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Fire Emblem - Two Player Versus (Proof of Concept)


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This is something I've thought about for a while, and I'm pretty sure that this can easily be achieved with event coding. I haven't tested it however, so for all I know, it could be impossible.

Anyways, here's how I think it would be done.

There are two sides. Side A and Side B. For the sake of clarity, Side A will have a Lord, a Cavalier, and a Knight, whereas side B will have a Lord, Mage, and Shaman.

On Turn 1, Side A would be set to Ally, giving the player control of them. Side B would be set as enemies, with AI that does absolutely nothing.

When Side A finishes their phase, Enemy phase goes and nothing happens, but then a Turn event would switch alliances (Before Turn 2). Side A would now be enemies with AI that does nothing, and Side B would be the allies, allowing player 2 to perform his or her actions. When his/her turn ends, enemy phase goes by, and the team alliances are switched once again.

Using this kind of event coding, I think it would be possible to emulate the effect of the Wifi battles in FE11, minus any possible limitations.

I haven't tried coding this myself, but I'm certain it is possible. I hope I managed to pique some interests with this.


Proof of Concept

Download the patch and event code here.

Edited by MarkyJoe1990
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That'd be cool for something like Sacred Contention :P It's gonna be a bit more difficult to pull in a normal FE hack, though...

I imagine that one could create multiple maps, and create a Hub like Elibean Nights to allow the players to select the map to fight on. Using event coding, or maybe a class choosing hub, they would decide the classes for their teams, how many characters they would have, etc. There would also be a separate chapter for buying items and weapons to prepare their team, then after that, the actual chapter would start where they would fight.

I'm sure there's much more ideas that can be added to this. Heck, maybe in the future, an actual "Base Patch" could be made for people to make their own custom maps off of.

Edited by MarkyJoe1990
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The whole "I have to be next to you on the same machine and know what the hell you're planning thing" does kill the whole "Versus" aspect of it. Just saying.

Work-arounds can be made. I know there's a LogMeIn program that would allow you to play online with other people for one, and if you don't want to do that, you can give the other person the same ROM, and, when you finish your turn, you can savestate and send them the savestate to allow them to make their move, and so on and so forth.

As for knowing what they're planning? Unless they think out loud, the only thing you're seeing are their characters moving around. I doubt that's going to give enormous insight on their strategy. It doesn't seem like a very big drawback. Plus the whole "savestate" method I mentioned earlier could revert that problem, though, you wouldn't see any of the actions they preformed on their turn.

Edited by MarkyJoe1990
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As for knowing what they're planning? Unless they think out loud, the only thing you're seeing are their characters moving around. I doubt that's going to give enormous insight on their strategy.

That's kind of the entire premise of wi-fi battling... If one knows where his opponent's units are, the battle becomes a virtual stalemate where the first person to make a move loses. I'd think this would be better suited to competitive fights that are mock scenarios as opposed to a 5v5 rout enemy.

This is a cool idea but I think the GBA FEs lack a couple of features that make this practical.

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That's kind of the entire premise of wi-fi battling... If one knows where his opponent's units are, the battle becomes a virtual stalemate where the first person to make a move loses. I'd think this would be better suited to competitive fights that are mock scenarios as opposed to a 5v5 rout enemy.

You mean like for example a Defense mission where one team defends and the other tries to seize the throne?

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What about a CO-OP like defense mission?

I'd think most Co-op ideas would be completely redundant since you could easily get the same effect by handing the controller to a friend and telling him/her what to do.

Though, if you severed communication, that would certainly make things interesting.

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Maybe like one person controls the green unit while the other controls the blue unit? Both guys fight to get the higer score at the end. The person with the highest gets the better reward.It can be both route and defense. Although VS sounds more intresting.

Edited by Gold Knight
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What's REALLY challenging would be the Survive/Defeat Boss missions. Imagine one player has to kill a certain character on the other player's side, while the other player has to defend that particular character.

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"Capture the flag" - both teams have a "seize throne" objective, or something.

Also fukken lol'd at the video. How did you get it not to flash "enemy phase" in between the player phases?

Y'know how ambush spawning works? You use a TURN code and set it so it activates at the end of player phase and before enemy phase.

Now, remember how when all enemies on the screen are gone, enemy phase is completely gone, and it just keeps cycling to player phase?

By setting all units as ally units with that TURN code, you eliminate enemy phase.

Then by using another TURN code set to activate before the next player phase, you can set the appropriate team to act.

If you look at the code, I made a turn event that activates on turn 1 through 999, and another code that activates on turn 2 through 999. One of them sets all units to ally, while the other checks to see if event ID 0x04 is active. If it is, then it sets it off and sets one side to ally and the other enemy. If it isn't active, it sets it on, and does vice versa with the units.

With this method, each team can have their own player phase theme.

EDIT: Y'know what? I should probably put all this info in the event code file to help explain how it all works.

EDIT 2: Updated it. The events should have adequate explanations now.

Edited by MarkyJoe1990
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And fucking awesome. I really want to use this O_O I think I'm going to make something now... This is so cool.

I would like to make it so that players could make and level up their very own units and teams (like what FETO did).

I'm trying to think of a way to do this properly.

Each player could have a "User" file which contained their units and teams and such. Then there would be another "Battle" file where players would patch their Teams onto them and then battle.

There could be different battle files with different objectives and such. I really wish my windows computer wasn't dead right now :(

Edited by Hash Jar
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