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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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  1. Well, I ended up getting the other colorless mythic OC. I don't even remember what she does. Who cares. Who was the last non-OC mythic, anyway? Lumera? And the last non-alt one was... Veyle? Ugh.
  2. Nidavellir got screwed no matter when or how regular Fafnir releases.
  3. Where the hell is Fafnir? These skills look ridiculous. I'm missing all three colorless units, so I'll go for that.
  4. Okay apparently I don't have it in me to quit while I'm one unit away from finishing up the launch roster and in spitting distance of a few other fun targets. I've started reinstalling the game, but only after setting up a sleep mode on my phone so I won't keep being tempted to play late at night. I don't plan to stay anywhere near as dedicated as I was, and in particular my hopes for New Heroes banners have been thoroughly crushed. Might end up moving most of my focus to rounding out my lineup of older units.
  5. I sent feedback the first time they did this, in October, and it's been more than six months since then. I'm not interested in waiting another six months to see if things somehow improve this time. I've finished up claiming the rewards I was working towards, and uninstalled the app.
  6. This is just insulting. After the same three-character lineup for the Tellius banner last month, I'm tempted to drop the game on the spot.
  7. Hey, would you be interested in joining Vigilante mafia? We're trying to get mafia up and running again.

    1. Othin


      I appreciate the invite, but I don't think I'm up for mafia these days.

  8. Why is Summer Vaike an axe infantry? "Beast Sacred Seal" is pretty non-descriptive, but apparently the Japanese name is Absolute Transformation, so it's probably just removing the transformation condition.
  9. Camilla - July Gullveig - August Veyle - October
  10. Wendell Jedah Safy Lara Linoan Raydrik Elffin Athos Nergal Franz Glen Kieran Tormod Edward Volug Vaike Scarlet Sophie Fogado Rosado This is as painful of a win as Mycen last year.
  11. Ooh, right. In that case I'd like to nominate Athos to take his place.
  12. At least Leo can get his bow when his refine comes up in a few years.
  13. Going by the Catalog of Heroes, I'm seeing: Ced Leif Finn Nanna Eyvel Mareeta Osian Tanya Safy Tina Asbel Lara Ronan Miranda Karin Olwen Saias Sara Salem Perne Lifis Galzus Lifis is seasonal-locked, which could explain the difference in counts.
  14. Interesting. Thracia is at what, 22/52? The one that stood out most to me was the 2019 Sacred Stones banner: Duo Ephraim+Leon, Gerik, Ewan, demote Tethys, insta-demote Ross, and GHB Cormag. Tethys, a demote, was the only female character out of four banner units and seven characters featured.
  15. Another one with only three new characters? Edward, Leonardo, and Jarod are all welcome additions, but the lack of adding Nolan as an insta-demote is just obnoxious. Tellius needs new characters more than any other games, and this is all it gets?
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