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Attention Duelist!

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Time for a trip to the recycle bin, Phantom. And then once you're in the recycle bin, I'm going to right click on it and select "empty recycle bin". Because otherwise, you'll just be taking up unnecessary space. In other words, I'm going to kill you. Come forth, Blue-Eyes!

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Tristan: Because in the future, card games will be played on motorbikes!

Yugi:...That is the stupidest thing thats ever come out of your mouth. Card games on motorbikes. C'mon!

hey that new yu gi oh show is actually pretty good besides the mortorbike dueling thing is sometimes lame

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Kaiba: How very fitting that Yugi is competing in the first duel of my tournament. Its only a matter of time before he and I face off against each other again. After all, he's my arch rival. The Sherlock Holmes to my Moriarty. The Kaneda to my Tetsuo. The Speed Racer to my Racer X. I could go on but I won't.

Mokuba: Charmander, char!

Kaiba: Shut up Charmander! I mean, Mokuba.

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