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Tasigat's creative work


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Hi all :)

In the light of the 25th anniversary, I thouhgt I'd share my handmade leather Brand of the Exalt phonecase.

I made it about a year and a half ago (when I was really into Awakenig) while I was working at a shoemaker's workshop as an intern. It is fairly small as my smartphone is really small, made from mostly black, smooth leather on the outside and mauve-colored suede on the inside, the emblem itself is gold.

And here it is :D

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Thanks :D

No the phone cannot be used while in the case, it's more a protction case for the phone when you put it in your bag :)

Unfortunatly I cannot make pictures with the phone in it, as I made the pics with my phone ^^

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  • 1 month later...


I wanted to share some digital stuff I made for my portfolio.

The first batch of pictures are made with the awesome program Hexels in conjunction with Photoshop.

Hexels artwork

The next few are in PS manipulated photos I made using glow sticks in drinking straws with some duct tape.


Unfortunately I was not permitted to the uni I applied to, and the worst part is they don't tell you why they did not choose you so can't improve. Really frustrating :/ not only did i work months for that but i was also turned down without knowing why ;_;

So i wanted to know what you guys think about my stuff :D

Btw, can someone tell me how to make these fancy spoilertags with the picture inside the spoiler?

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[spoiler="description here"]
stuff you want hidden

That's how you use spoilers ^

What did you apply for specifically? I might be able to give some portfolio tips, as I've had to go through that process many a time :P If it was fine arts, they typically look for work that exemplifies an understanding of the basics rather than familiarity with computer software, because they want a foundation to build upon, so if you had any still life drawings or figures from life that might help a bit. Depends on what you were applying for though.

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Thanks for the spoiler code but i meant how can I have an image in there :D but thanks anyway( i knew it once but I completely forgot >-<)

Anyway the course I had applied to was a combination of traditional art and digital art (called art and multimedia) and digital work was a requirement.

I have other stuff too, but the digital stuff was just the most convenient to upload :D I can look for photos i made of my other stuff as well.

And it would be really nice if you want to give me feedback :)

Edit: Soo, I have collected some of my other work, it's not all that was in my portfolio, but it's all i have picture of atm.

Some still life drawings

Some of my painted stuff

I want o explain some of the painted stuff, because i think it's rather unusual and warrants explanation.

The first 4 pic are painted with this here, it's basically like tulle but this piece was this think that you have in front of your windows in summer so that no flies and other stuff can come in.

The technique involves laying the tulle on top of the paper, painting through it and leaving it there until the paint is dry. After that I removed the tulle and it leaves this honeycomb/hexagon structure. There are some neat little tricks i discovered but that the basics.

Then as you can see some of my pics have cutout parts, where i sewed some white tulle (it's actually a ikea curtain) underneath, and in case of the blue pic with the triangle I sewed the cut out triangle on top of the paper and decorated it with some more sewing lines.

The 5. pic is really funny, because the side you look at is actually a cleaning cloth and on the other side is homemade paper all tied together with acrylic paint :D

The story behind that: I was making paper with a friend of mine, and she told me that she had read that you can put acrylic paint on top of the still wet paper. So we did exactly that and then placed it on top of our cleaning cloths we used for drying the paper, however the acrylic paint then decided to form and unbreakable bond between the paper and the cleaning cloth :D

If someone has more questions about either tulle painting, sewing or homemade paper feel free to ask :)

Edited by Tasigat
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Oh to insert an image directly there's a small icon that's like a photograph of a tree in the reply box and you just click on it and stick your URL in there then embed it in the spoiler tags.

For art feedback like...I mean, it's sort of hard to give feedback on abstract stuff other than it's neat how you sewed into the paper. I work with figures and environments myself so I could see some cool applications for that in my own work, I remember I used to sew into my old sketchbooks and it was pretty neat on both sides of the paper. One thing is that they kinda feel like they need more? Like the paper and thread make this cool texture but the paint sorta just looks like random watercolor, might be cool to mix in some thick acrylics or pencil drawings in it, because right now some of them look sort of unfinished to me.

For the figure drawings, I think the lack of a background makes it hard to visualize a context for them and also makes them look unfinished~ It looks like you can draw the body pretty well too so it'd be cool to mix some of your abstract stuff with the figures, instead of separating them so much. Even the last figure that's fully shaded is sorta just fading into nothingness, adding some more pure blacks and whites might help balance that one out some.

Oh and also, you could probably message the dean of the department for some more program-specific feedback? They're usually quite nice about these things in my experience if you reach out to them.

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Thanks for the reply and criticism :D

I was thinking about combining the tulle painting with drawings but I ran out of time in the end tbh :T but it's good to see that was on the right track at least.

I never really thought about adding more background shading in the drawings but I can see what you mean.

You said that you think that the paintings look unfinished, do you mean that they have a lot of white space? My reasoning behind that was mostly that i wanted to give it some idk breathing room, because personally i like white spaces as i feel they make the picture seem light, and less like a picture but more like a feeling, a split second you remember when you saw a butterfly in the summer sky (god damn that sounds really cheesy). I like the uncertainty it give the image the aloofness, i find it hard to describe what i mean by that by i hope it is at least a bit understandable ^^

Even thought i will study something else now, i am going to continue making things and maybe i can make them more refined in the future so thanks for the feedback :D

As for asking why i was turned down, they explicitly state on their website that any questions regarding that matter wont be answered :/

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