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Soviet Gregor

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Posts posted by Soviet Gregor

  1. I cannot comprehend the derp that is being herped in this topic. How are people able to assume that the protestors there are all people who didn't give a fuck in school - dropouts and the like? I don't understand. Who is feeding you this stuff which you are believing? They need a good fucking kick in the head. Maybe then they'll realise that most people's lives are a mess not through their own fault, but through events which prevented them from achieving what they wanted.

    This ignorance needs to be corrected.

    I love you Raven, but now now, be easy. The system has made him believe so. It's not his fault. Dismantle the system!

  2. I don't think that SWD would troll in general, that's just me though. Also, considering the especially high unemployment rate of people ages 18-24, I doubt that most of the protesters had a job, do you have anything to back that up?

    A piece of paper in front of me, don't know the source though. Also, I know from personal experience with OWS.

    Mind you, very shitty jobs. Things you don't need college for.

    It's unfortunate that this had to start on a the middle class's accord.

    Edit: Derp herp, it's a Fordham University Study. Not public yet. Will post link in about 3 days.

  3. I dunno what's wrong with big pieces of metal fighting each other. As for Turn A, I think it has a kind of undeveloped story but I liked it a lot. It was an interesting inversion in a lot of ways, funny to watch Victorian Era looking people with biplanes get invaded. That being said, I'm not sure I would watch it again.

    There is nothing wrong with it. There is something wrong with the fans who swear on their lives that "character 1" is soooo well developed and his feelings and I love him and his GenericMech is so cooooool.

    ..ok yeah, I hate fans. A lot. I don't have anything against any mech anime. Except SEED Destiny.


  4. IIRC you fight it in the 10th stage or so. I dropped the game.

    SRW4 featuring SD Evangelion, do want!

    They're awesome in SRW F!

    ...not so much in F Final.

    Edit: I can "package" my "CD" so you can "accept" it.

  5. I remember when the max HP enemies had was 62555. Was kinda harder to kill them, actually.

    This. Coupled with ridiculous armor/avoid and the mid-round spell abuse, it was harder than newer bosses.


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