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Original thread.

So, some of you know I REALLY like this game. So much in fact, that a while after the first one utterly flopped, I asked Clipsey for advice on what to do about it. She said that if I wanted to repost it, it should stay here. So here we are~!


Three prompts are given, your task is to write a short piece (100~500 words or so, though you don't have to be in that ballpark, go as long/short as you want) based on AT LEAST ONE of those prompts. Then proivide three new prompts.

Examples, taken from a forum I mod on FFN.

[spoiler=Three prompts used]Winter, Goo, and Healing

Snowflakes are pretty. They are also cold, and turn the liquid inside those healing bottles into useless green goo. So I curl up next to my Trainer in the little cavern as the blizzard shrieks by outside. My side bleeds, a wound from a surprise Sneasel attack. Espeon like me don't fight Sneasel well. I hope my blood is keeping my Trainer warm at least. She is just a little thing.

Maybe I should have been a Glaceon. My first memories are of playing in the snow on a sunny winter's day. Everything was so white, and I loved the crunch as I sank into the snow with each bounce. There were Glaceon too, and I was chasing after them. I chased after them for a while, until I heard the voice of humans calling me back. The other Eevee seemed disappointed when I turned back. I breathed out hard just to see my breath turn pale before me, as I was carried back inside by the mother of my Trainer. My Trainer couldn't even speak words yet, but we could still understand each other.

Something approaches from outside, unheeded by the furious weather. I growl, my ears pointing backward. But the creature is unaffected, still coming closer. As it enters the cave, I see that it is a Glaceon, wild but not ferocious. The Glaceon sits down and studies us.

"You'll die if that wound isn't treated," says the Glaceon. "Come with me and we'll heal you."

"But I can't leave my Trainer," I answer.

"Forget the Trainer," says the Glaceon. "We cannot save her. Only you."

"If you can save me, you can save her as well," I reply, ears back. "And why would you, a wild Pokemon, want to save me, a Trainer's Pokemon?"

"Because you are one of us, even now," says the Glaceon. "I am your mother."

It took me a while to process that. "...You are?"

"Certainly you don't think the humans birthed you, do you?" said the Glaceon. "You were born out here, to our clan. But you were taken from us when you were very young, before you even had the chance to become a Glaceon. But we have searched and called for you ever since then, and even in your current form we accept you. Come home."

"But..." I began, unsure of what to think or say. I think of the Glaceon I chased after when I was an Eevee. Was that my clan trying to get me back?

"Do you wish to still dwell with your captors, with this false family that will never treat you as an equal?" asks the Glaceon.

"But if I leave, my Trainer will die," I protest.

"If you don't leave, you will die," said the Glaceon. "And the girl will probably die anyway."


The Glaceon seems both irritated and puzzled. "Why do you choose death?"

I do not answer right away. I only think of how warm and wonderful the sunlight is that day, as I became an Espeon before my Trainer's gleeful eyes. How we frolicked together afterward, as slush squished beneath our feet.

"I am an Espeon," I say. "I cannot thrive without people. It is a power only humans can give. I'm sorry, mother, but this is where I belong.

The Glaceon stays silent, showing no more emotion than a snowflake. Then without a sound she leaves the cave, vanishing into the snow.

I cuddle up next to my Trainer, who is still unnerved from the Glaceon. She is so warm. As my eyes close, I think of how it could have been different. But I am so glad to have met my humans.

This was written by the incredibly talented The Light's Refrain.

[spoiler=One prompt used]Going Down in History

The blue-tressed Prince lifted his blade at the Demonic Dragon before him.

This is it.

As the beast roared its hatred of humanity, he ran foreword and slashed with the Blade of Light.

You'll always be remembered for this.

Its last breaths told him that darkness will always resurrect him.

But that isn't your concern.

Marth sighed as Medeus fell dead.

Because he knew from now on, a certain humble Prince's name would go down in history.

And with that, peace returned, for the name of the Hero-King.

I wrote this one myself.

Full sample thread


If you want, you can post feedback for the above poster as well. It is highly recommended you do so, as it helps the others improve and makes the game more enjoyable for everyone! Kero~!

Now, initial prompts, I going with easy things.



Star-stained sky

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Why not? There's no rhyme, reason, or effort here so don't expect any, it's only here to get the ball rolling and fulfill the prompts while I have a lol.

[spoiler=This was funny]

I bring down my upraised fist into the torso of my foe. The large dragon does not howl his death wail, yet instead, it stares at me, almost as if it is peering into me, my soul.

Well done...” He does not speak from his mouth, instead his voice echoes in my head. “You have chosen the path of power, as befits the draconic blood in your mingled heritage.”

My ‘mingled heritage’… born of human and dragon; half human body, half dragon body, both bearers of my mixed blood no longer live, so I was raised by this elder dragon that lies before me. He taught me of power, conquest, and ambition. Then, years later, I studied world and learned of the nature of most humans; calculating and shrewd.

A few more years had passed, I returned to the dragon cove to find there were no dragons, but signs of battle. Dead? Fled? I know not, but I sensed something awaken within me. ‘This is my chance!’

I rushed out to the shore and spotted the elder dragon and a human with long blond hair doing battle under this night sky. A waltz of steel and claw, waved and dashed across the battlefield… it was a sight to behold, until the human was knocked down by the elder dragon’s huge claws, then the elder had collapsed in his own blood.

My chance came; I walked over to the wounded dragon and ended him.

I stood up and looked over at where the human had landed… my conquest will not begin until the killer of the elder dragon dies too. I dashed over the unconscious human and bashed his head in…

…Or so I thought…

As soon as I neared his body, he rose up quickly and plunged a red sword deep into my chest. He then begins a small chant, the sigil on his hand glows red as punches the end of his sword, plunging it deeper into my chest and causing it to burst into a stream of destructive light magic, that seemingly ripped through my body, as he and I both collapse onto the sand. I see, that was his death wail… He is, for sure dead now, as I am soon to be as well.

I stare up at the starry night sky and have a laugh at my short life, I regret not but the unsuccessfulness of my ambition, hopefully the dragons that got away will begin a new conquest; one of cunning and ambition, not one of solely power, lest you end up like me… us. I close my eyes and dream of that land under the rule of the dragon.

Next prompts for the brave:




EDIT: Glaceon Mage, your tags made me laugh for some bizzare reason.

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Yay actual replies!


Dark. Creepy. Unforgiving.

Living. Hopeful. Welcoming.

What one was, the other was not. The Hero of Time realized this with all speed as he trudged through the Southern Swamp.

Having been raised as a forest spirit, a Kokiri, he knew Hyrule's woods as if they were engraved onto his hand. They welcomed him, bringing him in to a sweet, warm embrace, showering him with life-filled leaves.

Termina's swamplands weren't what he expected them to be. Unlike the sparkling woodland he had called home until destiny called him to his duty as the Hero of Time, the bog was filled with poison and monsters. If it wasn't for the Deku mask, he would have died from the poisoned waters.

But even if it was new, unfamiliar, or sinister, he couldn't let it remain this way. Sighing, the child watched as the sun rose in the east.

Dawn of the Last Day. 24 Hours Remain.

There's no plot, so eh... Oh well, it's a decent contrast based thing.

New prompts:

Whoops, I broke it!

Don't kill the cat!

Chingling bells

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Oh this sounds fun, uh not a great writer but

I closed my eyes, as the lights of the football stadium glowed onto the ground below. The wind blew softly, and was dead silent. I hid behind the prop waiting for those words of the announcer the signal the beginning of the show. "The band may begin when ready." The front ensemble started off the show and it was my favorite part of the whole 8 minutes. The bells were a particular favorite from the group, the soft ringing as the stick tapped them, though they were quieter to me they stood out wonderfully. They had this beautiful ringing, chingling sound that flooded the stadium. Though I had to get back to the show, and I took special care to not lose count as I came out from behind the prop, eager to start my work.





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The town square of the human village was filled with chattering passerbys, Reimu, and some preformers.

But today's performance was different. The newly-created Tsukumogami from the recent incident were working with the Poltergeists who normally played in an attempt to create something special.

Reimu viewed it as just noise as she hurried along on her errand. Then a voice called to her, making her cringe.

"Oi, Reimu! Over here!" Marisa Kirisame, a blonde human witch, waved Reimu over.

"Yes, Marisa?" Reimu sighed as she walked over to her friend. Marisa had solved the most recent incident herself, which left Reimu's shrine with a bit less faith than usual, but Reimu couldn't simply ignore her.

"They're pretty good, don't you think?" Reimu was surprised at this statement. She listened closely for the first time since she entered the square.

"I guess so." Reimu muttered. She didn't notice it before, but the Tsukumogami and Poltergeists worked together surprisingly well. The sound was far better than either group of youkai could do on their own.

"And I was wondering..." Marisa continued. "Maybe we could work together to solve the next incident. Just like these performers, what one of us can do two can do better."

Reimu looked at the witch. "Maybe..."

Marisa grinned. "So it's a deal?"


New prompts:



To fear fear...

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I did all of Glace's first prompts, I feel like I worked too hard now.

Going on SF isn't much to write about, and I never really had writer's block; process of elimination

Last dream I can remember, there's more than one, but you only get the one I care to tell.

[spoiler=As tattered as I can remember it]

A large, winding tree stands before me, leading straight into the clouds, maybe even higher than that, into the heavens, perhaps?

As I stand at the base of the tree, A Goddess descends and warns me of the danger of staying behind. I care not, I am going to fight to defend this tree from the chaotic forces that seek to defile this holy land.

I ask her to leave me behind and I will defend the tree with my very life. This, at least, is how I can show my honor to her, and this place… She solemnly glances in my direction one last time and takes flight upward, into the clouds, and beyond… A light briefly shines after she ascends into the clouds.

The impure that threaten this tree, Yggdrasil, approach, as if they were waiting for me to be alone… I raise my weapons and prepare to take them head on.

Prompts for the brave:


Gun in a suitcase


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That was interesting Shezzy. It amused me.

It's been a while since I remembered a dream... so, I guess we're going with one that always stuck out to me.

[spoiler=Max oddity]Link stretched as he leaned back in his sailboat. This journey would take a while, so he might as well get some rest while the King of Red Lions continued on its way to the Forsaken Fortress.

He rested for a while, the sail fluttering above him while the stars gazed down kindly, until he heard a small thud. He jolted awake, not hesitating to take out his boomerang for self defense. As soon as he looked up, however, his eyes popped out of his head.

The villagers of Windfall Island were hard at work, Ganondorf standing on a perch above them, workin very hard to rebuild the Fortress out of... cardboard? It seemed Ganondorf wanted it flowery as well.

"Do you want to turn back?" The King of Red Lions asked him.

He just kept standing there, deaf from bafflement.

Dammit, Sol, you ninja. Next person can pick any of the six.

New prompts:

Primordial Beat ~ Pristine Beat

Reverse Ideology

Inchling of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess

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  • 1 month later...

No I haven't forgotten, I just have no idea what to write with that music.

Alternatively, you can pick one of mine.

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I suppose I could throw something together as well, but I have no idea what though..

That is to say, I can't conjure up anything when I listen to those... maybe except Reverse Ideology, but it doesn't really... fit the song.

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Gun in a suitcase

It was dark out, gloomy.

The boy calmly strode down the street, knowing where his target was. The police could not catch him, his weapon was concealed well.

His behavior made the residents suspecious. What would a child be doing, going down a random street dressed in a suit, with a suitcase?

They called the police. But it was already too late for the target.

The gun in the suitcase had already killed the traitor to the crown.

I'll add some easier prompts:

Above the clouds

Below the soil

Your mind is mine to read!

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Wow, where were you when this was comatose in May?

Also Glace, those prompts weren't hard per se, they were out of my, and I guess everyone's field

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Murder Mystery!


[spoiler=Obviously going to be an Umineko thing]Erika really didn't like that the boat decided to capsize. Sure, it brought her to this island brimming with a Golden Age mystery vibe and she got to show off her totally sexy curves in this swimsuit, but not breathing for a while just kind of gets to you! Anyway, she focused her attention again on the trio of dead bodies before her, holes bored in three different areas by drill-like objects. Erika had a feeling the next one would be a closed room. She took her trust roll of duct tape from within her swimsuit's too-large chest and got to work.

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Burnable trash, though I was contemplating Heat spots as well, your prompts had my brain running, Yasa.

[spoiler=Burnable Trash, also it's kinda... well you'll see.]

The cracking sound of a fire burning, a man in a white coat stares into the furnace, roaring flames within.

“There we… go!” He exerts himself and throws a heavy black bag into the roaring flames, then returns to his work.

“This next one is a nice size, not a lot of excess, but not too thin… Hmmm…” The young man wonders as he gazes at the specimen, a curious glint in his eye. He shakes his head slightly to move the bangs from in front of his eyes.

“All right, let’s begin.” He says as he grabs a knife and begins to cut… Or so he thought.

“Huh?” He dumbfoundedly exclaims as he stares at the knife in his hand… then heaves a sigh.

“I must be more tired than I thought…” He puts the knife down and examines his surroundings. A dark room dimly lit by a few lanterns hanging on the walls, and the fire of the furnace roaring in the far corner. As his eyes scan the room he notices all kinds of surgical utensils such as: scalpels, hemostats, and retractors. A smirk tugged at the edge of his lips.

The smell of the burned waste finally reaches his nose. A copper, metallic scent with a distinct, yet faint liver-like odor accompanying it. The young man inhales this odor and exhales from his mouth.

“Okay, back to work!” He exclaims as he grabs a scalpel and retractor. He then briskly runs the scalpel along the drawn lines on the body on the table. All while listening to the crackling flames of the fires in the furnace.


A day in the Netherworld


Might makes right

Late edit: Fixed some typos.

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