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Gilliam is a ninja

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Ginjiro Ibushi from Guardian Heroes (one of the best games no one's ever played.

Seriously, add a beard.

(And no, it's not the best image of Ginjiro, but the game is so obscure nowadays that it's hard to find any images of Guardian Heroes at all, let alone of individual characters.

Also, Gilliam haxed and has 15 speed after he promoted to a general. I'm telling you. Ninja.

Edited by sandmanccl
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Gilliam really depens on how the RNG treats him... But most the time he has good HP, defense, attack and skill, everything else is lacking almost every time.

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You guys are kidding, right?

Nothing can hurt him for the longest time. Like... period. His HP is pretty freakin' ridiculous, too. His problem is that you really need to use him right away and can't dump him because his low starting level and atrocious starting speed mean he's a chore to raise up later.

Honestly, I hadn't used him before in my other playthroughs, but he's the best character in my game, by far. Gerik's a close second. I'm kind of ticked my Forde turned out like garbage because in my quest to get all the support conversations, he's the A rank for Eirika, so I'm using him anyway. (I'm refusing to abuse the retreat thing just to get them all. It sort of ruins the fun!)

I'm also using Moulder this playthrough, for the first time. His magic is pretty terrible, but I'm loathe to call him a bad unit, because he's quite quick for me and his HP is just ridiculous. I've never had a mage unit that could tank so well before. If anything, the low damage is somewhat of a blessing in disguise because it's making it easier to raise up Amelia and Ewan.

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You guys are kidding, right?

Nothing can hurt him for the longest time. Like... period. His HP is pretty freakin' ridiculous, too. His problem is that you really need to use him right away and can't dump him because his low starting level and atrocious starting speed mean he's a chore to raise up later.

Honestly, I hadn't used him before in my other playthroughs, but he's the best character in my game, by far. Gerik's a close second. I'm kind of ticked my Forde turned out like garbage because in my quest to get all the support conversations, he's the A rank for Eirika, so I'm using him anyway. (I'm refusing to abuse the retreat thing just to get them all. It sort of ruins the fun!)

I'm also using Moulder this playthrough, for the first time. His magic is pretty terrible, but I'm loathe to call him a bad unit, because he's quite quick for me and his HP is just ridiculous. I've never had a mage unit that could tank so well before. If anything, the low damage is somewhat of a blessing in disguise because it's making it easier to raise up Amelia and Ewan.

I'm willing to say that Gerik is better than Gilliam, possibly the best non-magic user in the game.

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I'm willing to say that Gerik is better than Gilliam, possibly the best non-magic user in the game.

Yeah I agree, gilliam is good but he's not anything close to Gerik

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Yeah I agree, gilliam is good but he's not anything close to Gerik

Gerik ties Ephraim as the best non-magic users in this game. Gerik's Con is unusually high too. 15 as a hero and 13 as a ranger? Sweet.

Too bad he's not my favorite.

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Gerik ties Ephraim as the best non-magic users in this game. Gerik's Con is unusually high too. 15 as a hero and 13 as a ranger? Sweet.

Too bad he's not my favorite.

Ephraim still has nothing on Gerik. The lords suck (by suck, I mean they are decent compared to other lord of the series).

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Gilliam is IMMUNE to damage on my game. The only reason I don't field just he and Eirika is because he'd have to resupply his weapons a bunch of times every map, heh. (And it's no fun that way.) He's better than Gerik, this playthrough. Gerik was my best unit the first time I went through the game, though.

Somewhat back on the original post: Anyone here actually play Guardian Heroes? Just curious.

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Gilliam is IMMUNE to damage on my game. The only reason I don't field just he and Eirika is because he'd have to resupply his weapons a bunch of times every map, heh. (And it's no fun that way.) He's better than Gerik, this playthrough. Gerik was my best unit the first time I went through the game, though.

Somewhat back on the original post: Anyone here actually play Guardian Heroes? Just curious.

Even immune to magic damage? Also, I don't even know what Guardian Heroes is.

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Well, no, but he's got like 45 HP and enemy mages are slow so I don't have to worry about being double-attacked. I got hurt like 8 from Elfire on the last map I was on is all. Nothing to really worry about. Plus, I'm using both Vanessa and Tana (and plan to use Syrene). Can't say I'm worried about it.

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I haven't encountered an enemy mage yet I couldn't one-shot with the Silver Lance Seth started out with. Unless there was a ton of them all at once, I'm pretty sure I'll be fine. All the promoted units on the chapter I'm on (#13, btw) can't even inflict any damage on him, except the boss, but that's still pretty minimal.

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yeah, that's basically my thoughts this playthrough. It's been so long since I played the game. I recall it being somewhat easy because of abusing random encounters and whatnot and am still on a strategy kick, but ticked at Hard Mode in Radiant Dawn ("Well, if these guys kill that guy, I should be pretty good, but if the 5 guys on my team miss, someone's gonna die. WHY DID I THINK IT! I MADE IT HAPPEN!")

I'm using guys I didn't think to before. Forde instead of Kyle (regretting that decision because Forde turned out like crap!), Gilliam instead of Amelia, etc. etc. It's a lot of fun. I need to replay the other FE games using the inconspicuous, non-essential to the story characters more often.

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yeah, that's basically my thoughts this playthrough. It's been so long since I played the game. I recall it being somewhat easy because of abusing random encounters and whatnot and am still on a strategy kick, but ticked at Hard Mode in Radiant Dawn ("Well, if these guys kill that guy, I should be pretty good, but if the 5 guys on my team miss, someone's gonna die. WHY DID I THINK IT! I MADE IT HAPPEN!")

I'm using guys I didn't think to before. Forde instead of Kyle (regretting that decision because Forde turned out like crap!), Gilliam instead of Amelia, etc. etc. It's a lot of fun. I need to replay the other FE games using the inconspicuous, non-essential to the story characters more often.

I deliberately didn't use some of the cooler characters in my last playthrough (gilliam, for instance) and then at endgame went through tower/ruins to get them S's in odd stuff.

Like Garm + Gilliam? Truly Ninja. Or Bow-S Warriors.

Plus it's fun to go back to train other characters with extra stuff like dark magic. Esp. since you can max everyone out in every stat by ruin whoring with unbreakable demon items for money.

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