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FE1: – Luck

Julius Nepos

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The luck stay is completely random for example when you recruit tiki in one playthrough she could have 3 luck and in another 4 luck, this is all explained on the fire emblem wiki.

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The luck stay is completely random for example when you recruit tiki in one playthrough she could have 3 luck and in another 4 luck, this is all explained on the fire emblem wiki.

Completely random? As in: it could be 0, it could be 20, and anything in between?

And could you please provide a link? I've not been able to find anything specific about it myself.

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I don't really have any sources on it, but I believe it's roughly in the range of 0-12.

It's not really worth resetting over. Each point of luck is only worth 0.5 points of crit and 1 point of magic avoid, which is not all that noticeable even with a 12 point difference.

Edit: Thanks for the correction, Refa. Happy Birfday!

Edited by SRC
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