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Chloe Neo

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Status Updates posted by Chloe Neo

  1. System Malfunction, my life has ended

  2. System Malfunction Error Error Data Overide

  3. Technical Difficulties

  4. Locked on Target. Initiating combat mode.

  5. Xenosaga Episode 1 : Der Wille Zur Macht - KOS-MOS

  6. My name is KOS-MOS *mechanical voice*

  7. My name is KOS-MOS *mechanical voice*

  8. (^^)(^-^)(^○^)(^^♪(´▽`)(*^^*)(≧▽≦)(*^▽^*)

  9. Sugggooiiii (^^)(^-^)(^○^)(^^♪

  10. (^^)(^-^)(^○^)(^^♪(´▽`)(*^^*)(≧▽≦)(*^▽^*)

  11. Good mood now XD ☆彡

  12. Good mood now XD ☆彡

  13. :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chloe Neo

      Chloe Neo

      Yep I might even add an XD as well :)

    3. Julius Nepos

      Julius Nepos

      Whoa, that's great! (ノᐛ )ノ*:・゚✧

    4. Chloe Neo

      Chloe Neo

      Yepppp (^^)(^-^)(^○^)(^^♪(≧▽≦)

  14. Feeeelllling Great ☆彡

  15. Goodness, thats not good..

  16. [ Insert emotion here ]

  17. Linde says yeasss !

  18. Yep azura is the best lord (^^)

  19. Update: People still use this thing ? Well might as well say azura has very bad growths in fates but shes still my favourite character ☆彡

  20. Suuuggggoooiiiii , nope not going there ☆彡

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