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Posts posted by Florete

  1. 3 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    In terms of seasonals I think Summer Corrin is a safe bet. Summer Ivy did mention they were at the beach.

    I'd be rooting for male Alear but my guess is that it would be the female one.

    We already have summer female Corrin and we literally just got a male Corrin, so I kinda doubt this one.

  2. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:


    This is a pretty fair take. I have occasionally seen tier lists where people divide units into categories like "support," "combat," "project," etc. which probably is more useful than the traditional high-low.

    Regardless of comparison to other units, I do still find Tethys getting 80% top votes questionable. Oh well.

  3. 1 hour ago, samthedigital said:

    It's probably not worth reading too much into it. At a glance it looks like bulky combat units that can one round enemies and Tethys tend to get rated highly relative to other units which makes sense if the audience is a little more casual.

    I mean..."bulky combat unit that can one-round enemies" is almost always top tier, no matter who's judging.

    1 hour ago, samthedigital said:

    If we're looking at it from an LTC perspective Tethys is probably dancing the carry on the first turn and is then helping facilitate warp spam either directly or by giving units staff exp before chapter 16. She's doing more to save turns than almost everyone even if she joins late. I'm going to assume that the people polled don't care about that whatsoever though, and I suspect that they also don't care as much about a unit's movement either.

    I'm pretty confident exceedingly few people actually care about LTC. And like I said, I still rate her highly, just not as high as the units who are actually doing the work. Not second only to Seth.

  4. Dancers are good, no question about that. Back in the day they used to be super underrated, yet now I'm starting to feel like we've gone in the opposite direction and they're being overrated. What's prompting this from me is the polls ActualLizard on YouTube has been doing for Sacred Stones. Here's the one for Tethys: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaLypZjyX8v5FIK2QByFn2A/community?lb=UgkxFSx2A_UL5Or6AJznBsBF1Bfc6u2oPgj-

    79% gave her a top rating of "really good". Only Seth got a higher "really good" score (90%). Yeah, just Seth. Ephraim, Gerik, Vanessa, etc. all did worse.

    Which seemingly makes it unpopular for me to say that I don't think a single-target, 5 move dancer is that good. Putting her in top 10 I agree with, maybe even top 5, but top 2? She can't dance for Seth if she can't keep up with him! Sacred Stones is also pretty enemy phase heavy and she has only an indirect benefit to it.

    For the record, I voted "pretty good."

  5. 15 minutes ago, Hrothgar777 said:

    An even bigger problem: suppose you're on high difficulty and it's important that you keep everyone just outside striking range when the player phase ends. So you click that button and the map turns purple. The problem? Suppose that, once again, the enemy has ballistae that can strike you no matter what. You can afford to take a hit from one of these, but since they're there, now you don't know what panels are safe from other enemies.

    Engage helps with this. When you're moving an ally to a space, there will be arrows for each enemy that can potentially attack them there.

    And in general, while this is a bit more tedious, you could manually mark all nearby enemies except the ballistae.

  6. I don't - and won't - get mad at any individual character appearing (or not appearing) on the banner. I'm far past that for this game. But this is the one banner theme that has shown it can still upset me to some degree. The whole male character + female romance options they've had going for the past two years is not cool, especially last year's where it was a male avatar. I don't care what they do with the banner or who is on it, as long as they don't do that again.

  7. 4 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:


    Eh...it's better, for sure, but it still doesn't feel like it's doing Lloyd justice.

    4 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

    Friendly reminder that Ursula has the same Japanese voice actress (Kaori Mizuhashi) as Eirika. I seriously doubt we'd be up to four Ursulas if this wasn't the case since she's definitely not popular enough to justify four versions.

    That might help, but they're not going to invest in a character who doesn't sell. Flora shares her JP voice with Edelgard and Flora's only alt is from before Three Houses even released.

  8. Yep, these are all things I also like in RD.

    10 hours ago, Uscari said:

    Honestly, I don't like most of the 2D artstyle in RD and find that the character portraits look kind of lifeless compared to PoR

    Some of them, for sure. I remember once listing them all out and finding it was nearly a 50/50 split for which game's portrait of each character I thought was better.

  9. Ironically, I think part of the issue with Skill/Dex as a stat is that its primary purpose - Hit rate - is too important. FE games up to Binding Blade can cause a lot of frustration with missing, either because of 1 RN or low hit rates in general. It's just not very fun to constantly feel like you're flipping a coin to hit the enemy, so hit rates went up, but largely in ways that didn't rely on the Skill stat, because relying on the stat would mean low Skill units would be forever screwed. As a result, though, having low Skill ended up meaning very little, especially with 2 RN granting invisible boosts.

    The Hit rate aspect of Skill/Dex should stay, but I think the stat just needs to be able to do a little more. An idea I've had in the past that I think still works is for it to somehow add extra damage to crits, since it already adds to crit chance and the classes that are characterized by high Skill are Swordmasters and such that like to fish for crits.

    I do agree with Eltosian's point that all stats don't necessarily need to be equal, though. Luck is fine where it is in most FE games, though (and this might be a new unpopular opinion?) I think Res is overlooked when talking about the worst stat and that it's actually weaker than Luck in most, if not all, FE games.

  10. With Mozu, my favorite characters from each game all now have at least 1 version in FEH. Now my most-wanted character would probably be Volug, who legit may never get in unless he gets a lucky seasonal, but I can live with that.

  11. 5 hours ago, Uscari said:

    Maybe it's because I'm new to Fire Emblem as a franchise, but I don't really see the charm or appeal in having "funny-bad" units. I don't see the point in adding a playable unit to the game if they aren't designed to compete with other units. I feel like even if some characters are worse than others, which is inevitable, there should at least be a solid niche for every unit so that the player has an incentive to try actually using them, instead of just for the memes. I like that PoR has a more competitive roster than RD, with a larger variety of team compositions that are comparable in viability. To me it's a failure of balance for a game to have units that you have no strategic incentive to invest in.

    Both games have at least a handful of units you have no strategic incentive to invest in. Non-royal laguz in particular, who are basically dead on arrival in PoR and viable but outclassed entirely by royals in RD (some are viable, anyway).

    I would also argue against PoR having a more competitive roster than RD. While most units in PoR are viable if you want them to be, value goes out the window for almost anyone who isn't on a mount. In RD, the variety of availability coupled with limiting factors such as ledges and stat caps mean units are more likely to be able to bring something of unique value over units who may otherwise be considered better.

    Well, for PoR hard mode, anyway. In Maniac a bunch of units just become completely unusable.

  12. 12 hours ago, Jotari said:

    That's not true. The DS games have chapter based supports (though there are only conversations to go along with them in New Mystery in which you'll actually notice the system

    I didn't even know Shadow Dragon had supports. I forgot about New Mystery's supports, but wasn't paying enough attention when I played it to know how they worked anyway. Thanks for the correction, though.

  13. Well, Radiant Dawn is my favorite game, so I guess I should say something.

    To start, though, I want to say thanks for not just dunking on RD like some people do. While I don't always feel the same way, your points are all fair and maturely expressed. That's refreshing to see these days.

    7 hours ago, Uscari said:

    1. No Fixed Mode

    As you pointed out, they didn't really remove it so much as replaced it with BEXP, as well as guaranteeing at least 1 stat up every normal level. I personally really enjoy the way BEXP lets units reach their full potential pretty consistently.

    7 hours ago, Uscari said:

    2. Supports

    Conversation-wise, I agree PoR is better here. Everything else, though, I prefer in RD. The bigger bonuses (and rounding up) makes them feel impactful in a way they don't always in PoR. And while PoR building supports by number of maps is nice in the sense of letting conversations happen at the right times, it also means it's easy to miss some supports if two units miss out on one too many maps together. Titania has to be deployed on almost every map to reach A with Ike, for example. If you decide to leave her out for just a couple maps you miss that one entirely.

    For the record, PoR is the only FE game with a strictly chapter-based support system. RD's support mechanics are an improvement from the GBA era.

    7 hours ago, Uscari said:

    3. Story

    There's not much to say here other than that RD has my favorite story in the series. Many of people's issues with it have never been issues to me. I think the Blood Pact is done well.

    7 hours ago, Uscari said:

    4. Availability 

    I pretty much echo what Jotari said here.

    7 hours ago, Uscari said:

    5. Balance

    I will agree on one thing: the balance in RD feels pretty wacky at times. But I actually love it for this. Not just for being imbalanced, but because it harmonizes so well with the story. The Dawn Brigade is a ragtag group of rebels fighting an oppressive governing force, and the difficulty reflects that...until they get super strong allies (Tauroneo, Nailah, Black Knight) who rightfully make things much easier. I disagree on part 2 being a playable cutscene, there's some tough stuff there, and Haar isn't god yet, especially if you don't quick clear 2-E, which is probably the best defense map in the series.

    Part 3 has you taking control of an experienced group of mercenaries with a skilled tactician at their side, and the easier difficulty reflects that. The part 3 DB maps see that ragtag group of rebel fighters being forced to join the war in the middle of trying to rebuild their country, mostly without their previous powerful allies, and it feels as hard as it sounds.

    Lore-wise, Laguz pick their leaders based on who is the strongest, so it makes perfect sense that the laguz royals come and are super strong, but they are still held back by their lack of ranged combat, which ensures that they can't just go and solo everything without consequence.

    7 hours ago, Uscari said:

    6. Game Over Conditions

    While there are definitely some annoying early game over conditions, I recall very few that are based on green unit deaths. The main complaint I see on this is Jill in 1-5, but multiple enemies are programmed not to attack her, so I feel like it's a case of people thinking she dies more often than she actually does. There's Fiona in 1-6, but I've never personally seen the enemies catch and kill her before she gets to where the player's team starts, and I don't see people mentioning this one often, either. Elincia in 3-10 is the only other one to my memory, and that one also seems pretty unlikely. I guess there's also Skrimir/Tibarn in a couple chapters but how the fuck are they dying.

    7 hours ago, Uscari said:

    7. Hardest Difficulty

    While I still enjoy playing it, RD hard mode is one of few things even I can't really find myself able to defend about it. Though from what I've seen and played of PoR maniac mode, it's arguably even worse, even if it doesn't have the same issues. The stat and reinforcement bloat is just ridiculous.

    7 hours ago, Uscari said:

    8. Skills

    I really disagree with this one. RD allowing experimentation is a major positive imo. RD having default skills on units be free until they're taken off keeps that aspect of unit identity alive, because it means certain units are the only ones who can do some specific skill combos.

    While RD's masteries being mostly glorified criticals does deserve some criticism, I vastly prefer it over most of PoR's masteries just feeling worthless.

    7 hours ago, Uscari said:

    9.  Biorhythm

    This isn't an advantage for either game imo. Biorythm sucks in both games. RD tries to play with it a bit more with the Heron's Bliss and Sorrow skills, but in practice those aren't very valuable.

    7 hours ago, Uscari said:

    10. Bonus Experience/3rd Tier Promotions/Caps

    Everything you describe here is a positive to me. 🤷‍♀️ One thing you didn't note, though, is that units still have differences based on their caps and available weapons, which continues having impact all the way to the end. Like, Fiona has an absolutely terrible start, but if you put in the effort to train her she actually has some of the best Endgame potential because of all her unique attributes.


    For me, PoR is a game that hasn't aged as well as the games both before and after it. The game is a slog to replay because you can't turn off map animations, hard mode is too easy for me because mounted units are so strong, and the story, while good (and certainly better than any FE in the last 10 years), didn't hold up as well when I went through it again years after, feeling more to me like a setup for the sequel than its own properly satisfying story.

  14. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    Well...one of our gender optional characters in the series is Mark. I'm not going to say it's impossible, but I've certainly never met a girl called Mark (Kris is also leaning on that a bit if we assume it's not a nickname of Kristina or Krissie or something). Hmm. So this can go in either direction, I suggest the Avatar of the next game have the default name of Sandra.


    1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    You know, now I got reminded... why also she got her name written as Kris? I can kinda see it due to Kris>Cris>Crys>Crystal. But then it should've been fine as Chris since it'd sound the same anyway.

    I wonder why they chose Mark. Either they didn't knew it wasn't neutral, or despite the choice they were indeed thinking on the Tactician being default Male.

    Most likely Mark is just a product of the time. The expected audience was boys and they had no idea the default name might have any significance 20 years later.

  15. I doubt it will ever happen. Realistically, male versions of female characters aren't going to go over well. And I don't just mean they won't do well financially, I mean they actually could turn out to be a net negative. So they'd have to do that for less popular characters only, meaning demote/freebie slots.

    Female versions of male characters don't have the same issue (at least not to the same extent), but they still have to create a new design and can't rely much on the existing fanbase of the characters, which means they're basically creating brand new characters at this point.

    So they can't use the popular women at all, and they can't rely on the fans of the popular men. It's a huge risk without a significant potential payout.

    Watch it happen now that I've said all this.

  16. 54 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

    The video you linked is to a smash bros video and I can't find anything about "Fire Emblem: Sins of Thousand Year War" either, is this a troll post or some joke I didn't get or you just put the wrong link?

     Well, if it's serious, I'm pretty curious to know how it'll turn out (and even though I'm happy and hopeful about it being a new title, I gotta admit I'm a bit bummed it's not a remake...). Hopefully it won't have any aspect of Dating Sims but I'm not sure we can count on that.

    It's April 1st.

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