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Posts posted by deleted35362

  1. I'd rather work so I don't become a horrible person.

    or have your heart broken every year for the rest of your life?

    I think I'm living this.

    Would you rather take a shower with Richard Simmons or play Superman 64 all day

    for a week?

  2. Yeah, so I was working at the library, and I saw these.


    Holy crap it's Lucius


    Hey, it's Lakche— wait, is that a guy? Dammit, I can never tell in these things


    Other characters/people who look like Fire Emblem characters. Has this been done yet?

    The second doesn't look much like Lakche to me, and who's the third one supposed to be?

    There's this one girl I know who looks a bit like Altenna.


  3. What's the matter, Vamp? don't tell me you're losin' it, now.

    That diviner definitely looks dropped down below your level of skill. The shading

    one the armor looks inconsistent, and your "shiny" shading effect isn't going as

    well as I've seen it before, like on....

    wyvern.png this, mmhm.

    It's especially problematic on DAT close collar.

    I see that his body should be tilted, but his close shoulder still looks too short

    compared to our left. Well, the neck looks like it was placed too much to our right,

    and he's branded as god's generic mistake.

    The third shade should be used more to define wrinkles on that shirt. It's just my

    opinion, but the portrait looks bland as a whole. Owait, it's a generic.

    Armor linings look pretty darn aliased, you might wanna tinker with those. Trim

    outlines should get lighter as they overlap lighter things, like the skin. Especially

    since they don't actually touch, so shadowing won't show.

    But, not a bad job, Vamp.

  4. Lackche's collar is stiff, and the two strands are just...odd. Also, I think you

    should use the second shade a lot more in the mug, since the hair is black

    shadowing is important.

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