here is a list of what is already in the folder:

Nitenlord saga fe7

Fire Emblem:Devourer of time fe7

Requiem of war fe7

Fire Emblem: Forever fe7

Tales of the emblem fe8

Gorrila Gadek SG fe8

Fire Emblem: Ostian Princess fe7

Fire Emblem: Corrupt Theocracy fe7

fire emblem monster quest

mk404's fe7 hack

Attack of the morphs

Tactics universe

Elbian nights

fe reunion

fe crossover

Chine fe

fe4 graphics

Darion's hack

Gheb fe8

Fire emblem: rebirth fe11

Shadow dragon: evil version fe11

Thanks for your cooperation.

remember this is for us.



Edited by corper
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What Anou said.

Also, there are tons of hacks out there; most of them haven't gotten past the planning stage. In addition, if people want certain patches, they just need to search. It's not that hard.

This is really REALLY unnecessary.

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Not saying this is necessarily a bad idea, but if all people had to do to download a multitude of games was to download this one folder (or whatever format it'll be in), the creators of the hack will most likely find it harder to get necessary messages and updates to the people who are playing their games. And then you have a lot of newbies necro-posting and spamming 1 time question topics in the wrong forums.

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Not saying this is necessarily a bad idea, but if all people had to do to download a multitude of games was to download this one folder (or whatever format it'll be in), the creators of the hack will most likely find it harder to get necessary messages and updates to the people who are playing their games. And then you have a lot of newbies necro-posting and spamming 1 time question topics in the wrong forums.

ya, i realized this as well.

This is why I need the info of the creator of every hack.

I don't think this will be as hard as it seems from what i can tell so far it looks like there are about 10-20 people who have fully completed their hacks.

If I can manage to contact each creator and ask them to email me updates then all would be well.

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If I can manage to contact each creator and ask them to email me updates then all would be well.

Which would be one more thing for the creators of the Hacks to do every time they want to update something.

And, not saying this will happen, but it seems like you'd become the medium between the people who download the hacks and the people who play them. Which is what the ROM Hacking section this topic is in is supposed to do.

Edited by deranger
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Surely a thread with links to each project would be easier to manage? I personally wouldn't want to download a massive file for one or two hacks I wanted. The others would be a waste of time, especially ones for the games I haven't played.

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But, it wouldn't hurt to keep new uploads available. If you just keep links to old projects, with time those links are going to be inactive. You don't need to upload all the hacks into a single archive (though, the size wouldn't be big with an alright compression involved), but reuploading the hacks to a more reliable place is a good idea, so no one finds a hack suddenly missing down the line because its original upload is dead, and no author is to be found.

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I currently have 21 different hacks in a master folder.

(if you wanna know which ones look at the original post)

What you guys are suggesting regarding the online archive already exists. There a few different archives but none of them are complete and the creators have lost interest in updating them.

pm me if you know a hack that is not on the list.

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But uh, isn't there, like, a section for this on the main site?

If Vincent (or another admin who can edit stuff on the main site (NTG)) is poked a little more to add the existing patches, it'd be better than just letting some random member take care of it.

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Vincent is no more a random member than any of us. Only difference really is he's known about several more resources than the average member, and hanging around various non-English places, can see a few more hacks than the average American/European fan will see.

The easiest place to do this in any case is on the site's wiki, as it should be open to members of the forum to edit. And, it's a freakin' wiki. Who doesn't know how to make an article on those yet?

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The idea is pretty sweet if you ask me. I honestly think today we don't have any extensive database of hacks. And as Celice pointed out, having a version of the patch in a database would make it so dead official links would pose as no barrier.

Like corper said, no author of any of the current databases has managed in keeping the database up-to-date, and I can't blame any of them for that. We have some relatively nice, but drastically outdated databases, and beta hacks popping up out of nowhere. And in more than one forum. So a master list with no forum ties would indeed be a great idea.

By "folder" I don't know if he meant something like a Zipped folder, so a huge file with all in, but a "Folder" in the sense of an online folder in which you can download any specific file into your HD is interesting indeed. And keeping it in the form of a list of hacks, original links, forum page links, and "cache links" would be beast. Maybe even with an image, version control and a small description(250 words tops) If the original link dies off, we would have cache links so the hack isn't forgotten in the sands of time, and questions could be asked in the topic of choice of the hack's team. And the wiki would be a great tool to keep it updated indeed, since even the creators could update it as soon as they released it. Maybe instead of the description the list could include a link to the wiki entry of each and every hack in the list. Which would make it completely pro.

Thus, the suggestion of creating a small circle of users with the will to keep the wiki updated and the cache relatively updated would be awesome. And defining a specific server for cache versions, like a very specific DropBox account for that goal. And that group involving "people that can spell" or not, as long as they are interested in helping the community as a whole. :D

I am very in for the idea, with small actions like this our community would grow drastically. :)

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