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Posts posted by deleted35362

  1. FEditor doesn't like people who don't like Lyn.

    THAT...explains a lot.

    BTW core, Should Ike be a Ranger or a Lord? And if you're having

    Anon's FE10 Mia in your hack, then consider me confused o.o

    Also core, go ahead and replace Lyn with Ike. The "Lady Ike" thing

    won't be an issue since you'll be editing the text when you get to

    that point, anyways.

  2. I did change the skin colors to match a FE8 character. Perhaps a missed a shade, but I think I got the majority of them.

    The first few shades of skin don't make much of a difference,

    but the 2 darker skin shades do, because they are used to

    make the borders look smoother.

    Still doesn't look much like Soren, but you added the red

    marking on his head, which is good.

  3. You'd better damn well import the FE8 animation for Tethys, I'm gonna RAEG if I see a Ninian animation having Tethys's palette again like FE Girls

    So will I <<

    Anyways, what's this list crap at the beginning? Well anyways,

    I can hook you up with mugs of Ike and Marcia, but FE9 or FE10


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