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DC Superheros RP


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The thread is dedicated to superhero adventures of your favorite characters.


Since the folks at the LTP thread don't like it. Might as well have a new thread to make that happen. Put in your character and it will get updated in this post overtime. This also will provide comedy for the audience.

My Character...

Stupendous Girl

Formerly a soldier from Crimea and a Grail Merc. Now after the battle with Ashera along her way back to Crimea a portal opens up and she falls through it by mistake that Yune's warring hasn't yet completely settled. She has already got some power from Yune to defeat Ashera. Along the daily globe bugle city, she encounters some super heroic bodyguards. Then she battles some super heroic soldiers that even with Yune's power, she was no match for them. One of them punches her with a supersonic punch as she then staggers and she accidentally falls into a vat of radioactive waste, but thanks to Yune's power saving her. Now a warrior is born...
Faster than a speeding bullet.
More Powerful than a locamotive
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
This looks like a job for...
Stupendeous Girl!
Meanwhile at the halls of justice.
Stupendous Girl: Stupendous Girl reporting for duty. *Makes a patriotic salute*
Mermaid Man: Are we here to fix the T.V
Barnacle Boy: No you old coot. We must do away with the evil Manray that is threatening to hold up Bikini Bottom's bank for ransom.
Stupendous Girl: Sorry, that is not my job!
*Audience laughs*
*Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy uses their power rings*
Both: Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy unite.
*They both dash faster than the speed of sound underwater as they only can be younger while maintaining their super forms*
Stupendous Girl: This shall be a great show.
*Grabs some plutonic popcorn*
*Audience laughs*
Manray: This is a hold up.
*Bankers customers screams*
Take it from here, next poster.
Edited by Dark_Huntress
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*An individual stands atop a very tall building, starring into the sunset that illuminates a damaged city a velety red*

In a world almost destroyed by evil, there was one man who stood, fought, and did what no one else could. He needed no name, for his power was his identity, and a great identity it was.

Down to ashes he burnt Darkseid, ultimate threat to the universe who almost destroyed his home planet, Earth. In his journey he also defeated the evil Doomsday, and through the use of a portal met, bested and allied with the dimensional traveler Deadpool, the-

Deadpool: Greatest, coolest, strongest, sexiest and most awesome mercenary alive in any dimension?

Me: Wha-?! Deadpool, I told you not to interrupt my monologue! How are people suppose to identify who I am?

Deadpool: Maybe if you had an awesome superhero name like me! *flexes*

Me: Your a self absorbed imbecile.

Deadpool: That you pay, buddy boy!

Me: Hm...true. Why don't you go find some evil to fight?

Deadpool: You got it boss!

Me: *resumes starring* Please, me having a super hero name. What in heck's name would I even call myself?

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*The evil Manray dives down the bank below and picks it up with his bare hands ready to heave it.*

Mermaid Man: Stop right there, naughty spawn. You will not harm another soul beneath Bikini Bottom.

Manray: Ha ha ha ha ha haaaa. This was all Sheldon J Plankton's plan to help run the Krusty Krab out of business.

Barnacle Boy: Which he never will get that secret formula.

*Munches on some Plutonic Popcorn*

Stupendous Girl: Which Plankton has failed to covet since day 1 never learning from his mistakes.

*Audience chuckles*


Stupendous Girl: You can call yourself whatever pops in your mind.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Deadpool: Wait, a minute...I think the audience is laughing without me! The only solution is-

*appears with a scuba tank* find the source of laughter!

*jumps into a green pipe and appears in the sea* Using Mario Brothers search and annihilate tactics! Come on ocean, it's calamari time!


Me: Hm...maybe Intergrate? No, no...how about...Stacato? No, that's supid...wow, it's really hard to come up with some of these super hero names...

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*Audience laughs*

Stupendous Girl: Mamamia. To the broccoli.

*Munches on plutonic popcorn*

*Mermaid Man uses the water ball attack*

*It doesn't do a thing*

Manray: Ha ha ha ha ha. Your useless attacks have no effect on me. Could it be that your age is getting to you.

Barnacle Boy: You have to go through me.

*Manray heaves the bank*

Mr.Krabs: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Your throwing away money.

*Gets a Jellyfish for a horse and says "Sheeyahh"*

*It rides him down Jellyfish fields to the bank at the speed of light and Mr.Krabs catches it with a pile of seaweed*

Mr.Krabs: That seaweed is tough enough to catch even a home. Now. To the Krusty Crab.

Stupendous Girl: Wow. Deadpool has found himself in another warp zone. I'm on.

*Makes a mad dash towards the pipe and enters it and looks at the bottom of the mushroom sea with her sonars.*

*The Cheep Cheeps jump at an amazing speed.*

*Stupendous Girl lassos and gets bumped up and down in the ocean comical style as the audience laughs*

Stupendous Girl: Wooah. Wooah. Wooooah. =o

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Deadpool: *swimming in an ocean filled with dead bloopers* Hm...I smell a smell. I smell that smelly smell that smells...smelly. A lasso! And it's in trouble! Hold on lasso, I'm-!

*hears Jaws music*

Deadpool: Uh...*turns around* being chased by sharks! Lasso! Save me! *swims off rapidly towards the lasso*


Me: *exhales* Maybe I could call myself ROM...hm, that's got a nice appeal to it. There's just something missing though...

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Me: I get the odd feeling I should check on my allies...but dang it this naming thing has got me knotted up! Gr...what am I supposed-Download! Yes! That's the perfect name! Watch out world, here I come to steal your knowledge and annihilate evil!

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Deadpool: Hey kids, it's your favorite coo coo crazy here-

Download: And me.

Deadpool: right! Here to tell you all about our frightastic little Halloween adventure tonight!

Download: And we're going to kill magicians!

Deadpool: Yeah! And they're real kickers! No match for my awesomeness, of course!

Download: Be here or be square!

Deadpool: Which we of course mean literally!

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Meanwhile, at a local, land located pub...

'Who'd you say you was again?' a man wearing a blank mask and grey fedora with matching suit asked with a thick New York accent. The target of his question, a rather tall, clean cut young man with shining brown eyes took a drink of water before responding. 'Download,' he nonchalantly replied, setting down his drink on the table they were gathered around, a poker table.

'Uh-huh,' the suited man replied. 'I've gotta say, you ain't half bad kid.'

'I tend to not be,' Download answered with a smirk.

'Yeah, it's like some sorta...magic trick!' the masked individual remarked with a snap sing gloved hands.

'Please, I hate magicians,' the other answered, agitated at the comparison.

'Really now?' A voice boomed from a stage at the back of the pub. A brief glance showed the person speaking was wiry, dark haired and cocky looking, as well as part of a typical magic show. 'Well, why would that be?'

'Because, it's all simple smoke and mirrors! Cheap tricks at a high price!' Download muttered, unashamed of being called out in the bar, 'The characters in Now You See Me didn't help.'

'Well, then, if that's all he thinks everyone,' the wiry man appealed to the crowd, 'we have a mind to change, don't we?'

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*Continues to ride the Cheep Cheeps down to the pub comical style.*

Stupendous Girl: Magicians can easily be defeated with my X-Ray vision.

*rofl rolling on the floor laughing*

"Wanna know why Cheep Cheeps never get bankrupt?"

Audience: "No. Why?"

Stupendous Girl: Because they are too cheep to pay attention. And if Magicians reveal their secrets, they won't make any money. =o

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(And no one is here...great)

'Well,' the magician began, 'ready to be amazed?' he smugly replied, throwing a pellet that erupted into a puff of smoke, leaving a large metal box where nothing had been before.

'Oh,' Download said, chuckling and lying a hand on the magician, 'I'm ready to see you try and amaze me! In fact, I bet a hundre dollars you can't!'

'We can do much more that try!' he snapped, stomping his foot and causing the door to open. 'Watch everyone, as I make a hundred dollars, believers out of all of you!' As he went on to the audience, Download casually strides into the box with a grin. 'Well, get on with it,' he remarked, 'unlike you, I don't have all day to come up with child's tricks.'

The magician growled as two of his three assistants closed the door to the box. 'Listen closely. Here is a man who thinks he knows everything, that our power is merely an act. But right now, in our spell box, he can't even hear us! We're seven times further ahead of him than he thinks he is us!'

'Except not,' a familiar voice popped up from the side of the stage, drawing all eyes to a satisfied looking Download. 'Really, your little magic show is nothing someone with experience can't see through. And obvious trap door needing little work to open. The soundproof box only made my job easier!'

The four entertainers all gritted their teeth as Download casually held the attention of the crowd.

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*Continues to ride the Cheep Cheeps down to the pub comical style.*

Stupendous Girl: Magicians can easily be defeated with my X-Ray vision.

*rofl rolling on the floor laughing*

"Wanna know why Cheep Cheeps never get bankrupt?"

Audience: "No. Why?"

Stupendous Girl: Because they are too cheep to pay attention. And if Magicians reveal their secrets, they won't make any money. =o

Slowly crawling of the water, the form of Deadpool appeared, constantly readjusting his detached arm. 'Stupid shark!' He murmured, 'these limbs take forever to get back into place! There!' the Merc shouted as his arm for back into place. 'I feel like I just lived through a B movie, which I can say from experience is not a good feeling!' With that, he pulled in a net containing to body of the shark that had attacked him, stuck full of swords. 'Now if only I could find a Japanese person, I could make sweet, glorious money off of this! Maybe some sushi, or a chimichanga with shark fin soup. You know kids, you really shouldn't eat sharks. That illegal. But as a perfect role model, I can get away with it.' Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Slowly crawling of the water, the form of Deadpool appeared, constantly readjusting his detached arm. 'Stupid shark!' He murmured, 'these limbs take forever to get back into place! There!' the Merc shouted as his arm for back into place. 'I feel like I just lived through a B movie, which I can say from experience is not a good feeling!' With that, he pulled in a net containing to body of the shark that had attacked him, stuck full of swords. 'Now if only I could find a Japanese person, I could make sweet, glorious money off of this! Maybe some sushi, or a chimichanga with shark fin soup. You know kids, you really shouldn't eat sharks. That illegal. But as a perfect role model, I can get away with it.'

Stupendous Girl: Us superheros can get away with many things that normal humans cannot do. But...hey. We do always save the world before bedtime! And Shark fin soup sounds delicious. I am officially a Japanese person as I was named "Wayu" before the the American cast named me "Mia". Were overrated in money making, but...we always got to disguise ourselves as humans whenever that we do normal related things. And the B movie, experiencing it may not be pleasant for normal audiences if you didn't like it?

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Stupendous Girl: Us superheros can get away with many things that normal humans cannot do. But...hey. We do always save the world before bedtime! And Shark fin soup sounds delicious. I am officially a Japanese person as I was named "Wayu" before the the American cast named me "Mia". Were overrated in money making, but...we always got to disguise ourselves as humans whenever that we do normal related things. And the B movie, experiencing it may not be pleasant for normal audiences if you didn't like it?

Deadpool: 'Right! The prices on these comic books are highway robbery! So, official Japanese person, how much for this formerly gill breathing pin cushion? You know, people just don't get how much I love money, make money, and talk! Talky talky talk! Blood bloody blood! Whoops, I'm getting sidetracked again, that would be the 47th time today, and the doctor say to Deadpool 'you can only go on a tangent 50 times a day,' so back to focusing! The only time I can go outside without my lovely red suit is Halloween, but boy do my bags get STUFFED with candy! You know, once I get passed the whole 'raiding an unconscious person's home for treats' thing! And man, was that B movie terrible, almost as bad as the time that-*sees a PG rating in the corner of the screen* never mind. So, about that money miss Mia ma'am! Haha! Rhyming!


Back in the pub

Magician: You know Down-er!

*minor chuckle from one guy in the back*

Magician: plebeians. I can find out how rich anyone is in an instant! Observe! *snaps*

*a member of the magicians troupe with scraggly facial hair steps forward*

Scraggly facial hair man: Hm. Mhm. Yep, this guy is pretty rich!

Magician: And to self assured! This plan will be nothing for me!

Download: *grin* Well, I don't mean to boast, but I'm going to anyway, but my stake is rather quite...boastable. Crimson madmen are pretty expensive to keep hired, you know.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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