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About Aleph

  • Birthday 12/20/1988


  • Member Title
    A bouquet of balls!

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  • Interests
    Intelligence and Justice.
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Sacred Stones

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  1. A birthday to party about \o/

  2. Happy birthday, dude

  3. Are the people in your sig bathing in piss? :0

    1. Aleph


      they're bathing in meseta

  4. did everyone forget that demon guest house is a thing go vote already
  5. I adjusted the post a bit to see if I could make it more clear
  6. incidentally Venno could probably edit a small walkthrough of the steps he did into his post for future reference which would aid anyone curious about learning to use a debugger
  7. ^ I don't think that's a thing ^^^ you could try images or you could try Windows's built in Problem Steps Recorder
  8. the song is both (if your ears are working) and so are the bosses that kill you to that tune also it sounds like the power rangers theme so it automatically wins
  9. yeah no one in the thread could possibly have helped very much since as of yet no one has mentioned that there's no such thing as "nightmare modules for the original" all modules are forward compatible with nm 2.0
  10. I bet if you put in a bit of effort you could figure out how to use a debugger and find things like the mode coefficient yourself. I've seen people with less wisdom and conviction accomplish more. There are times when even I ask questions I could answer on my own because it's just plain faster (and may take someone else less effort if it's something they're already working on), but most of the time it's more convenient to be learn how to do things yourself and then do them. English bugs the crap out of me too, but if it's between consistency and making sense I'll choose the former (I do make exceptions though...like if I am "quoting something". Notice how I put the quotation closing punctuation before the sentence ending punctuation since the sentence came first - I'm trying to have my cake and eat it too). At least with "it's" it's still a contraction, so it still makes sense to use an apostrophe. After that I'm just like "okay if it's not it's it's the other one"
  11. using tactician's name for stuff has been a thing for years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZAuPfKKqOo text reference was changed to 0x8202BC18 (so yes, it requires the AH auto patch from FEditor)
  12. btw in you first post you wrote "mode coefficient in it's EXP formula" you seem like the sort of person who is more attentive than that
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