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Posts posted by GKSB

  1. Terry Pratchett is reminiscent of Douglas Adams only a little more serious.

    There's somebody less serious than Terry Pratchett? I love that guy.

    Terry Pratchett's Disc World series obviously, and then Of Human Bondage by Somerset Maugham. Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky was also pretty dang evocative. Brave New World by Alduous Huxley was chilling especially now that I'm a lot older and think back on it. Then there is the Dune series by Frank Herbert.

  2. Civil Engineering I'm doing random office work for 7.50 an hour bad economy my ass!

    That's 25 cents above the federal minimum wage (as of July 24 2009). So basically that's normal. I got 6.55 last year at my hell uniform store, because minimum wage was increased while I was working there from 5 something to 6.55

  3. This is funny.

    If you speak the truth, have a foot in the stirrup -Kurdish saying

    My cheating tally;

    Games, I used to all the time. I play to have fun, I'll use it how I think will make it fun. Now it's more satisfaction of kicking a game's ass, which cheating doesn't provide.

    Schoolwork, when I felt lazy and didn't want to do homework I would copy some one else, or more often let them copy from me.

    People, I wouldnt dream of it, except perhaps those times I didn't care about my prep, judging friends and hung with the loser crowd.

  4. The only lasting effect of taking all these classes in secondary is to find something you are interested in, and to teach you to discipline yourself to do something you don't want to do and/or don't see the point in; because that's almost all real life throws at you.

  5. Biologically, yes, probably, since you're not supposed to be sexually attracted to anything that isn't sexually developed.

    Morally, yeah, probably, since you know, fucking kids is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

    Not being a twatwise, yeah, probably, although I'd rather not explain this.

    Not to mention that finding anything other than a parent/friend interest in persons practically gushing immature naivete says something about your own maturity level.

    Not to be a jackass but I'm just being a jackass.

  6. Nother Crepe Knight post, nother trip to the dictionary for a word I'll never speak

    I dun maked that one up bro.

    But seriously just reverse the frames where he transforms into a car and place them after the end, it'll look like he untransforms and retransforms over and over and over.

  7. Heeeey you got the same result as me. : D Although, I want to be a lawyer... So I don't know how this personality could fit in with a lawyer career (besides the fact that I can see motives and feelings rather easily).

    It's a test based on classification via pseudo scientific means. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. Plus, personality is quite malleable.

  8. I think most people are unthinkingly biased, when taking these types of tests, to categorize themselves and work towards maximizing on that perception of themselves despite what might be closer to their actual action.

    I took the test a couple years ago, I was an INTJ/P (very close between the J and P). I bet its different now though.

  9. ^lolwut

    Sociopath; (2) Someone desperately socially inept who tries to disguise it in a manner he considers hard-core. Unfortunately for him, the mask is a faulty one, that merely makes him appear jerk-like.

    (this is very wrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy btw)

  10. Monkeys have been taught to use sign language man.

    This is true; some baby chimps were taught very limited sign language (some American and some Japanese) in some tests. Then, when they became adults they were released into the wild because they can't be contained. Right now, in the hinterland jungles, chimps are probably talking to eachother and teaching their young. Most importantly, they are talking about the strange gods who both gaveth and tooketh away.

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