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A Wii U FE now inevitable?


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With Awakening selling great and Fates selling even better, do you guys think we'll see a Wii U FE shown next?

I realize some of you want FE to stay on handhelds or that you think this would fail because of Tellius's poor sales. But remember, Tellius didn't get the marketing or production that Awakening and Fates have gotten. Not to mention that PoR was released at the end of the GC's life. But they still got good reviews overall anyway. PoR was, on average, rated 8/10 and RD got an average of 7.5/10. They would've certainly sold well if they'd gotten better marketing. Many people still hadn't even heard of RD when Ike was revealed for Smash last year! And now that FE is more popular, they'd certainly sell better now.

Besides, weren't the first several FE games on home consoles? :P FE didn't actually hit the handheld market until the GBA era.

I also realize that not as many people have a Wii U as people that have a 3DS. By the time a Wii U FE gets released though, there could be enough Wii U owners to have this game sell well. Zelda Wii U, Yoshi's Woolly World, and other stuff are on the way. FE would give another reason to buy a Wii U too, I've seen people say that they got a 3DS just for Awakening.

But IS is obviously raking in profits here, they might be able to afford to make a Wii U FE game now. And just imagine how amazing this could look with those HD graphics and such! The game could be as long, if not longer, than RD too, making room for a well-thought out story and characters, not to mention DLC content.

I'm predicting that FE for Wii U will be one of three things, maybe two:

- PoR/RD HD bundle. Given Ike's popularity in Smash, his Amiibo, and that he's been appearing in more games as of late (Codename Steam and Fates via Amiibo), obviously people are going to gain interest in his games and want to play them. But their availability is ass right now. We could even see a few improvements here, such as PoR's cut supports and better balancing and additional paired endings for RD, though I doubt it. Ike also just celebrated his 10th anniversary, though that probably doesn't mean much at all since FE7's 10th wasn't recognized. Then again, Tellius had its soundtrack released...

- FE4 remake. This game seems popular and given that IS seems to dig adding in a marriage system and children these days...yeah.

- Brand new title all together. I'd love to see this in addition to one of the above, honestly! PoR is the last completely brand new FE to be released on a home console (RD is its direct sequel, remember), it really is time to see another one.

Edited by Anacybele
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I'd honestly prefer it if FE would stay on handhelds.

Considering having played each FE, the only console I really enjoy is POR, and I enjoy all the GBA ones and Awakening way too much, handhelds are where it's at for me, in terms of FE.

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I'll just post this here:

20/04/90 [NFC] Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light - ? / 329.000
14/03/92 [NFC] Fire Emblem Gaiden - ? / 325.000
21/01/94 [sFC] Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - ? / 776.000
14/05/96 [sFC] Fire Emblem: Holy War Story - 228.578 / 498.000
28/08/99 [sFC] Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 - 30.104 / 158.695
29/03/02 [GBA] Fire Emblem: The Sealed Sword - 126.267 / 345.574
25/04/03 [GBA] Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword - 109.429 / 265.286
07/10/04 [GBA] Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - 146.026 / 246.719
20/04/05 [GCN] Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 100.357 / 156.413
22/02/07 [WII] Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - 73.337 / 171.924
07/08/08 [NDS] Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - 147.704 / 252.309
15/07/10 [NDS] Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - Hero of Light and Shadow - 147.045 / 250.592
19/04/12 [3DS] Fire Emblem: Awakening - 262.399 / 469.485
26/06/15 [3DS] Fire Emblem Fates: Black Kingdom / White Kingdom - 353.201 / NEW

(Japanese sales. First week and Overall).

And tell you, no it's not inevitable. It's actually improbable. Not even nintendo's big franchises can sell well on the Wii U, I doubt Fire Emblem would. Also, it's audience is almost entirely on the 3DS.

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I almost feel like it would be too late to start developing one, but I am saying this under the delusion that I have any idea how long a dev cycle is... (I do feel fairly confident a console outing would be more labor intensive)

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see a home console FE.

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Oh. Then that person apparently didn't read the OP. Past sales don't mean anything.

EDIT: No way, the NX is still years away. Also, didn't Mario Kart sell well? And SM3D World? If I recall, the former actually bumped Wii U sales up a bit.

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Awakening sold around 1.5 million? On a system with 53 million units sold, that's about a 3% attach rate. If an FE game were released on the Wii U (installbase 10*(?) million), it would have to be over 3x more popular among Wii U owners to even break a million in sales.

I would be very surprised if they released a mainline FE game on the Wii U when it is so successful on 3DS currently. It's possible, but the Wii U is dead in the water and FE needs as many eyes on it as it can get. It doesn't make sense, FE isn't a system seller.

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I'd honestly prefer it if FE would stay on handhelds.

Considering having played each FE, the only console I really enjoy is POR, and I enjoy all the GBA ones and Awakening way too much, handhelds are where it's at for me, in terms of FE.

This not to mention the Japanese market is more geared towards handhelds nowadays then console. Putting it on the consoles at this point is risking too much.

Awakening sold around 1.5 million? On a system with 53 million units sold, that's about a 3% attach rate. If an FE game were released on the Wii U (installbase 9.7 million), it would have to be over 3x more popular among Wii U owners to even break a million in sales.

I would be very surprised if they released a mainline FE game on the Wii U when it is so successful on 3DS currently. It's possible, but the Wii U is dead in the water and FE needs as many eyes on it as it can get. It doesn't make sense, FE isn't a system seller.

Not to mention that console gaming is not selling all that well in that area now and the FE userbase community is much larger there than in the US and EU. Even Nintendo saw this with the performance of PoR and RD and has even stated they would have to break 700,000 in order to even get the proper budget and profit back if they were to be putting it on the console.


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Oh. Then that person apparently didn't read the OP. Past sales don't mean anything.

EDIT: No way, the NX is still years away. Also, didn't Mario Kart sell well? And SM3D World? If I recall, the former actually bumped Wii U sales up a bit.

I read the OP, it's just that it's impossible to have a discussion of this while ignoring sales and I just wanted to get this out of the way,

Consider one think, though. Games take time to be developed. If they started making a Wii U fire emblem game now, it would only be ready in like, 3 years. They started making FE Fates like 3 years ago and it was only released last week in Japan, even thought they already had the engine ready. By the time a Wii U FE game is ready, the NX would already be released, or close to it. And then you'd have to wait another 6 months for localization.

So yeah, not happening.

Sells charts, Pretty much how money each game earned thru sells in Japan

Nah, just the number of copies sold in Japan. First week and Life to Date.

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And tell you, no it's not inevitable. It's actually improbable. Not even nintendo's big franchises can sell well on the Wii U

Granted the Wii U itself isn't selling all that well but there have been successful titles on the system. Smash 4, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8 and Windwaker HD to name a few. Those are big Nintendo franchises with one of them being completely new. IIRC Splatoon actually has a pretty good attach rate with current Wii U's sold worldwide.

To answer the thread question. Would I like to see a Wii U Fire Emblem? Yes. Do I think it will happen? No at least not a new title. I could see a HD remake of PoR and RD though would be a safer bet and not cost as much and they could use the amiibos to market it since they enjoy doing that so much as of late.

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Nintendo's heavy hitters not doing well on the WiiU.


Also, didn't Mario Kart sell well? And SM3D World? If I recall, the former actually bumped Wii U sales up a bit.

I really don't understand why so many people want FE to stay handheld. Imo, this will just hinder the series, especially story-wise. Look how awful Awakening's story is. It was rushed and full of holes. It also wasn't a very long game just counting the main story. I liked PoR and RD more than the handheld FEs because they were longer and had better stories, characters, and gameplay. Don't people here generally agree that RD has the best gameplay in the series? That one poll seemed to say so.

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I wouldn't say that a console FE is inevitable, but i'd like to see one. Problem is, handheld systems generally have larger install bases than home consoles. so I doubt that we'll see one anytime soon.

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I just want to point out that both FE 6 and 7 have longer playtimes than POR.

Also, FE7 and 8 are both handhelds yet have great plots, while RD has the weakest plot in the series IMO.

Finally, that same poll you're referring too said FE7 had the best character development, and plot.

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I really don't understand why so many people want FE to stay handheld. Imo, this will just hinder the series, especially story-wise. Look how awful Awakening's story is. It was rushed and full of holes. It also wasn't a very long game just counting the main story. I liked PoR and RD more than the handheld FEs because they were longer and had better stories, characters, and gameplay. Don't people here generally agree that RD has the best gameplay in the series? That one poll seemed to say so.

It's not about not wanting. It's about it happening or not. Whether one wants or not a Wii U fire emblem game is irrelevant to this discussion. Nintendo is a business. They want money. It makes no sense for them to put a niche series that is just now getting successful on a console with a low install base, considering that would also make its production more expensive.




Even though Splatoon showed that a game CAN be successful on the Wii U if advertised right, that's the exception rather than the rule, and I doubt they'd be able to make nearly as much money and get a nearly as popular game putting fire emblem on the wii u. I mean, I'd buy it day one, but this is irrelevant.

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Ignoring the OP's "they have good sales on the 3DS, so it's INEVITABLE that a new FE will be on the Wii U, right?" mentality which I can only read through quotes...

I'm on the "it's gonna stay handheld" bandwagon.

It is a lot of investment to venture into unknown territory.

With how controversial FE:if is already with its new mechanics and dividing the fanbase even more...

Imagine how bad that would have been if it was on a system that not everyone had?

Look at the raging on SMT x FE. Imagine if they made new system wide changes to the FE formula on a Wii U entry.

I mean, a lot of people have a 3DS. A LOT more than a Wii U.

I know you love your Tellius and would love a new BEAUTIFUL FE on the big screen... but look at those sales in the post above.

It's subpar compared to handheld games that took less resources.

I don't think I'm that wrong assuming that they had less profit on home consoles as of Seisen/Genealogy.

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Except it is now. It makes perfect sense to make a Wii U FE now.

It really isn't. Handheld software sales are weak, but FE's not exactly pushing the top of the list despite that. There's more reason to believe an FE game on the Wii U would bomb than there is so believe it would do well, SMTxFE may be the only FE title the U gets if it doesn't set the world on fire.

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Even though Splatoon showed that a game CAN be successful on the Wii U if advertised right, that's the exception rather than the rule, and I doubt they'd be able to make nearly as much money and get a nearly as popular game putting fire emblem on the wii u. I mean, I'd buy it day one, but this is irrelevant.

The thing you have to take into account though is how many Wii U's are out on the market. Roughly 10 million. No one's going to buy a game they can't play. Look at Mario Kart 8 it sold 5.11 million with a install base of 10 million which means that over 50% of Wii U owners own the game. SSB4 3.65 million to 10million 36.5%. etc... So yes Nintendo heavy hitters do sell on their systems. In fact I would go so far as to say thats whats keeping the Wii U above water and its Nintendo's greatest asset.

I think the console FEs are great and all and my favorites in the series and would love to have one but I do think it is MUCH safer for Nintendo to do a HD remake of PoR and RD coupled together in one game. Look at it this way it wouldn't cost as much, there is clearly a desire for the games particularly after Awakening (just go look at how much they go for online), and hey Fire Emblem is on a roll so might as well market it and capitalize.

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The thing you have to take into account though is how many Wii U's are out on the market. Roughly 10 million. No one's going to buy a game they can't play. Look at Mario Kart 8 it sold 5.11 million with a install base of 10 million which means that over 50% of Wii U owners own the game. SSB4 3.65 million to 10million 36.5%. etc... So yes Nintendo heavy hitters do sell on their systems. In fact I would go so far as to say thats whats keeping the Wii U above water and its Nintendo's greatest asset.

How is that different from what I said?

They might sell well relatively but when you consider the absolute numbers, they sell worse than the ones on the 3DS. What gets them money is absolute sales, not relative ones.

It's extremely improbable that Fire Emblem Awakening would have sold nearly the 1.8 million copies it did if it were on the Wii U. It would probably have sold less than half of that.

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How is that different from what I said?

They might sell well relatively but when you consider the absolute numbers, they sell worse than the ones on the 3DS. What gets them money is absolute sales, not relative ones.

It's extremely improbably that Fire Emblem Awakening would have sold nearly the 1.8 million copies it did if it were on the Wii U. It would probably have sold less than half of that.

I was under the impression that you were saying that Nintendo heavy hitters simply don't sell on the Wii U because its the Wii U which they in fact do. And if we go by absoulute sales the titles I did mention all sold better than Awakening even though the 3DS has a much larger install base. Sure if you compare them to something like Pokemon or other heavy hitters on the 3DS then yeah it blows them out of the water.

Although I do agree Awakening probably would not have done as well on the Wii U and I don't think Nintendo is going to make a new FE game on the Wii U anytime soon.

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It really isn't. Handheld software sales are weak, but FE's not exactly pushing the top of the list despite that. There's more reason to believe an FE game on the Wii U would bomb than there is so believe it would do well, SMTxFE may be the only FE title the U gets if it doesn't set the world on fire.

Awakening made people buy more 3DSs though. I saw plenty of them say that they bought a 3DS just for the game.

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