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Posts posted by Florete

  1. 1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

    Both of their prf weapons/skills sure are walls of text that I definitely don't want to read.

    Every banner it gets harder and harder to actually understand what the fuck any of these weapons and skills do.

    I just assume every new nuke nukes harder than the last one, and every new tank tanks harder than the last one.

  2. On 11/22/2023 at 7:34 PM, MeteorPhoenix said:

    Yes, but those are not better or worse. A casual player isn't likely to come off thinking "wow, Engage is clearly the gameplay Fire Emblem", as is popularly understood in this community. My original point is that this idea that Engage is far and away superior to 3H in gameplay in a sentiment that exists exclusively in Fire Emblem hardcore communities. The quality of the gameplay, I'd you're on normal (and honestly, casual) is the same.

    This just goes back to what I said before: differences invite comparisons, comparisons result in preferences. And that wasn't your original point. Your original point, and I quote, was:

    On 11/21/2023 at 11:15 AM, MeteorPhoenix said:

    Three Houses gameplay is indistinguishable from Engage's in the modes that matter

    I could agree with the idea that, to a casual player, they have similar gameplay value to most players, as Dark Holy Elf stated above, because which one someone prefers is just someone's personal feelings on the matter. But that's not what you've been saying, at least as far as I've understood it. They are not indistinguishable, as people will notice differences.

    If your intended point is that the idea that Engage is specifically better in gameplay than Three Houses is a hardcore opinion that won't always be shared by others, I don't think there's anything wrong with that and I probably wouldn't have responded to you in the first place.

  3. 1 hour ago, Zapp Branniglenn said:

    And also your Emblems get taken away at some point? So there's a time limit on getting the most out of those things - like Three Houses calendar system forcing you to engage with Monastery on a regular basis or else lose out on that opportunity altogether.

    There is really no comparison to the calendar in Three Houses here. Most of what you get out of the Emblems is from equipping them, so there's nothing to make sure you do before they're taken. There are skills you can inherit from them, but unless you're playing on maddening and/or really know what you're doing this just isn't important, especially since most of the game's best units come after that point anyway.

    Somniel is not as bad as monastery but still kinda blows.

  4. 5 hours ago, MeteorPhoenix said:

    Yeah, they'll feel mildly different about them and mildly prefer one over the other, why not. They'll remember them mostly the same. Go ask a casual normal player what the gameplay differences are between 3H and Engage. I bet they'll tell you something like one was anime Hogwarts and the other one had ghosts.

    These differences are memorable to the these forums, the subreddit and discords, and few other people. Because those differences are at their starkest in Maddening, or on repeat playthroughs.

    I think they'll remember a few more things, like:

    • That Three Houses puts a much greater emphasis on things that happen out of combat.
    • That Three Houses makes a big deal out of building your characters up, vs Engage encouraging you to swap out old units for newer ones.
    • That anyone can use virtually any weapon in Three Houses, vs units being stuck to specific weapons in Engage.
    • That Break pushed them to think about what weapon they had equipped, even if they didn't take much advantage of it on their own turn.
    • They'll definitely remember Engaging with Emblems and getting super attacks in Engage, combat arts being the closest equivalent in TH but noticeably different.
    • If they used said combat arts, they'll likely remember how durability impacted things in TH, vs not existing in Engage.
    • If they played the same difficulty on both games, they likely found Engage harder. If they jumped into Engage hard mode because they played TH on normal and thought that meant they were prepared, they likely found Engage a lot harder.

    You don't have to go into the nitty-gritty of what stat boosts each Emblem gives, or the best skill builds, or how monster mechanics work to notice obvious differences in the games and how they play. Maybe if you're talking about 12-year-olds they'll have more difficulty remembering differences, but this isn't Pokemon.

    I definitely noticed stark gameplay differences the first time I played Engage, on hard mode.

  5. 2 hours ago, MeteorPhoenix said:

    My point isn't that they play the same. It's that for a casual player on normal, neither is that much better than the other. Engage's brilliant gameplay is irrelevant in normal and hard.

    I didn't play normal, but I strongly disagree with the assertion that Engage's gameplay differences are irrelevant on hard mode.

    I also really don't understand how they can simultaneously not play the same and neither be better than the other. There are fundamental differences in their gameplay that will be noticed by players regardless of the difficulty they play on, which will then cause players to draw comparisons and inevitably leads to a preference of one over the other. If they play different, people will feel different about them.

  6. 4 hours ago, MeteorPhoenix said:

    Three Houses gameplay is indistinguishable from Engage's in the modes that matter; normal and hard. I know there's long essays on how Maddening Engage is a perfect game, but as sales have shown, the vast majority of us don't touch Maddening. The people that have kept Fire Emblem selling at Awakening levels and not Gaiden levels are casuals, and for most casuals, 3H gameplay is not that different from Engage's.

    Your shpiel about sales here feels pretty unnecessary. As someone who played both Three Houses and Engage on hard mode and enjoyed the latter way more, I don't know how you can unironically believe that first sentence. The two games are wildly different, regardless of difficulty. I'd be interested in your explanation for that instead of a rant on sales and why maddening doesn't matter.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    I'm a little conflicted here, because most games do hide "one-of-a-kind" items, such as the Boots or the Silver Card, in the desert. Those sorts of things are a big deal to miss. Personally, I like the idea of using "tile sparkles", as Awakening introduced, to show where hidden treasure is. That way, as long as the player is observant enough, they won't miss anything, even without a guide. This would particularly make Radiant Dawn, a game with treasure in almost half the maps, way less of a hassle.

    I don't necessarily mind the idea of some "special" treasure being desert items, because I think secrets like that in games can make for good engagement. Boots? That's fine, +2 move probably isn't such a big deal for the kind of player who won't know about this. Silver Card? Eh...Dubious.

  8. 12 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Anyway, new unpopular opinion: Desert Maps. I like 'em. It's a refreshing change of pace, especially in the games that otherwise go "deploy your Cavs, and you win". Giving your Mages a big boost to relative mobility is very welcome, while the hidden treasures give your Thief something to do (while also beefing up your Convoy with added tools). And sure, they make fliers better - but in my exlerience, moreso by how useful it is to Rescue-Drop their infantry allies around, than by flying out and just soloing the map with a Javelin.

    Agreed overall, but the one caveat I'll add is with regards to the treasure: basic treasures are fine, but something important like the Ocean Seal isn't. Imagine playing FE7 blind, liking Dart and deciding to use him, but then playing through the whole game never being able to promote him and later discovering it was because you didn't find an item by putting a unit in the bottom right corner of the map.

  9. If you have to "propose" a new archetype, it's probably not an archetype. They're a thing because people naturally notice them, not because someone decided it would be that way.

    Personally, I prefer not to forcefully compartmentalize different characters (and even events?) under the same umbrella unless the callback is clear. I'm still trying to get people to stop considering "Oifey" its own archetype.

  10. Octopath Traveler 2 is my personal goty, and it's not nominated for anything. For a variety of reasons I don't care much for the actual awards, but it still kinda feels bad.

    As for the actual goty candidates, I've only played TotK and RE4R, and the latter would get my vote. I do want to play Baldur's Gate 3 eventually, though.

  11. 1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

    Wait, what the fuck. Are any of the banner units going to be the 4-star demote at the end of it? Both Isadora and Harken's kits look too powerful to be demoted.

    What the fuck is this shit???

    Yes, I know Wil is there, but he's an instant injection into the pool and not actually a focus unit.

    Did they just cut out making a demote on an otherwise normal banner?

    Last month's Echoes banner also lacked a demote. Only 1 of the units on that banner even remained in the standard summoning pool (Mycen).

    The lack of demotes and consistent new units who can't be summoned off-focus is very concerning to me.

  12. I doubt there are any that do just this specifically, but it's super easy to do in FEBuilder yourself.

    In fact I can just put the instructions here if you go and download FEBuilder first.

    1. Open Sacred Stones ROM in FEBuilder
    2. Click Advanced Editors
    3. Click Shops/Armories (use the search bar if you have trouble finding it)
    4. Pick a shop. Preparations Shop is easiest and should be automatically selected.
    5. Click "Data Expansion" at the bottom. In that menu, change the value in "Total number of new data to allocate" to 9, then select reallocate data and repoint.
    6. There should be a new Iron Sword entry at the end of the list now. Select it, then click "Item" at the right to bring up the list of items and navigate down to where Dragonstone is (AA). Double click it.
    7. Write to ROM.
    8. Save and play. Dragonstones should now be available in the preparations menu armory, though without price editing they will be free. You can edit the price per use, amount of uses, etc. in the item menu if you want to.


  13. 1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    It's also likely localization toned her down. Since, you know, being what it was that long ago.

    ... long ago... man, the game is over 16 years old, huh.

    While I don't know the quote itself, it's been mentioned in the past and is on the FE wiki that there was a line removed from her dialog in localization with her stating she joined the Crimean army to "meet all the pretty girls."

  14. 6 hours ago, KMT4ever said:

    Something amusing I noticed in the intro to the Paralogue is Sanaki getting annoyed at Micaiah constantly going on and on about Sothe. I don't know if this was intentional, but it reminds me of Micaiah herself getting annoyed at Sothe's praising of Ike and the ever-famous line, "leader of the Greil Mercenaries, and father of Sothe's children...". Of course that exact retort wouldn't work so well in Micaiah's case, but it's cute to see Sanaki being possessive over her one surviving family member and Micaiah playing the role of big sister to the hilt.

    Sanaki be all: "Right. Rogue Sothe, 'hero' of the Daein Liberation, leader(ish) of the Dawn Brigade, and father of Micaiah's children..."

    Then Micaiah goes: "*Gasp,* how did you know? We haven't told anyone yet."

    I thought of this cursed interaction and now everyone who reads this post must bear witness to it.

  15. 4 hours ago, XRay said:

    Pretty fitting, haha! Was not he a tsundere in Fates?

    It actually gets even better: his weapon has the "At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%" condition, but he comes with an AoE special that will lower his foe's HP before combat.

    This might be the most non-synergistic base kit ever.

  16. 11 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    Also ... Heather ... How many people actually like her? She always felt like such a nothing character to me ;/ It's kinda bogus that more popular dudes who aren't in the game keep getting rebuffed for female characters who are less popular than them. At the very least, Heather doesn't really scream "premium 5-star" material to me.

    Cut it out with this nonsense already. Every character has their fans. What's really "bogus" is people whining about a character getting their first version in the game.


    Anyway, I'm happy to see Heather and Reina make their debuts, the sister duo looks great, Saizo getting his first alt is a long-time coming, and Zelgius finally gets red armor (albeit not his red Begnion armor). While nothing will beat the Anna duo for me on a single-unit basis, this is probably the coolest set of new units in a long time.

  17. Though I wasn't super confident, I was previously thinking Veyle would not be a mythic and would instead be a normal new hero and eventual legendary. With the benefit of hindsight, though, I think I've reasoned out why they took this path with her:

    1. They likely wanted to get her in the game sooner rather than later, but they probably have Solm and Elusia banners lined up next, where Veyle wouldn't slot in well.
    2. There aren't very many mythic candidates in Engage if you don't count the Emblems. Sombron and...who else? Lumera maybe could have been one, but she's already a GHB. While Veyle feels more akin to Tiki, Ninian, and Myrrh, she still technically fits the bill for a mythic.
    3. On the other hand, there are a LOT of legendary candidates. F!Alear is already here, and the next immediate options are M!Alear, Alfred, Diamant, Ivy, and Timerra. Then Celine, Alcryst, Hortensia, and Fogado could also fill in.

    I didn't play Engage DLC so I don't know how those characters fit in all this.

  18. 11 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    The issue is that it would be breaking the trend, which is that Mythics have always been new characters. I feel like they might soft break that trend with Sephiran/Lehran, who has two identieis and two designs to go along with them, and is in the game already but not under a base form.

    While I don't think Lumera will be a mythic, that "soft break" has already happened with Seiros/Rhea and arguably Alfonse/Lif and Veronica/Thrasir.

    The ruling on mythics here seems to be that it must be the base form of a specific identity, but a theoretical "mythic Lumera" would just be Lumera. This is also why I don't think characters like Idunn and adult Tiki will ever be mythics, despite how people often predict them. Lehran/Sephiran could certainly end up as the next Seiros/Rhea, though.

  19. 2 hours ago, Bartozio said:

    I might have worded it badly, but I basically meant to just say I disagreed with the rating of these two. I haven't really used Alcryst long term yet, so I'm not too confident about how good he could be later on. I mostly just doubt he's much better than Etie overall, if he's even better at all.

    For the record, I didn't intend my response as some sort of rebuttal to you, I was just using it to share my thoughts on the subject.

    2 hours ago, Bartozio said:

    In terms of the best bow unit in the game though, I don't really consider either of these two as real options. Fogado has a much easier time staying relevant and between his high speed and better magic he's a better user of the Radiant bow for killing wyverns or dealing chip damage to non-flyers. Warrior Anna is probably an even better user of the Radiant Bow and she can come with Canter into the Solm arc. And there's always options like Warrior Pannette with a killer bow if you really want to snipe down everything under the sun.

    Fogado is pretty good. I'm not sure I would consider him better than Etie, but I can see the argument.

    Panette, well, she's better than most units. When I say Etie is the best bow user I'm thinking in terms of who is on the field primarily using bows, which isn't usually Panette for me. Etie being able to use Silver Bow as a Warrior does at least help close the gap.

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