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  • Birthday February 22


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    Fire Emblem, sprites, drawing, strategy games, RPGs.
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    Blazing Sword

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  1. First things first, it's a lot easier to see sprites if you post them at their native resolution instead of blowing them up a lot, I can barely fit one on my screen! That said, I like the effort in these splices, you have a lot of creative designs in here. One thing I'm noticing is that with the stuff you've drawn yourself, you don't really have a specific light source, you just sort of shade around the edges. I can see it in a lot of the front of the detective hat, as well as the first guys headband. What you want to do is determine the light source(hint, in FE portraits its from the top our right) and then add shadows like the light is coming from that side. Here is my extreme example for shading, the orb on the right is "pillow shaded" and has no real light source, it's just shaded with concentric circles. The orb on the left on the other hand is shaded with a top left light source. For a couple of other things, the scars on the first guy look kinda just like lines drawn on his face. Scars are pretty hard to do, but you can reference people like Legault from 7 to get an idea of how to do them. I'd like to see a little more creativity with the hair splicing, I like the hair on the first guy because it's got some extra pieces in it, but a lot of the others just have hair ripped from other people. It would be pretty cool if you could get a few different parts in there and make them even more unique. Good start to splicing! I like the creativity so far.
  2. Looks like you're just starting which is cool, but jumping right in and drawing free hand can be challenging. Using parts from actual mugs like you did for the face is actually a really good idea, I don't know how much you know about spriting but there's a whole genre of mugs made of other mugs called splices. The body is kind of a mess, it helps a lot to look at the official mugs and even portraits that other people have made to get a feel for the style. I think a great way to get familiar with it is to make splices of your own, where you would just build the whole sprite out of pieces of official mugs. Here's a basic splicing tutorial that I made if you want to try that. Good luck with future sprites!
  3. These aren't bad, but I think you could challenge yourself to be a little more creative with your splicing, Blink looks almost unedited from Franz and Sylvester doesn't look changed at all from the FE7 brigand. I like the girls, the hair has some messy connection points, but they're a bit more unique. I like Specula the most. Arya is cool, but her hair is kinda off-center on her head. The far side is too far over and the top right (opv) of her head is kinda shallow. I like the general hair concept though! For you skeletons, if he's supposed to be a real skeleton you might want to check some references. I know FE is generally cartoony, but that's a little too cartoony to stand next to other sprites and not look silly. Cool idea for playable monsters though!
  4. Toa

    My Sprite Work

    Your colors are pretty close together, you should pick colors with higher contrast between them so that you can still see details. It helps to pick existing FE colors and then edit them a bt if you're having trouble.
  5. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Some original characters!
  6. Toa

    Backer's Sprites

    These sprites are pretty good, but there are definitely things you can improve. On many of your sprites, you don't have far cheek shading, which is a staple of FE sprites. Some of your lines could do with cleaning up by making curves smoother and more consistent. Your anatomy is pretty good(the latest girl has a veeeeery small frame though), but details could be spiced up. If you want to improve your hair, I'd suggest studying hair from the vanilla portraits and how they do things. Same deal for things like cloth and armor and especially for trim, which can be pretty hard. It also helps to know how things are drawn in other styles. Keep practicing and you'll keep getting better! A lot of your stuff appears to have disappeared though...
  7. To be fair to the guy, pretty sure it's free to use. If he's using it to try and figure out hack boxing, seems fine, though he could credit. You have the right idea for framing splices with the first one, though when you use FE6 faces you have to create additional frames like blinking. Here's my guide to simple splicing which has a bit about hack boxing at the end. Hope it helps!
  8. I like the new glasses girl, dig the hair. The hair shades on pink hair seem a little close together and her skin tones seem to have a similar problem, but I like it. The finished portraits are rare, exciting, and pretty nice.
  9. I like the new glasses girl, dig the hair. The hair shades on pink hair seem a little close together and her skin tones seem to have a similar problem, but I like it. The finished portraits are rare, exciting, and pretty nice.
  10. The body looks pretty good! The face seems a little weird, the nose is very straight and the far cheek is a little too angular. The eyes need to be shaded a bit better, right not they look kinda out of place. The features of the face could use some more anit-alisaing, except for the jaw where the anit-aliasing is pretty extreme and could be toned down a bit. His neck is too long but you said you threw it together and it doesn't look like you changed that positioning so you might already know that.
  11. The body looks pretty good! The face seems a little weird, the nose is very straight and the far cheek is a little too angular. The eyes need to be shaded a bit better, right not they look kinda out of place. The features of the face could use some more anit-alisaing, except for the jaw where the anit-aliasing is pretty extreme and could be toned down a bit. His neck is too long but you said you threw it together and it doesn't look like you changed that positioning so you might already know that.
  12. The colors on both the battlesprite and the portrait could use some work. On the battlesprite, all the whites are pretty close together so it all kinda looks the same. The hair on both has a similar problem, you need to make your shadow colors much darker. It's advisable to borrow colors from existing FE sprites and tweak them a bit as they give you a good base to work off of. The portrait has a lot of problems. First thing I notice is that the near eye is in a bit of a weird place, it looks like its too high up and too far to our right. Your fifth skin shade (the dark gray one) is definitely wrong, it's far too light and makes your eyebrows and jawline too light. The bridge of the nose is just sort of drawn in place as opposed to meshing into the eye shading, girls in FEGBA have pretty weak bridges so you could probably erase most of it. The shaping of some of the lines is sort of ugly, as they aren't smooth curves. Her near shoulder, far cheek, and jawline are noticeable to me. You're going to want to avoid drawing lines with a 2-1-1-2 pattern as it looks pretty bad on a small scale. The outline-black lines on her shirt stick out pretty badly as they aren't anti-aliased into the shirt at all. Hope you keep spriting and improving, good luck!
  13. Your black is very black and your white is very white. With the blacks you can't really see any detail when you make your colors that dark. FE blacks usually have like a mid gray as their light shade so that you can see details. The white on the neck is pretty unshaded. For the glasses, you're going to want to anti-alias them a bit to make them not just look like lines drawn on the face. To make the sides equal, you either need to make the far side a little wider or the near side a little narrower.
  14. Dark mage Trainee. He only picked dark magic because it looks cool.
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