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FE4 Enemy Reinforcement List (Completed)


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I completed this list a while back but never got around to finally posting the complete list. I'd like to thank everyone from the other topic who contributed and helped me complete this list; Mekkah's preliminary list in particular helped me out a lot.

Basically this is a list of which squads you face throughout the game that will retreat to their respective castles for reinforcements as a way for you to grind extra EXP on a run or even cause a strategical retreat for an opening to capture their castle. The latter not so much, because I honestly don't think doing this would even save you turns.

I've done multiple testing for each squad faced in the game through save states on an emulator and have confirmed all the squads on this list for getting reinforcements, but if anyone sees any discrepancies with a playthrough you've recently run or has a squad to add to the list please feel free to update.

[spoiler=Chapter 1]Kinbois

- Retreats with 0 units remaining.

- It's recommended to chip away a little of his HP just to make his AI fear fighting you.

Axe Fighter

- This is the squad chasing Dew & Aideen. The captain doesn't retreat but it's scripted for Gandolf to send out reinforcements for how many units that squad lost based on any number of things:

1. Your army kills the Thief near the village.

2. Your army kills any unit on either Player or Enemy Phase.

3. Your army passes an invisible line located on the forest due east of Dew & Aideen's starting position.

- I don't have exact coordinates for the invisible line but it's basically a few trees into the forest.

- Note that the relative position of all these conditions are quite close to Gandolf's castle, if by some chance you happened to kite the squad to Kinbois' or your home castle and then proceeded to wipe them, Gandolf wouldn't "notice" it from the windows of his castle and send out further reinforcements.

[spoiler=Chapter 2]Elliot

- Retreats with 0 units remaining.

- Don't chip his HP if you plan to recruit Lachesis on the same Player Phase you wipe his army because the Cross Knight NPC's will do it for you.

- Note that triggering this reinforcement has a high risk of losing the Bargain and / or Knight Rings.


- Retreats with 0 units remaining.

- It helps to chip his HP a little.

- You can defeat Shagall while Zyne is retreating with no consequence for the reinforcements or chapter, since the Libro Staff will be annoying to deal with impending reinforcements.

- Leave either the east or west route open for his retreat depending on how you want to set up your defense for the reinforcements.

[spoiler=Chapter 3]Pizarl

- Retreats with 0~1 units remaining.

- It's recommended to have Sylvia and Fury in the division that battles Pizarl because killing one unit at a time for a squad blocking your way on a bridge can be a lengthy process.

- Beware that Papillon's squad doesn't swoop in behind this division and cause havoc on your backline / take destroy Madino Castle; his AI seems to auto aggro to the closest thing his squad can kill.

[spoiler=Chapter 4]Deetva

- Retreats with 0 units remaining.

- It helps to chip her a little.

- It's recommended to kill all the Thieves attacking the villages as well as the long range siege Mages to save a headache because you'll most likely have to deal with Thove's defense squad as well as Deetva reinforcements at the same time.


- Retreats with 1~2 units remaining.

- You don't have to bring chips to Pamela's party.

- It's recommended to seize Silesia so Pamela won't assault Thove again when she comes back out.


- Retreats with 0 units remaining.

- Don't chip her on Player Phase, she'll do it herself because she's fully committed on the first Enemy Phase she comes into contact with your army. Needless to say, this leaves a risk of her killing herself OR one of your units when you try to trigger this reinforcment, so do the math before you send your units into her attack range.

[spoiler=Chapter 5]Slaydar

- Retreats with 0 units remaining.

- It's highly recommended to chip his HP to less than half otherwise he might engage and kill Byron on his way back to the castle.

- If you can take out Andrei's squad quickly before Slaydar gets his reinforcements, do so, otherwise they'll both engage your army at the same time.

[spoiler=Chapter 6]Johan & Johalva

- Both squads retreat to their respective castles with 0~2 units remaining.

- Chipping isn't a bad idea, but don't overdo it on the off chance that they suicide on Enemy Phase.

- Note that Johalva's army will aggro to Arthur & Fee only if either of those two engage / kill the Sophora Castle guard.


- Retreats with 0~4 units remaining.

- It helps to chip him with ranged attackers so he doesn't ORKO any of your units with his Brave Axe.

[spoiler=Chapter 7]General

- This is the squad assaulting Lenster.

- Retreats with 0~3 units remaining and if attacking on Enemy Phase means absolute death for him.

- Chip at your discretion, it's possible for the General to suicide on initial Enemy Phase engage to a Leaf Critical or Continue.

- It's also recommended to have Life Ring passed down to Nanna as staff botting and reinforcement grinding in general is heavy on the funds, so using the church to heal her would be out of the question.


- Retreats with 0~3 units remaining.

- Note that the Sword Fighter defensive line will not break formation, so set up your defense for the impending reinforcements however you like, or even sweep the line if you wish.


- Retreats with 0 units remaining as well as all three Mage Sisters being defeated.

[spoiler=Chapter 8]Ovo & Muhammed

- Both squads retreat with 0~3 units remaining.

Wyvren Knight

- This is the squad assaulting Lenster.

- Retreats with 0~3 units remaining.

Wyvren Knight (Prayer Sword)

- This is the squad handling the main defense of the final castle, identifiable by the Prayer Sword in her inventory.

- Does not retreat, but reinforcements will spawn out of the castle if you wipe all her units and leave her alive, preferably all done in one Player Phase.

[spoiler=Chapter 9]Hannibal

- Retreats with 0 units remaining.

- Note that he will fight to the death if engaged before Trabant enters the field to trigger his script, so it's highly recommended to have Leaf talk to Altenna on the same Player Phase that you wipe out all of Hannibal's squad.

Three Headed Dragon Assault Captains

- Each of these squads retreat with 0 units remaining.

- It's recommended that you don't chip on the initial Player Phase that you come into their range, as they are fully committed on the following Enemy Phase and have a high chance of suiciding themselves.


- Retreats into his spoiled rich boy's castle with 0~2 units remaining.

- For the love of all that's Holy Weapons, DO NOT set up your defense close to his castle or even put Celice on the frontline because Arion WILL stick his royal spear up your ass when he comes out.


- Retreats with 0~2 units remaining.

- Note that Boyce & Rodan's squads will break formation to engage your army if you come close or chase Robert.


- Retreats with 0 units remaining.


- Retreats with 0 units remaining.


- Retreats with 0 units remaining.

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Yes, neither Voltz or Andrei retreated for reinforcements in my multiple playthroughs / testings.

I think they share the common dilemma of "not spawning out of a castle," so they literally have nowhere to retreat back to.

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